Papers by Stavroula Dadaki

Water History, 2019
Kavala, initially founded as Neapolis in the seventh century BC, and later called Christoupolis, ... more Kavala, initially founded as Neapolis in the seventh century BC, and later called Christoupolis, has flourished as an important urban center and port in Eastern Macedonia, Greece, during many historical periods. In this paper, we study the remnants of its historical aqueduct, which carried water to the city from mountainous springs at a distance of 6500 m from the city walls. Our study includes: (a) archeological evidence regarding its construction period, which shows that it was initially constructed during the late Roman era and was heavily reconstructed by the Ottomans, in the first part of the sixteenth century ad, and (b) new topographical measurements and hydraulic calculations, aiming at drawing conclusions, mainly on its carrying capacity. Taking into account the preserved parts of the aqueduct’s channel only, we have estimated that its carrying capacity was quite large, with regard to the population that it was supposed to serve. Moreover, we have delineated the city area that the aqueduct could not serve directly, due to ground elevation differences.
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2012
Parmi les decouvertes notables du site d’Hagios Vassileios, a l’Ouest de la cite antique de Thaso... more Parmi les decouvertes notables du site d’Hagios Vassileios, a l’Ouest de la cite antique de Thasos, figure la base d’un ambon appartenant a la plus septentrionale des deux basiliques protobyzantines mises au jour. Dans un etat precedent, le bloc etait mis en oeuvre dans un monument funeraire inscrit : cinq noms, trois d’hommes et deux de femmes, etaient graves sur sa face anterieure. Ces noms apparaissent dans d’autres inscriptions thasiennes d’epoque imperiale : tous appartiennent a une famille importante, ou les noms d’Herodes fils de Samos et de Samos fils d’Herodes paraissent avoir alterne d’une generation a l’autre. La confrontation de ces textes permet une reconstitution du stemma de la famille, ainsi que l’etude de son insertion dans les spheres superieures de la societe thasienne.
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 2006
Sgourou Marina, Bonias Zissis, Dadaki Stavroula, Blondé Francine, Muller Arthur, Mulliez Dominiqu... more Sgourou Marina, Bonias Zissis, Dadaki Stavroula, Blondé Francine, Muller Arthur, Mulliez Dominique. Thasos -abords Nord de l'Artémision [Thanar]. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Volume 130, livraison 1, 2006. pp. 485-486
Ecole française de Rome, 2001
To Archaiologiko ergo stī Makedonia kai Thrakī, 2019
ArchéoSciences, 2021
– Resistance and magnetic mapping, ERTs and aerial photography put together. – Fusion was attempt... more – Resistance and magnetic mapping, ERTs and aerial photography put together. – Fusion was attempted through curvelet transform. – The useful information of all methods is given in a combined image at the site of Philippi in Greece.
Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger

Riassunto -Per garantire l'approvigionamento idrico di Filippi fu costruito un sistema di distrib... more Riassunto -Per garantire l'approvigionamento idrico di Filippi fu costruito un sistema di distribuzione che risale all'epoca degli Antonini (II sec. d.C.). Questo sistema ha origine presso le sorgenti Kephalari o Boïranes, circa 8 km a nord-ovest di Filippi. Oggi, il condotto sopravvive in molti luoghi: a nord e a sud della Kephalari, a Lidia e ad ovest e nord-ovest della collina di Filippi, sopra la porta occidentale (il cosiddetto Amhipolis Gate). L'interno del condotto è costruito molto accuratamente . L'acquedotto di Kavala aveva origine in una località detta madre delle acque", ai piedi del monte Lekani, a 11 km dalla città, a 400 metri di altitude. L'acqua era raccolta in una cisterna di purificazione e canlizzata in un condotto tagliato nella roccia. Il percorso seguiva le inclinazioni del terreno adattandovisi. Ponti di pietra sono stati costruiti per attraversare ruscelli, gole e reservoirs. la tipologia degli archi, i materiali e i metodi di costruzione indicano interventi di ripristino di età tardo romana. L'acquedotto ha fornito con acqua Kavala fino all'inizio del XX secolo.
