Papers by S. Keinänen-kiukaanniemi
Nature, 1971
THE simplest and most widely used method for blood sampling in the mouse is to snip off the tip o... more THE simplest and most widely used method for blood sampling in the mouse is to snip off the tip of the tail with scissors1 but the effect of serial tail snipping on white blood corpuscle count has not, as far as we know, been reported in the literature.

Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2006
This study aimed to validate Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS; 1965) among Colombian ... more This study aimed to validate Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS; 1965) among Colombian people living in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Although used frequently in Colombian investigations to identify depressive disorders, the SDS had not been validated formally among the general Colombian population. Participants were a random sample of people dwelling in an urban area, mean age was 37.4 years (SD 12.7). Participants filled out the SDS, and were then interviewed by psychiatrists using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I; First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 1999) to diagnosis a major depressive episode (MDE) during the last month. Forty was taken as a cut-off point. SDS scores ranged from 21 to 62 (M 36.5, SD 9.1). Using the SDS, 95 (35.7%) persons reported clinically meaningful depressive symptoms. The SCID-I interview identified 44 (16.5%) persons with MDE. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.832. The sensitivity was 88.6% (95%CI 74.6–95.7), the specificity 7...

Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 2020
To compare the value of serum biomarkers, FGF21 and GDF15 with histological analysis of muscle in... more To compare the value of serum biomarkers, FGF21 and GDF15 with histological analysis of muscle in the diagnosis of mitochondrial disease. Methods: We collected 194 serum samples from patients with a suspected or known mitochondrial disease. Biomarkers were analyzed blinded using enzyme labelled immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Clinical data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Results: Only 39% of patients with genetically verified mitochondrial disease had mitochondrial pathology in their muscle histology. In contrast, biomarkers were elevated in 62% of patients with genetically verified mitochondrial disease. Those with both biomarkers elevated had a muscle manifesting disorder and a defect affecting mitochondrial DNA expression. If at least one of the biomarkers was induced and the patient had a myopathic disease, a mitochondrial DNA expression disease was the cause with 94% probability. Among patients with biomarker analysis and muscle biopsy taken <12 months apart, a mitochondrial disorder would have been identified in 70% with analysis of FGF21 and GDF15 compared to 50% of patients whom could have been identified with muscle biopsy alone. Muscle findings were non-diagnostic in 72% (children) and 45% (adults). Conclusion: Induction of FGF21 and GDF15 suggest a mitochondrial etiology as an underlying cause of a muscle manifesting disease. Normal biomarker values do not, however, rule out a mitochondrial disorder, especially if the disease does not manifest in muscle. We suggest that

PLoS ONE, 2009
Background: Longevity is a multifactorial trait with a genetic contribution, and mitochondrial DN... more Background: Longevity is a multifactorial trait with a genetic contribution, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms were found to be involved in the phenomenon of longevity. Methodology/Principal Findings: To explore the effects of mtDNA haplogroups on the prevalence of extreme longevity (EL), a population based case-control study was conducted in Rugao-a prefecture city in Jiangsu, China. Case subjects include 463 individuals aged $95 yr (EL group). Control subjects include 926 individuals aged 60-69 years (elderly group) and 463 individuals aged 40-49 years (middle-aged group) randomly recruited from Rugao. We observed significant reduction of M9 haplogroups in longevity subjects (0.2%) when compared with both elderly subjects (2.2%) and middleaged subjects (1.7%). Linear-by-linear association test revealed a significant decreasing trend of N9 frequency from middleaged subjects (8.6%), elderly subjects (7.2%) and longevity subjects (4.8%) (p = 0.018). In subsequent analysis stratified by gender, linear-by-linear association test revealed a significant increasing trend of D4 frequency from middle-aged subjects (15.8%), elderly subjects (16.4%) and longevity subjects (21.7%) in females (p = 0.025). Conversely, a significant decreasing trend of B4a frequency was observed from middle-aged subjects (4.2%), elderly subjects (3.8%) and longevity subjects (1.7%) in females (p = 0.045). Conclusions: Our observations support the association of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups with exceptional longevity in a Chinese population.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 2014
Background Low birth weight is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in ad... more Background Low birth weight is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. As abnormal cardiac autonomic function is a common feature in cardiovascular diseases, we tested the hypothesis that low birth weight may also be associated with poorer cardiac autonomic function in middle-aged subjects.

