Papers by Raphael Baumler

Proceedings of the Design Society, Jun 19, 2023
Ships are complex technical systems resulting from large scale and scope projects in which integr... more Ships are complex technical systems resulting from large scale and scope projects in which integration plays a key role, particularly because trade-offs have to be made between conflicting objectives. Merchant ships are usually built with a perspective of twenty-five years of service. Ship owners detail their requirements and ship specifications in line with their strategy to remain competitive on specific segments of the shipping markets. Ships serve and organize global trade flows. The rise in environmental regulations and technological changes generate unprecedented uncertainties for ship owners. Ships do not follow the usual systems engineering process, as there is no full-scale prototyping. Rules and standards deeply influence the design of ships and limit the possibilities to 'think outside the box'. The purpose of this paper is to present environmental drivers relating to the operation of the ship which have, or will have, an influence on the way it is designed.

Inquiry, 2023
The specific nature of the seafaring occupation keeps seafarers away from partners and shore life... more The specific nature of the seafaring occupation keeps seafarers away from partners and shore life for long periods at sea. Therefore, seafarers suffer many challenges in the workplace including frustration of their sexual needs. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between work-induced sexual abstinence, psychological health and job satisfaction among seafarers. A mixed-method approach focusing on cross-sectional survey-based quantitative research was used. The sample included 617 Chinese active seafarers who experienced sexual abstinence on board. Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted to divide the respondents into different groups corresponding to 14 psychological problems induced by sexual abstinence and experienced in the workplace. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to identify the relationship between tolerance level of seafarers to sexual abstinence and their job satisfaction. Four distinct groups of seafarers, influenced differently by sexual abstinence, were identified, namely “Saint,” “Adapter,” “Average people,” and “Sufferer” clusters. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that tolerance level of seafarers to sexual abstinence was positively influenced by overall job satisfaction, perceived working environment, ability utilization for other jobs, own choice for working as a seafarer and perceived friendliness of co-workers, while it was negatively influenced by perceived job responsibility. The study innovates by examining the relationship between sexual abstinence and the psychological health of seafarers. It also extends the function of job satisfaction, which can contribute positively to the tolerance level to sexual abstinence. Management recommendations to address sexual abstinence issues are proposed to better protect the health and psychological well-being of seafarers and enhance operational safety on board.

TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2021
SAFEMODE is an EU-funded project under the Horizon 2020 programme. The project brings together ex... more SAFEMODE is an EU-funded project under the Horizon 2020 programme. The project brings together experience from the whole safety value chain including manufacturers, service providers, regulators, academia, and small-medium enterprises. This paper focuses on two core aspects the project is addressing: 1) the systematic collection, analysis, and categorization of Human Factors (HF) data from maritime and aviation safety events, and 2) the development of a Just Culture framework for maritime to encourage reporting of safety events and learning from them, and at which respondents feel they are treated in a fair and just manner when reporting. Learning from safety events is only possible if root causes of accidents and incidents are properly and systematically identified, analysed, and categorized, and reporters know that reporting is a “safe” and beneficial practice. The implementation of these two outcomes as part of the institutionalization strategy of the project includes recommendations to industry guidance and practice and proposals to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation Volume 15

BACKGROUND: Just culture aspires to prompt organizational learning from enhanced feedback by fron... more BACKGROUND: Just culture aspires to prompt organizational learning from enhanced feedback by frontline operators. Just culture requires mechanisms to eliminate fear and sanction but not accountability when reporting safety-related issues. Adopted in sectors such as aviation, just culture remains an underdeveloped field in the maritime sector. OBJECTIVE: This study explores how some pre-requisites for a just culture (i.e., ease of reporting, motivation to report, and trust) are perceived and potentially implemented by seafarers’ and shipping company safety representatives in Indonesia. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were used to collect qualitative data in an exploratory study involving eleven active seafarers and four safety managers from shipping companies in Indonesia. RESULTS: The conditions for ease of reporting seem present, at least on paper. Shipping companies receive one to two near-miss reports per month. However, incidents seem to be underreported. It appears that com...
Conference in Vigo on Fisheries Law
Ocean & Coastal Management

