Papers by Sinan Kocatürk
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi, 2002

Aim: In this study, it was aimed to compare conventional exfoliative and liquid based methods wit... more Aim: In this study, it was aimed to compare conventional exfoliative and liquid based methods with respect to cell determination and specimen evaluation periods in oral mucosal cytologic examinations carried out in healty volunteer population. Methods: This study was conducted on 31 healthy volunteers at Ufuk University. Samples were collected from the lateral border of the tongue and buccal mucosa of participants without causing any bleeding or ulcer formation. Slides of both techniques were stained by Papanicolaou method and evaluated by the same pathologist by means of cell distrubution, nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, hyperchromasia and background of slides with light microscope. In addition, specimen evaluation period was measured. Results: As result of the pathological evaluation, a statistically significant difference was found (p<0.05) between two methods with respect to the detection rates of superficial keratinized cells and inter-mediate cells. Futhermore, the background of ...
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2003

The Laryngoscope, Jan 10, 2016
To analyze whether there is correlation between branching patterns of anterior inferior cerebella... more To analyze whether there is correlation between branching patterns of anterior inferior cerebellar artery/posterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA/PICA) in cerebellopontine angle (CPA) area, as demonstrated by three-dimensional fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (3D FIESTA) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 1) idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) outcomes and 2) recovery of ISSNHL. We evaluated patients with idiopathic SSNHL for branching patterns of AICA/PICA in CPA area, as demonstrated by 3D FIESTA MRI. Sixty-eight patients with SSNHL (32 [47.1%] women; mean age 45.3 ± 14.6 [minimum-maximum: 18-77]) and 38 healthy volunteers [17 (44.7%) women; mean age 48.6 ± 14.0 (minimum-maximum: 26-81)] were included in this study. We evaluated patients for branching patterns and classified as type IA, IB, IIA, and IIB. Branching patterns were evaluated at the diseased side of the patients and both sides of the control group. Pretreatment and posttreatment au...

Medical Principles and Practice, 2016
Objective: To describe the relationship between atherosclerosis and hearing thresholds in prediab... more Objective: To describe the relationship between atherosclerosis and hearing thresholds in prediabetic patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and to determine the efficacy of glycated albumin in predicting carotid artery atherosclerosis in patients with isolated IFG. Subjects and Methods: The study included 82 patients (aged 53.73-80 years) divided into two groups based on fasting glucose levels, the IFG group: 59 patients (32 females, 54.2%), and the normal fasting plasma glucose level group: 23 patients (12 females, 52.2%). Patients underwent audiological testing to determine hearing thresholds, and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) was measured using carotid artery Doppler sonography. Multivariate analyses were performed to determine whether or not the plasma glycated albumin levels could predict hearing loss and CIMT. Results: Patients in the IFG group (mean age: 59.8 ± 9.5 years) had higher hearing thresholds and pure-tone average scores (PTA) than those in the group w...

ENT Updates, 2015
Amaç: Son y›llarda alerjik hastal›klarla, D vitamini eksikli¤i aras›ndaki iliflkiye dikkat çeken ... more Amaç: Son y›llarda alerjik hastal›klarla, D vitamini eksikli¤i aras›ndaki iliflkiye dikkat çeken çal›flmalar bulunmaktad›r. Bu iliflki D vitamini türevlerinin immünmodülatör etkilerine ba¤lanm›flt›r. Ancak alerjik rinit ile D vitamini türevlerinin iliflkisine dair s›n›rl› say›da çal›flma bulunmaktad›r. Bu konuya ›fl›k tutabilmek amac›yla çal›flmam›z› plan-lad›k. Yöntem: Çal›flma grubu ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) kriterlerine göre alerjik rinit tan›s› konulan 30 hastadan oluflturulmufltur. Kontrol grubuna ise ayn› yafl ve cinsiyetlerde alerjik rinit hastal›¤› bulunmayan 30 hasta dahil edilmifltir. Altta yatan kalsiyum ve D vitamini eksikli¤i yapabilecek hastal›¤› bulunan hastalar ça-l›flma d›fl›nda b›rak›lm›flt›r. Serum 25-hidroksi (OH) vitamin D düzeyleri aç›s›ndan çal›flma ve kontrol gruplar› aras›nda anlaml› fark olup olmad›¤› de¤erlendirilmifltir. Bulgular: Her iki grupta D vitamini seviyelerinin normal (10-90 ng/mL) s›n›rlarda oldu¤u saptanm›flt›r. Çal›flma grubunun ortalama serum 25(OH)vitamin D düzeyinin (15.39 ng/mL) kontrol grubuna (53.80 ng/mL) göre anlaml› olarak (p=0.00) düflük oldu¤u saptanm›fl-t›r. D vitamini düzeyleri aç›s›ndan cinsiyetler aras›nda anlaml› farkl›-l›k saptanmam›flt›r (p=0.398). Sonuç: D vitamini türevlerinin alerjik rinit üzerindeki etkilerine dair daha fazla çal›flma yap›lmas› gerekmektedir. Bu çal›flma özellikle tedaviye dirençli alerjik rinit hastalar›nda D vitamini eksikli¤inin de göz önünde bulundurulmas› gerekti¤ine dikkat çekmektedir.