International journal of hypertension, 2018
We evaluated data from 10,088 participants without cardiovascular disease (CVD) who underwent 75 ... more We evaluated data from 10,088 participants without cardiovascular disease (CVD) who underwent 75 g oral glucose tolerance tests and had more than four visits during the first 5 years following the test to investigate the association between impaired glucose metabolism and visit-to-visit blood pressure (BP) variability. Participants were classified into groups of normal glucose tolerance (NGT), impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and diabetes. Visit-to-visit BP variability was estimated for each individual using standard deviation (SD) and coefficients of variation (CV, defined as SD/mean). SDs and CVs of systolic BP (SBP) values were divided into quartiles. The samples falling in the highest quartile were considered as having high SD/CV. The adjusted odds ratio (OR) for high SD of SBP in the IFG (OR, 1.39; < 0.003), IGT (OR, 1.26; < 0.001), and diabetes (OR, 1.54; < 0.001) groups was significantly higher than that for high SD of SBP in the NGT ...

Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2010
Recent studies have demonstrated that chronic kidney disease (CKD) may be associated with the pro... more Recent studies have demonstrated that chronic kidney disease (CKD) may be associated with the progression of periodontal disease. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major risk factor for CKD. The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between periodontal condition and kidney dysfunction in patients who had kidney failure with or without DM. One hundred sixty-four patients with kidney dysfunction were enrolled (male: N = 105; female: N = 59), and the relationship between periodontal condition and kidney dysfunction was analyzed in a cross-sectional study. The subjects were divided into three groups: (a) patients with DM, (b) dialysis patients with nephropathy due to various kidney diseases, and (c) dialysis patient with nephropathy due to DM (diabetic nephropathy). Then, the effect of DM on the periodontal condition was analyzed. The patients were also stratified by CKD stage (into G1-G5) using the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and the G5 group was divided in patients with or without DM. Correlations between eGFR and parameters of periodontal condition were calculated in patients from G1 to G4. The number of missing teeth was significantly higher in dialysis patients with diabetic nephropathy than in patients with DM, whereas alveolar bone loss did not show a significant difference among the three groups. In addition, the G5 patients with DM had a significantly higher number of missing teeth than the other CKD groups, whereas alveolar bone loss did not show a significant difference. In G5 patients with DM, Community Periodontal Index and Oral Hygiene Index scores were significantly higher than in G1-4 patients with DM. There was a significant negative correlation between eGFR and the number of missing teeth. Patients with diabetic nephropathy have a higher rate of periodontal problems such as missing teeth in Japanese adults.

Osteoporosis International, 2005
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between body size from birth to adultho... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between body size from birth to adulthood and bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) at the age of 31 years in a longitudinal study of the Northern Finland birth cohort for 1966. Data were collected at birth, 1, 14, and 31 years. This analysis was restricted to a subsample of individuals (n =1,099) for whom the BMC (g) and BMD measurements (g/cm(2)) were performed on the distal and ultradistal radius by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at the age of 31 years. Determinants of low BMC and BMD were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression. Growth retardation at birth, being underweight (BMI &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; or =20.0 kg/m(2)) at 31 years, and having a low calcium intake at 31 years were associated independently with low BMD at 31 years. Additionally, the proportion of subjects with low BMD was higher among those who had low standardized body weight (&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; or =1 SD) both at birth and at 14 years, and both at 14 and 31 years. Body weight at 31 years was the strongest associating factor of BCM at 31 years. Growth retardation at birth has long-lasting effects on adult bone mineral content and density of the distal and ultradistal radius independently of later body size, although adult body weight seems to be a most important determinant of BMC at the age of 31 years. Thinness and a low calcium intake are associated with low bone mineral content and density at 31 years of age. Further studies are needed to evaluate if these groups are at increased risk of osteoporosis in old age.

Objective: To assess the association between depressive symptoms and impaired glucose metabolism ... more Objective: To assess the association between depressive symptoms and impaired glucose metabolism in the elderly population in arctic latitudes. Design: A population-based study. Setting. Community. Subjects: The study population consisted of 1,830 subjects born between the years 1915 and 1958 in the northernmost part of Finland, the Muonio-Enontekiö district, who participated in a health survey during 1974–1984. In 2014, a health questionnaire was sent to 1,037 subjects, and 757 participants (73%) answered it. Those (n = 629) living in the Muonio-Enontekiö district undergone a clinical examination in 2014 and 2015 including blood collections. Main outcome measures:Depressive symptoms defined by the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI II) with a cut-off point of 14. Different diabetic states based on WHO’s classification criteria defined by fasting plasma glucose and ADA’s criteria by glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) values. Results: According to logistic regression analysis, depressiv...

