Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Dec 26, 2017
Background: Balantidium coli is a commensal protozoan that infects several animals, but it has pi... more Background: Balantidium coli is a commensal protozoan that infects several animals, but it has pigs as its natural reservoir. In the presence of predisposing factors, B. coli can become pathogenic for swine, causing enteric lesions. Infections determined by this protozoan may be a risk to public health, due to dysentery in animal keepers and veterinarians. This study aimed to determine the occurrence of infection by B. coli in pigs of distinct husbandry categories, as well as unlike physiological state, kept in farms with different hygienic-sanitary standards, located in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: Stool samples were collected from 12 different farms with different hygienic-sanitary standards being four farms of finisher pigs (G1; n = 287), four farms with pregnant females (G2; n = 60) and four farms with lactation sows (G3; n = 40), and all samples were submitted to coproparasitological analyses to verify the presence of cysts or trophozoites of B. coli. The infection levels were considered mild (1-100 cyst/trophozoite), moderate (101-300 cyst/trophozoite) and high (>300 cysts/trophozoite). In addition, information about hygienic-sanitary conditions of each farm was collected. The occurrence of B. coli infection in all swine stool samples analyzed was 60.9% (236/387); however, in G1, G2 and G3 was 54.7% (157/287), 91.7% (55/60) and 65% (26/40) respectively. There was significant difference in the occurrence of G1 (P < 0.05) except between farms B and C (67.9% and 56.6% respectively). There was also a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the occurrence of B. coli found in G2 and G3. The infection levels were considered predominantly mild in G1; and mild to moderate in G2 and G3. Discussion: In this research it was confirmed the presence of B. coli in swine farms located in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil. This area is known as being an important producer of pigs in Brazil. The results obtained in this study, demonstrated that swine farms with better hygienic and sanitary standards, had mild infections by B. coli. However, the presence of intestinal parasites, especially protozoa, can occur even in properties with good management practices. However, protozoa infections can cause important production losses, especially when associated with other pathogens or nutritional problems. The occurrence of B. coli observed in pregnant (G2) and lactating (G3) females was significant, and the infection level was mild to moderate. These conditions suggest that pregnancy, childbirth and lactation are critical stages for females, mainly due to physiological stress, resulting in a change in the hormonal levels and immune status of the animals. Thus, these factors cause declines in the immune response of pigs making them susceptible to infections and the increase of cyst excretion of B. coli in feces. The abundance of protozoan cysts in feces contaminates the environment and increases the risk of infections in humans. In addition, it was demonstrated the occurrence of B. coli in an important site of swine production in RS, Brazil. B. coli is related to the physiological state of the animals and the hygienic and sanitary management in different categories of swine. In conclusion, this study highlights the epidemiological importance of swine as natural reservoir of Balantidium coli and the risk potential of infection to animals and humans. Additionally, sanitary program in farming pigs must be improved in order to guarantee healthy and food-safe product for consumers.
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária, 2022
Ocorrência de sorogrupos/sorovares de Leptospira spp. em cães com suspeita clínica de leptospiros... more Ocorrência de sorogrupos/sorovares de Leptospira spp. em cães com suspeita clínica de leptospirose em Santa Maria-RS* Occurrence of serogroups/serovars of Leptospira spp. in dogs with clinical suspicion of leptospirosis in Santa Maria-RS
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, Apr 1, 2013
RESUMO.-A pitiose é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo oomiceto aquático P. insidiosum que acomet... more RESUMO.-A pitiose é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo oomiceto aquático P. insidiosum que acomete animais e o homem, especialmente habitantes de áreas úmidas. A enfermidade apresenta como característica principal a for
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Aug 18, 2017
Identificação de fatores de virulência de isolados de Escherichia coli oriundos de fezes de bezer... more Identificação de fatores de virulência de isolados de Escherichia coli oriundos de fezes de bezerros na região Sul do Brasil Identification of Virulence Factors of Escherichia coli Isolates from Fecal Samples of Calves in Southern Brazil

Letters in Applied Microbiology
Protothecosis is an important infection caused by Prototheca spp., an alga that affect humans and... more Protothecosis is an important infection caused by Prototheca spp., an alga that affect humans and animals. Prototheca spp. infections determine losses of production and quality of life for the affected animals. In this disease, prevention and early diagnosis are essential to avoid the spread of the agent to susceptible hosts. This review aimed to assemble the reported cases of protothecosis in Veterinary Medicine, highlighting Prototheca species involved in the infections, the main animal species affected, as well as the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. Our findings showed that protothecosis has been reported in various domestic and wild animal species, presenting diverse clinical manifestations, including mastitis in cows, respiratory manifestations in goats and cats, and a wide range of clinical signs in dogs. The clinical diagnosis and treatment of Prototheca spp. infections are difficult and infected animals are frequently discarded or euthanized. Due to the im...

