RSBO Revista Sul-Brasileira de Odontologia, Jun 1, 2012
Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faeca... more Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm on human dentin matrix in vitro
Aim To evaluate the effect of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 2.25% peracetic acid (P... more Aim To evaluate the effect of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 2.25% peracetic acid (PA) or 10% citric acid (CA) on the push-out bond strength of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers [MTA Fillapex (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil) and Total Fill BC Sealer (FKG, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland)] to root dentine after different periods of immersion in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstaz, Germany) was used as a reference material for comparison. Methodology Thirty human maxillary incisors were selected and three 1-mm discs were obtained from the middle third of each root. On the axial surface of each disc, three 0.8-mm-diameter holes were drilled through the dentine. After standardized irrigation, each dentine disc from the same root was treated for smear-layer removal with one of the three tested chelating solutions: EDTA, PA or CA. After that, the holes were dried with paper points and filled with one of the three test root canal sealers. The filled dental slices were further immersed in PBS solution (pH 7.2) for 7 days (T1) or 30 days (T2) at 37°C, before the push-out assay. Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used respectively to estimate the impact of the independent variables (solutions, sealers and period of PBS immersion) on the push-out bond strength. The level for significance was set at a = 5% and data were further subjected to a Bonferroni correction. Results Solutions and periods of immersion did not significantly influence the displacement resistance (P = 0.285, and P = 0.104, respectively) of sealers to root dentine. On the other hand, the type of sealer significantly affected the push-out bond strength (P = 0.000). AH Plus was associated with greater resistance to dislodgment compared with Total Fill BC Sealer and MTA Fillapex (P = 0.000). MTA Fillapex resulted in the lowest push-out bond strength (P = 0.000). Conclusion The use of different chelating agents did not influence the push-out bond strength of endodontic sealers. Calcium silicate-based sealers had lower push-out bond strength values compared with a conventional epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus).
Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faeca... more Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm on human dentin matrix in vitro
The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial capacity of sodium hypochlorite (1% and 5... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial capacity of sodium hypochlorite (1% and 5%) and chlorhexidine (0.12%, 0.5% and 1%) with or without the addition of organic material (bovine serum albumin, BSA) against some bacterial samples (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum) using two activity tests (contact and diffusion agar tests). In the contact test (first model), bacterial samples were kept in contact with each irrigating solution for different time intervals: immediately (t(0)), 5 min (t(5)), 15 min (t(15)) and 30 min (t(30)). The agar diffusion test was the second model used. In half the specimens, 0.5% BSA was added to simulate organic tissue present in the root canal. Bacterial growth was evaluated for each microorganism and activity test. Each test was repeated 10 times. In the contact test, 0.12% chlorhexidine solution (CHX) did not eliminate E. faecalis at any tested time. CHX at 0.5% eliminated all strains except E. faecalis after immediate contact. All strains were eliminated by 1% CHX, 1% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl. BSA did not interfere with the antimicrobial activity of the irrigating solutions. In the agar diffusion test, all solutions exhibited zones of antimicrobial activity; however, BSA interfered with the antimicrobial activity of NaOCl and CHX. Under the condition of the contact test, the 0.12% CHX was ineffective in eliminating E. faecalis, while 0.5% CHX, 1% CHX, 1% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl showed antibacterial effectiveness against all the tested bacterial strains. The addition of an organic load interfered with the accuracy of the agar diffusion test.
This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy and discolouration potential of antibioti... more This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy and discolouration potential of antibiotic pastes containing macrogol. Seventy single‐rooted teeth were contaminated with a culture of Enterococcus faecalis for 30 days. Double (DAP) and triple antibiotic pastes (TAP) containing propylene glycol or macrogol as vehicles were applied. After 15 days, bacterial viability was compared. Change in teeth coronal colour was measured by a spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis was performed using anova and Tukey's test (P < 0.05). TAP containing clindamycin and propylene glycol was the only medicament that led to the presence of contamination, while the same combination of antibiotics containing macrogol did not result in bacterial growth (P < 0.05). Only the pastes containing minocycline in formulation resulted in coronal discolouration (P < 0.05). Both DAPs evaluated and the TAP containing clindamycin and macrogol showed to be the preferable options for regenerative endodontic therapy, as they were effective against E. faecalis biofilm and did not promote tooth discolouration.
