Papers by Sylwia Przytula
Psychology of Leaders and Leadership
Przegląd Organizacji
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie procesu adaptacji akademickich ekspatriantów pod kątem adaptac... more Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie procesu adaptacji akademickich ekspatriantów pod kątem adaptacji ogólnej, interakcji społecznych i warunków pracy. Pilotażowe badania jakościowe w formie wywiadów przeprowadzono z 13 naukowcami pracującymi na uczelniach zagranicznych w latach 2021–2022. Wyniki świadczą o pozytywnej adaptacji do życia w obcym kraju. Adaptacja do miejsca pracy opiera się na koleżeńskich relacjach, zaufaniu i autonomii. Adaptacja do lokalnych interakcji jest najtrudniejsza dla zagranicznych naukowców, a główną przeszkodą jest brak znajomości języka lokalnego.

European Journal of International Management, 2020
The aim of this paper is to analyse the implications for knowledge management of the influx of sk... more The aim of this paper is to analyse the implications for knowledge management of the influx of skilled Ukrainian migrants into the Polish emerging economy. We applied a model of four types of knowledge (embrained, embodied, encultured, embedded) in the context of migratory workers. The quantitative research was conducted on a sample of 167 skilled Ukrainian migrants (students). The qualitative study comprised 13 semistructured interviews with highly skilled Ukrainian migrants working in Poland. We found that skilled Ukrainian employees can fill the employment and competency gap in the emerging Polish economy, and that they face fewer barriers in knowledge transfer due to their high level of adaptation in Poland. This paper presents the implications for knowledge management in the context of global migration and contributes to theory and research in two ways. First, it fills the gap in the literature on the knowledge management of skilled migrants in emerging economies. Second, it bridges the gap between knowledge management and migration concepts.
Advanced series in management, Nov 26, 2020
The individual effort for successful integration of migrants depends on the host country national... more The individual effort for successful integration of migrants depends on the host country nationals' attitude, openness and tolerance as well as on incoming foreigners.

Human technology, Dec 28, 2022
University students are considered digital natives but they often have difficulties in the effect... more University students are considered digital natives but they often have difficulties in the effective integration of information technology (IT) into their study routine. To unravel this puzzle we proposed a model of IT effects on students' well-being, based on the Job Demands-Resources theory, one of the most widely used models of human well-being in organizational contexts. We described three processes affecting students' well-being. A techno-stress process generates strain via an increase in study demands. A techno-enrichment process sparks motivation through the creation of energizing study techno-resources. A dual-nature techno-challenge process sparks motivation but also creates strain. Our elaboration might help to reconcile conflicting findings on the role of IT in remote learning and contribute to a better understanding of the effect of IT on students. The proposed theoretical model might also spark further empirical research and provide guidelines for research on IT use in university learning.

Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi
The purpose of this paper is to explore gender differences in learning experiences among students... more The purpose of this paper is to explore gender differences in learning experiences among students participating in international study mobility programs. It was undertaken by university students from several institutions of higher learning around Europe in the context of internationalization and intercultural education, which has become a central tenet among European institutions. The research on gender differences in student approach to international study mobility was carried out among 440 university students from five European universities within the context of the Competent student: Experienced Graduate: International Labor Market Key Competency Workshops project, conducted within the framework of the International Partnership Project on Student Mobility financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. Taking into account both potential competences that are developed during Short–Term Study Abroad (STSA) programs and the usefulness of specific modes of learning duri...

Intercultural interactions in a multicultural work environment are a peculiar type of social inte... more Intercultural interactions in a multicultural work environment are a peculiar type of social interactions. The results of prior research on the effects of interactions in such environment are inconclusive. The majority of the previous studies have emphasized problems, applied a quantitative methodology and interpreted the results with regard to social identity and categorization theory, information-processing theory and intergroup contact theory. The aim of this paper is to interpret intercultural interactions with regard to selected psychological theories. The qualitative paradigm was implemented to the authors’ study, while the grounded theory approach was used to analyze the data gathered in five subsidiaries of multinational corporations. The results suggest that working in a multicultural environment generates specific demands which can be perceived by individuals either as hindrances or challenges. Organizational resources, e.g. training courses, IT technology, organizational ...

Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development
COVID-19 has disturbed employment relationships. Twenty employers and 20 employees were interview... more COVID-19 has disturbed employment relationships. Twenty employers and 20 employees were interviewed to gain early insights into how the pandemic affected their psychological contract. Results suggested that both parties had divergent expectations of what each party should expect in the current scenario, and both reported intense, often negative, emotions about their current state. While no specific breaches of explicit promises were reported, employees reported violation of implicit beliefs relating to their needs for security. In addition, both parties' expectations differed about their future PC. Employees expected a deal that considers needs for security whereas employers emphasized business continuity by minimizing costs. Such incongruent current and future obligations between the parties suggest trust will be required to negotiate the employment relationship through the crisis. HRM practitioners will have a definite role to play by providing and initiating arrangements that...

