Papers by Ruth Escamilla Montes

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
The prawn Macrobrachium tenellum is a species with high expectations for farming. However, like a... more The prawn Macrobrachium tenellum is a species with high expectations for farming. However, like all cultivated species, it is exposed to bacterial infections caused by captivity and cultivation conditions. In this sense, probiotics in aquaculture have been used as an alternative against the excessive use of antibiotics in farming, thus preventing diseases. In the present work, 106 strains with probiotic potential were isolated, of which 77 are bacilli, and 29 are lactic acid bacteria (LAB) [(intestine (43), stomach (42) and hepatopancreas (21)] from the shrimp M. tenellum collected from a freshwater environment in Guasave, Sinaloa. Biochemical characterization of the isolated bacterial strains and molecular identification of the 16S ribosomal gene were performed. According to the hemolytic activity, the isolates MT4H2 (bacilli) and MT1E2 (LAB) showed gamma hemolysis (Ɣ), and the LAB strain presented catalase-negative. Both were Gram (+). They presented high hydrophobicity values (99...

Se capturaron un total de 23 hembras ovigeras de jaiba en el estero El Conchalito, Ensenada de La... more Se capturaron un total de 23 hembras ovigeras de jaiba en el estero El Conchalito, Ensenada de La Paz, Baja California Sur, de las cuales el 37.5 % (ocho hembras) pertenecen a Callinectes arcuatus y el 62.5 % (15 hembras) a C. bellicosus . Se registro el ancho del caparazon y el peso total de cada especimen. La estimacion de la fecundidad se realizo por medio del metodo gravimetrico. La fecundidad promedio para C. arcuatus fue de 4 094 171 ± 1 796 huevos por hembra con una talla promedio de 107.0 ± 14.3 mm de ancho de caparazon, mientras que para C. bellicosus fue de 4 576 258 ± 974 huevos en promedio para hembras con una talla promedio de 112.8 ± 5.5 mm de ancho de caparazon. La fecundidad relativa promedio para C. arcuatus fue de 37 132 ± 5 162 huevos g -1 de peso, mientras que para C. bellicosus fue de 36 088 ± 4 259 huevos g -1 de peso. Se obtuvieron las relaciones ancho del caparazon (AC)-fecundidad (Fp) y peso total (PT)-fecundidad para cada especie mediante un modelo potencia...

Croatian Journal of Fisheries, 2021
Macrobrachium americanum has a high commercial value with good fishing and cultivation possibilit... more Macrobrachium americanum has a high commercial value with good fishing and cultivation possibilities in Mexico. Currently there is little information on reproductive aspects so the present work analyzed the sex ratio, fecundity and morphometry of the eggs of M. americanum in the Petatlán River, Sinaloa, Mexico. A total of 31 ovigerous females were captured. The sex ratio was 0.39 F: 1 M. The partial fecundity (Pf) varied from 34, 554 to 342, 372 eggs (128, 246 ± 12, 306 eggs, average Pf). The relationships between body and length-fecundity (R2= 0.5546), cephalothorax and length-fecundity (R2= 0.4995) were adjusted to a linear model, and the total weight-fecundity to a potential model (R2= 0.5013). The average relative fecundity was 37, 132 ± 5, 162 eggs/g. A total of 7 stages of embryonic development were observed. In the first stages, the egg presents a spherical form and in the latter an ovoid shape. Maximum egg diameter values are presented in stages VII, VI and VIII. Stage II pr...

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2021
Eyestalk ablation allows the removal of neurohormones that inhibit early reproduction and decreas... more Eyestalk ablation allows the removal of neurohormones that inhibit early reproduction and decreases the time to complete the molting cycle. The present study evaluated the impact of unilateral eyestalk ablation on the behavior of blue crab breeders Callinectes arcuatus in the short term under laboratory conditions. Immature male and female crabs and individuals in the intermolt stage were collected in Ohuira Bay, Ahome, Sinaloa, Mexico. Three bioassays were performed: males, females, and male-females each with three treatments; control + xylocaine (50 μL, 5%), squash ablation + xylocaine (50 μL, 5%), ablation by string ligation + xylocaine (50 μL, 5%), each with three replicas and three periods of evaluation after the ablation procedure (10 min, 2 h, and 24 h). Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square (χ2) tests were used to evaluate significances (P < 0.05) in the behavior of C. arcuatus. The sizes of blue crab C. arcuatus were 9.72 ± 1.0 cm of carapace width. The feeding behavior of the m...
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias
Efecto de los inmunoestimulantes microbianos en el porcentaje de infección con WSSV y la expresió... more Efecto de los inmunoestimulantes microbianos en el porcentaje de infección con WSSV y la expresión de genes relacionados con el sistema inmune del camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei) Efeito de imunoestimulantes microbianos sobre a porcentagem de infecção por WSSV e a expressão de genes relacionados ao sistema imune em camarões brancos (Litopenaeus vannamei

