The increasing needs for very high accuracy measurements at nanometre level in dimensional metrol... more The increasing needs for very high accuracy measurements at nanometre level in dimensional metrology applications (roughness, roundness and cylindricity) as well as the limitations presented by current CMM technology lead laboratoriesin particular national laboratories -to look for a new measurement approach based on the "dissociated metrological technique" (DMT) concept. Indeed almost all the machines allow no less than few tenths of nanometres uncertainty, an accuracy performance limited by their guidance components repeatability of roughly 10 nm despite their high quality.
ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewe... more ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewed. The participants gave some values with differences of a few 10 μm with the reference method. This method developed by Berndt in May 1940 is not however exact in all cases If we take a screw with a great difference between the two angles and a great angle of helix, the value calculates by Berndt is incorrect Therefore here, we propose a method based on differential geometry. We give a mathematical description of flancs and we calculate the position of the ball which it uses to measure the diameter of the screw, We also propose a study of a symmetric case and an asymmetric case Our method has been verified using a CadCam system introducing a new kind of surface. Finally, we give values to compare our method with Berndt method or another method.
The use of industrial robots in many fields of industry like prototyping, pre-machining and end m... more The use of industrial robots in many fields of industry like prototyping, pre-machining and end milling is limited because of their poor accuracy. Robot joints are mainly responsible for this poor accuracy. The flexibility of robots joints and the kinematic errors in the transmission systems produce a significant error of position in the level of the end-effector. This paper presents these two types of joint errors. Identification methods are presented with experimental validation on a 6 axes industrial robot, STAUBLI RX 170 BH. An offline correction method used to improve the accuracy of this robot is validated experimentally.
is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and ... more is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in: Handle IDAbstract The Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (LNE) has developed an innovative ultra precision coordinate measuring machine [1,2] traceable to the national length standard. This machine can be equipped with different kinds of sensors and is dedicated to the measurement with nanometer uncertainties of features, standards and in more general way three-dimensional objects. The measuring range is 300 mm x 300 mm x 50 µm. The objective in term of uncertainty is to reach 30 nm in X and Y directions for a 300 mm displacement and about few nanometers for the 50 µm vertical displacement. For the geometric calibration of this machine, dedicated procedures have been developed. The present paper will focus more specifically on the one used for the Z calibration.
ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewe... more ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewed. The participants gave some values with differences of a few 10 μm with the reference method. This method developed by Berndt in May 1940 is not however exact in all cases If we take a screw with a great difference between the two angles and a great angle of helix, the value calculates by Berndt is incorrect Therefore here, we propose a method based on differential geometry. We give a mathematical description of flancs and we calculate the position of the ball which it uses to measure the diameter of the screw, We also propose a study of a symmetric case and an asymmetric case Our method has been verified using a CadCam system introducing a new kind of surface. Finally, we give values to compare our method with Berndt method or another method.
is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and ... more is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in: Handle IDRÉSUMÉ. La problématique de mesure de pièces complexes, présentant des formes symétriques suivant un axe de rotation telles que les roues dentées par exemple, avec de faibles incertitudes de mesures est exposée. La création d'un étalon de très grande qualité métrologique, à partir d'une pièce physique issue de la production, est présentée avec la mise en oeuvre d'une technique d'élimination d'erreurs par multi-retournement sous Machine à Mesurer Tridimensionnelle. L'objet du présent article est de décrire le processus d'élimination d'erreurs et de moyennage qui permet d'obtenir certaines caractéristiques de la pièce avec un niveau d'incertitudes très faibles. Cette analyse est effectuée théoriquement et confirmée par simulation numérique. Les résultats expérimentaux de la qualification d'un pignon conique de différentiel automobile par cette technique confirment son statut d'étalon métrologique avec un très faible niveau d'incertitudes, en particulier pour l'erreur de pas. ABSTRACT. The issue of the measurement of elaborate parts displaying symmetrical shapes along a rotation axis with low measurement deviations such as gears is addressed. The creation of a very high metrological quality measurement standard made from a manufactured physical part is exposed with the implementation of an error elimination method of tooth by tooth rotation on a Coordinate Measuring Machine. The purpose of this article is to describe the error elimination and averaging process enabling the acquiring of some characteristics of the part with a very low deviation level. This analysis is realised theoretically and confirmed with numerical simulation. Experimental results of the qualification of an automobile differential bevel gear with this technique confirm its very low deviation level measurement standard status, particularly for pitch error. MOTS-CLÉS : Engrenages, Incertitude, Etalon, MMT, Multi-retournement.