Introdução e objetivo: A estabilidade dimensional dos cimentosendodônticos contendo óxido de zinc... more Introdução e objetivo: A estabilidade dimensional dos cimentosendodônticos contendo óxido de zinco e eugenol Endofill®, Intrafill®,Cimento de Rickert®, Pulp-Fill® e Target® foi avaliada mediante o uso daespecificação n.º 57 da American Dental Association. Material e métodos:A estabilidade foi avaliada por meio da média aritmética de 5 medições,realizadas com paquímetro, do comprimento dos corpos-de-prova, antese após estes terem sido imersos por 30 dias em recipientes com águadestilada e deionizada a 37°C. Resultados: Os resultados foramanalisados estatisticamente pelos testes de Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallise Mann-Whitney no nível de significância de 5%. Os cimentos Endofill®,Cimento de Rickert® e Pulp-Fill® demonstraram contração de acordocom o preconizado. Conclusão: Apesar de apresentarem resultadoscompatíveis com a necessidade clínica, os cimentos Target® e Intrafill®tiveram expansão maior do que a preconizada pela especificação 57.
Aim: This study investigated the sealing ability produced by AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstaz, G... more Aim: This study investigated the sealing ability produced by AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstaz, Germany), EndoSequence BC sealer (Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA, USA), GuttaFlow (Coltène/Whaledent, Altstätten, France) and MTA Fillapex (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil). Methdos: A total of forty-six single-root human canines were prepared and randomly divided into four experimental groups (n=10): MTA Fillapex, EndoSequence BC Sealer, AH Plus or GuttaFlow. Teeth with intact crowns served as negative controls (n=3) and teeth filled with only gutta-percha served as positive controls (n=3). Teeth were mounted in a two-chamber apparatus and exposed to Enterococcus faecalis. The number of days over a 60-days period was recorded for the appearance of turbidity in the lower chamber. Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the survival curves. The nonparametric log-rank test was used to compare the survival curves using a significance level of 0.05. Results: The results at the end of the observation ...
AimTo evaluate the influence of ultraconservative access cavities (UltraAC) on canal shaping and ... more AimTo evaluate the influence of ultraconservative access cavities (UltraAC) on canal shaping and filling ability and load capacity of mandibular molars after root canal preparation with XP‐endo Shaper (XP) or Reciproc (RC), under simulated clinical conditions. Traditional access cavities (TradAC) were used for comparison.MethodologyForty extracted mandibular molars were scanned by micro–computed tomographic and, based on similar anatomical features, were divided into four groups (n = 10), according to the type of access cavity and canal instrumentation protocol: TradAC/RC, TradAC/XP, UltraAC/RC and UltraAC/XP. All root canal procedures were performed with the teeth placed in a dental mannequin. Teeth were scanned after root canal instrumentation and filling. Unprepared canal area, dentine removed, accumulated hard tissue debris (AHTD), canal transportation, presence of voids and filling material remnants within the pulp chamber were analysed. After restorative procedures, the teeth ...
Objetivo: esse estudo avaliou o efeito de protocolos de irrigação final, associados ao uso de EDT... more Objetivo: esse estudo avaliou o efeito de protocolos de irrigação final, associados ao uso de EDTA e QMix, na remoção de smear layer. Métodos: foram utilizados 40 dentes humanos com canal único. Os canais foram instrumentados com sistema ProTaper Universal SX-F3. As substâncias químicas utilizadas durante o preparo foram hipoclorito de sódio a 5,25% (NaOCl) ou clorexidina a 2% (CHX) gel. Terminado o preparo, os dentes foram divididos em oito grupos, de acordo com os irrigantes: G1) NaOCl 5,25% + EDTA 17% + NaOCl 5,25%; G2) NaOCl 5,25% + EDTA 17% + água destilada (AD); G3) NaOCl 5,25% + QMix + NaOCl 5,25%; G4) NaOCl 5,25% + QMix + AD; G5) CHX 2% gel + EDTA 17% + CHX 2% solução; G6) CHX 2% gel + EDTA 17% + AD; G7) CHX 2% gel + QMix + CHX 2% solução e G8) CHX 2% gel + QMix + AD. As amostras foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura ambiental, antes e após os protocolos de irrigação final. As imagens foram classificadas por escores, em relação à presença de smear layer, e ...