Αρχαιολογικός Χάρτης του Δήμου Σιντικής
Conference Presentations by Stavroula Dadaki
Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, is one of the most well-known women from the Byzanti... more Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, is one of the most well-known women from the Byzantine period. She was proclaimed augusta in 324AD and her image appeared on coins throughout the reign of her son, and even after her death, during the reigns of her grandsons. However no monumental statuary, which can undoubtedly be identified as Helena, survives, yet there are Byzantine texts which give examples of these statues existing in Constantinople.
Thassos: Fieldwork reports by Stavroula Dadaki
Bulletin de Correspondance hellénique 138 (2014), p. 613-661
Rapport sur les campagnes 2012-2013 aux abords Nord de l'Artémision de Thasos. Résultats sur la d... more Rapport sur les campagnes 2012-2013 aux abords Nord de l'Artémision de Thasos. Résultats sur la demeure protobyzantine DOM5 (en particulier : phasage du chantier d'agrandissement du triklinos ; destruction par un seîsme en 620 ; environnement de la demeure) et sur les édifices qui l'ont précédé (BAT25, d'époque archaïque, et BAT24, en usage du IVe s. av. J.-C. jusqu'à son intégration dans l'aile Nord de la demeure protobyzantine DOM5).
Papers on Thassos: precolonial to late antique by Stavroula Dadaki
Αρχαιολογικό Εργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκη 28 , 2014
In the early 570s, the Protobyzantine mansion DOM5 in Thasos underwent various beautification wor... more In the early 570s, the Protobyzantine mansion DOM5 in Thasos underwent various beautification works. The enlargement of its rectangular triclinium, to which is added a vast apse of almost 5.5 m in diameter, covered with a semidome vault, left many traces: various fills and working floors, more than 100 post holes for scaffoldings, pits and various facilities such as a complete equipment for the preparation of mortar and even
a forge for the maintenance of tools and the production of nails. For the first time in Greek archaeology, they allowed to document the operation of a private construction site and reconstruct its phasing in detail. These brutally interrupted works remain unfinished and the construction site is precariously occupied until the complete destruction of DOM5 by an earthquake in 619/620.
![Research paper thumbnail of Θάσος, βόρειες παρυφές της αγοράς των Χαρίτων. Αρχιτεκτονική συνέχεια από τον 6ο αι. π.Χ. ως τον 7ο αι. μ.Χ. [Thasos, abords Nord de l'agora des Charites : continuité architecturale du VIe s. av. J.-C. au VIIe s. apr. J.-C.] (2017)](
Αρχαιολογικό Εργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκη 26, 2012, 2017
Thassos, the neighborhood of the agora of the Charites. Architectural continuity from the 6th c. ... more Thassos, the neighborhood of the agora of the Charites. Architectural continuity from the 6th c. BCE to the 7th c. CE.
During the 2010 and 2012 excavation campaigns in Thasos, a series of trenches under the floors of the north wing of the protobyzantine DOM5 dwelling, near the Agora of the Charites, the Dionysion and the Artemision, revealed an exceptional architectural continuity, from the archaic period to the end of antiquity. The building BAT25 was built in the 6th century BCE: it comprises two rooms opening under a transverse space; supplemented by a third room to the east, where several modifications are observed, it was in use until the beginning of the 4th century BCE. The BAT24 building which succeeded it then took over all the walls, with the exception of the facade of the three rooms, which was shifted towards the South and monumentalized. BAT24 underwent several improvements until the imperial period, but always kept the same plan. The proximity of the Agora of the Charites and the Dionysion suggests that these buildings BAT25 and BAT24 had a public or religious function: it could be banquet halls. In the early 5th century CE the large dwelling DOM5 was built: it incorporates BAT24 in its north wing, practically without transformation, while reserving to it a certain architectural autonomy until the moment of the destruction of 620 CE. There is thus the unique case of a pagan edifice preserved and reused in the Christian era, decorated with two roman reliefs which shared the image of the snake, also survivors of the destruction of the early Protobyzantine period.