L'objectif est de mesurer une rectitude sur une longueur de 300mm avec une incertitude nanométriq... more L'objectif est de mesurer une rectitude sur une longueur de 300mm avec une incertitude nanométrique. La méthodologie proposée correspond à un processus dit de mesure par propagation. L'utilisation de l'hypothèse des petits déplacements conduit à la résolution d'un système linéaire surdéterminé. Le second membre de ce système est composé d'informations provenant des capteurs capacitifs et des niveaux électroniques.
The Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (LNE) has developed an innovative ultra precis... more The Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (LNE) has developed an innovative ultra precision coordinate measuring machine [1,2] traceable to the national length standard. This machine can be equipped with different kinds of sensors and is dedicated to the measurement with nanometer uncertainties of features, standards and in more general way three-dimensional objects. The measuring range is 300 mm x 300 mm x 50 µm. The objective in term of uncertainty is to reach 30 nm in X and Y directions for a 300 mm displacement and about few nanometers for the 50 µm vertical displacement. For the geometric calibration of this machine, dedicated procedures have been developed. The present paper will focus more specifically on the one used for the Z calibration.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2001
A method for optimal positioning of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on a flexible structure i... more A method for optimal positioning of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on a flexible structure is presented. First, a two-dimensional (2-D) model of a piezoelectric actuator bonded to a plate is obtained. Then, a Ritz formulation is used to find a state model of the system in view of its control. To define an optimal positioning strategy, an energy based approach is developed. This leads quite naturally to the study of controllability and observability properties of the overall dynamical model. A new criterion based on energy assessment is proposed to locate actuators and sensors.
1 L2MA -ENSAM : 8, boulevard Louis XIV -59046 Lille Cedex 2 BNM-LNE : 1, rue Gaston Boissier -757... more 1 L2MA -ENSAM : 8, boulevard Louis XIV -59046 Lille Cedex 2 BNM-LNE : 1, rue Gaston Boissier -75724 Paris Cedex 15
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2003
ABSTRACT Within the framework of integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering, w... more ABSTRACT Within the framework of integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering, which is now a well-known field, the design of the parts, the choice of process parameters and even the design of the production system must be carried out at the same time. However, in order to achieve full knowledge integration taking into account the actors' knowledge (the intervening people in the process of design and manufacture of a product are named 'actors') and their various points of view, it is necessary to formalize and structure this knowledge together with the technical and economical constraints (manufacturing, quality, logistics, cost, etc.). This means that the models and data must be homogeneous, coherent and not user adapted until their actual time of use. In order to give an illustration of this wide-ranging problem a case of application will be presented in the field of the forming process based on two industrial applications that have been carried out. A contribution is proposed for an approach that makes it possible to gather the technological data and information necessary for integrated design and manufacturing in order to obtain net shape forming of workpieces for the automotive industry. Two approaches are presented, on the basis of dimensional control of the workpiece: the first deals with the description of the forming process, and the second covers the definition of product functionality.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008
For many years the transmission industry has had a major impact on the design of mechanical parts... more For many years the transmission industry has had a major impact on the design of mechanical parts. In addition to geometric quality of the forging process, net-shaped bevel gears offer new ways to decrease cots and to increase mechanical properties. This paper deals with the difficulty in applying classical quality inspection to forged bevel gears. We developed a new approach based on entities and used it in an industrial context. One aspect of this method is that the gear teeth can be measured regardless of assembly surfaces.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2003
Today, manufacturing companies work in a concurrent engineering context. In this paper, we develo... more Today, manufacturing companies work in a concurrent engineering context. In this paper, we develop a methodology to validate the modelling of an aluminium forming process based on dimensional characterisation and finite element comparison. Generally, finite element modelling (FEM) is used to validate die design in parallel with an experimental process. In this work, we use FEM to design forming tools in a first step. In a second step, measurement in the three dimensions gives the sheet metal process machine tool errors, and it is necessary to integrate the reasons for these defects in the process of concurrent engineering in the field of metal forming. Finally, we conclude that multiscale models should be used to model the mechanical process
Résumé L'objectif de cet article est de présenter quelques concepts qui sont à la base des techni... more Résumé L'objectif de cet article est de présenter quelques concepts qui sont à la base des techniques qui rendent possibles la maîtrise des imperfections géométriques dans les machines et permettent l'accès à la fabrication industrielle d'objets très exigeants.
