Annales De Chimie-science Des Materiaux, Aug 31, 2022
A useful alloying agent for aluminium-based composites is eggshell powder, which has a well-deser... more A useful alloying agent for aluminium-based composites is eggshell powder, which has a well-deserved reputation for hardness. Aluminium cans and eggshells are regarded as waste and a pollutant because they are no longer needed. Conversion of wastes into useful products will be of economic boost for a nation and make the environment clean. Eggshell particles were studied for their reinforcing properties in a waste aluminium alloy in this study. An eggshell particle of 150 µm in size and a weight fraction of 2%, 4.4%; 6.6%; 8.8%; and 10% was incorporated into aluminium produced from recycled aluminium wastes during casting. A Light Emission Polyvac Spectrometer was used to determine the alloy's constituent makeup. The required experimental procedures and tools were used to measure the tensile strength, hardness, and impact strength. Using a weight fraction of reinforcement of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%, tensile strength was found to be 78.07098MPa; 81.09587MPa; 83.04546MPa; 86.12769MPa; and 89.12769MPa respectively. Hardness values of 75.25Hv, 77.03Hv, 78.27Hv, 80.15Hv, and 85.72Hv were obtained at the same specified% weight fraction. Impact strength values of 12.64J, 10.08J, 7.39J, 7.12J, and 7.39J were obtained at the same composition. It may be inferred that the mechanical characteristics of the aluminium alloy reinforced with eggshell particles improved considerably with the number of eggshell particles used and the study, therefore, converted waste to worth.
The goal of this study was to investigate the changing characteristics of Heat-Treated Aluminum A... more The goal of this study was to investigate the changing characteristics of Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy 6101 quenched in various media. The research methodology of this research includes performing heat treatment on the Aluminum Alloy 6101 samples at various temperatures, specifically 250℃, 350℃ and 450℃ as well as carrying out quenching processes of the samples using Brine and Water as the main quenchants, and then allowing some samples to cool in the furnace and the rest to be normalized in air, after which mechanical tests (hardness and impact test) will then be carried out on the samples, followed by the microstructural analysis of the alloy. The study concluded that Aluminum Alloy 6101 should be heated to 250°C to achieve the greatest positive effect on its hardness properties, and the air was found to be the best cooling medium. It was also established that Brine Solution used as a quenching media has no significant effect on the hardness property of Aluminum Alloy 6101. Further...
The energy sector has been at a crossroads for a rather long period of time when it comes to stor... more The energy sector has been at a crossroads for a rather long period of time when it comes to storage and use of its energy. The purpose of this study is to build a system that can store and disseminate energy in a simple and affordable way, which can be improved with more research with this study serving as a foundation. For this study, energy generation and even control engineering was integrated with the field of material science by evaluating the energy storage in the said material. After the completion of the bearing system, the flywheel levitated at about 20mm above the assembly area and it spins for a relatively long period of about 25s by producing a kinetic energy of 35J at an rpm of 320. This newly developed alternative way of generating electricity by using kinetic energy produces 10v of electricity. This study provides an insight of magnetism in bearing systems for the next evolution of renewable energy.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
Developing aluminum with good mechanical properties like hardness, tensile strength, and normal f... more Developing aluminum with good mechanical properties like hardness, tensile strength, and normal fl ow stress, Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) method has been suggested as a suitable metal forming process. The load applied and extrusion temperature normally infl uences the fl ow stress behavior in extruded products and determine their mechanical properties. Consequently, how these factors aff ect mechanical behavior and fl ow stress of Al 6063 processed by ECAE was examined in this study. Extrusion temperatures were 350°C, 425°C, and 500°C with die angles of 130°, 140°, and 150°. 5 mm/s of ram speed was applied. Each extrudate's tensile strength and hardness were measured using a Universal Testing Machine and a Rockwell hardness tester. Samples with equal dimensions and properties were also modeled using the Qform software at the extended die angle and temperature for proper analysis of fl ow stress in the extrudates. According to experimental results, the temperature had a greater eff ect on the tensile strength and hardness of the billet than the die angle. The extrudates' grains also became fi ner as the billet temperature rose. Simulation fi ndings showed that higher billet temperature led to a decrease in the extrudates' fl ow stress. The simulation also demonstrated that billet temperature had a greater impact on extrusion load than die angle, with a maximum extrusion load of 5.5 MN being attained at 350 °C.