Maritime Technology and Research
Human factors play pivotal roles in maritime accidents, incidents, and errors. In this paper, we ... more Human factors play pivotal roles in maritime accidents, incidents, and errors. In this paper, we discuss the attributes of human elements involved in the collision between frigate Helge Ingstad and tanker Sola TS. Although the warship Helge Ingstad was modern and well equipped, with requisite navigational aids, the availability of monitoring by VTS, and timely warnings made by the crew/pilot onboard Sola TS, the accident still occurred. It is not a mere coincidence that human factors of all three entities failed to avert such an accident. The officer of the watch perceived that Sola TS, a moving tanker, was a shore object. Also, he could not assimilate the indication from navaids and decision-making tools, including RADAR/APRA and AIS. The paper further discusses the significant human-related factors-“the deadly dozen”- caused by several contributing factors, including environmental, procedural, and competency issues, behavioral factors, sense-making, and fatigue. The paper conclude...
Los desafíos de la pesca sostenible, 2021

Maritime Technology and Research, Aug 6, 2022
Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) operations, which are the preferred modus operandi to del... more Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) operations, which are the preferred modus operandi to deliver law enforcement at sea, have always been, and remain, a risky endeavor. Because this type of operation holds a pivotal role in maritime law enforcement, safe execution is vital to protect involved staff and assets. Hence, this paper analyzes risks associated with VBSS operations; its main aim is to improve the overall level of safety and bring the identified risks under control, by developing associated mitigation measures. First, the risks under discussion were assessed, based on the professional judgment and experience of the naval personnel involved in these operations. Their inputs were introduced in a conceptual framework and the associated results were scored, compared, and benchmarked. It is true that there is an inherent level of risk built in the execution of VBSS operations; although the occurrence of negative incidents/mishaps can be considered marginal for the vast majority of the time, events like these are most often associated with serious consequences. The results of this research effort acknowledged that risk management practices can be useful and have variable performance in bringing risks to as low as reasonably practicable. In this aspect, risk mitigation can be more effective by implementing a systems approach of physical and administrative barriers with four distinct pillars: "Training", "Equipment", "Organizational Culture", and "Procedures".

TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2013
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), through its Maritime Environmental Protection Comm... more The International Maritime Organization (IMO), through its Maritime Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC), has been carrying out substantive work on the reduction and limitation of greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping since 1997, following the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol and the 1997 MARPOL Conference. While to date no mandatory GHG instrument for international shipping has been adopted, IMO has given significant consideration of the matter and has been working in accordance with an ambitious work plan with a view to adopting a package of technical provisions. Beside the efforts undertaken by IMO, it is assumed that e.g. optimized manoeuvring regimes have potential to contribute to a reduction of GHG emissions. Such procedures and supporting technologies can decrease the negative effects to the environment and also may reduce fuel consumption. However, related training has to be developed and to be integrated into existing course schemes accordingly. IMO intends to develop a Model Course aiming at promoting the energy-efficient operation of ships. This Course will contribute to the IMO's environmental protection goals as set out in resolutions A.947(23) and A.998(25) by promulgating industry "best practices", which reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the negative impact of global shipping on climate change. In this paper the outline of the research work will be introduced and the fundamental ideas and concepts are described. A concept for the overall structure and the development of suggested detailed content of the draft Model course will be exemplarily explained. Also, a developed draft module for the model course with samples of the suggested integrated practical exercises will be introduced and discussed. The materials and data in this publication have been obtained partly through capacity building research project of IAMU kindly supported by the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) and The Nippon Foundation in Japan. the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation Volume 7 Number 2
Journal of pollution effects & control, Nov 3, 2017

