Papers by SARJIT S. Gill / FEM
This study outlines some of the more common barriers of tourism industry as perceived by local co... more This study outlines some of the more common barriers of tourism industry as perceived by local communities. A lack of community capacity has been identified as main barrier of tourism in third world countries; thus, the study provides a focus group discussion of this issue within tourism development in local communities in Shiraz, Iran. Findings through focus group discussion show that generally local residents agreed about community capacity barriers in tourism industry in both district of Shiraz. It is expected that the findings of this study could be utilized by the community developers for reassessments of tourism industry programs in local communities.

This paper attempts to present the social issues and fading identity problem faced by the Sikh co... more This paper attempts to present the social issues and fading identity problem faced by the Sikh community in Malaysia. Past studies show that there are no significant researches done specifically to identify the negative elements of the community issues. Several studies done mainly focussing the Sikh identity and language issues without relating to the social problems faced by the minority community. Through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) three main issues were identified. The issues of language fading, identity threat and mix marriages are found to be the major problems faced by the Sikh community in Malaysia. Thus, the findings of this study hoped to unveil the real problems of the minority community and would be addressed by the Sikh religious institutions and organizations. The Sikh organizations must also engage with the government agencies as equal partners to eradicate the social problems. The outcome shows that the Punjabi language is on the threat as dominated by other major...

Abstract: This article is an interdisciplinary review of the issue of participation evaluation. I... more Abstract: This article is an interdisciplinary review of the issue of participation evaluation. It is our contention that each and every scale and model developed to measure participation in community development approach falls under either the theory of empowerment or the theory of participatory democracy. The article also provides a detailed summary of prominent models for participation evaluation in community development practices with regard to socio-political theories supporting these models. In addition, both the weak and strong points of each model are discussed and a number of suggestions and implications for providing a comprehensive understanding of the participation issue are provided. Key words: Community Development Participation Evaluation Empowerment Participatory Democracy INTRODUCTION community members is the main pillar in any modern According to the World Bank’s Learning Group on of almost all development programs in colonies in the Participatory Development [1], ...

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Komuniti Orang Asli sudah mula mengalami perubahan dari segi kesejahteraan kewangan. Oleh itu kes... more Komuniti Orang Asli sudah mula mengalami perubahan dari segi kesejahteraan kewangan. Oleh itu kesejahteraan kewangan dalam kajian ini hanya mengambil kira dimensi subjektif. Justeru, makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti konsep kesejahteraan subjektif kewangan dalam kalangan Orang Asli Mah Meri. Seramai 15 Orang Asli Mah Meri dalam kalangan Ketua Isi Rumah (KIK) dari seluruh perkampungan Orang Asli Mah Meri di Selangor terlibat dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini dijalankan secara kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian adalah secara exploratory. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara temu bual mendalam dan Teknik Kumpulan Nominal (NGT). Pemerhatian tidak turut serta juga digunakan dalam kajian ini. Analisis kajian adalah berasaskan tema. Hasil kajian terhadap konsep kesejahteraan subjektif kewangan terdapat tiga tema besar dibentuk iaitu: (i) kecukupan; (ii) keselesaan; dan (iii) kepuasan yang menggambarkan taksiran psikologikal terhadap dimensi kehidupan iaitu aspek kewangan. Hasil kajian j...
Factors of ICT Adoption and Cultural Preservation among the Kadazandusun Community in Sabah
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Majoriti orang Sikh yang awal berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dan Borneo Utara (kini Sabah) berkhidmat ... more Majoriti orang Sikh yang awal berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dan Borneo Utara (kini Sabah) berkhidmat dalam bidang keselamatan sama ada sebagai polis, tentera mahupun pengawal. Artikel ini bermula dengan sejarah penglibatan orang Sikh dalam pasukan keselamatan sejak tahun 1882 apabila Syarikat Berpiagam Borneo Utara British menubuhkan Constabulari Bersenjata Borneo Utara (CBBU). Peranan, penglibatan dan sumbangan orang Sikh begitu signifikan bagi meluaskan kuasa dan menjaga kepentingan kolonial British sama ada di Tanah Melayu mahupun Borneo Utara. Sehingga kini ada yang tidak mengetahui mengapa pihak kolonial British memilih orang Sikh untuk berkhidmat dalam pasukan keselamatan berbanding dengan kaum lain. Kesungguhan dan kepercayaan British kepada golongan martial race ini sekaligus telah memperlihatkan penglibatan besar orang Sikh dalam pasukan keselamatan di seluruh jajahan empayar British seperti di India, Kanada, Fiji, Burma, Hong Kong, New Zealand dan Australia. Bahagian kedua art...