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2016
In this present investigation efforts are made to study the mechanical properties of as cast Tung... more In this present investigation efforts are made to study the mechanical properties of as cast Tungsten carbide particulates and Short E-glass fibers reinforced AA7075 Hybrid composites. The vortex method of stir casting was employed, in which the reinforcements were introduced into the vortex created by the molten metal by means of mechanical stirrer. Castings were machined to the ASTM standards on a highly sophisticated lathe. The degree of improvement of mechanical properties of MMCs is strongly dependent on the kind of reinforcement. An improved mechanical properties occurs on reinforced compared to Unreinforced MMCs alloys.
Dispatching Rules for Minimizing Deviation from JIT Schedule Using the Earliness -Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Due Windows Approach
Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés
In Earliness-Tardiness (E/T) scheduling approach, the Just-In-Time (JIT) schedule is a schedule w... more In Earliness-Tardiness (E/T) scheduling approach, the Just-In-Time (JIT) schedule is a schedule with zero earliness and zero tardiness. However, this is an optimal schedule and even notional in some instances where tardiness and earliness are inevitable. However, minimizing the deviation at the upper region (tardiness) and the lower region (earliness) from the JIT schedule is a challenge. This work proposes solutions. Two proposed heuristics; TA1 and TA2 as well as some existing heuristics were explored to solve simulated problems ranging from 5≤n≤400 and the results obtained were benchmarked against the JIT schedule. The results obtained show that one of the heuristics, TA2 yielded JIT schedules for many problem sizes at the lower and upper deviation than other solution methods.
In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in... more In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in scheduling problems. We incorporated each of these environments into three parameter notation and four parameter notations of representation of scheduling problem. This will assist researchers to have a comprehensive knowledge of each of the machine environment and select the one to explore to provide solution method for a given criteria or set of criteria based on the need of the decision maker.
In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in... more In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in scheduling problems. We incorporated each of these environments into three parameter notation and four parameter notations of representation of scheduling problem. This will assist researchers to have a comprehensive knowledge of each of the machine environment and select the one to explore to provide solution method for a given criteria or set of criteria based on the need of the decision maker.
The synergy of vibration and gas sensors with unmanned aerial vehicles for a low-response-time Le... more The synergy of vibration and gas sensors with unmanned aerial vehicles for a low-response-time Leakage Detection System (LDS) is explored in this work. Several pipeline accidents have occurred, most of which were triggered by untimely detection of pipe leakages in systems conveying oil and gas in many developing countries. The consequences of this include human casualties, environmental degradation, economic loss, and loss of resources. To limit the damages caused by inevitable leakages, a low-time-response system for leakage detection is required. Response time derived from the LDS is compared to the typical response time obtained from an existing system to determine the efficiency of the developed system. A comparative analysis of the response time of the designed LDS and existing systems reveals that the designed LDS response time is 1146.7% faster and having a pictorial view of the localized area of interest would go a long way to preventing unnecessary mobilization for site vis...
This paper considers the dynamic variant of single processor scheduling problem of minimizing tot... more This paper considers the dynamic variant of single processor scheduling problem of minimizing total tardiness. In practice, it occurs when minimizing tardiness penalty. The problem is NPhard; thus two heuristics were proposed. The utility of the proposed models was demonstrated through computational experiments and comparative analyses against existing solution methods and the Branch and Bound (BB) method. The results show that the proposed models yield efficient solutions and in most cases perform effectively better than the existing heuristics in the literature. 2018 Growing Science Ltd.