Abstract BACKGROUND: Eating disorders in boys are poorly detected in health care. MATERIAL AND ME... more Abstract BACKGROUND: Eating disorders in boys are poorly detected in health care. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Among 922 boys attending evaluation for military service in Oulu, in 2013, disordered eating behavior was assessed by the SCOFF and Eating Disorder Inventory questionnaires (Drive for thinness and Bulimia). RESULTS: Disordered eating behavior was present in 129 (14%) boys, of whom 57 (44%) were overweight. Every fourth overweight boy had symptoms of eating disorders, typically constant thoughts of weight loss. CONCLUSIONS: Screening of eating disorders should be included in medical examinations, especially in overweight boys.Tiivistelmä AINEISTO JA MENETELMÄT: Tutkimusaineisto koostui 922:sta Oulun alueen vuonna 2013 kutsunnanalaisesta pojasta. Heidän syömishäiriökäyttäytymisensä ydinpiirteitä kartoitettiin SCOFF-kyselyllä sekä Pyrkimys laihuuteen- ja Bulimia-mittareilla, jotka ovat osa kansainvälistä Eating Disorder Inventory -kyselyä. Tutkittaville tehtiin myös terveystarkastus, ja heidän elintapojaan tiedusteltiin. TULOKSET: Syömishäiriökäyttäytymistä esiintyi 129 pojalla (14 %), joista 57 (44 %) oli ylipainoisia tai lihavia. Joka neljännellä ylipainoisella tai lihavalla oli syömishäiriöoireita, tavallisimmin pakonomaista laihtumisen halua. Tyypillisiä oireita olivat esimerkiksi jatkuva laihduttamisen ajatteleminen (37 %:lla) ja pelko syömisen hallinnan menettämisestä (16 %:lla). PÄÄTELMÄT: Syömishäiriöoireilua tulisi arvioida osana terveystarkastuksia esimerkiksi seulontaan tarkoitetuilla kyselyillä. Erityisesti ylipainoisia ja lihavia hoidettaessa syömishäiriöoireilun mahdollisuus tulisi muistaa
Translational Sports Medicine, 2021
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a global health problem and the prevalence of diabetes is almost 20% in... more Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a global health problem and the prevalence of diabetes is almost 20% in the age group of 65-69 years. 1 Physical activity (PA) based on recommendations can reduce the incidence of T2DM by almost 30%. 2 According to previous PA profiling, the risk of cardiovascular diseases 3 and high body mass index (BMI) has been shown to be higher in the most sedentary subjects. 4 Accelerometers are feasible and reliable for quantifying habitual PA. 5 Nearly, a third of adults do not meet PA recommendations, 6 and the lack of PA is more common in older adults. 7

Information Systems and Neuroscience, 2019
This article studies how an individual's physical wellbeing contributes to one's online user expe... more This article studies how an individual's physical wellbeing contributes to one's online user experience. The study subjects were elderly people at high risk for type 2 diabetes. The results suggest that the web usage experience of these prediabetic individuals is related to their physical health status and level of physical activity. Those with a better physical health status were more likely to feel ease of orientation in their web usage, and those with more frequent regular physical activity were more likely to perceive pleasure in navigating the web. In practice, variation in physical health and activity levels between individuals could, and should. be addressed in designing systems and services. In more general, studying user experience on par with biochemical measurements provides an exciting combination of research methods and paves the way for new design practices.
Annals of Medicine, 2021
Timonen (2021) One-hour post-load glucose improves the prediction of cardiovascular events in the... more Timonen (2021) One-hour post-load glucose improves the prediction of cardiovascular events in the OPERA study ,
Science Advances, 2021
Low-end normal hemoglobin levels, which carry less oxygen, are associated with lower body weight ... more Low-end normal hemoglobin levels, which carry less oxygen, are associated with lower body weight and healthier metabolism.