Maritime Law in Motion, 2020
This chapter discusses the regulation of the education and training of seafarers in an internatio... more This chapter discusses the regulation of the education and training of seafarers in an international context under public international law. A brief look is taken at the history of seafarer education and training followed by a substantive treatment of the approaches and regulatory efforts of States in this respect. The shortcomings of a wholly national approach are discussed and the rationale for an international law approach presented. While the international approach has had many benefits in an increasingly globalised world, it has not been without challenges. The evolution of the international legal framework, particularly that of the STCW Convention 1978, as amended, is presented together with some related challenges in international law. The issue of sovereignty as a primary challenge to international law, and how this sovereignty may be perceived as being increasingly eroded is discussed. Finally, new/future challenges and how they could impact seafarer education and training and international law, are discussed.

TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2021
Compromises on safety , inadequate fatigue mitigation standards , and mental health troubles , ar... more Compromises on safety , inadequate fatigue mitigation standards , and mental health troubles , are some of the difficulties commonly reported by seafarers. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the maritime news also reported: "Hunger strikes, crews unpaid and abandoned, rumours of suicides but no obligation to report them. Shipping must be better than this." In response to the crew change crisis, in February 2021, the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change was signed to protect the welfare of seafarers. On 01 March 2021, Maritime UK launched a mental health pledge including the need to also enhance wellbeing. This recent activity underlines the urgent need to offer decent working conditions to seafarers, promote their wellbeing and respect their right to life . The maritime industry has in place regulatory instruments such as the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, as
Maritime Energy Management (MEM) is (a) the study of energy flows such as supply, transformation,... more Maritime Energy Management (MEM) is (a) the study of energy flows such as supply, transformation, storage, production and consumption in the extensive maritime domain, which includes ships, ports, shipbuilding yards and ship-breaking activities, as well as (b) how this energy and its sources are optimised to manage consumption and reduce wastage in order to limit environmental and economic impacts of energy use.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
Recent discussions on digitalization, and autonomous ships provide a disruptive picture of how th... more Recent discussions on digitalization, and autonomous ships provide a disruptive picture of how the maritime industry may be transformed in this process. The magnitude of this digitalization trend is very different from the one of implementing e-Navigation initiated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2006 to harmonize, integrate, exchange, present and analyze marine information on board and ashore by electronic means. A rapid speed of digitalization of ship operation is causing controversy. For example, the maritime industry has not yet come to a consensus about agreed definitions of “autonomous ship”, “unmanned ship” and a “remote-controlled vessel”. Some pioneering industry developers, invest in the digitalization of ship operation to make the maritime transport more reliable, safe and efficient. Whilst such technological developments promise safe and efficient business models to a greater extent, it has not been much discussed how people on board will be affected by digitalization with a particular attention to the notion of leadership. Command of vessels has been traditionally considered as a human domain. The ways in which leadership is displayed on board and how each task is dedicated to the members of a shipboard organization will be radically different in the era of digitalization. Based on the qualitative data obtained from semi-structured interviews, group interviews and participant observation with maritime experts in Norway, the paper discusses the impact of digitalization on organized work in ship operation, implications of digitalization for leadership, and leadership required in the era of digitalization. It concludes that human-automation coordination as well as human-human coordination are the key to support the future operation of ships.
Marine Policy, 2020
Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in Engli... more Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre -including this research content -immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.

Power & Propulsion Alternatives for Ships 2019, 2019
The increase in world seaborne trade over the past decade due to global economic and population e... more The increase in world seaborne trade over the past decade due to global economic and population expansion has resulted in a corresponding increase of world shipping fleet with even greater size and power requirements. The bulk of these ships use cheap and widely available fossil fuels, mainly oil for operation but which has deleterious effects on the environment. In order to address environmental concerns in the shipping sector, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), responding to the global call to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from international shipping adopted technical and operational measures. These are to ensure efficient energy management on ships and have led to the application of many innovative technologies including the use of renewable energies and alternative fuels on ships to minimize fossil fuel consumption and reduce emissions. However, in order to achieve a substantial emissions reduction in international shipping, the potential applicability of a techn...