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
We evaluated the inhibition activity of extracts from two common plants, moringa (Moringa oleifer... more We evaluated the inhibition activity of extracts from two common plants, moringa (Moringa oleifera) and croton (Croton californicus), against Vibrio parahaemolyticus (IPNGS16), which causes acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND). The experiment was developed in three phases. First, extracts were prepared, and phytochemical screening of plants was performed. Second, microbiological tests were applied to calculate the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Finally, two bioassays were performed on juvenile shrimp by administering the extracts (first) in shrimp feed at 24 and 72 h, pre-infection, and the second in feed and directly to the culture water. Based on preliminary results of antimicrobial activity, an extract concentration of 60 mg mL-1 inhibited V. parahaemolyticus (IPNGS16) at a final concentration of approximately 1×106 CFU mL-1. Bioassays were carried out in order to determine the V. parahaemolyticus (IPNGS16) median lethal dose (LC50) for juvenile Penaeus vannam...

Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems
Background: The excessive use of antibiotics in shrimp aquaculture cause severe ecological damage... more Background: The excessive use of antibiotics in shrimp aquaculture cause severe ecological damage. Immunostimulant probiotics are an alternative prophylactic treatment to enhanceantioxidant and immune response to reduce mortality induced by pathogenic microbes. Objective: This study investigated the effect of live yeast Debaryomyces hansenii incorporated in diet and in culture water on survival and expression of the antioxidant and immune-related genes in Penaeus vannamei juvenile shrimp. Methodology: Shrimp were fed daily for 10 days with treatments of different doses and a post-infection with Vibrio parahaemolyticus as follows: a) control (-) without feed additives and non-infected; b) control (+) without feed additives and infected; c) D. hansenii, 1×106 CFU g-1 feed; d) inulin, 2.5 mg g-1 feed; e) D. hansenii, 1×106 CFU g-1 feed + inulin, 2.5 mg g-1 feed; f) D. hansenii, 2×106 CFU g-1 feed + 1×106 CFU mL-1; g) D. hansenii, 4×106 CFU g-1 feed + 1×106 CFU mL-1. Relative gene expr...

Organismal and Molecular Malacology
The pen shell Atrina maura bears economic importance in northwest Mexico. This chapter considers ... more The pen shell Atrina maura bears economic importance in northwest Mexico. This chapter considers a review on diverse ecology, fishery, and aquaculture topics of this species, carried out in northwest Mexico. In ecology, biology, abundance, spatial prospecting, sex ratio, size structure, reproductive cycle, first maturity sizes, variation of gonadosomatic indexes and growth are discussed. In fishery, the information analysed corresponds to the structure of the organisms in the banks susceptible to capture, institutional and ecological interaction for fishing regulation, evaluation of fishing effort, improvement in fishing performance using the knowledge and attitudes of the fishermen on fisheries policies in the Gulf of California, resilience and collapse of artisanal fisheries and public politics. In aquaculture, they are long-line culture, bottom culture, reproductive cycle, growth, production of larvae and seeds, biochemistry of oocytes, nutritional quality of the muscle, evaluation of diets based on microalgae, immunology in larval and juvenile and probiotic use. The present work shows a status based on information published in theses and articles indexed 15 years ago to the date on the ecology, fishery and aquaculture in the pen shell Atrina maura carried out in the lagoon systems of northwest Mexico.
Figure 2. Callinectes bellicosus, zoea 1. (a), maxillule; (b), maxilla; (c), first maxilliped; (d... more Figure 2. Callinectes bellicosus, zoea 1. (a), maxillule; (b), maxilla; (c), first maxilliped; (d), second maxilliped; (e), pleon.
Figure 1. Callinectes bellicosus, zoea 1. (a), front-lateral view; (b), cephalotorax, front view;... more Figure 1. Callinectes bellicosus, zoea 1. (a), front-lateral view; (b), cephalotorax, front view; (c), antennule; (d), antenna; (e), mandible.

