The Ghadames Basin is a highly productive petroleum province with a long exploration history in A... more The Ghadames Basin is a highly productive petroleum province with a long exploration history in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia (from the late 1950’s to present day). Ongoing exploration success in all three countries suggests that it will continue to provide attractive exploration targets in the future. A Regional N-S cross section through the Ghadames basin has been constructed to document and improve understanding of the geologic framework and petroleum systems of the Ghadames basin. It extends from the Mediterranean Sea in the north through the Jifarah Basin, Jabal Nafusah, Ghadames Basin and Alatshan high to northern part of the Murzuq basin in the south, covers approximately 700 kilometers and provides a regional view of the structural and stratigraphic framework of the Ghadames basin. The information shown on the cross section is based on well logs data from thirty five wells, most of which penetrate the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the basin and two of which bottom in crystalline basement rocks. The correlation of stratigraphic intervals between the wells was based on a diversity of wireline logs and lithologic logs. The most commonly used logs were the GR (Gamma-Ray), SP resistivity and sonic logs. This cross section was generated by using LandMark StratWork software. Wells included in the section were chosen on basis of location, presence of all the section, depth of penetration and data availability.
The scope of this project was in the distribution of the key formations and looking for new potential areas especially in the north (Jifarah Basin). In terms of the hydrocarbon potential in the areas around Jabal Nafusah; the Tigi discovery are drawn attention for hydrocarbon exploration where all the petroleum system elements are presented; Reservoir rock: Tahara, Acacus, Mamuniyat, Ouled Chebbi and Ras Hamia formations. While source rock: Tanezzuft formation. Trap: Structural- unconformity trap. Seal: Mrar, Bir Al Jaja formation, Abu Shaybah as well as intraformational seals. Also there are another hydrocarbon potential in the basin Tahara and Mrar formations with possibility of stratigraphic traps.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي تسليط الضوء على الدور الذي يلعبه مشروع النهر الصناعي لتخفيف وحل مشكلة العجز ... more هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي تسليط الضوء على الدور الذي يلعبه مشروع النهر الصناعي لتخفيف وحل مشكلة العجز المائي الذي تعاني منه ليبياوذلك من خلال استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليليحيث أوضحت الدراسات السابقة أن ليبيا تعتبر من ضمن أفقر دول العالم فيمايتعلقبالمياه المتجددة. مما جعل ليبيا تعتمد وبشكل كبير على المياه الجوفية لسد الاحتياجات المائية المتزايدة من خلال نقل المياه من جنوب البلاد حيث المخزون الكبير من المياه الجوفية الى شمال البلاد حيث الكثافة السكانية. أوضحت الدراسة أن مشروع النهر الصناعي هو الحل الأمثل لمشكل العجز المائي وتحقيق الاستدامة المائية من حيث توفير المياه الصالحة للشرب والزراعة وخاصة لمدن الشمال حيث يتركز السكان.وقد ساهم المشروع الي حد كبير من التخفيف من وطأة هذه المشكلة حيث بات المصدر الرئيسي للإمداد المائي لأكثر من 70% من المدن الليبية واغلب المياه المنتجة تستخدم للأغراض الزراعية. ولكن لعدم استكمال بعض المراحل والاعتداءات المستمرة وعدم توفر ميزانية الصيانة فان المشروع لم يصل الا لنصف قدرته. لتحقيق الاستدامة المائية اوصت الدراسة باستكمال المراحل المتوقفة من مشروع النهر وحمايته من الاعتداءات المستمرة. ايضا اوصت الدراسة بضرورة الحفاظ على المياه الجوفية باعتبارها مصدر غير متجددة من الاستنزاف والتلوث، والترشيد في استخدامه وإدارته إدارة سليمة. والبحث على بدائل لتخفيف العبء عليها.
المجلة الدولية للأبحاث العلمية والتنمية المستدامة IJSRSD, 2023
ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك... more ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك المجتمع العلمي الجيولوجي الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه وأن يكون مستعدًا للعمل من أجل هذا الغرض المشترك، وفي بعض الأحيان يمكن ان يتولى الدور الريادي في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. على الرغم من ذلك لايزال دور الجيولوجيين محدود.عليه كان لابد من توضيح دور الجيولوجي في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة. هدفت هذه الدراسة لتوضيح مفهوم وأبعاد التنمية المستدامة (الاقتصادية، الاجتماعية والبيئية) والمتغيرات المؤثرة فيها مع توضيح دور الجيولوجيين في تحقيقها واخيرا: اعطاء بعض المجالات وتطبيقات الجيولوجيا في ليبيا في سعيها لمواكبة الخطة العالمية 2030 لتحقيق الاستدامة. أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.
تأثير المياه الجوفية على الأساسات والبنية التحتية بمدينة أجدابيا، شرق ليبيا, 2022
هدفت هذه الورقة على دراسة تأثير ارتفاع منسوب المياه الجوفية على البنية التحتية والاساسات في مدينة... more هدفت هذه الورقة على دراسة تأثير ارتفاع منسوب المياه الجوفية على البنية التحتية والاساسات في مدينة أجدابيا. حيث ارتفع منسوب المياه في بعض الاحياء بالمدينة وادى الى ظهور المياه في أقبية بعض المنازل والتأثير على أساساتها وهياكلها الخرسانية. تم استخدام طريقة الرصد والمتابعة وتقييم المباني المتضررة من ارتفاع المياه الجوفية واهم المشاكل المصاحبة. وصنفت المشاكل الى: مشاكل أثناء مرحلة البناء نتيجة تسرب المياه الى منطقة البناء والتي تؤدي بدورها الى تأخير البناء وزيادة التكلفة. ومشاكل بعد البناء وتشمل: هبوط الاساسات، تشقق الأرضيات، تسرب المياه وغمر الأقبية، نمو العفن وتقشير الطلاء، تشقق الجدران والهجوم الكيميائي على الجدران والاساسات. لحماية الأسس الخرسانية المسلحة من مهاجمة المياه الجوفية اثناء انشاء المبنى فيجب عزل الاساسات عن المياه الجوفية باستخدام بعض الطرق المختلفة للعزل المائي. وقد تم تصنيف الأبنية المتضررة الى ثلاث مستويات، فالمستويين الاول والثاني يمكن معالجة المباني بإضافة مواد عازلة. اما المستوي الثالث والتي وصل فيها معدل التضرر الي مستويات مرتفعة لا تجدي معها المواد العازلة لحل المشكلة فالحل الامثل في هذه الحالة هو هدم المبنى كليا. أوصت الدراسة بالتأكد من فحص التربة وتصميم الاساسات بعناية تامة قبل تنفيذ البناء والاهتمام بنوع المواد المستخدمة والتأكد من ملائمتها لطبيعة المنطقة، بالإضافة الى وضع معاییر ومواصفات لتحديد معدل الضرر في المباني، واخيرا، ضرورة معالجة موضوع ارتفاع المياه الجوفية وتضمين المعالجة ضمن المشاريع المستقبلية.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Sustainable Development IJSRSD, 2023
ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك... more ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك المجتمع العلمي الجيولوجي الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه وأن يكون مستعدًا للعمل من أجل هذا الغرض المشترك، وفي بعض الأحيان يمكن ان يتولى الدور الريادي في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. على الرغم من ذلك لايزال دور الجيولوجيين محدود.عليه كان لابد من توضيح دور الجيولوجي في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة. هدفت هذه الدراسة لتوضيح مفهوم وأبعاد التنمية المستدامة (الاقتصادية، الاجتماعية والبيئية) والمتغيرات المؤثرة فيها مع توضيح دور الجيولوجيين في تحقيقها واخيرا: اعطاء بعض المجالات وتطبيقات الجيولوجيا في ليبيا في سعيها لمواكبة الخطة العالمية 2030 لتحقيق الاستدامة. أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.
