Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 7, 2023

O objetivo do trabalho é interpretar as possibilidades de inserção de políticas públicas que visa... more O objetivo do trabalho é interpretar as possibilidades de inserção de políticas públicas que visam à diversificação de cultivos agrícolas em municípios produtores de tabaco. Os procedimentos metodológicos empregados na condução da pesquisa caracterizam-se como um estudo descritivo, qualitativo e quantitativo. As técnicas de pesquisa empregadas foram a entrevista semiestruturada, observações e análise documental e bibliográfica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa de campo foram famílias produtoras de tabaco dos municípios de Agudo e Paraíso do Sul/RS, Brasil, selecionadas por conveniência. A análise dos dados qualitativos foi de conteúdo e a análise dos dados quantitativos ocorreu por meio da estatística descritiva, com uso do programa estatístico, com a apresentação dos dados em médias, frequências e cruzamento de médias. Como resultados, tem-se que os produtores de tabaco estão em propriedades de até 80 hectares, têm produção de alimentos para consumo próprio, porém sua principal fonte de ren...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2022
Anais do III Congresso On-line Internacional de Sustentabilidade

The thesis had as its theoretical support the institutional approach and as the object of study t... more The thesis had as its theoretical support the institutional approach and as the object of study the relations of the institutions in the path of the tobacco-producing families in Rio Grande do Sul. Referencing institutions as informal constraints (sanctions, taboos, customs, traditions and codes of conduct) and formal rules (constitutions, laws, property rights).Tobacco farming is a controversial topic, because while there are formal and informal restrictions of resistance to its production and consumption, there are institutions and organizations that substantially encourage it. Amid these forces the family farmers are inserted, who are afflicted with both the issues of the external environment, as well as the consequences that can be seen in their social organization. Therefore, the overall objective of the research is to analyze the role of institutions in the trajectory of the productive and organizational transformations of tobacco-producing families in Rio Grande do Sul (RS).The research is characterized as qualitative and quantitative and descriptive, which sought to understand, through the historical and statistical method, the evolution of institutions in rural areas of tobacco plantation in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. To achieve the specific objectives, the data collection was carried out from primary and secondary sources. For primary sources, historical data, bibliographic and field research were used and for the secondary sources, data were collected from economic, political and social indicators related to tobacco production and its evolution over time. The field research had as its scope tobacco-producing families from the municipalities of Agudo and Paraíso do Sul, located in the north-central region of the municipalities which concentrates most tobacco growers. The study subjects were 68 families intentionally selected, for convenience, consisting of 241 interviewed people. Analysis and interpretation of data, considering the research methods, were historical and statistical. It is noticed by a summary of the main primary data collected in the tobacco-producing families in Agudo and Paraíso do Sul, their life trajectory was marked by the institutional environment coming from distant times of space and culture changes, which remain in the memories and social traits of the generations that pervade the history of colonized communities. A complex institutional environment, consisting of rights and obligations that influence and affect the lives of people, which interfere in the productive and organizational transformations of tobacco-producing families. Determining the behavior, crop options, access to markets, the formation of specific assets and inclusion in a globally integrated market, the tobacco market. It is noticed that the institutions are interconnected, and there is no clear evidence of who is determinant of which, namely, the establishment of formal institutions comes from informal changes, customs, beliefs, people's values, on the other hand, these are influenced by changes in the standards, conventions, laws that limit human behavior. What is conceivable is that formal institutions and informal institutions contribute to a type of development of the municipalities surveyed, the influences and the interdependence of the state, the market and families are components in the economic, political, social and environmental history of tobacco-producing families.
Este texto descreve uma visita de estudo realizada, a convite da SUÃO, a S.Miguel de Machede, por... more Este texto descreve uma visita de estudo realizada, a convite da SUÃO, a S.Miguel de Machede, por alguns dos estudantes e uma docente do curso Internacional de Verão "As Encruzilhadas do Desenvolvimento", que teve lugar na Universidade de Évora em Setembro de 2015
Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana, 2019