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2021
The effect of dietary inulin on the intestinal bacterial communities of Penaeus vannamei by 16S m... more The effect of dietary inulin on the intestinal bacterial communities of Penaeus vannamei by 16S metagenomic analysis was assessed. PCR amplified the V3 region of the bacterial 16S rDNA. Sequencing reads were generated using the 2×150 (300 cycles) for the base-read length chemistry of the Illumina MiniSeq platform. The software Shaman and MicrobiomeAnalyst were used to analyze the sequences. The phylum Proteobacteria and the genus Vibrio were among the most abundant taxonomic ranks for control and inulin treatment. The relative abundance of the phylum Bacteroidetes and genus Ruegeria was lower in inulin treatment concerning the control condition. Alpha and beta indices did not show significant differences between inulin treatment and control conditions. For all samples, most of the bacterial organisms showed the presence of carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism-related genes, and to a lesser extent, of energy, lipid, and cofactors and vitamin metabolism-related genes. The principal ...

The effects of reducing feeding rate and molasses on water quality, growth, and gene expression o... more The effects of reducing feeding rate and molasses on water quality, growth, and gene expression of Litopenaeus vannamei was evaluated in a superintensive system with zero water exchange. A bioassay of 35 d (0,75 ± 0,22 g, 36 shrimp tank -1 , 450 shrimp m -3 ) with treatments in triplicate was performed: I) 100% commercial feed (control group) with water exchange; II) 100% commercial feed without water exchange; III) 100% commercial feed + B. licheniformis BCR 4-3 + molasses without water exchange; IV) 90% commercial feed + B. licheniformis BCR 4-3 + molasses without water exchange; V) 80% commercial feed + B. licheniformis BCR 4-3 + molasses without water exchange . Shrimp survival, weight, nitrogenous wastes, settleable solids (SS), and t he relative expression (RT-qPCR) of stress and digestive genes were determined. Shrimp survival was 100% in all treatments. The reduced diet, bioflocs, and bacilli did not affect shrimp growth. The culture conditions reduced nitrogenous wastes and...
Sajal Ray received MSc and MPhil degrees in Zoology and Environmental Science from Calcutta Unive... more Sajal Ray received MSc and MPhil degrees in Zoology and Environmental Science from Calcutta University, and a PhD from Jadavpur University. His thesis reports immunotoxicity of pesticide in an economically important snail of India. As an awardee of Fogarty Visiting Fellowship, Dr. Ray carried out his postdoctoral research in cardiac pathology at the National Institutes of Health, USA. His research interest is immunological responses of molluscs, sponges, crabs and earthworms exposed to pollutants. His team is engaged in understanding the evolutionary mechanism of immunity in phylogeny. He presented his research in conferences including the World Congress of Malacology in Washington DC. He is Professor of Zoology at Calcutta University and has been teaching Zoology for nearly thirty years at the postgraduate level.
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2019
Survival was investigated in Penaeus vannamei fed with powdered plants (PP: garlic, echinacea, gi... more Survival was investigated in Penaeus vannamei fed with powdered plants (PP: garlic, echinacea, ginger, and basil) and challenged with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and Vibrio parahaemolyticus by ingestion and immersion, respectively. PP was added to commercial feed at a concentration of 1, 2 and 4 g kg-1. The infection with both pathogens was made at the same time. Shrimp fed with PP (4 g kg feed −1) at different frequencies showed higher survival (96.7%) as compared to the positive control group not fed with PP (6.7%). WSSV prevalence in live and dead shrimp was similar in all treatments challenged with both pathogens varying from 33.3 to 55%. PP protects shrimp against WSSV and V. parahaemolyticus. Therefore, further research about the effect of PP is necessary for commercial shrimp farms.

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2017
The effect of inulin and fulvic acid, added in the feed, on growth, survival, WSSV prevalence, an... more The effect of inulin and fulvic acid, added in the feed, on growth, survival, WSSV prevalence, and immune system was studied in Litopenaeus vannamei. To the above, a bioassay, with treatments in triplicate, was performed to test different additive concentrations. WSSV analysis was done in organisms infected with a relatively high viral load using single and nested PCR. At the end of the bioassay, hemolymph was extracted and the immune system was studied in hemocytes at biochemical and genetic level (quantitative PCR). The final growth was similar in all treatments and survival was between 66,7% and 93,3%. WSSV prevalence decreased 13% as compared to control. The number of hemocytes, phenoloxidase activity, and superoxide anion concentration were similar in all treatments. Inulin and fulvic acid modulated the expression of transglutaminase, superoxide dismutase, and prophenoloxidase genes, but not the Toll receptor. Additives do not negatively affect growth of white shrimp and they p...