Kıllı dil, dilin dorsal yüzeyinin anormal saç benzeri oluşumlarla kaplanmasıyla karakterize benig... more Kıllı dil, dilin dorsal yüzeyinin anormal saç benzeri oluşumlarla kaplanmasıyla karakterize benign, akkiz bir hastalıktır. Etyopatogenezi tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte, histopatolojik olarak sekonder papilla hücrelerinden saç tipi keratin salgısının arttığı ve retansiyona uğradığı belirlenmiştir. Kötü oral hijyen, alkol kullanımı, radyasyon ve bazı ilaçlar etyolojide suçlanmıştır. Kıllı dil prevalansı ağır sigara içicilerde oldukça yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu makalede aşırı sigara içimine bağlı olarak geliştiği düşünülen kıllı dil olgusu güncel literatür bilgileri eşliğinde sunulmuştur. Tedavisinde hastaya sigarayı bırakması, oral betadin solüsyon kullanması, dilini fırçalayarak temizlemesi ve topical retinoik asit uygulaması önerilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Kıllı dil, Filiform papilla, Keratin HAIRY TONG UE SUMMARY Hairy tongue is an acquired benign disorder characterized by an abnormal hairy coating on the dorsal surface of the tongue. The exact pathogenesis is unknown, but histopat...

Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 2012
Bu çalışmada tonsiller hipertrofi nedeni ile solunum yolu obstrüksiyonu olan çocuklarda uygulanan... more Bu çalışmada tonsiller hipertrofi nedeni ile solunum yolu obstrüksiyonu olan çocuklarda uygulanan bipolar elektrokoter tonsillektomi ve klasik tonsillektomi tekniklerinin ameliyat sırasında ve sonrasındaki klinik sonuçları karşılaştırılmalı olarak değerlendirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bipolar elektrokoter ile tonsillotomi yapılan 31 çocuk hasta ile konvansiyonel soğuk disseksiyon tonsillektomi yapılan 45 çocuk hasta karşılaştırıldı. Postoperatif ağrı skorları erken postoperatif dönemde 'Modifiye Hannalah Skalası' ile ve geç postoperatif dönemde 'Vizüel Analog Skoru' ile ölçüldü. Bu iki grup operasyon sırasındaki kan kaybı, operasyon süresi, oral alım süresi, ağrı kesici alımı, iyileşme zamanı ve postoperatif ağrı skorları açısından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Bipolar elektrokoter ile tonsillotomi yapılan çocuklarda iyileşme sürecinde konvensiyonel tonsillektomi uygulanan gruba göre belirgin olarak daha az ağrı olduğu görüldü. Bipolar elektrokoter tonsillotomi yapılan grupta intraoperatif kan kaybı, operasyon süresi, oral alım süresi, ağrı kesici alımı, iyileşme süresi ve postoperatif ağrı skorları konvansiyonel tonsillektomi uygulanan gruba göre daha az olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Bipolar elektrokoter tonsillotominin obstrüktif uyku apnesi olan çocukların iyileşmesinde konvansiyonel tonsillektomi ile eşit etkinlikte ve güvenirlikte olduğu görüldü. Bipolar elektrokoter tonsillotomi yöntemi ile postoperatif ağrı daha az olmakta, yaşam kalitesini arttırmakta ve iyileşme sürecini kısaltmaktadır. Bu nedenlerle bipolar elektrokoter tonsillotomi yöntemi çocuklarda konvansiyonel tonsillektomiden daha kabul edilebilir bir yöntem olabilir.
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
The thoracic duct cysts located in the supraclavicular region are very rare masses, the etiology ... more The thoracic duct cysts located in the supraclavicular region are very rare masses, the etiology of which is not completely known. This article presents the clinical follow-up of a 35-year-old male patient diagnosed with throracic duct cyst situated in the left supraclavicular region and the patient's condition is discussed in line with literature. The patient admitted to our clinic with a complaint of a mass in the left supraclavicular region that had appeared six months ago and that had been increasingly growing. A cyst excision under general anesthesia was performed to the patient who was pre-diagnosed with thoracic duct cyst following the radiological evaluation and the needle aspiration biopsy. There were no complications or a recurrence during the six months of postoperative follow-up.

Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
This study aims to detect whether any differences were present between betahistine dihydrochlorid... more This study aims to detect whether any differences were present between betahistine dihydrochloride, transcutaneal electrical nerve stimulation and pure tone masking-tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) methods in the effects on quality of life and treatment of the symptoms of the patients. A total of 91 patients (42 females, 49 males; mean age 49.3±8.3 years; range 30 to 70 years) who admitted to the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of the Ufuk University between June 2009 and June 2010 with a complaint of subjective tinnitus and who had no hearing loss were included in the study. In this study, the effects of these three treatment methods on healing and quality of life in patients suffering from bilateral subjective tinnitus were comparatively evaluated using Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Score (THIS), visual analog scale (VAS) and audiological parameters. The evaluations were made immediately before the treatment, immediately after the treatment and three weeks after the treatment. Kolmogoro...
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
The cervical course of the internal carotid artery is almost straight in contrast to the intracra... more The cervical course of the internal carotid artery is almost straight in contrast to the intracranial portions which are highly tortuous. The incidence of variations in the cervical course of the internal carotid artery of the population is approximately 10-40 percent. In this case report, a 76-year-old female patient with a pulsatile mass at the posterior oropharyngeal wall and anterior neck was presented. Physical examination revealed a pulsatile anterior neck mass, and a pulsatile mass at the right posterior wall of the oropharynx. Imaging revealed a bilateral tortuous internal carotid artery and segmental left internal carotid arterectomy and distal internal carotid artery - lateral common carotid artery anastamosis were performed with no postoperative complications.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis: a case report]](
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
Cranial nerve paralysis is an uncommon complication of radiotherapy for head and neck carcinomas ... more Cranial nerve paralysis is an uncommon complication of radiotherapy for head and neck carcinomas because cranial nerves are relatively resistant to radiation. The incidence of this complication has been declared to be 1-5% in different studies. Unlike the other cranial nerves, isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis in patients who have been treated with radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinomas is a worrisome sign of recurrence. We report a 45-year-old male patient admitted to our clinics with complaints of difficulty in moving his tongue and dysphasia five years after combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Recurrence of the tumor was thought to be the cause of the isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis at first, however late toxicity of radiotherapy was found to be the etiological factor after detailed examinations.

Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
Implant dislocation following type 1 tyroplasty mostly results from the effects of triggering fac... more Implant dislocation following type 1 tyroplasty mostly results from the effects of triggering factors in the early postoperative period. A 42-year-old female patient who had had tyroplasty type 1 surgery with silastic implant, applied to our clinic with cough episodes, dyspnea and hoarseness following an upper airway infection 10 years after the surgery. In laryngeal endoscopic examination of the patient, white colored irregularity on anterior left vocal cord and left band ventricule fullness was seen. Regarding the patient's medical history, it was thought that the silastic prosthesis which had been implanted in the type 1 thyroplasty surgery might have displaced. The silastic prosthesis was removed by means of microsurgery technique through endolaryngeal way under general anesthesia. During the first month follow-up of the patient, dyspnea and hoarseness complaints were improved right away and she had no other problems. The causes and consequences of displacement of the prothe...
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat, 2003
Chondroradionecrosis is one of the rare but important complications of radiation therapy for lary... more Chondroradionecrosis is one of the rare but important complications of radiation therapy for laryngeal carcinoma. A sixty-one-year-old male patient with glottic carcinoma (T1bN0M0) was treated with radiotherapy because he did not give consent to surgery. He developed difficulty in breathing and halitosis three months following radiotherapy. Radiologic and clinical signs were consistent with a diagnosis of laryngeal chondroradionecrosis. Medical treatment with steroids and antibiotics did not relieve his symptoms, so total laryngectomy was performed. No postoperative complications were seen. The surgical specimen was free of tumor.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Comparison of adenoid and tonsil core cultures in chronic adenotonsillitis]](
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat, 2003
Tonsil and adenoid core cultures were compared and beta-lactamase producing bacteria were determi... more Tonsil and adenoid core cultures were compared and beta-lactamase producing bacteria were determined in patients with chronic adenotonsillitis. Thirty-two patients (21 boys, 11 girls; mean age 5 years) with chronic adenotonsillitis underwent elective adenotonsillectomy. The core swaps of tonsil and adenoid tissues were obtained under sterile conditions and were inoculated in 5% sheep blood agar, eosin methylene blue agar, and chocolate agar plates. The frequency of beta-lactamase producing isolates were assessed. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen both in tonsil and adenoid core cultures. Among pathogenic bacteria isolated from tonsil (n=27) and adeonid (n=22) cultures, the same strains were isolated in 20 cultures (75%). The frequencies of beta-lactamase producing bacteria were 44% and 41% in tonsil and adenoid core cultures, respectively. S. aureus was associated with beta-lactamase production in 88% and 100% in tonsil and adenoid tissues, respectively. Differences...
![Research paper thumbnail of [The efficacy of combined medical treatment (antihistaminics, steroids, and macrolide antibiotics) in patients with nasal polyposis: preliminary results]](
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
We evaluated the efficacy of combined medical treatment in cases with bilateral nasal polyposis w... more We evaluated the efficacy of combined medical treatment in cases with bilateral nasal polyposis without a history of any surgical or medical treatment. Twenty-five patients (19 males, 6 females; mean age 45 years; range 30 to 60 years) who had not received any treatment for bilateral nasal polyposis were included. Treatment was comprised of an oral anti-histaminic agent (single dose daily for 3 weeks), and a topical steroid (as a nasal spray, twice daily for 6 months) and a single dose of intramuscular systemic steroid. Patients who did not respond to this therapy at the end of three weeks were administered a macrolide antibiotic (clarithromycin). The results were evaluated before treatment, and three weeks and six months after treatment with the use of a patient questionnaire, computed tomography and endoscopic examination findings. The patients' complaints improved by 85.5% and 79% at the end of three weeks and six months, respectively (p<0.005). Radiologic improvement was ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Evaluation of occult lymph node metastasis in lower lip cancers and approach to N(0) neck metastasis]](
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
In this study, we evaluated the incidence of occult lymph node metastasis and the approach to N0 ... more In this study, we evaluated the incidence of occult lymph node metastasis and the approach to N0 necks in carcinoma of the lower lip. Sixty-eight patients who underwent surgery for squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip were monitored for a minimum period of three years. All the patients were males (mean age 54 years; range 36 to 69 years). Preoperatively, 15 and 53 patients had N+ and N0 necks, respectively. Depending on the tumor localization, unilateral or bilateral suprahyoid neck dissections were performed. Nine patients underwent radical neck dissection following detection of metastasis on histopathologic examination. Histopathologic examination revealed metastasis in four patients (4/15; 26%) with N+ necks and in five patients (5/53; 9.4%) with N0 necks. Four patients (6.7%) developed late cervical lymph node metastasis at level 3. No evidence of neck disease was encountered in 93% of patients. Suprahyoid neck dissection appears to be effective in detecting occult lymph nod...
Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
In this article, we present the case of a 43-year-old female with a tumor of the orbital base. Co... more In this article, we present the case of a 43-year-old female with a tumor of the orbital base. Computed tomography revealed a well-defined contrast enhancing cavernous hemangioma behind the left bulbus oculi. The surgical resection was performed by transmaxillary approach to the orbit. No clinical complications were observed during three-month follow-up following surgery.
Papers by Sinan Kocatürk