Papers by Ruzica Trailovic

Acta Veterinaria-beograd, Jun 1, 2020
In the Balkan region, the state of sheep welfare is little known. In this context, the assessment... more In the Balkan region, the state of sheep welfare is little known. In this context, the assessment of sheep welfare is important for the identifi cation of health and behavioral problems that affect these animals, along with the defi ciencies present in the environment. The study was conducted during the winter season on a farm of 220 autochthonous breed Vlašićka Zackel sheep reared in extensive systems on the mountain regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 65 ewes, aged 2-4 years, were observed. The welfare assessment was performed according to the AWIN protocol for sheep. The authors found the following issues: dry ewes were signifi cantly fat (p<0.001) in regard to pregnant and lactation ewes; 42.11% of pregnant ewes were thin while 31.25% of dry ewes were fat; most of the assessed animals (78.46%) had dry or damp, slightly soiled fl eece; 32.31% of animals had lesions on face/muzzle while ocular discharge, respiratory problems, mild mastitis and minor lameness were present in 16.92%, 4.62%, 15.38% and 7.69% sheep, respectively. All animals showed a negative relationship with humans. Using this methodology, the welfare problems in animals may be detected, and thus certain segments in the production cycle may be improved. The on-farm welfare assessment is highly recommended for emphasizing the key points in improving sheep welfare in Balkan countries.
Veterinarski glasnik, 2002

Acta veterinaria, 2007
The study aimed to evaluate the utility of blood protein systems of the Yugoslav Shepherd dog as ... more The study aimed to evaluate the utility of blood protein systems of the Yugoslav Shepherd dog as genetic markers for parentage verification in this breed. Polymorphism of hemoglobin (Hb), acid phosphatase (Acp), superoxide dismutase (Sod), albumin (Al), and transferrin (Tf) was analysed by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 60 blood samples. Out of the five tested markers, Hb was the only monomorphic and, thus, of no value for parentage analysis in the Yugoslav Shepherd dog. The Acp, Sod and Al loci exhibited a certain degree of polymorphism, but their efficiency as single markers for parentage control was relatively low. The paternity exclusion probabilities established were 12.7%, 15.5% and 16.6% for Acp, Sod and Al, respectively. Tf as a genetic marker displayed a significantly higher efficacy since it was able to reach the 49% power of exclusion for parentage verification. Joined parentage exclusion probability for a panel of four protein systems displaying polymorphism, Acp, Sod, Al and Tf, was 68.5%. In comparison with results of previous studies investigating blood protein systems as markers for canine parentage testing, the panel of markers tested in our study displayed high discriminatory power and provided a substantial probability of resolution in parentage verification for the Yugoslav Shepherd dog.

The results of draft genome research of permafrost horse bone dated approximately 560-780 (kyr BP... more The results of draft genome research of permafrost horse bone dated approximately 560-780 (kyr BP) have been published recently. According to the data representing the oldest full genome sequence compared to the modern genomes of domesticated horse, Przewalskii and donkey it was suggested that the Equus lineage gave rise to contemporary horses, zebras and donkeys some 4.0 to 4.5 million years ago, twice increasing the assumed time to the common ancestor. Upon the phylogenetic and divergence analyses it was estimated that the Przewalskii and domestic horse populations diverged some 38-72 kyr BP and that there are no evidences that admixtures between Przewalskii and domestic horse populations occurred post-divergently thus Przewalskii's involvement in the process of horse domestication has been excluded. The new data on ancient equide genome question the conventional theory on the origin of Domestic mountain pony. Upon the protein variability of the Domestic mountain pony the influence of diluvial genome on the population was confirmed and this finding differed from the conventional theory stating E. f. Przewalskii and E. ferus caballus as ancestors of the autochthonous population. The role of different ancestral horses in evolution of our autochthonous population is therefore unclear. The questions emerging from the most recent genetic and proteomic research in concern with the autochthonous populations are presented in the paper.