The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern esca... more The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern escarpment of the Hun Graben of NW Libya have been stratigraphically investigated from two stratigraphical sections in wadi Tar al Kabir. The field investigations led to the recognition of three members, from the oldest to the youngest, the Lower Tar Member, the Upper Tar Member and the Had Member. Eight sedimentary facies were distinguished at outcrop-scale and several microfacies were recognized and the outcome indicates that the depositions of the Zimam Formation are corresponding to two transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycles. The first cycle is attributed to the Lower Tar Member in which small planktonic foraminifera is quite common in the Campanian whereas the larger benthic foraminifera, namely, Omphalocyclus macroporus and Siderolites calcitrapoides are abundant in the Maastrichtian. The last occurrence of the latter two taxa, however, was used to delineate the contact between the Maastrichtian and Danian stages in the studied sequence. Up-sequence the sediments of the Upper Tar Member along with the overlying Had Member correspond to the second transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycle. Herein, the Upper Tar Member is enriched by small benthic foraminifera; Neoeponides duwi and Cibicides cf. libycus, and has been ascribed to the Danian (Lower Palaeocene). The reaming sediments of Zimam Formation, however, are belonging to the overlying Had Member and is tentatively ascribed to the Selandian (Upper Palaeocene) based on the last occurrence of the Danian fauna and the total range of the codiacean algae Ovulites morelleti.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology, 2021
The As Sahabi area is considered as one of the famous vertebrate African localities situated in t... more The As Sahabi area is considered as one of the famous vertebrate African localities situated in the northern Libya. Its scientific value is gained by the diverse and high abundance of vertebrate fossil remains, which unveil the understanding of their evolutionary lineages, migration paths and paleoenvironments. This study included a field visit to the area, collecting samples, then preparing the collected excavations and classifying them according to Linnaeus method. The As Sahabi area contains enormous biological diversity in terms of type, size and species. Where, All biome kingdoms are presented in the study area. The collected fossil specimens differ in types from vertebrates, which are bones, teeth, and vertebrae to invertebrates, and they include molluscs, Sponges and Echinoderms. In addition to fossilized trees and fossils traces. By comparing the current living environments of the collected fossils, be able to notice that the paleoenvironmentsin the As Sahabi area vary from marine environment which represented by fish, molluscs and sea urchins to river and continental environments represented by the remains of amphibian and mammals bones such as turtles, crocodiles, Lizard and Hippopotamus to continental environments represented by fossil trees and deer-like remains. This study recommended that; confirmation that the As Sahabi area be a natural reserve to preserve the fossils it reveals and comprehensive field study for the region that includes all scientific specialties in addition to the archaeology department.
The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern esca... more The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern escarpment of the Hun Graben of NW Libya have been stratigraphically investigated from two stratigraphical sections in wadi Tar al Kabir. The field investigations led to the recognition of three members, from the oldest to the youngest, the Lower Tar Member, the Upper Tar Member and the Had Member. Eight sedimentary facies were distinguished at outcrop-scale and several microfacies were recognized and the outcome indicates that the depositions of the Zimam Formation are corresponding to two transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycles. The first cycle is attributed to the Lower Tar Member in which small planktonic foraminifera is quite common in the Campanian whereas the larger benthic foraminifera, namely, Omphalocyclus macroporus and Siderolites calcitrapoides are abundant in the Maastrichtian. The last occurrence of the latter two taxa, however, was used to delineate the contact between the Maastrichtian and Danian stages in the studied sequence. Up-sequence the sediments of the Upper Tar Member along with the overlying Had Member correspond to the second transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycle. Herein, the Upper Tar Member is enriched by small benthic foraminifera; Neoeponides duwi and Cibicides cf. libycus, and has been ascribed to the Danian (Lower Palaeocene). The reaming sediments of Zimam Formation, however, are belonging to the overlying Had Member and is tentatively ascribed to the Selandian (Upper Palaeocene) based on the last occurrence of the Danian fauna and the total range of the codiacean algae Ovulites morelleti.
Since 1950’s Ghadames Basin is considered as a highly productive petroleum province with a long e... more Since 1950’s Ghadames Basin is considered as a highly productive petroleum province with a long exploration history in Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia. The ongoing exploration efforts and success of this basin in these countries is a proof of its potential to provide attractive exploration targets in future. Most discoveries in the basin so far have been made in the Acacus Formation as primary target and Wan Kasa and Momenyiat formations as secondary target. As well as small discoveries have been made in the Tahara and Mrar, Ras Hamia and Tanezufft formations. The scope of this project was to study the distribution of Tahara and Mrar formations to look for new potential areas. To provide a better understanding of the structural and stratigraphic framework and regional hydrocarbon prospectivity, A regional N-S cross-section (700 km) through the Ghadames Basin was constructed by using LandMark StratWork software. The information shown on it is based on well logging data from 36 wells. These wells penetrated the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the crystalline basement. The correlation of the stratigraphic units between the wells was done using a variety of wireline logs (e.g. gamma-ray, spontaneous potential, resistivity and sonic). The sandstone units in the Tahara and Mrar formation could provide a good opportunity to explore for stratigraphic traps. These intervals are recommended for study in more details in the future using all the available information.
Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene carbonate rocks along the escarpment of Jabal Waddan of NW Libya are... more Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene carbonate rocks along the escarpment of Jabal Waddan of NW Libya are displaying two major sedimentary cycles based on stratigraphic and foraminiferal attributes. The first one is representing by a regressive-transgressive sequence and is attributed to the Shurfah Formation. It indicates that during the Thanetian (Upper Paleocene) the deposition of the lower part (the Bú Rá's Member) was in shallow water depths of the subtidal environment under low energy conditions and is represented primarily by Dasycladacean and Codiacean green algae. Their association up-levels with small shallow benthic foraminifera such as mil-iolids and nonionids, however, may indicate a broad nearshore environment of deposition. The decline of the green algae and the prevalence of small-sized (<1 cm) and thick operculinids witnesses in the middle and upper parts (i.e. the Qaltah and Ammúr members) are character-istic of an open-shelf setting down to a water depth of a few dozen meters and typify warm-water habitats. Evidence of further deepening is indicated up-section by the existence of com-mon shallow shark-teeth in a water depth limited to the photic zone (<120 m). The second sedimentary cycle is showing a transgressive-regressive sequence and is ascribed to the Bishimah Formation. It shows that during the Ypresian (Lower Eocene) the deposition of the lower, middle and upper parts (i.e. Khayir, Wadi Zakim and Rawaghah members) of the Bishimah Formation was in the shallow marine neritic environment. The association of alveo-linids with common textulariids in the lower and middle members points to a shallow inner shelf with water depth up to 60 m whereas their association with miliolids, nonionids and elphidiids seen at the upper levels indicate innermost shelf or restricted platform conditions. Evidence of further shallowing, however, is indicated up-section (the Rawaghah Member) by the presence of cross-bedded dolomitic limestone and chert nodules which delineate an ad-vanced episode of the second sedimentary cycle. The closing part for the second cycle, how-ever, is attributed to the overlying Al Jir Formation, elsewhere from the study area, in which a thick sequence of evaporates and chalky dolomites is reported to include a rich Spirolina-mil-iolid assemblage with globular alveolinids similar to those recovered from the studied depos-its. Consequently, we recommend considering the Al Jir Formation as the upper member of the Bishimah Formation as originally described in the local literature. The boundary between the Ammúr Member of Shurfah Formation and the overlying khayir Member of the Bishimah Formation, however, is erosional everywhere in the study area and sets the contact between the first and second sedimentary cycles. It has been considered here to represent the Upper Paleocene/Lower Eocene boundary. Based on planktonic foraminiferal evidence, described from the subsurface of the Sirt Basin, the lower part of the khayir Member has been considered in the current study to represent a Ypresian (Lower Eocene) rather than Thanetian (Upper Paleocene) in age as previously thought.
Current understanding of sapropel formation in the Mediterranean suggests a combination of anoxia... more Current understanding of sapropel formation in the Mediterranean suggests a combination of anoxia and enhanced primary productivity. Enhanced anoxia should have resulted from freshwater input most likely triggered by the northward expansion of the African monsoon during the last interglacial when sapropels S5, S4 and S3 formed at ~125 ka, ~105 ka and ~83 ka respectively in various East Mediterranean sub-basins. We investigated coastal sediment successions in the Gulf of Sirt to test the hypothesis of a, besides the Nile, second source of freshwater. The coastal sediment succession in the Gulf is characterised by oolitic grainstones representing coastal backshore and foreshore depositional environments in onlap and in offlap position, respectively. The spatial distribution of these deposits indicates the maximum transgression shoreline situated today around 20 km inland marked by a broad dune belt parallel to the modern coastline. The oolitic sediments represent a period of elevated sea-surface temperature and lack of fluvial discharge lasting around 120 – 60 ka according to our optical dating results in conjunction with global sea-level data.
The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four str... more The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four stratigraphical sections around the Marádah Oasis in the Central Sirt Basin of Libya. The field investigations led to the identification of two members, the lower Qarat Jahannam Member and the upper Ar Ráhlah Member. Fourteen sedimentary facies at the outcrop-scale representing a gradual development of sedimentation from a continental clastic witness in the southwestern outcrops to transitional estuarine, lagoonal, and beaches to the proximal offshore in the northern outcrops, were recognized. The results indicates that the accumulation of the Marádah Formation is transgressive in nature and corresponding to two phases of deposition which have been mentioned in the earlier studies. The first phase is continental-dominated facies in which cross-bedded sandstones and calcareous sands comprise most of the depositional sequence of the lower Qarat Jahannam Member at the southwestern outcrops. Th...
SSRG international journal of civil engineering, Jan 25, 2022
Leak detection in transmission pipelines is crucially important for safe operation. Delay in dete... more Leak detection in transmission pipelines is crucially important for safe operation. Delay in detecting leaks leads to loss of property, roads and infrastructures. This research work is aimed to detect the leaks and evaluate their causes and effects. The results show that the leakages caused by; networks are small size pipes with high pressure, corrosion, damaged pipe joints, the rising water level in the city and tree roots. The ground subsidence and sinkholes spread in several streets in the city are the most common way to identify the leaks in the water and sewer networks. Pipeline leakage has both economic and environmental effects where the leaks cause many problems such as; health hazards a result of mixed groundwater with leaked wastewater. Loss of drinking water, soil erosion and ground subsidence. Also, leakages involve a significant economic loss reached 2 million Libyan dinars in the last 10 years. Most water and wastewater pipes are buried underground, making them difficult to find the location of leaks. So, using smart technologies such as; ground-penetrating radar, Acoustic systems, Sensor hoses, Fiber Optic Cable.. etc., are important to detect the leakages in the early stage.
The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues th... more The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues that the city suffered for years, where it is attributed to a lot of undesirable environmental and physical effects. Deterioration of infrastructure facilities led to health and economic consequences in different areas. The study aims to identify the causes of effects and feasible strategies to mitigate them. There are many causes that led to rising the groundwater level such as the leakage of domestic water pipeline and sewage network. It noted an absence of a rainwater drainage network and the adoption of only surface water for daily life usages. Furthermore, never ever the groundwater has been not exploited, which led to upward seepage more and more. Ten groundwater samples have been collected to conduct specific criteria which proved the mixing between the groundwater and sewage. Many projects can be adapted to maintain the groundwater upward seepage and manage the water supplies in th...