Thasos : Fieldwork reports by Stavroula Dadaki
Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l'étranger, 2020
NOTE DE L'AUTEUR Autorité nationale présente : Stavroula Dadaki, Éphorie des Antiquités de Kavala... more NOTE DE L'AUTEUR Autorité nationale présente : Stavroula Dadaki, Éphorie des Antiquités de Kavala Composition de l'équipe de terrain : Le programme THANAR est placé depuis 2015 sous l'autorité administrative de S. Dadaki, directrice de l'Éphorie des Antiquités de Kavala. La direction scientifique des travaux est assurée par A. Muller, entouré de P. Petridis et G. Sanidas. Ces deux campagnes ont bénéficié du concours permanent de plusieurs archéologues et spécialistes : C. Aubry (IRHiS UMR 8529, gestionnaire bases de données), A.
Papers by Stavroula Dadaki
Conference Presentations by Stavroula Dadaki
Thassos: Fieldwork reports by Stavroula Dadaki
Papers on Thassos: precolonial to late antique by Stavroula Dadaki
a forge for the maintenance of tools and the production of nails. For the first time in Greek archaeology, they allowed to document the operation of a private construction site and reconstruct its phasing in detail. These brutally interrupted works remain unfinished and the construction site is precariously occupied until the complete destruction of DOM5 by an earthquake in 619/620.
During the 2010 and 2012 excavation campaigns in Thasos, a series of trenches under the floors of the north wing of the protobyzantine DOM5 dwelling, near the Agora of the Charites, the Dionysion and the Artemision, revealed an exceptional architectural continuity, from the archaic period to the end of antiquity. The building BAT25 was built in the 6th century BCE: it comprises two rooms opening under a transverse space; supplemented by a third room to the east, where several modifications are observed, it was in use until the beginning of the 4th century BCE. The BAT24 building which succeeded it then took over all the walls, with the exception of the facade of the three rooms, which was shifted towards the South and monumentalized. BAT24 underwent several improvements until the imperial period, but always kept the same plan. The proximity of the Agora of the Charites and the Dionysion suggests that these buildings BAT25 and BAT24 had a public or religious function: it could be banquet halls. In the early 5th century CE the large dwelling DOM5 was built: it incorporates BAT24 in its north wing, practically without transformation, while reserving to it a certain architectural autonomy until the moment of the destruction of 620 CE. There is thus the unique case of a pagan edifice preserved and reused in the Christian era, decorated with two roman reliefs which shared the image of the snake, also survivors of the destruction of the early Protobyzantine period.
Thasos : Fieldwork reports by Stavroula Dadaki
a forge for the maintenance of tools and the production of nails. For the first time in Greek archaeology, they allowed to document the operation of a private construction site and reconstruct its phasing in detail. These brutally interrupted works remain unfinished and the construction site is precariously occupied until the complete destruction of DOM5 by an earthquake in 619/620.
During the 2010 and 2012 excavation campaigns in Thasos, a series of trenches under the floors of the north wing of the protobyzantine DOM5 dwelling, near the Agora of the Charites, the Dionysion and the Artemision, revealed an exceptional architectural continuity, from the archaic period to the end of antiquity. The building BAT25 was built in the 6th century BCE: it comprises two rooms opening under a transverse space; supplemented by a third room to the east, where several modifications are observed, it was in use until the beginning of the 4th century BCE. The BAT24 building which succeeded it then took over all the walls, with the exception of the facade of the three rooms, which was shifted towards the South and monumentalized. BAT24 underwent several improvements until the imperial period, but always kept the same plan. The proximity of the Agora of the Charites and the Dionysion suggests that these buildings BAT25 and BAT24 had a public or religious function: it could be banquet halls. In the early 5th century CE the large dwelling DOM5 was built: it incorporates BAT24 in its north wing, practically without transformation, while reserving to it a certain architectural autonomy until the moment of the destruction of 620 CE. There is thus the unique case of a pagan edifice preserved and reused in the Christian era, decorated with two roman reliefs which shared the image of the snake, also survivors of the destruction of the early Protobyzantine period.