Papers by Sreedhar Madhavaram
Journal of Advertising, 2005
This paper presents integrated marketing communication (IMC) and brand identity as critical compo... more This paper presents integrated marketing communication (IMC) and brand identity as critical components of the firm's brand equity strategy. Specifically, the authors provide a brand equity strategy schematic that details (1) the role of IMC in creating and maintaining brand equity, and (2) the role of brand identity in informing, guiding, and helping to develop, nurture, and implement the firm's overall IMC strategy. The authors also present a conceptual framework with testable research propositions toward IMC theory development ...

Psychology and Marketing, 2010
ABSTRACT Two developments in the last two decades frame the importance of Web-based marketing com... more ABSTRACT Two developments in the last two decades frame the importance of Web-based marketing communications for firms. First is the phenomenal growth of the Internet as a viable commerce and communication option and second is the clear shift in attitude research toward recognizing the pervasive role of automatic processes in almost all the social psychological processes. Therefore, this article discusses the potential implications of Web-based marketing communications for consumers' implicit and explicit attitudes. In doing so, first, this article reviews the emergence of research on implicit attitudes, distinguishes implicit attitudes from explicit attitudes, and discusses research on explicit and implicit attitudes relative to branding. Second, a brief discussion of marketing research on attitude is provided. Third, five empirically testable research propositions are developed and presented. Finally, given the potential implications for research and practice, the article concludes with a call for research. ©2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016

"Marketing 2010: Strategies and Solutions for a Tumultuous Economy" is the theme for the AMA 2010... more "Marketing 2010: Strategies and Solutions for a Tumultuous Economy" is the theme for the AMA 2010 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. Given the trials, tribulations, and tumult that have characterized our global economy over the past 18 months, marketing academics and practitioners must find new solutions to ensure viability in these changing times. Traditional marketing strategies may not apply in an era in which marketing practice has become intertwined with social, economic, regulatory, legal, ethical, and consumer challenges on a global scale. Marketing academics must fulfill their role by engaging in research that will give today's business leaders a clear, unobstructed view of the diversity of issues facing marketing practice in today's organizations. Access to this type of cutting-edge research is critical if today's business leaders and marketing academics are to have a full appreciation of the key issues that affect the strategic and tactical marketing activities of the firm.
This paper explores the concept of impulse purchasing behav- ior online. A comprehensive review a... more This paper explores the concept of impulse purchasing behav- ior online. A comprehensive review and analysis of the literature suggests that there are some unresolved issues regarding the state of knowledge on impulse purchasing behavior. In addition, the current conceptualizations of impulse purchase behavior do not adequately capture impulse purchase behavior over the Internet. Therefore, we propose a broadened
The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Apr 1, 2013
ABSTRACT Drawing from Weiner's (1985) attributional theory, this study extends the resear... more ABSTRACT Drawing from Weiner's (1985) attributional theory, this study extends the research on smart shopper feelings by testing (1) the relationships involving all causal dimensions of attributions and (2) affective consequences as mediating the relationships between causal dimensions of attributions and behavioral consequences. The results reveal that consumers feel happier when they attribute a price discount's cause to an unstable reason and feel more appreciative if they think that sellers have control over discounts, and happiness completely mediates the relationship between internal locus and consumers' behavioral responses. This research has specific theoretical and practical implications in the context of smart shopper feelings.
Management Research Review, 2015
Revolution in Marketing: Market Driving Changes, 2014
Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old, 2014
The Sustainable Global Marketplace, 2014

AMS Review, 2014
ABSTRACT In today’s knowledge-intensive economy, the acquisition, development, and management of ... more ABSTRACT In today’s knowledge-intensive economy, the acquisition, development, and management of knowledge are fundamental to the survival and growth of firms. Consequently, organizational knowledge has emerged as a potential source of competitive advantage for firms. Specific to the marketing context, research has long since recognized the role of knowledge in effective marketing. Therefore, through a systematic review of organizational knowledge research and the knowledge business environment, this paper (1) identifies different types of organizational knowledge required by firms and develops the know-x framework, (2) discusses exemplars of different types of marketing knowledge products that firms might require, (3) identifies and discusses critical issues and concerns with reference to each of the marketing knowledge types, and (4) discusses the implications of knowledge types (know-x framework) for marketing strategy in general and market orientation strategy in particular. The paper concludes with a discussion of contributions and directions for future research.
Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 2014
Management Research Review, 2010
... The concept of modularity is now informing complex products research (eg Kratochvil and Carso... more ... The concept of modularity is now informing complex products research (eg Kratochvil and Carson, 2005; Persson and Ahlstrom, 2006; Sosa et al., 2004). For Sanchez (1999), an organization's knowledge architecture includes four essential and distinct kinds of knowledge: ...