Ocean & Coastal Management, 2019
Abstract The International Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention entered into force in Septem... more Abstract The International Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention entered into force in September 2017. In the convention, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) required two options: ballast water exchange (BWE) standard D-1, and ballast water performance standard D-2 which required ballast water treatment systems (BWTSs). We explored the impact of policy on the utilization of BWTSs by examining IMO Type Approval records and country-level databases in the United States and Australia. In December 2018, 65 BWTSs had IMO Type Approval and 13 had US Coast Guard approval. The majority of vessels with BWTSs had either electrolytic or UV treatment systems (Australia, 84%; USA, 89%). From 2016 to 2017, both countries experienced an increase in the percentage of vessels with BWTS, vessels utilizing BWTS, and total ballast discharge treated with BWTS. Based on this analysis, shipowners appear to primarily rely on two treatment technologies in Australia and the United States to meet compliance.

WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 2019
Essential to steel production in Bangladesh, the ship recycling industry has become a vital compo... more Essential to steel production in Bangladesh, the ship recycling industry has become a vital component of the country's economy. After four decades of growth, Bangladesh continues to compete with India to lead the international ship recycling industry. In the Chittagong area, the ship recycling sector, and related downstream activities, provides employment and resources to nearby communities. Despite its profitability and income generation, poor working practices and low environmental standards tarnish the image of the sector at national and international levels. Numerous accidents and fatalities in ship recycling processes highlight the lack of adequate Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards. Seasonal migrant workers, many of whom unfamiliar with industrial settings, represent the majority of workers in ship recycling yards. Recruited by subcontractors, most of the workers in Bangladesh lack sufficient hazard awareness and basic safety requirements necessary to work in a ship recycling yard. For these reasons, as identified by the Bangladesh High Court and subsequent national rules, training of workers must be addressed in yards in Bangladesh. In this study, associated with the IMO-NORAD SENSREC project, existing conditions, solely about workers' training, has been addressed, assessed, and compared in accordance with IMO's Hong Kong Convention and ILO requirements, where detailed recommendations were provided to enhance OHS training in the yards.

Http Www Theses Fr, Dec 15, 2009
Modeles de developpement, capitalisme et industrialisme sont de grandes dynamiques du risque par ... more Modeles de developpement, capitalisme et industrialisme sont de grandes dynamiques du risque par leur capacite a transformer le social. Au niveau des firmes, l’innovation continue et la concurrence obligent a l’ajustement permanent. Soumises aux proprietaires, les firmes se focalisent sur le risque financier. Les autres risques lui sont subordonnes. Les dynamiques internes du risque evoluent au rythme d’imperatifs externes. La competition justifie reductions de couts et reorganisations destabilisantes. La securite a pour objectif la limitation des conditions de realisation des risques. Construction sociale complexe, la securite voit localement la fusion d’hommes, d’outils dans une organisation. Globalement, l’enjeu de la securite est la maitrise du niveau de risque et son cout. Comme pour l’armateur du navire, la direction de l’unite possede les cles de la securite. Elle arbitre entre les budgets et joue la concurrence entre les territoires. En assurant l’impunite, l’equivalence et la non-discrimination, le droit international garantit une mise en concurrence de tous les Etats. Avec la Mondialisation, nous entrons dans l’ere de la securite de marche. La securite est vue comme un facteur de production. Dans la concurrence, les dirigeants l’integrent dans leurs strategies, notamment lors des choix d’implantation geographique et des repartitions budgetaires. En selectionnant les participants, la direction produit une representation univoque de la securite en phase avec ses paradigmes. La renovation de la securite dans les unites productives se joue localement mais aussi globalement en decouvrant les complexites des dynamiques du risque et de la construction de la securite.
Papers by Raphael Baumler