Desenvolvimento em Questão, 2021
A pesquisa tem o propósito de verificar ações de política pública habitacional a partir da percep... more A pesquisa tem o propósito de verificar ações de política pública habitacional a partir da percepção do agente operacional e da identificação do nível de satisfação dos beneficiários com relação ao Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida em um conjunto habitacional no município de Santa Maria/RS, com a finalidade de orientar o aprimoramento do programa no processo de planejamento e gestão pública. Quanto ao método, a pesquisa caracterizou-se como um estudo exploratório-descritivo com abordagem quantitativa junto aos beneficiários e qualitativa junto ao agente operacional. Os dados foram coletados por meio de 144 questionários com as famílias beneficiárias do PMCMV e com entrevista junto ao agente operacional. Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo quanto a abordagem qualitativa e, com o emprego da estatística descritiva e análise fatorial, na abordagem quantitativa. Os principais resultados mostram que os beneficiários estão satisfeitos com a aquisição da c...

The health of both farmers and consumers of tobacco has attracted the attention of international ... more The health of both farmers and consumers of tobacco has attracted the attention of international organizations. The Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC), in its article 18, emphasizes the responsibility of countries with respect to protection of the environment and human health in the tobacco production process, since its cultivation brings serious risks to the environment and the health of farmers. Tobacco has established itself as one of the main agricultural products grown in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The production structure is made up mostly of small family farms with intensive use of labor of work and has in tobacco plants the main source of income. The purpose of the article is to identify the risks to which tobacco farming families are exposed and consequences on quality of life and health of workers in the rural areas. In research conducted by Lecours (2011), there is a series of impacts on tobacco farmer's health, the main risks associa...

The health of both farmers and consumers of tobacco has attracted the attention of international ... more The health of both farmers and consumers of tobacco has attracted the attention of international organizations. The Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC), in its article 18, emphasizes the responsibility of countries with respect to protection of the environment and human health in the tobacco production process, since its cultivation brings serious risks to the environment and the health of farmers. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) has established itself as one of the main agricultural products grown in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The production structure is made up mostly of small family farms with intensive use of labor of work and has in tobacco plants the main source of income. The purpose of the article is to identify the risks to which tobacco farming families are exposed and consequences on quality of life and health of workers in the rural areas. In research conducted by Lecours (2011), there is a series of impacts on tobacco farmer's health, the main risks associated with tobacco growing: the disease of green leaf, pesticide exposure, respiratory problems, and musculoskeletal injuries and skin diseases. The research is characterized as qualitative and descriptive and the data collection was carried out through field research, through semi-structured interviews and participant observation with producer families of tobacco, in the municipalities of Agudo and Paraíso do Sul, RS. It can be seen that there are eminent risks highlighted in the literature on health of tobacco farmers, symptoms of green leaf disease were highlighted by most families, besides the exposure to pesticides. It is noticed that the FCTC controls are still weak and do not look to the risks of tobacco in the first link in the chain, which are the families that produce it.

Revista de Administração da UFSM, Dec 28, 2020
Purpose -The purpose of this article is to analyze how the installation of these offices is in th... more Purpose -The purpose of this article is to analyze how the installation of these offices is in the eight municipalities with units of the 12th Military Fire Brigade (12º BBM). Design/methodology/approach -This study had an exploratory character. Data collection took place through structured interviews with a total of eight interviews carried out with the Secretaries of Administration of the prefectures, one for each municipality with units of the 12th Military Fire Brigade (12º BBM). Findings -It was observed that, despite the positive impact generated in local public security, only the municipality of Panambi has the GGIM in operation, however, it only conducts meetings of the Plenary, with partial installation, reducing the positive impact on public safety local. It became clear that municipalities ignore its importance for the promotion of local public safety by creating GGIMs only on paper. Research limitations/implications -Do not realize interviews with those responsible for the creation of the offices is a limiting factor of the research, as well as the short time of operation of the GGIM's to carry out a comparative analysis of crime rates. Originality/value (mandatory) -It highlights the importance and potential of the Municipal Integrated Management Offices for the transformation of the local scenario, while providing a channel for dialogue between the actors involved and for the establishment of joint and planned solutions to the problems faced within the scope of Public Security.