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2008
Marketing's evolution toward a new dominant logic requires the focus of marketing to be on the in... more Marketing's evolution toward a new dominant logic requires the focus of marketing to be on the intangible, dynamic, operant resources that are at the heart of competitive advantage and performance. First, building on resourceadvantage theory's notion of basic resources and higher-order resources, this article proposes a hierarchy of basic, compos ite, and interconnected operant resources. Second, reviewing research on business strategy and marketing strategy, several resources that correspond to the proposed hierarchy are identified and discussed. Third, the notion of developing masterful operant resources is introduced. Fourth, based on the proposed hierarchy and the notion of masterful operant resources, some exemplars of potential research avenues for marketing strategy are provided. Finally, the article concludes with the discussion of implications for marketing practi tioners, researchers, and educators. In sum, this article extends and elaborates the concept of operant resources in the servicedominant logic of marketing.

Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science
Drawing from research on retailing, online shopping behavior, and theories of cognitive psycholog... more Drawing from research on retailing, online shopping behavior, and theories of cognitive psychology, we develop and test a framework that investigates purchase intentions in online stores of multi-channel retailers. The framework simultaneously examines the influence of transference of attitude and trust from the multi-channel retailer’s physical to online stores, image congruence between the multi-channel retailer’s physical and online stores, and image congruence between the multi-channel retailer’s online store and a prototypical online store. Further, recognizing that several retailers now operate as multi-channel retailers in different countries, we examine the influence of cultural differences in thought processes (i.e., holistic versus analytic thinking) on shoppers’ evaluation of online stores of multi-channel retailers. Toward this end, we test the framework using data collected from respondents in the U.S. (analytic thinkers) and South Korea (holistic thinkers). We conclude with a discussion of the findings, suggestions for future research, and potential limitations.

Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2014
ABSTRACT Strategy-making is an important yet complex task. The present research examines the issu... more ABSTRACT Strategy-making is an important yet complex task. The present research examines the issue of strategy mode, that is, the manner or style in which strategy is determined in an organization. Prior researchers have proposed various typologies for strategy modes. However, research into which strategy modes are appropriate to what kinds of firm situations and contexts has been limited. Specifically, there has been no research that explores strategy modes from a marketing environment perspective. Given that research at the intersection of marketing and management disciplines has often produced mutually beneficial, rich insights, we approach strategy modes from a product-market perspective and examine the normative appropriateness of different strategy modes with reference to firms' external and internal environments. The research also explores the relevance and value of combining various strategy modes in regard to different stages of the product-market life cycle. In exploring strategy modes and their combinatory influences from a product-market perspective, we develop specific propositions. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for academics and practitioners.

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2014
ABSTRACT Online stores of multichannel retailers continue to lag pure internet retailers with ref... more ABSTRACT Online stores of multichannel retailers continue to lag pure internet retailers with reference to consumers' shopping intentions and sales. This study develops and tests a framework in which (a) trust and attitude (conceptualized as a second-order construct with hedonic and utilitarian dimensions) influence purchase intentions, (b) congruity between the multichannel retailer's land-based and online stores (conceptualized as a second-order constructs made up of seven dimensions: aesthetic appeal, navigation convenience, transaction convenience, atmosphere, service, price orientation, and security) influences trust in and attitude toward the online store, and (c) congruity between consumers' self-image and perceived image of the online store influences trust in and attitude toward the online store. The findings provide robust support for the framework and have strong implications for theory and practice.
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 2008
The past few years have witnessed a proliferation of articles on spirituality and its relevance f... more The past few years have witnessed a proliferation of articles on spirituality and its relevance for business. A growing trend in spirituality research is an emphasis on spirituality in the workplace. Theoretical and empirical support is emerging on how workplace spirituality infl uences both employee and organizational outcomes. However, the sales literature has not yet integrated the dimensions of workplace spirituality into its frameworks. Therefore, drawing on existing theoretical foundations, we propose a conceptual framework that ...
Papers by Sreedhar Madhavaram