Acculturation of consumerism among the Orang Asli community inJelebu, Negeri Sembilan
This article is based on the research results which were intended to identify consumerism trends ... more This article is based on the research results which were intended to identify consumerism trends among the Orang Asli , particularly with regards to purchase of luxury goods and management of their finances. The concept of consumerism refers to the motivation of an individual to identify himself or herself by means of a product or service, especially one which is commercially branded and denotes status. A total of 215 Orang Asli from five settlements in the district of Jelebu were involved in this study. Gathering of information was done by means of both qualitative and quantitative data collections. These include in-depth interviews and observations along with the simple random survey technique using questionnaires. Research findings show that consumerism among the Orang Asli does not differ much from other mainstream communities. They employ luxury items and services in very much the same way as done by other mainstream communities. From the aspect of financial management, however...

Abstrak : Dewasa ini wujud pelbagai bentuk tindakan dan provokasi yang bertentangan dengan budaya... more Abstrak : Dewasa ini wujud pelbagai bentuk tindakan dan provokasi yang bertentangan dengan budaya dan nilai patriotisme dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia terutama golongan belia. Makalah ini memberi tumpuan mengenai kesedaran belia bandar terhadap nilai patriotisme. Masalah kurangnya kesedaran terhadap nilai patriotisme sudah tentu akan menggugat dan menghalang pemupukan nilai tersebut sebagai unsur pembentukan sebuah bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu padu. Seramai 500 orang belia yang menetap di kawasan bandar di Semenanjung Malaysia terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian ini diperoleh melalui soal selidik yang dianalisis secara deskiptif. Keseluruhan pengukuran patriotisme ini berasaskan lima nilai patriotisme, iaitu nilai kesetiaan, kebanggaan, kekitaan, berdisiplin, serta berusaha dan produktif yang mendokong perasaan cintakan negara. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kesedaran belia terhadap nilai patriotisme adalah tinggi. Ketahanan nasional melalui kesedaran belia terhadap nil...
Agama dan hubungan etnik di Malaysia

This paper aims to present the political participation of six ethnic minority’s youth namely the ... more This paper aims to present the political participation of six ethnic minority’s youth namely the Baba Nyonya, Portuguese, Chitty, Sikh, Orang Asli, and Siamese in Peninsular Malaysia. The political study that dominantly focused on the ethnic majority called for a crucial study on the ethnic minority in explaining their social inequality faced. Though these ethnic minority groups are small in number, they are also an important bloc in some electoral areas where they are highly populated. In such area, they are the “king maker” when there is a tight competition between two competing parties. A quantitative research approach has been employed by using a survey method. A total of 300 respondents from the six ethnic minority groups ranging from the age 21-40 years old were involved in this study. The survey data was analyzed using statistical test. The findings showed that the ethnic minority youth participate moderately in Malaysian politics. There was about 47.7% of the respondents int...
Penggunaan barangan dan perkhidmatan serta pengurusan kewangan dalam kalangan suku kaum Semoq Beri di Semenanjung Malaysia

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 2021
Komuniti Orang Asli sudah mula mengalami perubahan dari segi kesejahteraan kewangan. Oleh itu kes... more Komuniti Orang Asli sudah mula mengalami perubahan dari segi kesejahteraan kewangan. Oleh itu kesejahteraan kewangan dalam kajian ini hanya mengambil kira dimensi subjektif. Justeru, makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti konsep kesejahteraan subjektif kewangan dalam kalangan Orang Asli Mah Meri. Seramai 15 Orang Asli Mah Meri dalam kalangan Ketua Isi Rumah (KIK) dari seluruh perkampungan Orang Asli Mah Meri di Selangor terlibat dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini dijalankan secara kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian adalah secara exploratory. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara temu bual mendalam dan Teknik Kumpulan Nominal (NGT). Pemerhatian tidak turut serta juga digunakan dalam kajian ini. Analisis kajian adalah berasaskan tema. Hasil kajian terhadap konsep kesejahteraan subjektif kewangan terdapat tiga tema besar dibentuk iaitu: (i) kecukupan; (ii) keselesaan; dan (iii) kepuasan yang menggambarkan taksiran psikologikal terhadap dimensi kehidupan iaitu aspek kewangan. Hasil kajian j...