Advanced Series in Management
Due to the global labor market challenges, international companies react and adjust fast to these... more Due to the global labor market challenges, international companies react and adjust fast to these circumstances by implementing digital solutions into all business processes. Organizational ambidexterity is seen as the response of digital transformation and it can be divided into structural, contextual, and sequential dimensions. In this context, organizations representing the smart industry will need employees with specific competencies which let them meet technological challenges. This chapter aims to clarify the state of opinion on expectations towards, and preparedness for, the impact of Industry 4.0 on human resources management and the implementation of various types of ambidexterity in these companies. We have conducted interviews with key HR informants from manufacturing companies operating in Germany and Poland. We have found that Industry 4.0 has a significant impact on HR practices. In both international companies, various digital solutions in employee recruitment, development, and performance, have been implemented. There have also been mature examples in both companies of structural, contextual, and sequential ambidexterity.
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2011
The success of expatriation is conditioned by numerous merging factors which merge: cultural fact... more The success of expatriation is conditioned by numerous merging factors which merge: cultural factors, manager’s personality factors (psychological features) which might predestine or disparage the person for work in the international environment. Moreover, organizational, political and economy factors are of a great importance in the context of expatriation. The influence of these factors may determine the success or failure of foreign assignments, that’s why they are worth presenting.

Goal –The purpose of this paper is to present the methodology of the research project concerning ... more Goal –The purpose of this paper is to present the methodology of the research project concerning an international mobility program conducted among 5 European universities. Methodology – The project presents a methodological approach in two stages so as to discuss the appropriateness and validity of assumptions and research methods we applied. The aim of this research is to investigate the results of specific experiences as part of an exchange program on CCC development among European students. The subject of this research will be a group of 45 students representing 5 European universities who will visit these universities every 3 months for 1 week during a two-year mobility program. Findings – In the first stage of our research, we found that the graduates’ competence, in the employers’ telling, do not match the expectations of the labor market. To the most deficient competencies among graduates are the following soft skills: communication and interpersonal skills, working in multic...
W publikacji zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z specyfiką pracy w korporacjach międzynarodowyc... more W publikacji zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z specyfiką pracy w korporacjach międzynarodowych. Autorzy opisują, jakie czynniki wpływają na powstawanie dobrych relacji zawodowych w zespołach zróżnicowanych kulturowo.

Praktyka zarządzania dostarcza przykładów licznych niepowodzeń w firmach międzynarodowych, któryc... more Praktyka zarządzania dostarcza przykładów licznych niepowodzeń w firmach międzynarodowych, których źródłem są różnice kulturowe. Dlatego celem niniejszego artykułu jest pokazanie problemów kulturowych o podłożu osobowościowym i organizacyjnym. Podejmowanie tematu problemów wielokulturowości stanie się przyczynkiem do opracowania skutecznych metod zapobiegania takim dysfunkcjom. Mogą to być np. programy adaptacji lub szkolenia międzykulturowe dla pracowników korporacji o różnej proweniencji kulturowej. Kultura powstała w wyniku ewolucji i rozwoju ludzkich umysłów oraz społeczeństw i stała się najważniejszym zasobem rozwoju ludzkości. Zdaniem S. Magali "Kultura nie jest Wieżą Babel -jest mostem zbudowanym przez wielu budowniczych mówiących różnymi językami: językami nauki, sztuki, religii, etyki, codziennego życia" (Magala 2005: 12). O istocie i ważkości czynnika kulturowego we współczesnych korporacjach świadczą liczne koncepcje i rozważania zarówno toczące się na płaszczyźnie teoretycznej, jak i wynikające z eksploracji wielu badaczy. Czynnik kulturowy może się okazać istotną determinantą sukcesu oraz niepowodzenia w działalności firmy międzynarodowej, dlatego celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie źródeł problemów międzykulturowych, które są rezultatem przenikania się kultur narodowych kraju pochodzenia korporacji oraz krajów, z których wywodzą się pracownicy, a także z kultury organizacyjnej. Znaczną część niniejszego studium teoretycznego stanowi prezentacja problemów kulturowych wynikających z samej organizacji oraz o charakterze psychologicznym, tzn. tkwiącymi w jej pracownikach ( tożsamość narodowa, rasizm, etnocentryzm, stereotypy). Problematyka różnorodności kulturowej jest ważkim obszarem w zarządzaniu kadrą menedżerów-ekspatriantów 1 . Literatura przedmiotu i eksploracje badaczy zagranicznych dostarczają przykładów doświadczania przez tą kadrę szoku kulturowego w wyniku transferu do filii zagranicznych danej korporacji. Ponadto badania nad międzynarodową kadrą menedżerską w zakresie ich wzajemnej percepcji kulturowej wskazują na istnienie wielu problemów i konfliktów na tym tle, co obniża efektywność ich pracy i wpływa