The negative effect of indiscriminate disposal of the Spent Engine Oil (SEO) on the fertility of ... more The negative effect of indiscriminate disposal of the Spent Engine Oil (SEO) on the fertility of soil and the living of aquatic animals has been established. While SEO has been degraded by the environmental condition of the engine, recycling the oil to regains its invaluable properties and reuse will not only minimize the effects of indiscriminate disposal but will also minimize the servicing cost of engines. This paper discusses the development of a recycling plant for SEO. Laboratory experiments reveals that the viscosity of the recycled oil at 100 O c is 0.30mm 2 /s compares to the fresh oil 0.4mm 2 /s and spent engine oil 0.15mm 2 /s. Also, the flash p oint of the recycled oil is 120 O C compares to fresh oil 110 O C and spent engine oil 100 O C. The metal content found in the recycled oil is 5.50ppm compares to the spent oil 22.50ppm
Annales De Chimie-science Des Materiaux, Aug 31, 2022
A useful alloying agent for aluminium-based composites is eggshell powder, which has a well-deser... more A useful alloying agent for aluminium-based composites is eggshell powder, which has a well-deserved reputation for hardness. Aluminium cans and eggshells are regarded as waste and a pollutant because they are no longer needed. Conversion of wastes into useful products will be of economic boost for a nation and make the environment clean. Eggshell particles were studied for their reinforcing properties in a waste aluminium alloy in this study. An eggshell particle of 150 µm in size and a weight fraction of 2%, 4.4%; 6.6%; 8.8%; and 10% was incorporated into aluminium produced from recycled aluminium wastes during casting. A Light Emission Polyvac Spectrometer was used to determine the alloy's constituent makeup. The required experimental procedures and tools were used to measure the tensile strength, hardness, and impact strength. Using a weight fraction of reinforcement of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%, tensile strength was found to be 78.07098MPa; 81.09587MPa; 83.04546MPa; 86.12769MPa; and 89.12769MPa respectively. Hardness values of 75.25Hv, 77.03Hv, 78.27Hv, 80.15Hv, and 85.72Hv were obtained at the same specified% weight fraction. Impact strength values of 12.64J, 10.08J, 7.39J, 7.12J, and 7.39J were obtained at the same composition. It may be inferred that the mechanical characteristics of the aluminium alloy reinforced with eggshell particles improved considerably with the number of eggshell particles used and the study, therefore, converted waste to worth.
The goal of this study was to investigate the changing characteristics of Heat-Treated Aluminum A... more The goal of this study was to investigate the changing characteristics of Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy 6101 quenched in various media. The research methodology of this research includes performing heat treatment on the Aluminum Alloy 6101 samples at various temperatures, specifically 250℃, 350℃ and 450℃ as well as carrying out quenching processes of the samples using Brine and Water as the main quenchants, and then allowing some samples to cool in the furnace and the rest to be normalized in air, after which mechanical tests (hardness and impact test) will then be carried out on the samples, followed by the microstructural analysis of the alloy. The study concluded that Aluminum Alloy 6101 should be heated to 250°C to achieve the greatest positive effect on its hardness properties, and the air was found to be the best cooling medium. It was also established that Brine Solution used as a quenching media has no significant effect on the hardness property of Aluminum Alloy 6101. Further...
The energy sector has been at a crossroads for a rather long period of time when it comes to stor... more The energy sector has been at a crossroads for a rather long period of time when it comes to storage and use of its energy. The purpose of this study is to build a system that can store and disseminate energy in a simple and affordable way, which can be improved with more research with this study serving as a foundation. For this study, energy generation and even control engineering was integrated with the field of material science by evaluating the energy storage in the said material. After the completion of the bearing system, the flywheel levitated at about 20mm above the assembly area and it spins for a relatively long period of about 25s by producing a kinetic energy of 35J at an rpm of 320. This newly developed alternative way of generating electricity by using kinetic energy produces 10v of electricity. This study provides an insight of magnetism in bearing systems for the next evolution of renewable energy.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
Developing aluminum with good mechanical properties like hardness, tensile strength, and normal f... more Developing aluminum with good mechanical properties like hardness, tensile strength, and normal fl ow stress, Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) method has been suggested as a suitable metal forming process. The load applied and extrusion temperature normally infl uences the fl ow stress behavior in extruded products and determine their mechanical properties. Consequently, how these factors aff ect mechanical behavior and fl ow stress of Al 6063 processed by ECAE was examined in this study. Extrusion temperatures were 350°C, 425°C, and 500°C with die angles of 130°, 140°, and 150°. 5 mm/s of ram speed was applied. Each extrudate's tensile strength and hardness were measured using a Universal Testing Machine and a Rockwell hardness tester. Samples with equal dimensions and properties were also modeled using the Qform software at the extended die angle and temperature for proper analysis of fl ow stress in the extrudates. According to experimental results, the temperature had a greater eff ect on the tensile strength and hardness of the billet than the die angle. The extrudates' grains also became fi ner as the billet temperature rose. Simulation fi ndings showed that higher billet temperature led to a decrease in the extrudates' fl ow stress. The simulation also demonstrated that billet temperature had a greater impact on extrusion load than die angle, with a maximum extrusion load of 5.5 MN being attained at 350 °C.