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015
Karakachan sheep is small autochthonous three-purpose Zackel with black fleece and modest require... more Karakachan sheep is small autochthonous three-purpose Zackel with black fleece and modest requirements. Population status of the breed is critical. This sheep, rarely described in the literature, is important component of cultural and biological heritage. Historically bred by Karakachan nomads, flocks of these sheep migrated throughout mountains of Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria during the summer and in Vardar valley and further South to Thessaloniki during the winter. Morphometric analyses were performed in aim to provide the data necessary for morphological characterization, estimation of variability and assessment of conservation importance of Karakachan sheep. The morphological evaluation can also encourage process of breed preservation by providing the data necessary for estimation of regression of the breed. A total of 105 Karakachan sheep: 8 rams and 97 ewes, divided into two groups upon age, were included in the evaluation. Morphometric parameters were estimated by tape measuring (250 cm zoo-technical ribbon). The following body parameters: Height at Withers, Body Length, Thoracic Girth, Thoracic Depth, Chest Width, Cannon Circumference, Tail Length, and several head and pelvic variables were measured; body indexes calculated and the difference between sexes and age related differences were tested. The correlation between the parameters obtained was also established. The basic descriptive population data together with age related and the sex related morphometric differences were established in the investigated breed. The mild body frame enlargement was observed in comparison with the literature data. Morphological characteristics of the Karakachan sheep in Serbia are stable and homogenous. The sex related polarization of the parameters was established. The observed increase of body frame could reflect improved breeding conditions. The growth is harmonious and completes after the third year of life. The data obtained provide foundation for future research and selection of the breed.

Veterinarski glasnik, 2014
Balkanski magarac je autohtona rasa koja je evolutivno adaptirana na skromne uslove držanja i raz... more Balkanski magarac je autohtona rasa koja je evolutivno adaptirana na skromne uslove držanja i različita klimatska područja uključujući i surovu planinsku klimu Srbije. Kako su magarci izgubili namenu tokom dvadesetog veka, populacija ovih životinja u Srbiji se smanjuje. Kako autohtoni magarci do skora nisu bili podvrgnuti planskom selekcijskom postupku, podaci o osobinama ovih životi nja su oskudni. U želji da se opišu osobine populacije balkanskog ma gar ca u Srbiji, te da se definiše značaj ove rase za očuvanje nacionalnih genetičkih resursa, u poslednjih nekoliko godina se sakupljaju podaci o osnovnim morfološkim odlikama ove rase. U radu je prikazana varijabilnost osnovnih morfometrijskih para metara: visina u grebenu, dužina tela, obim grudi, obim prednje ceva nice i telesna masa mladih magaraca oba pola. Utvrđene morfometrij ske karakteristike su korišćene za izračunavanje indeksa formata, indeksa zbijenosti trupa, indeksa masivnosti i indeksa koščatosti koji odslikavaju telesni razvoj i morfološke odnose u populaciji balkanskog magarca u Srbiji.
Acta Veterinaria-beograd, 2000
The Tsigai sheep is an autochthonous breed traditionally reared in Vojvodina. With the aim to des... more The Tsigai sheep is an autochthonous breed traditionally reared in Vojvodina. With the aim to describe some electrophoretic variants of genetic markers in the blood of Tsigai sheep the biochemical variations of eight protein systems: hemoglobin (Hb), Xprotein (X), purine nucleoside phosphorylase (NP), carbonic anhydrase (CA), NADH-diaphorase (Dia), transferrin (Tf), arylesterase, (EsA) and albumin (Alb) were evaluated. The characteristic gene frequencies of the tested systems were established a~./ollows: Hb A and Hb (0.08 Cf;nd 0.92}• X+ and)((0.98 a~dFO.02);~Ps and Np L (0.51 and Q.491 CA anr;jCA (O.~8 and 0.02), Dla and tn« (0.66 and 0.34); tr, tr', Tf, tr' and Tf (0.19, 0.14, 0.20,0.40 and 0.07); EsA and EsA-(0.38 and 0.62), respectively. Only one type of albumin was revealed in the tested population of Tsigai.
Veterinarski glasnik, 2014