The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four str... more The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four stratigraphical sections around the Marádah Oasis in the Central Sirt Basin of Libya. The field investigations led to the identification of two members, the lower Qarat Jahannam Member and the upper Ar Ráhlah Member. Fourteen sedimentary facies at the outcrop-scale representing a gradual development of sedimentation from a continental clastic witness in the southwestern outcrops to transitional estuarine, lagoonal, and beaches to the proximal offshore in the northern outcrops, were recognized. The results indicates that the accumulation of the Marádah Formation is transgressive in nature and corresponding to two phases of deposition which have been mentioned in the earlier studies. The first phase is continental-dominated facies in which cross-bedded sandstones and calcareous sands comprise most of the depositional sequence of the lower Qarat Jahannam Member at the southwestern outcrops. Th...
The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues th... more The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues that the city suffered for years, where it is attributed to a lot of undesirable environmental and physical effects. Deterioration of infrastructure facilities led to health and economic consequences in different areas. The study aims to identify the causes effects and feasible strategies to mitigate them. There are Many causes led to rising the groundwater level such as the leakage of domestic water pipeline and sewage network. It noted an absence of a rainwater drainage network and the adoption of only surface water for daily life usages. Furthermore, never ever the groundwater has been not exploited, which led to upward seepage more and more. Ten groundwater samples have been collected to conduct specific criteria which proved the mixing between the groundwater and sewage. Many projects can be adapted to maintain the groundwater upward seepage and manage the water supplies in the area u...
International Journal of Environment & Water, 2021
ising water table has become a serious point of concern. The study is aimed to diagnose causes of... more ising water table has become a serious point of concern. The study is aimed to diagnose causes of rising water table and their effects as well as the possible solutions. The study included; field visits and taking readings of the groundwater level from 22 wells in the city, in addition to environmental effects. The present study identified several reasons that contributed to the rise water level, the most important of which are the excessive consumption of household and irrigation water from the man-made river water with non use groundwater, leakage from wastewater sewers, septic tanks, and water supply system. Rising of the groundwater level within the city has extraordinary impacts on Building, Roads and Infrastructures which included flooding of the building, basements and infrastructures, damps, road damage, and forming ponds in low lying areas. The environmental impacts appears as a result of contamination with the sewage water.The physco-chemical analysis indicated effected of the groundwater with diverse contimaintion sources such as weathering, leaching of rocks and soils, intrusion of saltwater, domestic and industrial waste discharges.
The Ghadames Basin is a highly productive petroleum province with a long exploration history in A... more The Ghadames Basin is a highly productive petroleum province with a long exploration history in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia (from the late 1950’s to present day). Ongoing exploration success in all three countries suggests that it will continue to provide attractive exploration targets in the future. A Regional N-S cross section through the Ghadames basin has been constructed to document and improve understanding of the geologic framework and petroleum systems of the Ghadames basin. It extends from the Mediterranean Sea in the north through the Jifarah Basin, Jabal Nafusah, Ghadames Basin and Alatshan high to northern part of the Murzuq basin in the south, covers approximately 700 kilometers and provides a regional view of the structural and stratigraphic framework of the Ghadames basin. The information shown on the cross section is based on well logs data from thirty five wells, most of which penetrate the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the basin and two of which bottom in crystalline basement rocks. The correlation of stratigraphic intervals between the wells was based on a diversity of wireline logs and lithologic logs. The most commonly used logs were the GR (Gamma-Ray), SP resistivity and sonic logs. This cross section was generated by using LandMark StratWork software. Wells included in the section were chosen on basis of location, presence of all the section, depth of penetration and data availability.
The scope of this project was in the distribution of the key formations and looking for new potential areas especially in the north (Jifarah Basin). In terms of the hydrocarbon potential in the areas around Jabal Nafusah; the Tigi discovery are drawn attention for hydrocarbon exploration where all the petroleum system elements are presented; Reservoir rock: Tahara, Acacus, Mamuniyat, Ouled Chebbi and Ras Hamia formations. While source rock: Tanezzuft formation. Trap: Structural- unconformity trap. Seal: Mrar, Bir Al Jaja formation, Abu Shaybah as well as intraformational seals. Also there are another hydrocarbon potential in the basin Tahara and Mrar formations with possibility of stratigraphic traps.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي تسليط الضوء على الدور الذي يلعبه مشروع النهر الصناعي لتخفيف وحل مشكلة العجز ... more هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي تسليط الضوء على الدور الذي يلعبه مشروع النهر الصناعي لتخفيف وحل مشكلة العجز المائي الذي تعاني منه ليبياوذلك من خلال استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليليحيث أوضحت الدراسات السابقة أن ليبيا تعتبر من ضمن أفقر دول العالم فيمايتعلقبالمياه المتجددة. مما جعل ليبيا تعتمد وبشكل كبير على المياه الجوفية لسد الاحتياجات المائية المتزايدة من خلال نقل المياه من جنوب البلاد حيث المخزون الكبير من المياه الجوفية الى شمال البلاد حيث الكثافة السكانية. أوضحت الدراسة أن مشروع النهر الصناعي هو الحل الأمثل لمشكل العجز المائي وتحقيق الاستدامة المائية من حيث توفير المياه الصالحة للشرب والزراعة وخاصة لمدن الشمال حيث يتركز السكان.وقد ساهم المشروع الي حد كبير من التخفيف من وطأة هذه المشكلة حيث بات المصدر الرئيسي للإمداد المائي لأكثر من 70% من المدن الليبية واغلب المياه المنتجة تستخدم للأغراض الزراعية. ولكن لعدم استكمال بعض المراحل والاعتداءات المستمرة وعدم توفر ميزانية الصيانة فان المشروع لم يصل الا لنصف قدرته. لتحقيق الاستدامة المائية اوصت الدراسة باستكمال المراحل المتوقفة من مشروع النهر وحمايته من الاعتداءات المستمرة. ايضا اوصت الدراسة بضرورة الحفاظ على المياه الجوفية باعتبارها مصدر غير متجددة من الاستنزاف والتلوث، والترشيد في استخدامه وإدارته إدارة سليمة. والبحث على بدائل لتخفيف العبء عليها.