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by Leptospira spp. and affects animals and humans. ... more Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by Leptospira spp. and affects animals and humans. Reports of leptospirosis in bats have increased and prompted epidemiological research in Brazil. This study aimed to perform a molecular and epidemiological investigation of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in bat kidneys. The total DNA was extracted from 102 kidney samples from chiropterous of different species and cities in Rio Grande do Sul State (RS), Brazil. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify a fragment corresponding to lipL32 gene, which is only present in pathogenic Leptospira spp. lipL32 gene was detected in 22.5% (23/102) of the bat kidney tissues. Phylogenetic analysis showed that L. interrogans is circulating in bats in RS. Most species of the bats collected were insectivores. Pathogenic Leptospira spp. detection in bats demonstrated that these animals participate in the infection chain of leptospirosis and, therefore, may play as reservoirs and disseminators of this microorganism. Thus, it is important to monitor infectious agents, especially with zoonotic potential in bats.

Ciência Rural
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this review was to address the applicability of nanotechnology in veteri... more ABSTRACT: The purpose of this review was to address the applicability of nanotechnology in veterinary medicine, with an emphasis on research in Brazil from 2013 to 2020. Firstly, we introduced to the general aspects of applicability of nanotechnology in veterinary medicine, and lately we pointed the research involving nanoscience performed in Brazil, in the studied period. Nanotechnology is the field of science that has the capacity to organize matter in nanoscale structures (1 to 100 nm), enabling innovations in different areas including biotechnology, agriculture, disease diagnosis, food and clothing industry, electronics, and pharmacological therapies. In veterinary medicine, several studies are being carried out in the world, mainly in the areas that involve search of new treatment options and the development of immunotherapy, as well as in the diagnosis of diseases. In Brazil, it is clear that the use of nanotechnology in veterinary medicine is still incipient, but it can be co...
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2022
Prototheca spp. cause numerous infections in a wide variety of species, including treatment-unres... more Prototheca spp. cause numerous infections in a wide variety of species, including treatment-unresponsive mastitis. Thus, the search for an effective therapy is essential. Silver nanoparticles are compounds with high therapeutic potential. This study aimed to evaluate the susceptibility profile and morphological changes in Prototheca spp. treated with biogenic silver nanoparticles (Bio-AgNP). The algaecide activity was evaluated in microplates by microdilution method, resulting in a MIC50 of 30 μg ml−1 and a MIC90 of 60 μg ml−1. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated changes in the surface of Prototheca bovis cells following treatment. The algaecide activity of Bio-AgNP suggests a therapeutic potential as a novel approach for the control of Prototheca spp. in bovine mastitis.
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Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária, 2020
Semi-intensive equine breeding system favors gastrointestinal nematode infections. The treatment ... more Semi-intensive equine breeding system favors gastrointestinal nematode infections. The treatment of these infections is based on the use of anthelmintics. However, the inappropriate use of these drugs has led to parasitic resistance to the available active principles. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the main classes of antiparasitic (ATP) used in control in adult and young animals, including: benzimidazoles (fenbendazole), pyrimidines (pyrantel pamoate), macrocyclic lactones (ivermectin and moxidectin), as well as the combination of active ingredients (ivermectin + pyrantel pamoate). The study was carried out in two military establishments, located in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), from January to December, 2018. The intervals between the treatments of the animals were performed from 30 to 90 days. Coproparasitological evaluations were determined by the egg count reduction in the faeces. Cyatostomine larvae were identified in pre and post-treatment cultures. The...

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2018
RESUMO: Os carrapatos causam perdas econômicas à indústria pecuária no Brasil. Dessa forma, o uso... more RESUMO: Os carrapatos causam perdas econômicas à indústria pecuária no Brasil. Dessa forma, o uso de fitoterápicos como acaricidas mostrou eficácia no controle desses parasitas. Neste estudo, foi avaliada a eficácia in vitro dos seguintes fármacos: dimetil sulfóxido (DMSO), etanol, metanol, propilenoglicol e monolaurato de sorbitan polietilenoglicol em diluições de 100%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 1% e 0,5%. O efeito tóxico destes solventes em fêmeas e larvas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus microplus foi analisado. O teste de biocarrapaticidograma, foi utilizado para definir a eficiência reprodutiva das teleóginas de R. microplus e a eficiência dos produtos testados. Para análise da susceptibilidade das larvas foi utilizado o teste por imersão de larvas em seringa modificado. O uso de propilenoglicol e DMSO em fêmeas ingurgitadas e o uso de DMSO, etanol, metanol e propilenoglicol em larvas, todos à concentração de 0,5%, apresentaram uma menor taxa de mortalidade, podendo ter seu uso indicado em ba...