The increasing needs for very high accuracy measurements at nanometre level in dimensional metrol... more The increasing needs for very high accuracy measurements at nanometre level in dimensional metrology applications (roughness, roundness and cylindricity) as well as the limitations presented by current CMM technology lead laboratoriesin particular national laboratories -to look for a new measurement approach based on the "dissociated metrological technique" (DMT) concept. Indeed almost all the machines allow no less than few tenths of nanometres uncertainty, an accuracy performance limited by their guidance components repeatability of roughly 10 nm despite their high quality.
ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewe... more ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewed. The participants gave some values with differences of a few 10 μm with the reference method. This method developed by Berndt in May 1940 is not however exact in all cases If we take a screw with a great difference between the two angles and a great angle of helix, the value calculates by Berndt is incorrect Therefore here, we propose a method based on differential geometry. We give a mathematical description of flancs and we calculate the position of the ball which it uses to measure the diameter of the screw, We also propose a study of a symmetric case and an asymmetric case Our method has been verified using a CadCam system introducing a new kind of surface. Finally, we give values to compare our method with Berndt method or another method.
The use of industrial robots in many fields of industry like prototyping, pre-machining and end m... more The use of industrial robots in many fields of industry like prototyping, pre-machining and end milling is limited because of their poor accuracy. Robot joints are mainly responsible for this poor accuracy. The flexibility of robots joints and the kinematic errors in the transmission systems produce a significant error of position in the level of the end-effector. This paper presents these two types of joint errors. Identification methods are presented with experimental validation on a 6 axes industrial robot, STAUBLI RX 170 BH. An offline correction method used to improve the accuracy of this robot is validated experimentally.
is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and ... more is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in: Handle IDAbstract The Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (LNE) has developed an innovative ultra precision coordinate measuring machine [1,2] traceable to the national length standard. This machine can be equipped with different kinds of sensors and is dedicated to the measurement with nanometer uncertainties of features, standards and in more general way three-dimensional objects. The measuring range is 300 mm x 300 mm x 50 µm. The objective in term of uncertainty is to reach 30 nm in X and Y directions for a 300 mm displacement and about few nanometers for the 50 µm vertical displacement. For the geometric calibration of this machine, dedicated procedures have been developed. The present paper will focus more specifically on the one used for the Z calibration.
ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewe... more ABSTRACT The intercomparison EA L M18 has shown that the calculations on screws had to be reviewed. The participants gave some values with differences of a few 10 μm with the reference method. This method developed by Berndt in May 1940 is not however exact in all cases If we take a screw with a great difference between the two angles and a great angle of helix, the value calculates by Berndt is incorrect Therefore here, we propose a method based on differential geometry. We give a mathematical description of flancs and we calculate the position of the ball which it uses to measure the diameter of the screw, We also propose a study of a symmetric case and an asymmetric case Our method has been verified using a CadCam system introducing a new kind of surface. Finally, we give values to compare our method with Berndt method or another method.
is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and ... more is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in: Handle IDRÉSUMÉ. La problématique de mesure de pièces complexes, présentant des formes symétriques suivant un axe de rotation telles que les roues dentées par exemple, avec de faibles incertitudes de mesures est exposée. La création d'un étalon de très grande qualité métrologique, à partir d'une pièce physique issue de la production, est présentée avec la mise en oeuvre d'une technique d'élimination d'erreurs par multi-retournement sous Machine à Mesurer Tridimensionnelle. L'objet du présent article est de décrire le processus d'élimination d'erreurs et de moyennage qui permet d'obtenir certaines caractéristiques de la pièce avec un niveau d'incertitudes très faibles. Cette analyse est effectuée théoriquement et confirmée par simulation numérique. Les résultats expérimentaux de la qualification d'un pignon conique de différentiel automobile par cette technique confirment son statut d'étalon métrologique avec un très faible niveau d'incertitudes, en particulier pour l'erreur de pas. ABSTRACT. The issue of the measurement of elaborate parts displaying symmetrical shapes along a rotation axis with low measurement deviations such as gears is addressed. The creation of a very high metrological quality measurement standard made from a manufactured physical part is exposed with the implementation of an error elimination method of tooth by tooth rotation on a Coordinate Measuring Machine. The purpose of this article is to describe the error elimination and averaging process enabling the acquiring of some characteristics of the part with a very low deviation level. This analysis is realised theoretically and confirmed with numerical simulation. Experimental results of the qualification of an automobile differential bevel gear with this technique confirm its very low deviation level measurement standard status, particularly for pitch error. MOTS-CLÉS : Engrenages, Incertitude, Etalon, MMT, Multi-retournement.
