Papers by Sören Augustinsson
Hur kan pedagogiskt klimat präglas av studentaktivitet, nyfikenhet och lust att lära? Detta tills... more Hur kan pedagogiskt klimat präglas av studentaktivitet, nyfikenhet och lust att lära? Detta tillsammans med vilka faktorer som motiverar studenter att studera är övergripande frågeställningar i vårt pågående utvecklingsarbete. Vi funderar kring hur undervisningen på bästa sätt ska fokusera på studentens egen vilja att studera och lägga tid på studierna. En pedagogisk modell har arbetats fram för att kunna uppnå bästa resultat kring detta.
Prescribed culture : the uncertain and ambiguous meets the clearly defined and completed : summar... more Prescribed culture : the uncertain and ambiguous meets the clearly defined and completed : summary of resulting research
En sammanfattning av forskarrapporten "Skiss Skåne -konstnärer på arbetsplatser" -projekten som s... more En sammanfattning av forskarrapporten "Skiss Skåne -konstnärer på arbetsplatser" -projekten som ständiga konstruktioner i små världar -projekten som ständiga konstruktioner i små världar skiss skåne KULTUR SÖDRA REGIONEN

In the political agenda, collaboration is emphasised more than ever due to e.g. the requirement o... more In the political agenda, collaboration is emphasised more than ever due to e.g. the requirement of sustainable societies (economic, ecologically and socially), as expressed in Lisbon Strategy and European Union 2020 strategy which is currently being developed. For this reason, the public sector in Sweden has initiated collaboration between organisations, sectors, departments and various professional roles in order to integrate different factors that are considered of great importance in terms of a sustainable society. A concrete example of the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy on a regional level in Sweden is the development of a regional development programme (RUP), which focuses regionally on local development and how to achieve sustainability in the long term perspective. A project intended to facilitate collaboration in RUP between different sectors on a regional level will take place in Sweden from the year 2008 to 2010. This project is limited to collaboration between sectors that include public health issues and regional
Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, Sep 13, 2020
Larande arbete larande region : En studie av larande och kompetensutvecklingsbehov i sma och mede... more Larande arbete larande region : En studie av larande och kompetensutvecklingsbehov i sma och medelstora foretag i Nordostra Skane med utvecklingsinsatser for Norra Station.
Utvardering av utvecklingsarbetet vid F5 i Ljungbyhed genom en jamforelse med skapandet av Skane lan

Forskarhandledning – Lunds universitet, Apr 21, 2015
How can the relationship between a supervisor and a doctoral student be described and understood?... more How can the relationship between a supervisor and a doctoral student be described and understood? What is happening in a relationship is not predetermined in any linear causal line. Action of type B is not causal caused by action type A. Instead the explanation of the pattern of succession between two persons and social acts can be described and understood as dynamic relations in constant motion and emergent. Identity, power, emotion, feelings and institutionalised conceptions of behaviour together with structural conditions (formal aspects) surrounds or comprise relations. In each meeting between people is positioning of oneself and the other always present. To get empirical material I interviewed for two hours a researchers about her experience of her time as doctoral student. The situation is a research team which included doctoral student and supervisor in medical research. A narrative approach was my starting point. Such a means in brief to get stories about events in relationships to people and context. The presentation of the empirical material is also in the narrative form to be "fair" to practice. The outcome of the story is that the relationship between supervisor and student is a complex relationship that contains a number of factors that cannot be attributed to linear causality.
Aims and objectives:If leadership and organization are in constant flux, what are the consequence... more Aims and objectives:If leadership and organization are in constant flux, what are the consequences for the design of headmaster leadership training? Background:What do leaders do, why do they do it ...
Att vara rektor innebar att standigt bli inkastad i olika handelser. Rektor forvantas ta ansvar f... more Att vara rektor innebar att standigt bli inkastad i olika handelser. Rektor forvantas ta ansvar for och losa alla problem som uppstar i skolan oavsett om det handlar om ett lackande ror, en elev so ...
The overall purpose of the thesis is how organisations can be understood according their own cond... more The overall purpose of the thesis is how organisations can be understood according their own conditions instead of trying to make them more rational and structured than they actually are in practic ...

Journal of Research in Nursing, Feb 1, 2015
How can discharge planning (DP) for patients who require care in the home following a period in h... more How can discharge planning (DP) for patients who require care in the home following a period in hospital be understood and developed through the lenses of complexity theory? With the help of complexity theory and practice-based narrative research this study discloses the formal routines and complex dynamic practices that are associated with DP. A study of the literature established that there was an almost total absence of complexity-theoretical perspectives on interpreting and developing DP.The researchers collected narratives about the DP processes using qualitative interviews with the nurses responsible for this in a hospital ward: these were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. They also participated in and documented meetings where these nurses, as a group, discussed DP.The findings show that nurses have to continuously deal with uncertainty, surprises and the unknown. They have to make sense and take charge of dynamic complex events and new knowledge, and manage complex relations and information. The researchers argue that looking upon practice from the lenses of complexity theory, and therefore accepting the complexity of practice, could facilitate the development of nurses' skills in order to guarantee good quality in DP.

Journal of Research in Nursing, Feb 11, 2015
The role of a first line manager (FLM) in Swedish healthcare has gone through major changes, from... more The role of a first line manager (FLM) in Swedish healthcare has gone through major changes, from a divided role involving both nursing work and supervision to a pure management role. Along with these changes, the experienced core work and meaning of work have been altered. This also means that conditions for work that could regenerate the invested resources of the FLMs have been altered as well. The aim of this study was to describe the ward managers’ experiences of their professional role, their work and how they are handling their everyday practice. Furthermore, the aim has been to interpret these experiences through the lens of regenerative work. Five ward managers at a Swedish hospital setting were followed for approximately four years. The study has had an interactive and pragmatic approach. Data were collected through interviews, observations and a continuous dialogue forum (three years). Four themes are presented in this paper: from supervisor to manager; loyalty; talking about it and dialogue forum. These themes are then discussed in order to understand basic conditions for the regenerative work of the FLM. The most central finding is the importance for the FLMs to make sense of their world through narratives and that the organisation does not provide for this.
Kreativ inventering av utvecklingsmojligheter for Hastvedaorten : Ett projekt med SWOT-analyser m... more Kreativ inventering av utvecklingsmojligheter for Hastvedaorten : Ett projekt med SWOT-analyser med ortens intresseforening respektive tre industriforetag
Organisatoriska faktorer : hinder eller mojlighet for individuell och arbetsorganisatorisk fornye... more Organisatoriska faktorer : hinder eller mojlighet for individuell och arbetsorganisatorisk fornyelse : en studie av faktorer som paverkar anstalldas uppfattningar kring organisation, kompetensutveckling och larande
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 2016
Artikeln beskriver och problematiserar samtalsgrupper for utveckling av ledarskap. Praktiken med ... more Artikeln beskriver och problematiserar samtalsgrupper for utveckling av ledarskap. Praktiken med dess komplexitet ar utgangspunkten. Moten och interaktioner utanfor hierarkin skapar grund for undra ...
Papers by Sören Augustinsson