Papers by Suzana Bukovski
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Mar 7, 2014
N eisseria meningitidis is differentiated into 12 distinct serogroups, of which A, B, C, W, X, an... more N eisseria meningitidis is differentiated into 12 distinct serogroups, of which A, B, C, W, X, and Y are medically most important and represent an important health problem in different parts of the world. The epidemiology of N. meningitidis is unpredictable over time and across geographic regions. Recent epidemiological surveillance has indicated an increase of serogroup Y invasive meningococcal disease in some parts of Europe as shown in the epidemiological data for 2010 and 2011 from various European countries previously published in this journal. 1,2 Here, data from 33 European countries is reported indicating that the emergence of serogroup Y continued in 2012 in various regions of Europe, especially in Scandinavia, while in Eastern and SouthEastern Europe the importance of serogroup Y remained low.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases

Archiv Fur Lebensmittelhygiene, 2001
The authors describe the first proved family outbreak due to A type of Clostridium perfringens (C... more The authors describe the first proved family outbreak due to A type of Clostridium perfringens (CLP) in a small town in the mid-Dalmatian district of Croatia caused by the popular summer meat dish known as stuffed peppers. By analyzing the recipe, composition, mode of preparation, a w , pH and kinetics of the temperature rise in the stuffing as well as thermal resistance of CLP spores, the authors propose a scheme for preparation of stuffed peppers at home according to some basic HACCP principles with particular attention to critical control points (CCP). L'auteur decrit le premier cas d'intoxication alimentaire familiale par Clostridium perfringens en Croatie, cause par l'ingestion d'un plat traditionnel contamine, les poivrons farcis.Des recommandations en adequation avec les principes HACCP sont donnees pour chaque ingredient et chaque etape de la preparation a domicile..

croatian journal of infection, Oct 10, 2022
Malarija je još uvijek najznačajnija parazitarna infekcija na svijetu, značajan uzrok pobola i sm... more Malarija je još uvijek najznačajnija parazitarna infekcija na svijetu, značajan uzrok pobola i smrtnosti u endemskim zemljama te predstavlja velik rizik za putnike u te krajeve. Ključan dio u globalnoj borbi protiv malarije je mogućnost brze i točne detekcije uzročnika. Tehnološki napredak otvara nove dijagnostičke mogućnosti no, najstarija metoda, konvencionalna mikroskopska dijagnostika malarije i dalje predstavlja zlatni standard. Cilj ovog teksta je pregledati dio relevantne literature o dijagnostičkim metodama za malariju koje se najčešće upotrebljavaju u kliničkoj praksi u endemskim i neendemskim zemljama: mikroskopskoj dijagnostici, brzim antigenskim testovima (BAT), molekularnim metodama i serologiji. Također, iznosimo podatke o nekim od novijih napredaka u dijagnozi malarije. Summary Malaria remains the most important and impactful parasitic infection in the world, causing significant morbidity and mortality in endemic countries, and posing a great health risk for travellers to those areas. A major component in the global fight against malaria is the ability to detect it both quickly and accurately. Technological advancements continually provide us with new diagnostic methods, but the oldest method, conventional microscopic diagnosis of malaria, is still considered to be the gold standard. Here, we review some of the relevant literature on diagnostic methods for malaria most commonly applied in the clinical setting, both in endemic and non-endemic areas: microscopic diagnosis, rapid antigen tests (RDTs), molecular methods and serology. We also inform on some of the more recent advancements in the diagnosis of malaria. Ključne riječi: malarija Plasmodium parazitarna infekcija dijagnostika krvni razmaz gusta kap brzi dijagnostički testovi lančana reakcija polimeraze
The predominance of S. pneumoniae as the main cause of IBD in our sample of hospitalised patients... more The predominance of S. pneumoniae as the main cause of IBD in our sample of hospitalised patients with confirmed etiologic diagnosis was recorded again and did not differ significantly from the last year data. It was the dominant cause of sepsis and meningitis in adults and dominant cause of sepsis in children. Opposite to that, N. meningitidis is still the main cause of meningitis in children. Once again thanks to the introduction of vaccination against H. influenzae type B in 2002 during the observed period IBD caused by H. influenzae was not recorded.

Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2015
Introduction: HLA-haploidentical allografting is a potential cure in patients (pts) without a HLA... more Introduction: HLA-haploidentical allografting is a potential cure in patients (pts) without a HLA-identical donor. Materials (or patients) and methods: Between April 2010 and November 2014, 41 pts (median age 50, r 21-71 years) with hematologic malignancies (33 acute leukemias; n ¼ 2 CML; n ¼ 6 lymphomas) were transplanted from a HLAhaploidentical donor. Fifty% had advanced disease at the time of transplant. Eight pts had received a previous allograft. Conditioning was either reduced-intensity (11 pts) with fludarabine (30 mg/m 2 /day for 5 days), cyclophosphamide (Cy) (14.5 mg/Kg/day for 2 days) and single dose 2 Gy TBI, or myeloablative (29 pts) with thiotepa (TT) (5 mg/Kg/day for 2 days), fludarabine (50 mg/m 2 /day for 3 days) and i.v. Busulphan (Bu) (3.2 mg/Kg/day for 3 days) or thiotepafludarabine-melphalan (140 mg/m 2 /day) (1 patient), followed by T-cell replete bone marrow (34 pts) or peripheral blood stem cells (7 pts). Post-transplant immunosuppression consisted of Cy, 50 mg/Kg/day on days þ 3 and þ 4, followed by mycophenolate mofetil and FK-506. G-CSF was administered from day þ 5 until engraftment. In 22 (54%) pts, T-cell reconstitution and thymic activity were studied for the first 2 years post-transplant. T-cells subsets in both the CD4 þ and CD8 þ T cell compartments were evaluated by flow-cytometry: naïve (CD45RO-and CD27 þ); central memory (CD45RO þ CD27 þ); effector memory (CD45RO-CD27-); and revertant (CD45RA þ CD45RO þ). Thymic function through T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circles (TRECs) was measured by RT quantitative PCR on DNA extracted from peripheral mononuclear cells and from sorted CD4 þ and CD8 þ T cells. Here we present preliminary data on thymic output and naïve CD4 þ T cell recovery Results: Neutrophil recovery occurred at a median of 17 days. Incidence of acute grade II-IV and III-IV GVHD was 28,2% and 7,6%. Blood stream infections were documented in 13 pts (7 gram þ bacteria; 6 gram-bacteria). Six had probable invasive fungal infection, in 2 cases after prophylaxis with micafungin and in 4 with azoles. CMV reactivation occurred in 21 and EBV reactivation, successfully treated with rituximab, in 1. At a median follow-up of 501 days (r 18-1278 days), 19 pts (67%) are alive, 11 (58%) in complete remission. Median OS and DFS at 2 years were 46% and 34%. Overall, 14 pts (34%) died of relapse and 8 pts (19%) of transplant related mortality (TRM). The probability of TRM was 16% at 100 days and 26% at 1 year. (CD4 þ CD27 þ CD45RA þ) Naïve T cells decreased from a median of 23.92/ul at day 28 to 1.8/ul at day 90, then gradually increased to 3.8/ul, 3.9/ul, 8.7/ul at 6, 12 and 18 months, respectively. Median TREC copies/100 ng DNA from sorted CD4 þ cells decreased from 14.5 (r 0-202.2) pre-transplant to 4.4 (r 0-49.2) at day 90, than increased to 9.5 (r 0-134.2), 24.8 (r 2.7-83), 41.5 (r 5.5-102.2) and 47.41 (r 31.5-584.3) at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, respectively. In healthy donors, median TREC copies/100 ng DNA was 74.5 in sorted CD4 þ cells. Conclusion: Feasibility of HLA-haploidentical transplantation with high-dose post-transplant Cy in heavily pretreated pts was confirmed. Thymic activity and immune recovery of naïve CD4 þ T cells were slow and less robust when compared with transplants from HLA identical donors. Longer follow-up on a larger series of pts is needed to evaluate long-term outcomes and correlate clinical issues with immunological data. Disclosure of Interest: None declared. P003 Cost analysis of dendritic cell therapy for acute myeloid leukemia patients
A total of 214 patients with IMD were hospitalized at University Hospital for Infectious Diseases... more A total of 214 patients with IMD were hospitalized at University Hospital for Infectious Diseases from 2005 until spring 2013.Serogroup B was predominant (85, 1%). In 56, 1% of patients diagnosis of IMD was confirmed by real time PCR only.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2013

