Emphasising power in strategic choice, we consider people in actual and potential publics kindlin... more Emphasising power in strategic choice, we consider people in actual and potential publics kindling their imagination and ideas so as to shape new directions in the economies in which they have an interest. The paper proposes public creativity forums, spaces defined by relations aimed at free communication and based upon shared values, including openness. Artistic activities are highlighted as a viaticum for people's creativity, hence for their potential significance in influencing development in any sector or region. These prospects are positioned in an analysis of transnational corporations, uneven economic development, choices over globalisation and regional competitiveness.
Journal of institutional economics, 2024
In this paper we seek to integrate human needs and self-actualisation into the design of organisa... more In this paper we seek to integrate human needs and self-actualisation into the design of organisational governance. We problematise the assumptions that guide established justifications for governance, thus providing an opportunity for this type of theoretical approach. Drawing on Maslow's human psychology, we consider the potentially regressive features of the prescriptions of transaction cost theory (TCT), particularly the new institutionalist approach, and suggest inclusiveness as a mode of coordination that firms may wish to pursue to enhance self-actualisation. The main value added of this contribution is to highlight the need to discern among modes of governance design, using criteria of welfare maximisation by enabling opportunities for self-actualisation within the firm, different from the TCT focus on internal efficiency.
E. Elgar eBooks, 2011
Page 1. )ininmi Edited i Silvia Sacchetti anc Roger Sugdei Knowledge in the Development of Econom... more Page 1. )ininmi Edited i Silvia Sacchetti anc Roger Sugdei Knowledge in the Development of Economies Institutional Choices Under Globalisation l~ \ Wi ml Ml f 1 1 I ■ j ^^^^^B \ THE MO Page 2. Knowledge in the Development of Economies Page 3. ...

Social Enterprise Journal
Purpose This study aims to address the question of what coordination mechanism can be used for cu... more Purpose This study aims to address the question of what coordination mechanism can be used for cultural production and, in particular, for the governance of music culture production. The authors locate their reflection within the specific institutional innovations introduced in Italy in 2017, focusing on the idea of shared administration and the public–private collaboration instituted in Trentino (a province located in northern Italy) in support of its cultural policy. Design/methodology/approach This study focusses on the Trentino’s music school system. This includes 13 organisations (musicians’ cooperatives as well as associations of musicians and students, plus one municipal school which do not overlap with the public school system). To analyse shared administration features, the authors rely on selected information from 50 interviews with Trentino Music Schools (TMS) teachers and administrators, and on the proceedings of the 1994 music school conference organised by the schools ...
Social Science Research Network, 2023
Social Networks, Jul 1, 2023
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2016
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2017

Social Science Research Network, 2017
Henry Hansmann has argued that ownership is best allocated to only one group of homogeneous patro... more Henry Hansmann has argued that ownership is best allocated to only one group of homogeneous patrons, the group for which the total of cost of governance and contracting is minimized. This paper suggests a different model of governance, which is inclusive of multiple affected patrons, and which is growing especially in welfare service provision. The model considers an additional set of costs, the costs of excluding certain groups of patrons from the firm's strategic control. The objective, which is Coasean in both spirit and formulation, is: (1) to reiterate the need to separate ownership and control by considering strategic control beyond ownership, (2) to show that the emergence of firms where control is shared among different groups of patrons can be explained as a way to economize on exclusion costs, and (3) to argue that the efficient governance structure must minimize the sum of internal costs for sharing control and the costs for contracting, and add also the costs of exclusion for all the firm's patrons combined. The paper argues that this setup helps explain the public organisation, defined as a private organisation with public interest objectives, and further claims that this model helps justifying the recent emergence of multi-stakeholder social enterprises within the third sector.

Creativity and Innovation Management
The scope of this paper is contributing to unveiling how economic organizing can be more humanist... more The scope of this paper is contributing to unveiling how economic organizing can be more humanistic by delving into ideas of well‐being and advancing them through the concepts of creativity. Accordingly, our contribution reflects on how designing and implementing organizations and processes inspired to creativity can ameliorate the life of participants. We therefore analyse issues of economic coordination through fundamental mechanisms elaborated by organizational economists (market exchange, organized hierarchies) and associate them with diverse consequences in terms of creative capacity. Illustrations are taken from the creative sectors. The creativity dimension (as an outcome) assumes especial relevance in our analysis, not only or primarily because of its potential link with competitiveness and economic prosperity (as in the current economic approach to creativity) but mostly because of the connections with the creation of a public good in the form of well‐being and value for th...
Springer eBooks, 2023
This chapter will study the network organization of financial cooperatives (FCs) and illustrate t... more This chapter will study the network organization of financial cooperatives (FCs) and illustrate the most prominent experiences in terms of network structure, governance, and stakeholder engagement. Based on existing literature, it considers the case of Rabobank in The Netherlands, Desjardins Group in Canada, and Cassa Centrale and ICCREA in Italy.