Ciência Rural, 2019
ABSTRACT: We aimed to genotype the South American clinical isolates of Pythium insidiosum using t... more ABSTRACT: We aimed to genotype the South American clinical isolates of Pythium insidiosum using the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the ribosomal DNA sequences (rDNA). Previously, an SNP-based multiplex-PCR was able to distinguish three different clades of P. insidiosum isolates. Thus, we used this assay to evaluate South American clinical isolates of P. insidiosum (n=32), standard strains from Costa Rica (n=4), Thailand (n=3), Japan (n=1), and India (n=1), a standard strain of Pythium aphanidermatum, and Brazilian environmental isolates of Pythium torulosum, Pythium rhizo-oryzae and Pythium pachycaule voucher (n=3). It was possible to allocate each American P. insidiosum isolate to clade I, the isolates of India, Japan, and Thailand to clade II, and the Thai isolate to clade III. P. aphanidermatum, P.torulosum, P.rhizo-oryzae and P.pachycaule voucher isolates were not amplified. For the first time, a P. insidiosum isolate from Uruguay, South America, was included in molecu...

Medical mycology, Jan 8, 2017
This study verified the influence of different temperatures on P. insidiosum in vitro zoosporogen... more This study verified the influence of different temperatures on P. insidiosum in vitro zoosporogenesis. P. insidiosum isolates (n = 26) were submitted to zoosporogenesis and incubated at 5°C, 15°C, 20°C and 37°C (1st stage). Grass fragments were evaluated under optical microscopy at 4, 8, and 24 hours of incubation. Afterward, all isolates were incubated at 37°C and assessed at the same periods of time (2nd stage). The development of hyphae, presence of vesicles, zoosporangia and zoospores were checked. Only the presence of short hyphae was observed at 5°C. At 15°C, the hyphae were either under development or elongated and two isolates produced zoospores. When the isolates were submitted to 20°C for 4 hours, the presence of long and mycelial hyphae, vesicles, zoosporangia and zoospores was observed, which also happened at the other periods evaluated. In the second stage, the isolates which were initially at 5°C and 15°C evidenced long developing hyphae with the presence of vesicles, ...

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2017
RESUMO: Foram coletadas 186 amostras de água de ambientes pantanosos em 13 municípios das regiões... more RESUMO: Foram coletadas 186 amostras de água de ambientes pantanosos em 13 municípios das regiões Sul, Central e Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, com o objetivo de isolar e caracterizar espécies de Pythium e avaliar a sua patogenicidade empregando coelhos como modelo experimental. Em 11,8% (n=22) das águas coletadas foram isoladas diferentes espécies de Pythium incluindo: P. insidiosum (n=1), P. catenulatum (n=3), P. pachycaule voucher (n=1), P. rhizo-oryzae (n=3), P. torulosum (n=4) e Pythium spp. (n=10). Zoósporos desses micro-organismos foram produzidos in vitro e inoculados por via subcutânea em coelhos, os quais foram avaliados durante 45 dias. Dentre os oomicetos testados, apenas P. insidiosum evidenciou patogenicidade, causando pitiose no modelo experimental, evidenciando que, em nossas condições, apenas esta espécie de Pythium é patógena para mamíferos.

Medical Mycology, 2016
Pythium insidiosum is an aquatic oomycete that causes pythiosis, an important and severe disease ... more Pythium insidiosum is an aquatic oomycete that causes pythiosis, an important and severe disease of difficult treatment that affects humans, domestic and wild animals. This infection is often described in horses in Brazil and humans in Thailand. In clinical practice, we have observed many cases that do not respond to available therapies, indicating the need to explore alternative therapeutic approaches. In this sense, studies using metal compounds in conjunction with available antimicrobial agents have been demonstrated greater antimicrobial activity. Thus, in this research, we tested in vitro activities of metallic compounds containing cadmium, lead, copper, manganese, or zinc against 23 isolates of P. insidiosum. The assays were performed by broth microdilution based on CLSI M38-A2 document. The minimum inhibitory and fungicidal concentrations were established for all isolates. Copper acetate and cadmium acetate showed the highest inhibitory effects, with minimal inhibitory concentration ranging from 4-64 μg/ml and 16-256 μg/ml, respectively. The mean geometric for minimal fungicidal concentrations were, respectively, 26 μg/ml and 111.43 μg/ml for copper acetate and cadmium acetate. These results suggest that copper and cadmium can inhibit P. insidiosum growth, highlighting the greater inhibitory activity of copper acetate. In addition, our results propose that copper and/or