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2018
Reducing the accumulation of microorganisms on an endodontic file during endodontic treatment is ... more Reducing the accumulation of microorganisms on an endodontic file during endodontic treatment is important to limit recontamination of the root canal and increase likelihood of successful treatment outcome. Objective: To compare the antimicrobial activity of peracetic acid (PA), isopropyl alcohol and acetone against a range of bacteria and also for disinfection of contaminated endodontic K-files. Material and Methods: Antimicrobial activities of PA, isopropyl alcohol and acetone were compared against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, vancomycin resistant E. faecalis (VRE) and meticillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), using minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and time-kill assays. Test solutions at different exposure times (15 s and 30 s) were assessed for treatment of endodontic files acting as carriers of E. faecalis-contaminated dental debris. Results: All bacteria were susceptible to PA (MBC range 0.25-1%), acetone (MBC range 50-60%) and isopropyl alcohol (30-40%). Using a time-kill assay of the antimicrobials at the determined MBC, all test microorganisms, with the exception of E. faecalis (VRE) 7766 were killed after 15 s exposure. In the case of E. faecalis 7766, viable cells remained detectable after 120 s exposure to acetone. Testing disinfection of endodontic Kfiles, previously coated with dental debris containing E. faecalis, it was found that PA (2%) completely killed E. faecalis after 15 s exposure. However, even after 30 s exposure, isopropyl alcohol (80%) and acetone (80%) had limited disinfecting activity. Conclusion: Extrapolation of these results to clinical practice would suggest that PA would be the most effective agent for trans-operative disinfection of endodontic K-files during treatment of a single patient.
RESUMO Introdução: Este trabalho apresenta a resposta tecidual de polpas humanas ao capeamento pu... more RESUMO Introdução: Este trabalho apresenta a resposta tecidual de polpas humanas ao capeamento pulpar direto com o Mineral Trioxide Agregate (MTA) comparado ao hidróxido de cálcio. Material e métodos: foram utilizados 20 pré-molares de dez pacientes com extração indicada para tratamento ortodôntico. Todos os dentes apresentavam vitalidade pulpar e neles foram feitos capeamentos pulpares diretos com MTA ou com o hidróxido de cálcio. Os dentes foram extraídos num período de 14 dias ou 45 dias, estabelecendo os seguintes grupos experimentais: Ca(OH) 14 dias; Ca(OH) 45 dias; MTA 14 dias e MTA 45 dias. Estes dentes foram analisados microscopicamente por dois examinadores treinados. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados, utilizando-se o teste Kappa para observar o grau de concordância entre os examinadores. Para avaliação comparativa entre as respostas citotóxicas dos materiais testados foi aplicado o teste não paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de Dunn para comparações individuais e identif...
RSBO Revista Sul-Brasileira de Odontologia, Jun 1, 2012
Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faeca... more Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm on human dentin matrix in vitro
Aim To evaluate the effect of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 2.25% peracetic acid (P... more Aim To evaluate the effect of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 2.25% peracetic acid (PA) or 10% citric acid (CA) on the push-out bond strength of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers [MTA Fillapex (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil) and Total Fill BC Sealer (FKG, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland)] to root dentine after different periods of immersion in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstaz, Germany) was used as a reference material for comparison. Methodology Thirty human maxillary incisors were selected and three 1-mm discs were obtained from the middle third of each root. On the axial surface of each disc, three 0.8-mm-diameter holes were drilled through the dentine. After standardized irrigation, each dentine disc from the same root was treated for smear-layer removal with one of the three tested chelating solutions: EDTA, PA or CA. After that, the holes were dried with paper points and filled with one of the three test root canal sealers. The filled dental slices were further immersed in PBS solution (pH 7.2) for 7 days (T1) or 30 days (T2) at 37°C, before the push-out assay. Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used respectively to estimate the impact of the independent variables (solutions, sealers and period of PBS immersion) on the push-out bond strength. The level for significance was set at a = 5% and data were further subjected to a Bonferroni correction. Results Solutions and periods of immersion did not significantly influence the displacement resistance (P = 0.285, and P = 0.104, respectively) of sealers to root dentine. On the other hand, the type of sealer significantly affected the push-out bond strength (P = 0.000). AH Plus was associated with greater resistance to dislodgment compared with Total Fill BC Sealer and MTA Fillapex (P = 0.000). MTA Fillapex resulted in the lowest push-out bond strength (P = 0.000). Conclusion The use of different chelating agents did not influence the push-out bond strength of endodontic sealers. Calcium silicate-based sealers had lower push-out bond strength values compared with a conventional epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus).
Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faeca... more Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm on human dentin matrix in vitro
The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial capacity of sodium hypochlorite (1% and 5... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial capacity of sodium hypochlorite (1% and 5%) and chlorhexidine (0.12%, 0.5% and 1%) with or without the addition of organic material (bovine serum albumin, BSA) against some bacterial samples (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum) using two activity tests (contact and diffusion agar tests). In the contact test (first model), bacterial samples were kept in contact with each irrigating solution for different time intervals: immediately (t(0)), 5 min (t(5)), 15 min (t(15)) and 30 min (t(30)). The agar diffusion test was the second model used. In half the specimens, 0.5% BSA was added to simulate organic tissue present in the root canal. Bacterial growth was evaluated for each microorganism and activity test. Each test was repeated 10 times. In the contact test, 0.12% chlorhexidine solution (CHX) did not eliminate E. faecalis at any tested time. CHX at 0.5% eliminated all strains except E. faecalis after immediate contact. All strains were eliminated by 1% CHX, 1% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl. BSA did not interfere with the antimicrobial activity of the irrigating solutions. In the agar diffusion test, all solutions exhibited zones of antimicrobial activity; however, BSA interfered with the antimicrobial activity of NaOCl and CHX. Under the condition of the contact test, the 0.12% CHX was ineffective in eliminating E. faecalis, while 0.5% CHX, 1% CHX, 1% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl showed antibacterial effectiveness against all the tested bacterial strains. The addition of an organic load interfered with the accuracy of the agar diffusion test.
This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy and discolouration potential of antibioti... more This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy and discolouration potential of antibiotic pastes containing macrogol. Seventy single‐rooted teeth were contaminated with a culture of Enterococcus faecalis for 30 days. Double (DAP) and triple antibiotic pastes (TAP) containing propylene glycol or macrogol as vehicles were applied. After 15 days, bacterial viability was compared. Change in teeth coronal colour was measured by a spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis was performed using anova and Tukey's test (P < 0.05). TAP containing clindamycin and propylene glycol was the only medicament that led to the presence of contamination, while the same combination of antibiotics containing macrogol did not result in bacterial growth (P < 0.05). Only the pastes containing minocycline in formulation resulted in coronal discolouration (P < 0.05). Both DAPs evaluated and the TAP containing clindamycin and macrogol showed to be the preferable options for regenerative endodontic therapy, as they were effective against E. faecalis biofilm and did not promote tooth discolouration.
Introdução e objetivo: A estabilidade dimensional dos cimentosendodônticos contendo óxido de zinc... more Introdução e objetivo: A estabilidade dimensional dos cimentosendodônticos contendo óxido de zinco e eugenol Endofill®, Intrafill®,Cimento de Rickert®, Pulp-Fill® e Target® foi avaliada mediante o uso daespecificação n.º 57 da American Dental Association. Material e métodos:A estabilidade foi avaliada por meio da média aritmética de 5 medições,realizadas com paquímetro, do comprimento dos corpos-de-prova, antese após estes terem sido imersos por 30 dias em recipientes com águadestilada e deionizada a 37°C. Resultados: Os resultados foramanalisados estatisticamente pelos testes de Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallise Mann-Whitney no nível de significância de 5%. Os cimentos Endofill®,Cimento de Rickert® e Pulp-Fill® demonstraram contração de acordocom o preconizado. Conclusão: Apesar de apresentarem resultadoscompatíveis com a necessidade clínica, os cimentos Target® e Intrafill®tiveram expansão maior do que a preconizada pela especificação 57.
Aim: This study investigated the sealing ability produced by AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstaz, G... more Aim: This study investigated the sealing ability produced by AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstaz, Germany), EndoSequence BC sealer (Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA, USA), GuttaFlow (Coltène/Whaledent, Altstätten, France) and MTA Fillapex (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil). Methdos: A total of forty-six single-root human canines were prepared and randomly divided into four experimental groups (n=10): MTA Fillapex, EndoSequence BC Sealer, AH Plus or GuttaFlow. Teeth with intact crowns served as negative controls (n=3) and teeth filled with only gutta-percha served as positive controls (n=3). Teeth were mounted in a two-chamber apparatus and exposed to Enterococcus faecalis. The number of days over a 60-days period was recorded for the appearance of turbidity in the lower chamber. Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the survival curves. The nonparametric log-rank test was used to compare the survival curves using a significance level of 0.05. Results: The results at the end of the observation ...
AimTo evaluate the influence of ultraconservative access cavities (UltraAC) on canal shaping and ... more AimTo evaluate the influence of ultraconservative access cavities (UltraAC) on canal shaping and filling ability and load capacity of mandibular molars after root canal preparation with XP‐endo Shaper (XP) or Reciproc (RC), under simulated clinical conditions. Traditional access cavities (TradAC) were used for comparison.MethodologyForty extracted mandibular molars were scanned by micro–computed tomographic and, based on similar anatomical features, were divided into four groups (n = 10), according to the type of access cavity and canal instrumentation protocol: TradAC/RC, TradAC/XP, UltraAC/RC and UltraAC/XP. All root canal procedures were performed with the teeth placed in a dental mannequin. Teeth were scanned after root canal instrumentation and filling. Unprepared canal area, dentine removed, accumulated hard tissue debris (AHTD), canal transportation, presence of voids and filling material remnants within the pulp chamber were analysed. After restorative procedures, the teeth ...