المجلة الدولية للأبحاث العلمية والتنمية المستدامة IJSRSD, 2023
ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك... more ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك المجتمع العلمي الجيولوجي الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه وأن يكون مستعدًا للعمل من أجل هذا الغرض المشترك، وفي بعض الأحيان يمكن ان يتولى الدور الريادي في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. على الرغم من ذلك لايزال دور الجيولوجيين محدود.عليه كان لابد من توضيح دور الجيولوجي في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة. هدفت هذه الدراسة لتوضيح مفهوم وأبعاد التنمية المستدامة (الاقتصادية، الاجتماعية والبيئية) والمتغيرات المؤثرة فيها مع توضيح دور الجيولوجيين في تحقيقها واخيرا: اعطاء بعض المجالات وتطبيقات الجيولوجيا في ليبيا في سعيها لمواكبة الخطة العالمية 2030 لتحقيق الاستدامة. أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.
تأثير المياه الجوفية على الأساسات والبنية التحتية بمدينة أجدابيا، شرق ليبيا, 2022
هدفت هذه الورقة على دراسة تأثير ارتفاع منسوب المياه الجوفية على البنية التحتية والاساسات في مدينة... more هدفت هذه الورقة على دراسة تأثير ارتفاع منسوب المياه الجوفية على البنية التحتية والاساسات في مدينة أجدابيا. حيث ارتفع منسوب المياه في بعض الاحياء بالمدينة وادى الى ظهور المياه في أقبية بعض المنازل والتأثير على أساساتها وهياكلها الخرسانية. تم استخدام طريقة الرصد والمتابعة وتقييم المباني المتضررة من ارتفاع المياه الجوفية واهم المشاكل المصاحبة. وصنفت المشاكل الى: مشاكل أثناء مرحلة البناء نتيجة تسرب المياه الى منطقة البناء والتي تؤدي بدورها الى تأخير البناء وزيادة التكلفة. ومشاكل بعد البناء وتشمل: هبوط الاساسات، تشقق الأرضيات، تسرب المياه وغمر الأقبية، نمو العفن وتقشير الطلاء، تشقق الجدران والهجوم الكيميائي على الجدران والاساسات. لحماية الأسس الخرسانية المسلحة من مهاجمة المياه الجوفية اثناء انشاء المبنى فيجب عزل الاساسات عن المياه الجوفية باستخدام بعض الطرق المختلفة للعزل المائي. وقد تم تصنيف الأبنية المتضررة الى ثلاث مستويات، فالمستويين الاول والثاني يمكن معالجة المباني بإضافة مواد عازلة. اما المستوي الثالث والتي وصل فيها معدل التضرر الي مستويات مرتفعة لا تجدي معها المواد العازلة لحل المشكلة فالحل الامثل في هذه الحالة هو هدم المبنى كليا. أوصت الدراسة بالتأكد من فحص التربة وتصميم الاساسات بعناية تامة قبل تنفيذ البناء والاهتمام بنوع المواد المستخدمة والتأكد من ملائمتها لطبيعة المنطقة، بالإضافة الى وضع معاییر ومواصفات لتحديد معدل الضرر في المباني، واخيرا، ضرورة معالجة موضوع ارتفاع المياه الجوفية وتضمين المعالجة ضمن المشاريع المستقبلية.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Sustainable Development IJSRSD, 2023
ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك... more ترتبط العديد من أهداف التنمية المستدامة، إن لم يكن كلها، بعلوم الأرض، وبالتالي من الضروري أن يدرك المجتمع العلمي الجيولوجي الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه وأن يكون مستعدًا للعمل من أجل هذا الغرض المشترك، وفي بعض الأحيان يمكن ان يتولى الدور الريادي في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. على الرغم من ذلك لايزال دور الجيولوجيين محدود.عليه كان لابد من توضيح دور الجيولوجي في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة. هدفت هذه الدراسة لتوضيح مفهوم وأبعاد التنمية المستدامة (الاقتصادية، الاجتماعية والبيئية) والمتغيرات المؤثرة فيها مع توضيح دور الجيولوجيين في تحقيقها واخيرا: اعطاء بعض المجالات وتطبيقات الجيولوجيا في ليبيا في سعيها لمواكبة الخطة العالمية 2030 لتحقيق الاستدامة. أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.
The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern esca... more The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern escarpment of the Hun Graben of NW Libya have been stratigraphically investigated from two stratigraphical sections in wadi Tar al Kabir. The field investigations led to the recognition of three members, from the oldest to the youngest, the Lower Tar Member, the Upper Tar Member and the Had Member. Eight sedimentary facies were distinguished at outcrop-scale and several microfacies were recognized and the outcome indicates that the depositions of the Zimam Formation are corresponding to two transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycles. The first cycle is attributed to the Lower Tar Member in which small planktonic foraminifera is quite common in the Campanian whereas the larger benthic foraminifera, namely, Omphalocyclus macroporus and Siderolites calcitrapoides are abundant in the Maastrichtian. The last occurrence of the latter two taxa, however, was used to delineate the contact between the Maastrichtian and Danian stages in the studied sequence. Up-sequence the sediments of the Upper Tar Member along with the overlying Had Member correspond to the second transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycle. Herein, the Upper Tar Member is enriched by small benthic foraminifera; Neoeponides duwi and Cibicides cf. libycus, and has been ascribed to the Danian (Lower Palaeocene). The reaming sediments of Zimam Formation, however, are belonging to the overlying Had Member and is tentatively ascribed to the Selandian (Upper Palaeocene) based on the last occurrence of the Danian fauna and the total range of the codiacean algae Ovulites morelleti.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology, 2021
The As Sahabi area is considered as one of the famous vertebrate African localities situated in t... more The As Sahabi area is considered as one of the famous vertebrate African localities situated in the northern Libya. Its scientific value is gained by the diverse and high abundance of vertebrate fossil remains, which unveil the understanding of their evolutionary lineages, migration paths and paleoenvironments. This study included a field visit to the area, collecting samples, then preparing the collected excavations and classifying them according to Linnaeus method. The As Sahabi area contains enormous biological diversity in terms of type, size and species. Where, All biome kingdoms are presented in the study area. The collected fossil specimens differ in types from vertebrates, which are bones, teeth, and vertebrae to invertebrates, and they include molluscs, Sponges and Echinoderms. In addition to fossilized trees and fossils traces. By comparing the current living environments of the collected fossils, be able to notice that the paleoenvironmentsin the As Sahabi area vary from marine environment which represented by fish, molluscs and sea urchins to river and continental environments represented by the remains of amphibian and mammals bones such as turtles, crocodiles, Lizard and Hippopotamus to continental environments represented by fossil trees and deer-like remains. This study recommended that; confirmation that the As Sahabi area be a natural reserve to preserve the fossils it reveals and comprehensive field study for the region that includes all scientific specialties in addition to the archaeology department.