Acta Veterinaria-beograd, 2013
Autochthonous Pramenka (Zackel) sheep has been recognized as an important element of regional agr... more Autochthonous Pramenka (Zackel) sheep has been recognized as an important element of regional agro-biodiversity, relevant to the tradition that encompasses the cultural heritage of Serbia. The recognition that locally adapted animal breeds gained genetic resistance and adaptability through evolution; modern sustainable farming practices are far more attuned to the need for preserving and utilizing Zackel sheep types. The risk factors leading to rapid and severe decline in Vlashko-Vitoroga Zackel sheep population have been described in the paper. The objective of the study was to obtain the data necessary for development of conservation and sustainable use strategies of Vlashko-Vitoroga Zackel sheep. Determination of the conservation value upon characteristics of the breed was performed, in aim to identify priorities in accordance with the criteria of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The positive and negative characteristics of the Vlashko-Vitoroga Zackel sheep, opportunities for utilization, as well as ambiental challenges that affect the breed were analyzed in the paper. The importance of this breed for maintenance of cultural tradition, landscape preservation and longterm rural development by in-situ conservation through utilization is also discussed in the paper.
Acta Veterinaria-beograd, 2005
Expression of the stress syndrome (PSS) in European wild pig was evaluated by Halothane test and ... more Expression of the stress syndrome (PSS) in European wild pig was evaluated by Halothane test and tested animals were typed by PCR/RFLP test for C/T mutation at nt 1843 in RYR1 gene. A total of 56 animals, at the age of 5 months, weighing 20 kg average, were tested. Hal+ (MHS-malignant hyperthermia susceptible) phenotype was revealed in 6 pigs, 47 animals expressed Hal-(MHN-malignant hyperthermia resistant) phenotype, while 3 animals showed no response to administration of 3% halothane after 5 minutes and they were marked as Halr (halothane resistant) phenotypes. Genotyping of 56 wild pigs revealed that the tested population was homozygous for the normal C/C allele at RYR1 locus. The results obtained by halothane test show that expression of the PSS in wild pigs is modulated and influenced by factors other then RYR1 genotype.

Veterinarski glasnik, 2013
Doma}i brdski konj je autohtoni kopitar~ije se stani{te prote`e celim brdsko-planinskim podru~jem... more Doma}i brdski konj je autohtoni kopitar~ije se stani{te prote`e celim brdsko-planinskim podru~jem Srbije ju`no od Save i Dunava, a zajedno sa autohtonim rasama brdskih konja ostalih balkanskih zemalja se svrstava u grupu mediteranskih ponija. Za razliku od opisanih konja na Balkanu, poput Skirosa, Pinee, Pindosa, karaka~anskog konja, bosansko-brdskog konja i drugih; brdski konji u Srbiji nisu morfolo{ki opisani niti su bili predmet interesovanja nau~ne i stru~ne javnosti sve do kraja dvadesetog veka. Istra`ivanja polimorfizma albumina u krvnom serumu konja rase doma}i brdski konj preduzeta su u sklopu ispitivanja morfolo{ke, fiziolo{ke i geneti~ke strukture ove autohtone rase kopitara. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih elektroforetskim razdvajanjem tipova albumina u krvnom serumu doma}eg brdskog konja ustanovljeno je prisustvo~etiri fenotipa albumina: AA, AB, BB i BI koji se na-sle|uju pod kontrolom tri autozomalna alela Al A , Al B i Al I. Pojava Al I alela u populaciji doma}eg brdskog konja ukazuje na uticaj diluvijalnog {umskog konja na proces mikroevolucije autohtonog doma}eg brdskog konja. Nalaz okcidentalno-specifi~ne izoforme albumina ukazuje da postoji potreba da se detaljno prou~i evolutivna pozicija i istorijski uticaj razli~itih predaka, a naro~ito okcidentalnih konja na populaciju doma}eg brdskog konja u Srbiji.