Hubungan Islam-Kristian sebenarnya telah berusia lebih 1400 tahun. Sepanjang waktu tersebut ada b... more Hubungan Islam-Kristian sebenarnya telah berusia lebih 1400 tahun. Sepanjang waktu tersebut ada banyak peristiwa yang membawa kepada turun naiknya hubungan yang telah sedia terjalin. Dalam konteks Malaysia, perbezaan kepercayaan ini sememangnya dibenarkan berdasarkan perlembagaan negara Perkara 3(1) yang berbunyi “Agama Islam ialah agama bagi Persekutuan tetapi agama-agama lain boleh diamalkan dengan aman dan damai di mana-mana bahagian Persekutuan�. Namun demikian, hubungan Muslim-Kristian telah memasuki fasa yang baharu apabila pada 22 Okt 2013, Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan penerbitan Gereja Katolik, Herald-The Catholic Weekly (Herald) dilarang menggunakan kalimah Allah. Isu ini telah mendapat perhatian masyarakat Malaysia dan antarabangsa kerana ia bakal mencorakkan hubungan Muslim-Kristian pada masa hadapan. Walaupun isu ini menyentuh secara khusus kepada masyarakat Kristian di Semenanjung Malaysia, namun ia dilihat turut mampu meninggalkan kesan kepada masyarakat Kristian lai...

This study aims to determine the effect of bonding, bridging and linking social capital on the em... more This study aims to determine the effect of bonding, bridging and linking social capital on the empowerment among squatter settlements in Tehran, Iran. The sample comprised 328 poor people in two communities from Iran, which were randomly selected for the study. A self-administered questionnaire was used as the data collection method. The perceived bonding, bridging and linking social capital was measured by the trust and relationship with family and close friends and with colleagues, neighborhood people and society people as well as with the ethnic group and governmental and non-governmental organizations. In addition, the perceived empowerment was measured by summing the scores of psychological and financial assets. The results revealed the significant effect of bonding, bridging and linking social capital on empowerment among squatter settlements. Bonding social capital had the largest beta coefficient compared to other dimensions, such as bridging and linking social capital.

This paper presents the significant role of resources which is utilized by the Mah Meri community... more This paper presents the significant role of resources which is utilized by the Mah Meri community in Pulau Carey, Malaysia to practice sustainable tourism. Preliminary study was conducted at Kampung Sungai Bumbon which is a well established indigenous tourism destination in Malaysia. In-depth interview which was used as the qualitative data collection method helped the researchers to holistically understand the community resources which can encourage sustainable tourism practice. Natural tourism products like wood carvings and weavings are the main attributes which contribute to tourism development. This study reveals that the community is proud of its diversified environment .However, the community feels that their culture and tourism gradually facing great threat because of the scarcity of natural resources. It is hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to existing literature in the indigenous tourism and community resources ground.
The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of community capacity building and implicatio... more The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of community capacity building and implication of its dimensions in tourism development processes. Community capacity building is a necessary condition for improving the process of tourism and enhancing its benefits for local communities. Therefore, assessing dimensions of community capacity building is an important step in developing strategies to achieve community goals. This study also provided unique theoretical framework for tourism developers and researchers for tourism development in local communities with respect to building community capacity.
This article illustrates the role of local communities for tourism development. This study also a... more This article illustrates the role of local communities for tourism development. This study also attempts to highlight the role of tourism local development. This article looks at how local communities can develop tourism in local area. The concepts of community and community development have been important for local tourism development. The implication of this study arises from the fact that there has been little research carried out on interaction between communities and local tourism. Theoretically, the findings of this study enrich the knowledge concerning local tourism industry (Journal of American Science 2010;6(2):155-161). (ISSN: 1545-1003).

ABSTRAK Semua fungsi orang Sikh, sama ada yang kolektif atau individual, umumnya dilakukan di Gur... more ABSTRAK Semua fungsi orang Sikh, sama ada yang kolektif atau individual, umumnya dilakukan di Gurdwara setempat, yang boleh memainkan peranan penting dalam membangunkan komuniti Sikh. Memandangkan Sikhisme adalah kepercayaan yang tidak membenarkan perbezaan antara ugama dan politik, maka pada 1988, majlis pusat Gurdwara yang dikenali Majlis Gurdwara Malaysia sudah ditubuhkan untuk menyelaras fungsi kesemua Gurdwara. Berdasarkan penyelidikan kami, adalah didapati bahawa kebanyakan Gurdwara di Malaysia menghadapi cabaran yang serupa. Peranan unggul Granthi Sahib sebagai pakar rujuk keagamaan sudah diragui. Granthi Sahib dan Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Gurdwara (GMC) dilanda delima berhubungan peranan itu. Punca konflik itu telah diterukai dalam rencana ini. Ada juga konflik antara GMC dengan Granthi Sahib disebabkan pengaruh daripada ahli jawatankuasa dan penyalahgunaan kuasa mereka dalam hubungan dengan pakar rujuk agama. Oleh itu, sifat peranan Majlis Gurdwara Malaysia dalam menangani k...
Cultural Preservation Through ICT amongst Ethnic Minorities in Malaysia
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Persepsi pemimpin belia terhadapa keberkesanan Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM) di dalam menyelaras badan gabungan di bawahnya
Papers by SARJIT S. Gill / FEM