Ciência Rural, 2016
ABSTRACT: Conidiobolomycosis is an emerging disease caused by fungi of the cosmopolitan genus Con... more ABSTRACT: Conidiobolomycosis is an emerging disease caused by fungi of the cosmopolitan genus Conidiobolus . Particular strains of Conidiobolus coronatus, Conidiobolus incongruus and Conidiobolus lamprauges , mainly from tropical or sub-tropical origin, cause the mycosis in humans and animals, domestic or wild. Lesions are usually granulomatous and necrotic in character, presenting two clinical forms: rhinofacial and nasopharyngeal. This review includes the main features of the disease in sheep, with an emphasis on the epidemiology, clinical aspects, and diagnosis of infections caused by Conidiobolus spp. in Brazil. In this country, the disease is endemic in the Northeast and Midwest, affecting predominantly woolless sheep breeds and occasioning death in the majority of the studied cases. The species responsible for infections of sheep are C. coronatus and C. lamprauges and the predominant clinical presentation is nasopharyngeal. These fungal infections are very important, since the...

Ciência Rural, 2016
ABSTRACT: An epidemiological survey was carried out by performing an Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent... more ABSTRACT: An epidemiological survey was carried out by performing an Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) test to determine the seroprevalence of Pythium insidiosum infection in equine in Rio Grande do Sul State (RS), Brazil. The serological study covered seven geographical regions of RS, classified according to the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). The samples were obtained from official veterinary service (Serviço Veterinário Oficial, SVO) linked to the Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária e Agronegócio of RS (SEAPA-RS) to proceed the investigation of equine infectious anemia in 2014. Samples were collected during the months of September and October of 2013, covering the seven geographical regions of RS, and totalized 1,002 serum samples. The seroprevalence for P. insidiosum in RS was 11.1% (CI95% 9.23 to 13.22). The relative risk (RR) of the presence of antibodies anti-P. insidiosum was in the regions Southeast 11.17 (CI95%, 4.65 to 26.8), Porto Alegre ...
Medical mycology, 2015
This study evaluated the synergistic interactions between amphotericin B (AMB) and azithromycin (... more This study evaluated the synergistic interactions between amphotericin B (AMB) and azithromycin (AZM), daptomycin (DAP), linezolid (LNZ), minocycline (MINO), fluconazole (FLZ), flucytosine (5FC), linezolid (LZD), or tigecycline (TIG) against clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii before and after capsule induction. High synergism (>75%) was observed for the combinations, AMB+5FC, AMB+TIG, AMB+AZM, AMB+LZD and AMB+MINO but only in the strains after capsule induction. The results show that the presence of the capsule may lower the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of antifungal agents, but antimicrobial activity can be improved by combining antifungal and antibacterial agents.

Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2015
Rhodococcus equi é o agente etiológico da rodococose equina, importante doença respiratória de po... more Rhodococcus equi é o agente etiológico da rodococose equina, importante doença respiratória de potros. Especialmente na última década, a emergência de cepas resistentes aos antimicrobianos empregados no tratamento da rodococose tem sido relatada. Nesse sentido, há a necessidade de estudos envolvendo terapias alternativas e novas tecnologias, incluindo o uso de plantas medicinais e nanotecnologia. Neste trabalho utilizou-se Melaleuca alternifolianas seguintes formulações: óleo livre, nanocápsula, nanoemulsão e a combinação de óleo livre com nanocápsula e com nanoemulsão, além do seu composto majoritário, terpinen-4-ol, a fim de verificar a atividade antimicrobiana frente a isolados de R. equide diferentes origens. Utilizou-se o método de microdiluição em caldo na determinação das concentrações inibitória mínima (CIM) e bactericida mínima (CBM) das diferentes formulações frente aos isolados (n=24). Verificou-se baixo potencial para atividade antibacteriana de M. alternifoliana formula...