BMC Geriatrics, 2021
Background Muscle pump dysfunction is an essential component of chronic venous disease (CVD) path... more Background Muscle pump dysfunction is an essential component of chronic venous disease (CVD) pathology. Aging reduces muscle strength which further weakens the venous return. However, the epidemiology of CVD and its relationship with the physical performance in older persons is poorly studied. We studied the prevalence of CVD in subjects aged over 70 years and its association primarily with the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and 10 m walk test. Methods An accurate clinical leg examination was performed and the Clinical-Etiological-Anatomical-Pathophysiological-classification (CEAP, clinical classification of chronic venous disorders, C1-C6) determined by dermatologists in 552 subjects aged between 70 and 93 years belonging to the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 – Parents’ Study (NFBC-PS). Linear regression analyses were used to examine the association between CVD and functional tests and anthropometric measurements. Results The prevalence of CVD (C1-C6) was 54.3%. C1 w...

International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 2021
We evaluated the survival of a subarctic population and the significance of traditional risk fact... more We evaluated the survival of a subarctic population and the significance of traditional risk factors for mortality, causes of death and their seasonal variation from the period of 1984-2014. By the end of 2014 (follow-up), 644 (34.4% from 1,869) participants had died (42.1% of cardiovascular causes, 22.4% of neoplastic diseases). The average age at death±SD was 74.6±11.4 years for women (n=284) and 70.2±12.0 years for men (n=360). After adjusting for baseline age, the major risk factors predicting death were male sex (hazard ratio [HR] 1.80; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.54-2.10), current smoking (HR 1.85; 95% CI 1.58-2.17), obesity (HR 1.75; 95% CI 1.45-2.12), high blood pressure (HR 1.46; 95% CI 1.24-1.72), cardiovascular disease (HR 1.62; 95% CI 1.36-1.93) and depression (HR 1.61; 95% CI 1.21-2.14) at baseline. The most common causes of death and the main risk factors predicting death in this population were the same as reported globally. Lifestyle factors had an important impact in predicting survival. The most common causes of death were the same for men and women. There was no significant difference in overall mortality rate between winter and summer, but cerebrovascular and pulmonary causes of death were more common during winter.

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021
Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) degrades low-density lipoprotein cholestero... more Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) degrades low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) receptors, and thus regulates the LDL-C levels in the circulation. Type 2 diabetics often have elevated LDL-C levels. However, the functions of PCSK9 in patients with alterations of glu-cose metabolism and statin therapy are still unclear. Method: we investigated a large cohort of 608 subjects, born in 1945 in Oulu, Finland (Oulu Cohort 1945). We studied the effects of PSCK9 lev-els with different glucose tolerances (normal glucose tolerance (NGT), prediabetes (PreDM) or type 2 diabetes (T2D)) with and without statin medication, and analyzed clinical data, NMR metabolomics and PCSK9 plasma levels. Results: PCSK9 plasma levels did not significantly differ between the three groups. Statin therapy significantly increased the PCSK9 levels in NGT, PreDM and T2D groups compared with subjects with no statins. In the NGT group, negative associations between PCSK9 and LDL-C, intermediat...

PLOS ONE, 2020
Diabetic retinopathy is a microvascular complication of hyperglycaemia. Little is known about the... more Diabetic retinopathy is a microvascular complication of hyperglycaemia. Little is known about the association of glucose metabolism and retinopathy signs in the non-diabetic middle-aged population. We studied prevalence of retinopathy in a subsample of Northern Finland Birth Cohort study (NFBC1966) of 1809 subjects, at 47 years of age, without previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes and/or blood pressure-lowering medication. All participants underwent clinical evaluations including an oral glucose tolerance test (glucose and insulin values measured at 0, 30, 60 and 120 min) and HbA 1c. The retinopathy signs were diagnosed by fundus photographs and classified according to the Eurodiab classification scheme. The overall prevalence of newly diagnosed retinopathy was 1.4%. The retinopathy signs were significantly associated with increased 30 min, 1-h and 2-h glucose levels and 2h insulin level in an OGTT. After adjustment with systolic blood pressure, only 30 min glucose, 1-h glucose and 2-h insulin levels were associated with retinopathy signs. Our findings show the potential role of 30 min and 1-h post-load glucose and 2-h insulin levels as risk factors for retinopathy lesions among the participants without previously diagnosed diabetes or hypertensive medication.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2020
To investigate the association of hyperglycemia and changes in glycemic control with periodontal ... more To investigate the association of hyperglycemia and changes in glycemic control with periodontal status in non-diabetic individuals. Materials and methods: A sub-population (n = 647) of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (University of Oulu 1966) was studied. We categorized long-term glucose balance based on fasting plasma glucose (FPG) at ages 31 and 46: FPG < 5.0 mmol/l (strict normoglycemia), FPG
Papers by S. Keinänen-kiukaanniemi