Croatian Journal of Fisheries, 2021
The reproductive cycle of the crustacean family Portunidae on the coast of the Pacific is not wel... more The reproductive cycle of the crustacean family Portunidae on the coast of the Pacific is not well known. Therefore, the reproductive cycle and the size at first maturity of brown crab Callinectes bellicosus and its relationship with environmental factors in the El Colorado Lagoon, Ahome, Sinaloa has been determined. A total of 360 females were collected from March 2012 to March 2013. The gonads were fixed in 10% formalin, histological cuts were made by the paraffin inclusion method and the hematoxylin and eosin staining technique. The diameter of oocytes was determined by stage. The size at first maturity was estimated by a logistic model. Females showed gametogenic activity during the entire study period. The maturity period was from March to November 2012, with two spawning peaks, in September 2012 and March 2013. Maturity was inversely influenced by temperature (r = -0.4454, P < 0.05) and no influence by salinity was observed (P > 0.05). The diameter of the oocytes showed ...

Aquaculture, 2021
Abstract This work aims to encapsulate Bacillus licheniformis, a marine probiotic, in alginate mi... more Abstract This work aims to encapsulate Bacillus licheniformis, a marine probiotic, in alginate microparticles (AMPs), and the evaluation of its controlled and targeted release within a simulated shrimp digestive tract (DT). The encapsulation process was carried out using the ionic gelation technique. Both free and bacteria-loaded AMPs were physicochemically characterized by size, morphology, surface electrical charge, the survival, and the number of encapsulated bacteria after the encapsulation process, and the bacterial survival after 40-days of storage (at 4 °C and 25 °C). The in vitro release and survival studies of the bacteria were carried out using a protocol developed in our laboratory by implementing buffers of dissected organs from shrimp's DT. Results indicated that microparticles with an average size of 172–185 μm and negatively charged (−16.77 and − 17.66 mV, respectively) were obtained after using the ionic gelation method. The bacterial survival and encapsulation efficiency showed high cell viability and yield above 99%. Stability studies showed that the best storage temperature was 4 °C, in which it remained almost 100% of the bacteria viable for 15 days; however, cell viability declined to 55% survival after 30 days of storage at this temperature. Regardless of the cell viability reduction after 30 days, there are enough viable bacteria cells to be considered as a probiotic product. Release and survival studies showed that alginate particles had a protective effect on bacteria by keeping ca. 51.29% of viable probiotic within the shrimp intestine; in contrast, free bacteria only reached the shrimp intestine ca. 27.16% viable. Our results suggest that microparticles can be produced by a low-cost method that could ultimately benefit shrimp farming in a near future.

Journal of Natural History, 2020
ABSTRACT So far there are no descriptions of zoea larvae of known species of the genus Callinecte... more ABSTRACT So far there are no descriptions of zoea larvae of known species of the genus Callinectes in the Pacific Ocean. Hence, the objective of this study is to describe the first larval stage of C. bellicosus and determine if the features of the zoea 1 stage are like the other species of Portunidae family. Twenty ovigerous females were captured at El Colorado lagoon in the Mexican Pacific, of the northern coast of Sinaloa, during September 2017. Females were transported to the aquaculture laboratory of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN); Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Integral Development (CIIDIR), Unit Sinaloa. The ovigerous females were isolated in tanks with aerated seawater at a salinity of 35 psu, and a temperature of 20.5 ± 1.5°C, until hatching. The zoea were fixed and preserved in 70% ethanol. The first zoea was dissected using glycerine for detailed examination under a stereoscope. In this study we observed that from C. bellicosus the lateral carapace spines were well-developed, the dorsolateral projections were found on the second and third abdominal segments, the abdominal segments 3–5 bore posterior lateral processes, the telson fork had three spines and there was an unarmed endopod middle segment at the first maxilliped, all these correspond to those morphological larval characters of the subfamily Portuninae.
Papers by Ruth Escamilla Montes