The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern esca... more The Upper Cretaceous to Upper Palaeocene rocks of the Zimam Formation along the southwestern escarpment of the Hun Graben of NW Libya have been stratigraphically investigated from two stratigraphical sections in wadi Tar al Kabir. The field investigations led to the recognition of three members, from the oldest to the youngest, the Lower Tar Member, the Upper Tar Member and the Had Member. Eight sedimentary facies were distinguished at outcrop-scale and several microfacies were recognized and the outcome indicates that the depositions of the Zimam Formation are corresponding to two transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycles. The first cycle is attributed to the Lower Tar Member in which small planktonic foraminifera is quite common in the Campanian whereas the larger benthic foraminifera, namely, Omphalocyclus macroporus and Siderolites calcitrapoides are abundant in the Maastrichtian. The last occurrence of the latter two taxa, however, was used to delineate the contact between the Maastrichtian and Danian stages in the studied sequence. Up-sequence the sediments of the Upper Tar Member along with the overlying Had Member correspond to the second transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycle. Herein, the Upper Tar Member is enriched by small benthic foraminifera; Neoeponides duwi and Cibicides cf. libycus, and has been ascribed to the Danian (Lower Palaeocene). The reaming sediments of Zimam Formation, however, are belonging to the overlying Had Member and is tentatively ascribed to the Selandian (Upper Palaeocene) based on the last occurrence of the Danian fauna and the total range of the codiacean algae Ovulites morelleti.
Since 1950’s Ghadames Basin is considered as a highly productive petroleum province with a long e... more Since 1950’s Ghadames Basin is considered as a highly productive petroleum province with a long exploration history in Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia. The ongoing exploration efforts and success of this basin in these countries is a proof of its potential to provide attractive exploration targets in future. Most discoveries in the basin so far have been made in the Acacus Formation as primary target and Wan Kasa and Momenyiat formations as secondary target. As well as small discoveries have been made in the Tahara and Mrar, Ras Hamia and Tanezufft formations. The scope of this project was to study the distribution of Tahara and Mrar formations to look for new potential areas. To provide a better understanding of the structural and stratigraphic framework and regional hydrocarbon prospectivity, A regional N-S cross-section (700 km) through the Ghadames Basin was constructed by using LandMark StratWork software. The information shown on it is based on well logging data from 36 wells. These wells penetrated the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the crystalline basement. The correlation of the stratigraphic units between the wells was done using a variety of wireline logs (e.g. gamma-ray, spontaneous potential, resistivity and sonic). The sandstone units in the Tahara and Mrar formation could provide a good opportunity to explore for stratigraphic traps. These intervals are recommended for study in more details in the future using all the available information.
Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene carbonate rocks along the escarpment of Jabal Waddan of NW Libya are... more Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene carbonate rocks along the escarpment of Jabal Waddan of NW Libya are displaying two major sedimentary cycles based on stratigraphic and foraminiferal attributes. The first one is representing by a regressive-transgressive sequence and is attributed to the Shurfah Formation. It indicates that during the Thanetian (Upper Paleocene) the deposition of the lower part (the Bú Rá's Member) was in shallow water depths of the subtidal environment under low energy conditions and is represented primarily by Dasycladacean and Codiacean green algae. Their association up-levels with small shallow benthic foraminifera such as mil-iolids and nonionids, however, may indicate a broad nearshore environment of deposition. The decline of the green algae and the prevalence of small-sized (<1 cm) and thick operculinids witnesses in the middle and upper parts (i.e. the Qaltah and Ammúr members) are character-istic of an open-shelf setting down to a water depth of a few dozen meters and typify warm-water habitats. Evidence of further deepening is indicated up-section by the existence of com-mon shallow shark-teeth in a water depth limited to the photic zone (<120 m). The second sedimentary cycle is showing a transgressive-regressive sequence and is ascribed to the Bishimah Formation. It shows that during the Ypresian (Lower Eocene) the deposition of the lower, middle and upper parts (i.e. Khayir, Wadi Zakim and Rawaghah members) of the Bishimah Formation was in the shallow marine neritic environment. The association of alveo-linids with common textulariids in the lower and middle members points to a shallow inner shelf with water depth up to 60 m whereas their association with miliolids, nonionids and elphidiids seen at the upper levels indicate innermost shelf or restricted platform conditions. Evidence of further shallowing, however, is indicated up-section (the Rawaghah Member) by the presence of cross-bedded dolomitic limestone and chert nodules which delineate an ad-vanced episode of the second sedimentary cycle. The closing part for the second cycle, how-ever, is attributed to the overlying Al Jir Formation, elsewhere from the study area, in which a thick sequence of evaporates and chalky dolomites is reported to include a rich Spirolina-mil-iolid assemblage with globular alveolinids similar to those recovered from the studied depos-its. Consequently, we recommend considering the Al Jir Formation as the upper member of the Bishimah Formation as originally described in the local literature. The boundary between the Ammúr Member of Shurfah Formation and the overlying khayir Member of the Bishimah Formation, however, is erosional everywhere in the study area and sets the contact between the first and second sedimentary cycles. It has been considered here to represent the Upper Paleocene/Lower Eocene boundary. Based on planktonic foraminiferal evidence, described from the subsurface of the Sirt Basin, the lower part of the khayir Member has been considered in the current study to represent a Ypresian (Lower Eocene) rather than Thanetian (Upper Paleocene) in age as previously thought.
Current understanding of sapropel formation in the Mediterranean suggests a combination of anoxia... more Current understanding of sapropel formation in the Mediterranean suggests a combination of anoxia and enhanced primary productivity. Enhanced anoxia should have resulted from freshwater input most likely triggered by the northward expansion of the African monsoon during the last interglacial when sapropels S5, S4 and S3 formed at ~125 ka, ~105 ka and ~83 ka respectively in various East Mediterranean sub-basins. We investigated coastal sediment successions in the Gulf of Sirt to test the hypothesis of a, besides the Nile, second source of freshwater. The coastal sediment succession in the Gulf is characterised by oolitic grainstones representing coastal backshore and foreshore depositional environments in onlap and in offlap position, respectively. The spatial distribution of these deposits indicates the maximum transgression shoreline situated today around 20 km inland marked by a broad dune belt parallel to the modern coastline. The oolitic sediments represent a period of elevated sea-surface temperature and lack of fluvial discharge lasting around 120 – 60 ka according to our optical dating results in conjunction with global sea-level data.