Acta Veterinaria-beograd, 2003
During research on neolithic cultural sites in Northeastern Serbia fragmented bones were revealed... more During research on neolithic cultural sites in Northeastern Serbia fragmented bones were revealed. Archaeological studies were initiated in order to broaden the data concerning the long, historical tradition of animal breeding, especially those concerning the phenotype and genotype of prehistoric ancestors of domestic animals in the centre of Northeast Serbia. Four phases of neolithic culture were distinguished in the settlement of Belovode according to the stratigraphy, stylistic and typological character. They were chronologically defined to belong to the period of about 5 500-4 800 years B.C. The study of the osseological material, excavated on the site, gave rise to multidisciplinary research concerning the type of animals undergoing the process of domestication. Bovine bone fragments dominated. The position, age and state of the fragments indicated Belovode as a possible centre of ruminant domestication in this region.

Acta Veterinaria-beograd, 2007
The method of measuring the heart size in thoracic radiography by comparing it to the length of t... more The method of measuring the heart size in thoracic radiography by comparing it to the length of thoracic vertebrae is marked as vertebral heart size (VHS). Besides the original VHS measurement suggested by Buchanan and Bücheler, there are modifications of these measurements in literature. With the aim to evaluate differences between different methods of VHS measurement, we compared radiographs of six clinically healthy dogs of the same breed and age (German shepherd dogs, 3 years of age), whose heart size was measured according to three different methods of VHS measurement. There were not significant differences between the values obtained by different methods of VHS measurement. In our study, we also compared findings of radiographs subjective assessment and VHS measurements. The second and third method of measurement were much more consistent to subjective assessment than the first method. Diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities in dogs should not be based solely on the measurement of vertebral heart size. However, VHS measurement is very suitable for clinical practice. According to the study reported here, the second method of VHS measurement described in this paper, was recommended.

Medycyna Weterynaryjna
Prolonged training and physical effort in endurance horses can influence the performance of the e... more Prolonged training and physical effort in endurance horses can influence the performance of the endurance horses negatively. The negative impact of the event is especially noticeable if venues are demanding, i.e. bad weather conditions or demanding grounds, high altitude and especially in cases of insufficiently fit horses. One of the most important factors that influence equine performance is abundance of oxygen in the blood, which is directly related to the air oxygen content and changes with atmospheric pressure, so that high altitude and low air pressure demand additional work from horses and accelerate fatigue. The authors goal was to investigate the influence of workload in endurance racing on sport horse organism. A total of 18 trained and competing endurance horses enrolled in a 60 km long endurance race organized on Zlatibor Mountain were included in our survey. Due to the difficult track 8 horses were disqualified due to lameness, and high heart rate and respiration. Only ...
American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, Sep 20, 2020
Balkan donkey is a native donkey breed that lives in Balkan peninsula and traditionally is reared... more Balkan donkey is a native donkey breed that lives in Balkan peninsula and traditionally is reared in Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. Since the population has declined severely and only less than 200 males and females are actively breeding the breed status is endangered and it is included in AnGR preservation/conservation program in Serbia. The organized breeding and development of the breed description has started at the beginning of the 21 century and the breed is not fully described yet. This is the first time that that clinical procedures-ECG, have been evaluated in concern with frame and size of Balkan donkey. Our results show that there is a need to expand our investigation to fulfill gap in understanding Balkan donkey physiology and diagnostics.