This paper aims to show the importance of the role of the agency aspect of women in promoting the... more This paper aims to show the importance of the role of the agency aspect of women in promoting the education and well-being of children and in the reduction of poverty. For this purpose, it is employed as a background the Capability Approach, developed by Amartya Sen, to analyze the Best Early Childhood Program (MIP) of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, launched in 2003, reflecting on its possible contributions to the expansion of human capabilities, especially with regard the role of women in the promotion and expansion of capabilities in childhood. The PIM has the community and family as its main foundations, especially the mothers as key agents in the promotion of development and health of children. The argument of this paper is that the program can contribute to the expansion of human capabilities and to poverty reduction, as argued by the Capability Approach. Classificacao JEL: I00; I31 Artigo recebido em nov. 2012 e aceito para publicacao em out. 2013.

Revista de Administração da UFSM
A Abordagem das Capacitações, conforme a proposta de Amartya Sen (1979, 1985, 1987, 1999a, 1999b)... more A Abordagem das Capacitações, conforme a proposta de Amartya Sen (1979, 1985, 1987, 1999a, 1999b), analisa a pobreza para além da renda monetária ao considerar dimensões como condições de saúde, educação, saneamento, entre outras que são valoradas pelas pessoas. A partir dessa proposta, Alkire e Foster (2007) desenvolveram um método de mensuração da pobreza que agrega os diversos aspectos da vida das pessoas em uma medida multidimensional. O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar o método Alkire-Foster (AF) e apresentar a medida geral obtida em um estudo no município de Silveira Martins (RS). A medida final revelou que as pessoas possuem maiores privações nas dimensões ‘liberdade desfrutada na comunidade’, no ‘acesso à renda’, ‘trabalho’, ‘serviços básicos’ e ‘educação’, o que corrobora a perspectiva seniana de que a pobreza vai além da renda monetária. Com base no Método AF, possibilita-se que sejam elaboradas políticas voltadas às dimensões em que a maioria das pessoas sofre maior pri...
The tourism is an important activity and during recent years notable results have beenpresen- ted... more The tourism is an important activity and during recent years notable results have beenpresen- ted in terms of and econimic viability. In Santa Maria, thetourism is still a hidden potentil, that expects to be explored, thus valuing the fine touristic attractions, events, museums and the cultural promotions. Believing that the region can become a great touristic pole, it is neces-
Revista De Administracao, May 27, 2013

Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, 2013
A pobreza tem sido objeto de muitos estudos nos últimos anos e as análises têm evoluído de uma an... more A pobreza tem sido objeto de muitos estudos nos últimos anos e as análises têm evoluído de uma análise tradicional, baseada em dados quantitativos e medidas unidimensionais, representadas pela linha de pobreza, para uma análise mais qualitativa e multidimensional. Considerando as diversas dimensões nas quais os indivíduos sofrem privações, sem negar a importância da renda monetária, o objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar os aspectos qualitativos da pobreza, por meio da identificação das dimensões de vida mais valoradas pelas próprias pessoas. A base do estudo está na abordagem seniana das capacitações e na realização dos primeiros passos da metodologia de Alkire e Foster (2007) para o cálculo de um índice multidimensional de pobreza. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram pessoas residentes no município de Silveira Martins, localizado na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. A aplicação dos primeiros passos do método AF permitiu identificar nove dimensões de pobreza como as mais valoradas pelas famílias que foram alvo da pesquisa. Palavras-chave: pobreza; abordagem das capacitações; dimensões de vida; método Alkire-Foster; medidas multidimensionais.