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2016
In this present investigation efforts are made to study the mechanical properties of as cast Tung... more In this present investigation efforts are made to study the mechanical properties of as cast Tungsten carbide particulates and Short E-glass fibers reinforced AA7075 Hybrid composites. The vortex method of stir casting was employed, in which the reinforcements were introduced into the vortex created by the molten metal by means of mechanical stirrer. Castings were machined to the ASTM standards on a highly sophisticated lathe. The degree of improvement of mechanical properties of MMCs is strongly dependent on the kind of reinforcement. An improved mechanical properties occurs on reinforced compared to Unreinforced MMCs alloys.
Dispatching Rules for Minimizing Deviation from JIT Schedule Using the Earliness -Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Due Windows Approach
Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés
In Earliness-Tardiness (E/T) scheduling approach, the Just-In-Time (JIT) schedule is a schedule w... more In Earliness-Tardiness (E/T) scheduling approach, the Just-In-Time (JIT) schedule is a schedule with zero earliness and zero tardiness. However, this is an optimal schedule and even notional in some instances where tardiness and earliness are inevitable. However, minimizing the deviation at the upper region (tardiness) and the lower region (earliness) from the JIT schedule is a challenge. This work proposes solutions. Two proposed heuristics; TA1 and TA2 as well as some existing heuristics were explored to solve simulated problems ranging from 5≤n≤400 and the results obtained were benchmarked against the JIT schedule. The results obtained show that one of the heuristics, TA2 yielded JIT schedules for many problem sizes at the lower and upper deviation than other solution methods.
In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in... more In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in scheduling problems. We incorporated each of these environments into three parameter notation and four parameter notations of representation of scheduling problem. This will assist researchers to have a comprehensive knowledge of each of the machine environment and select the one to explore to provide solution method for a given criteria or set of criteria based on the need of the decision maker.
In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in... more In this study, we discussed extensively 10 different machine environments commonly encountered in scheduling problems. We incorporated each of these environments into three parameter notation and four parameter notations of representation of scheduling problem. This will assist researchers to have a comprehensive knowledge of each of the machine environment and select the one to explore to provide solution method for a given criteria or set of criteria based on the need of the decision maker.
The synergy of vibration and gas sensors with unmanned aerial vehicles for a low-response-time Le... more The synergy of vibration and gas sensors with unmanned aerial vehicles for a low-response-time Leakage Detection System (LDS) is explored in this work. Several pipeline accidents have occurred, most of which were triggered by untimely detection of pipe leakages in systems conveying oil and gas in many developing countries. The consequences of this include human casualties, environmental degradation, economic loss, and loss of resources. To limit the damages caused by inevitable leakages, a low-time-response system for leakage detection is required. Response time derived from the LDS is compared to the typical response time obtained from an existing system to determine the efficiency of the developed system. A comparative analysis of the response time of the designed LDS and existing systems reveals that the designed LDS response time is 1146.7% faster and having a pictorial view of the localized area of interest would go a long way to preventing unnecessary mobilization for site vis...
This paper considers the dynamic variant of single processor scheduling problem of minimizing tot... more This paper considers the dynamic variant of single processor scheduling problem of minimizing total tardiness. In practice, it occurs when minimizing tardiness penalty. The problem is NPhard; thus two heuristics were proposed. The utility of the proposed models was demonstrated through computational experiments and comparative analyses against existing solution methods and the Branch and Bound (BB) method. The results show that the proposed models yield efficient solutions and in most cases perform effectively better than the existing heuristics in the literature. 2018 Growing Science Ltd.
The negative effect of indiscriminate disposal of the Spent Engine Oil (SEO) on the fertility of ... more The negative effect of indiscriminate disposal of the Spent Engine Oil (SEO) on the fertility of soil and the living of aquatic animals has been established. While SEO has been degraded by the environmental condition of the engine, recycling the oil to regains its invaluable properties and reuse will not only minimize the effects of indiscriminate disposal but will also minimize the servicing cost of engines. This paper discusses the development of a recycling plant for SEO. Laboratory experiments reveals that the viscosity of the recycled oil at 100 O c is 0.30mm 2 /s compares to the fresh oil 0.4mm 2 /s and spent engine oil 0.15mm 2 /s. Also, the flash p oint of the recycled oil is 120 O C compares to fresh oil 110 O C and spent engine oil 100 O C. The metal content found in the recycled oil is 5.50ppm compares to the spent oil 22.50ppm