Veterinarska stanica, 2022
The domestic donkey (Equus asinus) has a very specific body construction. It is built in such a w... more The domestic donkey (Equus asinus) has a very specific body construction. It is built in such a way that the mutual relationship of individual body regions enables great work endurance. The fact that this breed of domestic animal originates from wild ancestors, originated and developed in Africa, clearly shows that the breed developed in harsh climatic and ecological conditions that conditioned the appropriate biological response. The biostatic model causes the biodynamic effect, i.e., the production of biokinetic energy. Movement forwards occurs as a consequence of the creation of biokinetic energy and its transfer from the back part of the body, where it originates, to the front part of the body. The most efficient transfer of biokinetic energy is enabled by the existence of an appropriate biostatic model, i.e., body structure, and this leads to a biodynamic effect that is defined as a movement. For the process of movement, the muscles must be well developed. Two muscle groups are...

Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 2015
During archaeological excavations in September 2009, on the late antiquity necropolis near Obreno... more During archaeological excavations in September 2009, on the late antiquity necropolis near Obrenovac (Serbia) a horsemans grave, with horse included, was discovered and assigned to the Avar period (the 8th century AD). Horse bones were subjected to pathomorphological and radiological investigations. In order to obtain information concerning equine pathology during Avar domination, 29 bones with changes observed, i.e. in the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, metacarpal and metatarsal bones and proximal and distal phalanges limbs have been evaluated. Pathomorphology revealed chronic deformative spondyloarthropathy of the spine and ossification of the interosseous ligament both in the metacarpus and in metatarsus, while chronic periostitis was observed in the proximal phalanges, as well as ungular cartilage ossification in all distal phalanges. Based on the pathological findings on the horses bones, it was concluded that the animal was intensively used for riding and/or as a draught animal during its lifetime, even prior to the completion of its full growth. The pathology revealed on the limb bones indicated long-lasting exposure to the trauma, suggesting that the horse had been probably ridden for long distances on hard, rocky and uneven terrain. It was also concluded that there had been a strong possibility that the mentioned Avar horse had shown symptoms of locomotor disorders due to back pain

Animal Genetic Resources/Ressources génétiques animales/Recursos genéticos animales, 2016
Summary The Pirot sheep is a small Zackel that has been developed in the region of Pirot and the ... more Summary The Pirot sheep is a small Zackel that has been developed in the region of Pirot and the neighbouring municipalities in Serbia. Pirot sheep population has been reduced to only 60 animals in the Republic of Serbia. An overview of qualitative phenotypical and morphometrical characteristics of Pirot sheep from the Stara Planina is presented in this paper. The sheep included in this study belong to the last flock of the breed. The evaluation aims to obtain the phenotypical description of this indigenous breed as a phase of preservation strategy. Therefore, a total of 51 ewes and two rams were measured to obtain the detailed data concerning conformation. The phenotypical characteristics of animals included were also described. Based on the results, the Pirot sheep is a small breed with compact, slightly rectangular body frame (body length 115.40 percent of height at withers). The investigated sheep population was homogeneous, and morphological variations were limited to the data ...

Veterinarski glasnik, 2015
The titer of specific antibodies against equine herpesvirus-1 in blood serum was tested in two gr... more The titer of specific antibodies against equine herpesvirus-1 in blood serum was tested in two groups of mares and their foals. The first group consisted of 12 mares, Standardbred and Serbian Trotter breed, who were vaccinated against equine herpesvirus-1 and 4 in the 5th, 7th and 9th month of pregnancy. On the contrary, 12 mares from the second group, of Lipizzaner breed, were not vaccinated. The mares? blood samples for antibodies titer investigation were taken 30, 15 and 7 days before the expected partus, then immediately after the partus, while their foals? blood samples were taken immediately after foaling, then just before colostrum intake, and finally 1, 2, 3 and 7 days later. The titer of antibodies against equine herpesvirus-1 was tested by the method of virus - neutralization, on microtiter plates with constant dose of the virus and serial double dilutions of the serum. In unvaccinated mares, titer of antibodies against equine herpesvirus-1 was either low or not present, b...
Papers by Ruzica Trailovic