Infectious Diseases and Therapy
Introduction: Infective endocarditis (IE) has undergone important changes in its epidemiology wor... more Introduction: Infective endocarditis (IE) has undergone important changes in its epidemiology worldwide. Methods: The study aimed to compare IE epidemiological features and outcomes according to predefined European regions and between two different time periods in the twenty-first century. Results: IE cases from 13 European countries were included. Two periods were considered: 2000-2006 and 2008-2012. Two European regions were considered, according to the United Nations geoscheme for Europe: Southern (SE) and Northern-Central Europe (NCE). Comparisons were performed between regions and periods. A total of 4195 episodes of IE were included, 2113 from SE and 2082 from NCE; Juan Ambrosioni and Marta Hernández-Meneses equally contributed as first authors. Jaume Llopis and José M. Miró equally contributed as senior authors. The ICE investigators are listed in the ''Acknowledgements'' section.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Dirofilariasis is an endemic infestation in tropical and subtropical countries caused by about 40... more Dirofilariasis is an endemic infestation in tropical and subtropical countries caused by about 40 different species. It rarely occurs in the oral cavity and is mostly presented as mucosal and submucosal nodules. Differential diagnoses include lipoma, mucocele, and pleomorphic adenoma. We report a rare case of oral dirofilariasis mimicking mucocele in a 41-year-old male patient from Croatia without an epidemiological history of travelling outside the country. He came in because of non-painful lower lip swelling that had lasted for two months. The parasite was surgically removed from the lesion. This is the first reported case of oral dirofilariasis in Croatia. It is important to point out this rare diagnosis in order to make dentists aware of the possibility of the presence of such an infestation in common lesions of the oral mucosa.

Postantimikrobni proljev (PAP) je komplikacija povezana s primjenom antimikrobnih lijekova. Incid... more Postantimikrobni proljev (PAP) je komplikacija povezana s primjenom antimikrobnih lijekova. Incidencija PAP je različita s obzirom na vrstu antimikrobnog lijeka i čimbenike rizika, a varira između 5–25%. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) je najčešći uzročnik PAP. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti epidemiološke i kliničke osobitosti postantimikrobnog proljeva i bolesti povezane s C. difficile u odraslih bolesnika liječenih u Klinici za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u Zagrebu. Retrospektivno su analizirane povijesti bolesti bolesnika hospitaliziranih od 1. siječnja 2012. do 31. lipnja 2013. godine. Od 217 bolesnika s PAP, C. difficile je dokazan u 161 (74%) bolesnika. Medijan dobi bolesnika iznosio je 72 godine (raspon 23–93 godine); 105 (48%) ih je bilo muškog spola. Barem jedan od čimbenika rizika imalo je 212 (98%) bolesnika od kojih su najčešći bili: starija životna dob (≥60 godina) u 164 (76%), hospitalizacija ≤30 dana prije pojave PAP u 153 (71%), p...
III. Međunarodni kongres o hemodinamskom monitoriranju- HLZ, Hrvatsko društvo za intezivnu medicinu, 2010

Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017
Aim To identify and investigate a difference between microorganisms present on intensive care uni... more Aim To identify and investigate a difference between microorganisms present on intensive care unit (ICU) health care workers' (HCW, doctors, nurses or medical technicians) and medical students' mobile phones as well as to investigate a difference between the frequency and the way of cleaning mobile phones. Methods Fifty swabs were collected from HCWs who work in the ICU (University Hospital Centre Osijek) and 60 swabs from medical students (School of Medicine, University of Osijek). Microorganisms were identified according to standard microbiological methods and biochemical tests to the genus/species level. Results Out of 110 processed mobile phones, mobile phones microorganisms were not detected on 25 (22.7%), 15 (25%) students' and 10 (20%) HCW's mobile phones. No statistically significant difference was found between the number of isolated bacteria between the HCW' and students' mobile phones (p>0.05). Statistically significant difference was found betw...
Procjena za{ti}enosti protiv tetanusa osoba srednje i starije dobi odre|ivanjem titra specifi~nih... more Procjena za{ti}enosti protiv tetanusa osoba srednje i starije dobi odre|ivanjem titra specifi~nih protutijela Suzana BUKOVSKI-SIMONOSKI 1) , dr. sc., dr. med., specijalist mikrobiolog Tatjana JEREN 1) , prof. dr. sc., dr. med., specijalist infektolog Bruno BAR[I] 1) , prof. dr. sc., dr. med., specijalist infektolog Branko VITALE 2) , prof. dr. sc., dr. med., specijalist imunolog Ivan BEUS 1) , prof. dr. sc., dr. med., specijalist infektolog
Papers by Suzana Bukovski