Whole Person Promotion, Women, and the Post-Pandemic Era
A needs theory of governance is introduced and discussed, in which the new institutionalist econo... more A needs theory of governance is introduced and discussed, in which the new institutionalist economics, which consider selfishness and opportunism as the main behavioral principles, are confronted with a new theory in which the organization, as a social system, is embedded in the broader social and cultural context and in a network of social relations. It develops symbiotically with the needs expressed by its internal stakeholders and must seek to increase their welfare through the adaptation of governance rules to both needs and production goals. Institutional solutions informed by the goal of sustainably meeting needs are discovered and developed. Comparison of the two theories leads to theorizing a new layered model, reminiscent in part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in which different institutional layers satisfy different types of needs, from the most basic ones of survival and security to the highest ones of belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

The present article shall analyse how organizations can activate stakeholder participation proces... more The present article shall analyse how organizations can activate stakeholder participation processes. Specifically, this article examines select participatory projects that were identified, developed and implemented within a network of Italian social cooperatives focusing on work integration. An area, therefore, in which worker participation is geared at pursuing explicit social objectives whilst enhancing innovative capacity, thus improving overall competitiveness and economic sustainability. Within this context, the paper focuses in particular on the organizational processes and schemes that promote stakeholder empowerment and active involvement, beyond the existence of formal governance structures and management bodies. The paper is structured in two parts. The first draws from the literature to analyse the importance of participation within companies, focusing on social enterprises, and discusses the structural and procedural features of inclusive governance. The second part exa...

We define immaterial satisfaction as the degree of wellbeing that workers derive from creativity,... more We define immaterial satisfaction as the degree of wellbeing that workers derive from creativity, autonomy, and personal growth, overall self-fulfillment. These are dimensions of satisfaction that we relate, from American pragmatism, to the use of creative intelligence. The paper deals with the mediating role of immaterial satisfaction between organizational processes (defined by teamwork, on-the-job autonomy and involvement) and organizational performance (defined in terms of improvements in product quality and innovation). We address this relationship in the Italian social service sector. To this end, we implement a structural equation model including both observed and latent variables using a survey dataset that concerns 4134 workers and 320 not-for-profit social cooperatives. The analysis of direct, indirect and total effects in the structural model shows that autonomous innovation positively influences performance. It also shows that impact immaterial satisfaction adds to the i...

The aim of this study is to analyze the well-being of young music teachers working in Trentino Mu... more The aim of this study is to analyze the well-being of young music teachers working in Trentino Music Schools (TMS). Specifically, we assess (i) the extent to which the interaction between teaching and playing affects the well-being of young musicians using a satisfaction measure for their overall professional path as teachers and musicians, and (ii) what extrinsic and intrinsic drivers may guide their involvement in teaching activities in the early stages of their careers. To this end, we analyze original survey data on young musicians teaching in TMS to estimate their relative satisfaction and identify their motivational drivers. Specifically, we estimate from elementary items six constructs concerning material work conditions, immaterial welfare (i.e., the capabilities activated by the schools), and initial monetary and non-monetary motivations to become a music teacher, then we run two ordered logit regressions to test whether a set of variables of interest and the estimated cons...

Care services pose new challenges and opportunities for the implementation of sustainable HRM pra... more Care services pose new challenges and opportunities for the implementation of sustainable HRM practices related to worker involvement and well-being because of their relational nature. The article is framed in terms of the job demands and resources model and discusses the impact of sustainable HRM (SHRM) practices on organizational performance in terms of service quality and organizational innovation in social and care services. A possible mediating role of immaterial satisfaction between SHRM and performance is also considered. We use national survey data including 4134 workers in 310 matched nonprofit social enterprises in Italy. The results show that HRM practices linked to task autonomy, teamwork, and involvement positively influence immaterial satisfaction, while at the same time immaterial satisfaction and HRM features related to involvement and workload support performance. The mediating role of immaterial satisfaction is not confirmed, but its effect adds positively to invol...

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
This study investigates which organizational capabilities (OC) enable Work Integration Social Ent... more This study investigates which organizational capabilities (OC) enable Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) to pursue both social objectives and sustainable sources of revenue. It does so by focusing on the nature and use of OC that support both the social and the economic sustainability of this type of enterprise. The focus of the study is a consortium of 22 organizations that operate under the umbrella of Harmony, the fictional name of a WISE founded in Veneto, Italy. Case study analysis revealed three essential key prosocial capabilities supporting social innovation, namely the capability to engage and include stakeholders, the capability to learn from stakeholders and the capability to grow by diversification. We recommend that WISEs should establish a set of prosocial routines which enable solutions to complex neglected issues, such as the integration of the various categories of people facing specific challenges and which explicitly work towards the creation of social va...

Cooperatives are characterised by mutual-benefit coordination mechanisms aimed at the fulfilment ... more Cooperatives are characterised by mutual-benefit coordination mechanisms aimed at the fulfilment of members’ participation rights. This paper explores the institutional elements that regulate individual behaviour and outcomes in cooperatives by bringing together new-institutionalism, behavioural and evolutionary economics. Our framework considers four main dimensions of the governance of cooperative firms: (1) the development and application of self-defined rules by the members of the cooperative; (2) the management, and appropriation of common resources and outcomes; (3) intrinsic motivations and reciprocating behaviours; (4) the implementation of suitable incentive mixes based on inclusion and reciprocity, including both pecuniary and non-pecuniary elements. An example is offered in order to highlight possible problems in the governance of cooperative firms, in particular the processes of distribution and appropriation of surplus. The example aims at introducing the discussion of ...