L'objectif est de mesurer une rectitude sur une longueur de 300mm avec une incertitude nanométriq... more L'objectif est de mesurer une rectitude sur une longueur de 300mm avec une incertitude nanométrique. La méthodologie proposée correspond à un processus dit de mesure par propagation. L'utilisation de l'hypothèse des petits déplacements conduit à la résolution d'un système linéaire surdéterminé. Le second membre de ce système est composé d'informations provenant des capteurs capacitifs et des niveaux électroniques.
The Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (LNE) has developed an innovative ultra precis... more The Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (LNE) has developed an innovative ultra precision coordinate measuring machine [1,2] traceable to the national length standard. This machine can be equipped with different kinds of sensors and is dedicated to the measurement with nanometer uncertainties of features, standards and in more general way three-dimensional objects. The measuring range is 300 mm x 300 mm x 50 µm. The objective in term of uncertainty is to reach 30 nm in X and Y directions for a 300 mm displacement and about few nanometers for the 50 µm vertical displacement. For the geometric calibration of this machine, dedicated procedures have been developed. The present paper will focus more specifically on the one used for the Z calibration.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2001
A method for optimal positioning of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on a flexible structure i... more A method for optimal positioning of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on a flexible structure is presented. First, a two-dimensional (2-D) model of a piezoelectric actuator bonded to a plate is obtained. Then, a Ritz formulation is used to find a state model of the system in view of its control. To define an optimal positioning strategy, an energy based approach is developed. This leads quite naturally to the study of controllability and observability properties of the overall dynamical model. A new criterion based on energy assessment is proposed to locate actuators and sensors.
1 L2MA -ENSAM : 8, boulevard Louis XIV -59046 Lille Cedex 2 BNM-LNE : 1, rue Gaston Boissier -757... more 1 L2MA -ENSAM : 8, boulevard Louis XIV -59046 Lille Cedex 2 BNM-LNE : 1, rue Gaston Boissier -75724 Paris Cedex 15
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2003
ABSTRACT Within the framework of integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering, w... more ABSTRACT Within the framework of integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering, which is now a well-known field, the design of the parts, the choice of process parameters and even the design of the production system must be carried out at the same time. However, in order to achieve full knowledge integration taking into account the actors' knowledge (the intervening people in the process of design and manufacture of a product are named 'actors') and their various points of view, it is necessary to formalize and structure this knowledge together with the technical and economical constraints (manufacturing, quality, logistics, cost, etc.). This means that the models and data must be homogeneous, coherent and not user adapted until their actual time of use. In order to give an illustration of this wide-ranging problem a case of application will be presented in the field of the forming process based on two industrial applications that have been carried out. A contribution is proposed for an approach that makes it possible to gather the technological data and information necessary for integrated design and manufacturing in order to obtain net shape forming of workpieces for the automotive industry. Two approaches are presented, on the basis of dimensional control of the workpiece: the first deals with the description of the forming process, and the second covers the definition of product functionality.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008
For many years the transmission industry has had a major impact on the design of mechanical parts... more For many years the transmission industry has had a major impact on the design of mechanical parts. In addition to geometric quality of the forging process, net-shaped bevel gears offer new ways to decrease cots and to increase mechanical properties. This paper deals with the difficulty in applying classical quality inspection to forged bevel gears. We developed a new approach based on entities and used it in an industrial context. One aspect of this method is that the gear teeth can be measured regardless of assembly surfaces.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2003
Today, manufacturing companies work in a concurrent engineering context. In this paper, we develo... more Today, manufacturing companies work in a concurrent engineering context. In this paper, we develop a methodology to validate the modelling of an aluminium forming process based on dimensional characterisation and finite element comparison. Generally, finite element modelling (FEM) is used to validate die design in parallel with an experimental process. In this work, we use FEM to design forming tools in a first step. In a second step, measurement in the three dimensions gives the sheet metal process machine tool errors, and it is necessary to integrate the reasons for these defects in the process of concurrent engineering in the field of metal forming. Finally, we conclude that multiscale models should be used to model the mechanical process
Résumé L'objectif de cet article est de présenter quelques concepts qui sont à la base des techni... more Résumé L'objectif de cet article est de présenter quelques concepts qui sont à la base des techniques qui rendent possibles la maîtrise des imperfections géométriques dans les machines et permettent l'accès à la fabrication industrielle d'objets très exigeants.
Papers by S. Leleu