Objetivo: esse estudo avaliou o efeito de protocolos de irrigação final, associados ao uso de EDT... more Objetivo: esse estudo avaliou o efeito de protocolos de irrigação final, associados ao uso de EDTA e QMix, na remoção de smear layer. Métodos: foram utilizados 40 dentes humanos com canal único. Os canais foram instrumentados com sistema ProTaper Universal SX-F3. As substâncias químicas utilizadas durante o preparo foram hipoclorito de sódio a 5,25% (NaOCl) ou clorexidina a 2% (CHX) gel. Terminado o preparo, os dentes foram divididos em oito grupos, de acordo com os irrigantes: G1) NaOCl 5,25% + EDTA 17% + NaOCl 5,25%; G2) NaOCl 5,25% + EDTA 17% + água destilada (AD); G3) NaOCl 5,25% + QMix + NaOCl 5,25%; G4) NaOCl 5,25% + QMix + AD; G5) CHX 2% gel + EDTA 17% + CHX 2% solução; G6) CHX 2% gel + EDTA 17% + AD; G7) CHX 2% gel + QMix + CHX 2% solução e G8) CHX 2% gel + QMix + AD. As amostras foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura ambiental, antes e após os protocolos de irrigação final. As imagens foram classificadas por escores, em relação à presença de smear layer, e ...
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2018
Reducing the accumulation of microorganisms on an endodontic file during endodontic treatment is ... more Reducing the accumulation of microorganisms on an endodontic file during endodontic treatment is important to limit recontamination of the root canal and increase likelihood of successful treatment outcome. Objective: To compare the antimicrobial activity of peracetic acid (PA), isopropyl alcohol and acetone against a range of bacteria and also for disinfection of contaminated endodontic K-files. Material and Methods: Antimicrobial activities of PA, isopropyl alcohol and acetone were compared against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, vancomycin resistant E. faecalis (VRE) and meticillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), using minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and time-kill assays. Test solutions at different exposure times (15 s and 30 s) were assessed for treatment of endodontic files acting as carriers of E. faecalis-contaminated dental debris. Results: All bacteria were susceptible to PA (MBC range 0.25-1%), acetone (MBC range 50-60%) and isopropyl alcohol (30-40%). Using a time-kill assay of the antimicrobials at the determined MBC, all test microorganisms, with the exception of E. faecalis (VRE) 7766 were killed after 15 s exposure. In the case of E. faecalis 7766, viable cells remained detectable after 120 s exposure to acetone. Testing disinfection of endodontic Kfiles, previously coated with dental debris containing E. faecalis, it was found that PA (2%) completely killed E. faecalis after 15 s exposure. However, even after 30 s exposure, isopropyl alcohol (80%) and acetone (80%) had limited disinfecting activity. Conclusion: Extrapolation of these results to clinical practice would suggest that PA would be the most effective agent for trans-operative disinfection of endodontic K-files during treatment of a single patient.
RESUMO Introdução: Este trabalho apresenta a resposta tecidual de polpas humanas ao capeamento pu... more RESUMO Introdução: Este trabalho apresenta a resposta tecidual de polpas humanas ao capeamento pulpar direto com o Mineral Trioxide Agregate (MTA) comparado ao hidróxido de cálcio. Material e métodos: foram utilizados 20 pré-molares de dez pacientes com extração indicada para tratamento ortodôntico. Todos os dentes apresentavam vitalidade pulpar e neles foram feitos capeamentos pulpares diretos com MTA ou com o hidróxido de cálcio. Os dentes foram extraídos num período de 14 dias ou 45 dias, estabelecendo os seguintes grupos experimentais: Ca(OH) 14 dias; Ca(OH) 45 dias; MTA 14 dias e MTA 45 dias. Estes dentes foram analisados microscopicamente por dois examinadores treinados. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados, utilizando-se o teste Kappa para observar o grau de concordância entre os examinadores. Para avaliação comparativa entre as respostas citotóxicas dos materiais testados foi aplicado o teste não paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de Dunn para comparações individuais e identif...
Papers by Sandra Fidel