The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four str... more The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four stratigraphical sections around the Marádah Oasis in the Central Sirt Basin of Libya. The field investigations led to the identification of two members, the lower Qarat Jahannam Member and the upper Ar Ráhlah Member. Fourteen sedimentary facies at the outcrop-scale representing a gradual development of sedimentation from a continental clastic witness in the southwestern outcrops to transitional estuarine, lagoonal, and beaches to the proximal offshore in the northern outcrops, were recognized. The results indicates that the accumulation of the Marádah Formation is transgressive in nature and corresponding to two phases of deposition which have been mentioned in the earlier studies. The first phase is continental-dominated facies in which cross-bedded sandstones and calcareous sands comprise most of the depositional sequence of the lower Qarat Jahannam Member at the southwestern outcrops. Th...
SSRG international journal of civil engineering, Jan 25, 2022
Leak detection in transmission pipelines is crucially important for safe operation. Delay in dete... more Leak detection in transmission pipelines is crucially important for safe operation. Delay in detecting leaks leads to loss of property, roads and infrastructures. This research work is aimed to detect the leaks and evaluate their causes and effects. The results show that the leakages caused by; networks are small size pipes with high pressure, corrosion, damaged pipe joints, the rising water level in the city and tree roots. The ground subsidence and sinkholes spread in several streets in the city are the most common way to identify the leaks in the water and sewer networks. Pipeline leakage has both economic and environmental effects where the leaks cause many problems such as; health hazards a result of mixed groundwater with leaked wastewater. Loss of drinking water, soil erosion and ground subsidence. Also, leakages involve a significant economic loss reached 2 million Libyan dinars in the last 10 years. Most water and wastewater pipes are buried underground, making them difficult to find the location of leaks. So, using smart technologies such as; ground-penetrating radar, Acoustic systems, Sensor hoses, Fiber Optic Cable.. etc., are important to detect the leakages in the early stage.
The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues th... more The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues that the city suffered for years, where it is attributed to a lot of undesirable environmental and physical effects. Deterioration of infrastructure facilities led to health and economic consequences in different areas. The study aims to identify the causes of effects and feasible strategies to mitigate them. There are many causes that led to rising the groundwater level such as the leakage of domestic water pipeline and sewage network. It noted an absence of a rainwater drainage network and the adoption of only surface water for daily life usages. Furthermore, never ever the groundwater has been not exploited, which led to upward seepage more and more. Ten groundwater samples have been collected to conduct specific criteria which proved the mixing between the groundwater and sewage. Many projects can be adapted to maintain the groundwater upward seepage and manage the water supplies in th...
The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four str... more The Miocene rocks of the Marádah Formation have been stratigraphically investigated from four stratigraphical sections around the Marádah Oasis in the Central Sirt Basin of Libya. The field investigations led to the identification of two members, the lower Qarat Jahannam Member and the upper Ar Ráhlah Member. Fourteen sedimentary facies at the outcrop-scale representing a gradual development of sedimentation from a continental clastic witness in the southwestern outcrops to transitional estuarine, lagoonal, and beaches to the proximal offshore in the northern outcrops, were recognized. The results indicates that the accumulation of the Marádah Formation is transgressive in nature and corresponding to two phases of deposition which have been mentioned in the earlier studies. The first phase is continental-dominated facies in which cross-bedded sandstones and calcareous sands comprise most of the depositional sequence of the lower Qarat Jahannam Member at the southwestern outcrops. Th...
The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues th... more The rising groundwater levels in Ajdabiya city have been considered one of the critical issues that the city suffered for years, where it is attributed to a lot of undesirable environmental and physical effects. Deterioration of infrastructure facilities led to health and economic consequences in different areas. The study aims to identify the causes effects and feasible strategies to mitigate them. There are Many causes led to rising the groundwater level such as the leakage of domestic water pipeline and sewage network. It noted an absence of a rainwater drainage network and the adoption of only surface water for daily life usages. Furthermore, never ever the groundwater has been not exploited, which led to upward seepage more and more. Ten groundwater samples have been collected to conduct specific criteria which proved the mixing between the groundwater and sewage. Many projects can be adapted to maintain the groundwater upward seepage and manage the water supplies in the area u...
International Journal of Environment & Water, 2021
ising water table has become a serious point of concern. The study is aimed to diagnose causes of... more ising water table has become a serious point of concern. The study is aimed to diagnose causes of rising water table and their effects as well as the possible solutions. The study included; field visits and taking readings of the groundwater level from 22 wells in the city, in addition to environmental effects. The present study identified several reasons that contributed to the rise water level, the most important of which are the excessive consumption of household and irrigation water from the man-made river water with non use groundwater, leakage from wastewater sewers, septic tanks, and water supply system. Rising of the groundwater level within the city has extraordinary impacts on Building, Roads and Infrastructures which included flooding of the building, basements and infrastructures, damps, road damage, and forming ponds in low lying areas. The environmental impacts appears as a result of contamination with the sewage water.The physco-chemical analysis indicated effected of the groundwater with diverse contimaintion sources such as weathering, leaching of rocks and soils, intrusion of saltwater, domestic and industrial waste discharges.
Papers by Saleh Emhanna
The information shown on the cross section is based on well logs data from thirty five wells, most of which penetrate the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the basin and two of which bottom in crystalline basement rocks. The correlation of stratigraphic intervals between the wells was based on a diversity of wireline logs and lithologic logs. The most commonly used logs were the GR (Gamma-Ray), SP resistivity and sonic logs. This cross section was generated by using LandMark StratWork software. Wells included in the section were chosen on basis of location, presence of all the section, depth of penetration and data availability.
The scope of this project was in the distribution of the key formations and looking for new potential areas especially in the north (Jifarah Basin). In terms of the hydrocarbon potential in the areas around Jabal Nafusah; the Tigi discovery are drawn attention for hydrocarbon exploration where all the petroleum system elements are presented; Reservoir rock: Tahara, Acacus, Mamuniyat, Ouled Chebbi and Ras Hamia formations. While source rock: Tanezzuft formation. Trap: Structural- unconformity trap. Seal: Mrar, Bir Al Jaja formation, Abu Shaybah as well as intraformational seals. Also there are another hydrocarbon potential in the basin Tahara and Mrar formations with possibility of stratigraphic traps.