In 2015, Europe faced an unprecedented inflow of refugees and migrants. Political instability at ... more In 2015, Europe faced an unprecedented inflow of refugees and migrants. Political instability at the continent's peripheries contributed to an accumulative exodus. This resulted in large immigration waves fleeing mainly from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as from other North African countries. Europe was confronted with an increasing number of asylum applications and had to accommodate over a million people (Clayton, 2015). The crisis in Europe has been framed both as a migration crisis and as a crisis within the European Union (EU). The Dublin Regulation, of 2013, requires only one Member state to process the asylum applications. During the pressing period of 2015, the notion of responsibility sharing resulted in heated debates between South and Central and Eastern European states. Several countries like Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary expressed openly antimigrant opinions, which resulted in even more confusion and mismanagement of the migration crisis in the EU. An...

Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie kluczowych zjawisk społecznych, technologicznych, ... more Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie kluczowych zjawisk społecznych, technologicznych, ekonomicznych i kulturowych, by na tym tle wskazać na zestaw najbardziej wymaganych kompetencji pracowników. Prognozy licznych instytucji badających rynek pracy zapowiadają zniknięcie wielu dotychczasowych zawodów, niedobór pracowników o wymaganych umiejętnościach w skali globalnej, poszerzającą się lukę kompetencyjną w wielu sektorach gospodarki światowej. Przegląd dostępnych opracowań i źródeł wtórnych pozwolił na wyłonienie najważniejszych kompetencji pracowników, które będą zyskiwały na znaczeniu w najbliższych latach. Są to kompetencje IT, kompetencje twórcze/poznawcze, kompetencje międzykulturowe, umiejętność pracy w zespołach wirtualnych, wielokulturowych, inteligencja emocjonalna i społeczna, kompetencje interdyscyplinarne. Artykuł zamykają implikacje dla międzynarodowego zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w obszarze doboru, motywowania, rozwoju, komunikowania i retencji pracowników.
Advanced Series in Management, 2020
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or ... more No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying issued in the UK by The Copyright Licensing Agency and in the USA by The Copyright Clearance Center. Any opinions expressed in the chapters are those of the authors. Whilst Emerald makes every effort to ensure the quality and accuracy of its content, Emerald makes no representation implied or otherwise, as to the chapters' suitability and application and disclaims any warranties, express or implied, to their use.

Higher Education Quarterly, 2021
During the COVID‐19 pandemic, universities worldwide are going into ‘emergency mode’—radically tr... more During the COVID‐19 pandemic, universities worldwide are going into ‘emergency mode’—radically transforming education by switching to online and e‐learning education. In the face of these emergent changes, many academic teachers who are unwilling to use e‐learning or who lack the appropriate competences are suddenly being forced to teach via electronic devices and the Internet. But how will this COVID‐19 forced e‐learning influence academic teachers' motivation and performance? In this conceptual paper, drawing from Job Characteristics Theory—a model of human work motivation, we would like to discuss the possible changes in six motivational job characteristics of the academic teacher's job (task identity, task significance, skill variety, feedback, autonomy, social dimensions of the work) caused by COVID‐19 forced e‐learning. Our concise conceptual elaboration might spark a debate on the possible unintended consequences of COVID‐19 forced e‐learning.
Self-initiated expatriation is a new trend in the area of expatriation that has emerged in recent... more Self-initiated expatriation is a new trend in the area of expatriation that has emerged in recent years. This requires a deeper understanding because of the growing interest of international actors in this specific group of workers and the difference in their management. The interest in the topic of the SIE by both prominent academics, entrepreneurs and decision makers proves that SIEs are a valuable asset in international human resources management (IHRM). They are a measurable advantage for both the organization itself and the economies of the host countries.

Much has been said about elevating the HRMgt function to strategic levels. Adopting a more eviden... more Much has been said about elevating the HRMgt function to strategic levels. Adopting a more evidence-based approach through the use of data analytics is considered an important driver in this direction. This provides a more potent decision-making resource that enables less biased and harder evidence which ultimately is more convincing. But will Strategic HRMgt adopting data-driven strategies require people in the profession to adopt new skills? This exploratory project is work-in-progress and presents initial interview results. Interviewees report that the use of HRMgt data analytics can certainly improve the strategic value of HR and that while the use of data can drive HR decisions more convincingly, HRMgt itself cannot be reduced or substituted by data. The participants also reported that HR professionals would require learning new skills, amongst them IT, analysis and interpretation of data. The project aims to eventually draw a number of attributes or skill-sets to this effect.
Papers by Sylwia Przytula