أوضحت الدراسة أن مشروع النهر الصناعي هو الحل الأمثل لمشكل العجز المائي وتحقيق الاستدامة المائية من حيث توفير المياه الصالحة للشرب والزراعة وخاصة لمدن الشمال حيث يتركز السكان.وقد ساهم المشروع الي حد كبير من التخفيف من وطأة هذه المشكلة حيث بات المصدر الرئيسي للإمداد المائي لأكثر من 70% من المدن الليبية واغلب المياه المنتجة تستخدم للأغراض الزراعية. ولكن لعدم استكمال بعض المراحل والاعتداءات المستمرة وعدم توفر ميزانية الصيانة فان المشروع لم يصل الا لنصف قدرته. لتحقيق الاستدامة المائية اوصت الدراسة باستكمال المراحل المتوقفة من مشروع النهر وحمايته من الاعتداءات المستمرة. ايضا اوصت الدراسة بضرورة الحفاظ على المياه الجوفية باعتبارها مصدر غير متجددة من الاستنزاف والتلوث، والترشيد في استخدامه وإدارته إدارة سليمة. والبحث على بدائل لتخفيف العبء عليها.
أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.
لحماية الأسس الخرسانية المسلحة من مهاجمة المياه الجوفية اثناء انشاء المبنى فيجب عزل الاساسات عن المياه الجوفية باستخدام بعض الطرق المختلفة للعزل المائي. وقد تم تصنيف الأبنية المتضررة الى ثلاث مستويات، فالمستويين الاول والثاني يمكن معالجة المباني بإضافة مواد عازلة. اما المستوي الثالث والتي وصل فيها معدل التضرر الي مستويات مرتفعة لا تجدي معها المواد العازلة لحل المشكلة فالحل الامثل في هذه الحالة هو هدم المبنى كليا. أوصت الدراسة بالتأكد من فحص التربة وتصميم الاساسات بعناية تامة قبل تنفيذ البناء والاهتمام بنوع المواد المستخدمة والتأكد من ملائمتها لطبيعة المنطقة، بالإضافة الى وضع معاییر ومواصفات لتحديد معدل الضرر في المباني، واخيرا، ضرورة معالجة موضوع ارتفاع المياه الجوفية وتضمين المعالجة ضمن المشاريع المستقبلية.
أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.
The information shown on the cross section is based on well logs data from thirty five wells, most of which penetrate the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the basin and two of which bottom in crystalline basement rocks. The correlation of stratigraphic intervals between the wells was based on a diversity of wireline logs and lithologic logs. The most commonly used logs were the GR (Gamma-Ray), SP resistivity and sonic logs. This cross section was generated by using LandMark StratWork software. Wells included in the section were chosen on basis of location, presence of all the section, depth of penetration and data availability.
The scope of this project was in the distribution of the key formations and looking for new potential areas especially in the north (Jifarah Basin). In terms of the hydrocarbon potential in the areas around Jabal Nafusah; the Tigi discovery are drawn attention for hydrocarbon exploration where all the petroleum system elements are presented; Reservoir rock: Tahara, Acacus, Mamuniyat, Ouled Chebbi and Ras Hamia formations. While source rock: Tanezzuft formation. Trap: Structural- unconformity trap. Seal: Mrar, Bir Al Jaja formation, Abu Shaybah as well as intraformational seals. Also there are another hydrocarbon potential in the basin Tahara and Mrar formations with possibility of stratigraphic traps.
أوضحت الدراسة أن مشروع النهر الصناعي هو الحل الأمثل لمشكل العجز المائي وتحقيق الاستدامة المائية من حيث توفير المياه الصالحة للشرب والزراعة وخاصة لمدن الشمال حيث يتركز السكان.وقد ساهم المشروع الي حد كبير من التخفيف من وطأة هذه المشكلة حيث بات المصدر الرئيسي للإمداد المائي لأكثر من 70% من المدن الليبية واغلب المياه المنتجة تستخدم للأغراض الزراعية. ولكن لعدم استكمال بعض المراحل والاعتداءات المستمرة وعدم توفر ميزانية الصيانة فان المشروع لم يصل الا لنصف قدرته. لتحقيق الاستدامة المائية اوصت الدراسة باستكمال المراحل المتوقفة من مشروع النهر وحمايته من الاعتداءات المستمرة. ايضا اوصت الدراسة بضرورة الحفاظ على المياه الجوفية باعتبارها مصدر غير متجددة من الاستنزاف والتلوث، والترشيد في استخدامه وإدارته إدارة سليمة. والبحث على بدائل لتخفيف العبء عليها.
أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.
لحماية الأسس الخرسانية المسلحة من مهاجمة المياه الجوفية اثناء انشاء المبنى فيجب عزل الاساسات عن المياه الجوفية باستخدام بعض الطرق المختلفة للعزل المائي. وقد تم تصنيف الأبنية المتضررة الى ثلاث مستويات، فالمستويين الاول والثاني يمكن معالجة المباني بإضافة مواد عازلة. اما المستوي الثالث والتي وصل فيها معدل التضرر الي مستويات مرتفعة لا تجدي معها المواد العازلة لحل المشكلة فالحل الامثل في هذه الحالة هو هدم المبنى كليا. أوصت الدراسة بالتأكد من فحص التربة وتصميم الاساسات بعناية تامة قبل تنفيذ البناء والاهتمام بنوع المواد المستخدمة والتأكد من ملائمتها لطبيعة المنطقة، بالإضافة الى وضع معاییر ومواصفات لتحديد معدل الضرر في المباني، واخيرا، ضرورة معالجة موضوع ارتفاع المياه الجوفية وتضمين المعالجة ضمن المشاريع المستقبلية.
أوضحت الدراسة الدور الكبير الذي يقوم به الجيولوجيين في التنمية المستدامة في ليبيا. حيث كان ولازال دورهم بارز في تحقيق عدد من اهداف التنمية المستدامة مثل: التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، الوصول الى المياه النظيفة، حل مشاكل الصرف الصحي، البحث وتطوير الطاقات المتجددة، الجيولوجيا الهندسية، البحث عن المعادن والمواد الخام وتطوير السياحة الجيولوجية. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الجيولوجيين لديهم مشاركة قليلة أو معدومة في التحول المجتمعي المتزايد نحو التنمية المستدامة. لذلك اوصت الدراسة بانه يجب على الجيولوجيين أن يطورو انفسهم وادخال مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في المناهج العامة إذا أرادوا أن يلعبوا دورًا مباشرًا ونشطًا في النقاش حول مستقبل مستدام.