Papers by Rustem Sinitsyn
Vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo avìacìjnogo unìversitetu, Feb 1, 2005
This paper presents and analyzes two algorithms for the detection of hail zones in clouds and pre... more This paper presents and analyzes two algorithms for the detection of hail zones in clouds and precipitation: parametric algorithm and adaptive non-parametric algorithm. Reliability of detection of radar signals from hailstones is investigated by statistical simulation with application of experimental researches as initial data. The results demonstrate the limits of both algorithms as well as higher viability of non-parametric algorithm. Polarimetric algorithms are useful for the implementation in ground-based and airborne weather radars.
In this paper we suggest a new nonparametric description for parameters connecting signals in pol... more In this paper we suggest a new nonparametric description for parameters connecting signals in polarimetric weather radar. This extension gives us a possibility of obtaining reflected signal description parameters not depending from the polarimetric signal two-variable probability density function. The approach is based on comparatively new statistical notion - copula.
Proceedings of SPIE, Jun 12, 2011
This paper is devoted to the design of the filter for voice signals on the background of acoustic... more This paper is devoted to the design of the filter for voice signals on the background of acoustic noise. Nonparametric model of the voice signals is suggested. The results are confirmed by experimental processing of the voice signals.
SPIE Proceedings, Oct 21, 2007
In the paper a new approach for estimating of the spoken language sound multivariate probability ... more In the paper a new approach for estimating of the spoken language sound multivariate probability density is suggested. It is based on the use of a projection of a random process to the set of random variables, with the probability density defined as a product of two-dimensional densities. The estimates of two-dimensional probability densities are obtained with the help of filtering of the two-dimensional empirical characteristic function. Therefore, we are suggesting a nonparametric estimate of the characteristic function. On the basis of these estimates nonparametric algorithms of sound classification can be constructed. Examples for the sound probability density function estimates are suggested.
SPIE Proceedings, Oct 21, 2007
Statistical properties of the images obtained with the help of application of the method of the g... more Statistical properties of the images obtained with the help of application of the method of the generalized portrait are investigated. Kernel estimates of probability density function of the average images are constructed. Statistical properties of the received images and initial image realizations are investigated. The Markov model for the description of the generalized portrait is offered. For the Markov model of a random process the kernel estimates of a probability density function are offered.
European Radar Conference, 2004
Noise radars have wonderful properties thanks to the unique form of the ambiguity function. In th... more Noise radars have wonderful properties thanks to the unique form of the ambiguity function. In this paper a nonparametric signal detection algorithm for noise radar is proposed. The new approach is based on a nonlinear data transform using a kernel estimate of a cumulative density function. The parametric variant of detecting procedure is also obtained. The detection algorithms were tested with the help of a physical model of the radar - the acoustic radar.

Proceedings of SPIE, Jun 14, 2009
Work is devoted to important topic of acoustic signals processing in a pilot's cabin of aircr... more Work is devoted to important topic of acoustic signals processing in a pilot's cabin of aircraft in which the high noise level is observed. We have investigated heuristic approach of acoustic signal nonlinear filtration. First of all the kernel estimate of the cumulative distribution function was done. The signal was transformed using the estimate of the cumulative distribution function as a functional transform. Then measurements of acoustic signals' parameters and an estimation of their spectral density were done. The estimation was measured by means of fast Fourier transform procedure with use of window functions. At the second stage the new procedure of the adaptive filtration based on the Wiener frequency approach has been offered. The estimations of spectra received at the first stage have been thus used. Results are confirmed by experimental processing of spoken language signals.
The new nonparametric algorithms of signal detection, based on Chentsov and Parzen estimates of a... more The new nonparametric algorithms of signal detection, based on Chentsov and Parzen estimates of a noise density function have been surveyed. The algorithms can be used for detection of signals on a set noise and reflections from an underlying surface, clouds, sea etc. The use of these estimates provides stability of the false alarm probability and high detection performance. The effectiveness of algorithms is researched by a Monte-Carlo method.
Vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo avìacìjnogo unìversitetu, Sep 26, 1999
Рассмотрены оценки Ченцова в базисе тригонометрических функций. Предложены новые непараметрически... more Рассмотрены оценки Ченцова в базисе тригонометрических функций. Предложены новые непараметрические процедуры проверки гипотез, основанные на этих оценках. На основе предложенных процедур синтезирован алгоритм обнаружения сигналов на фот коррелированных помех. Эффективность подтверждена результатами математического моделирования.
In this paper we introduce and check a new description of polarimetric parameters that are asympt... more In this paper we introduce and check a new description of polarimetric parameters that are asymptotically invariant to the group of all monotonous transformations of input signals. In particular, this can give a possibility to estimate pure correlation between polarimetric signals independently on statistical characteristics of initial data. This copula-based approach is applied to signal processing in polarimetric meteorological radar.
A nonparametric procedure for a radar detection of inhotnogeneous areas in homogeneous media I S ... more A nonparametric procedure for a radar detection of inhotnogeneous areas in homogeneous media I S proposed. The tnethod is based on using projeclion eslitnale of n i.leirsi& functiiorr applying potential firnctions. The detection of hail zones is used to illustrate the non-parametric tnethod presented in the paper
European Radar Conference, Oct 1, 2016
In this paper we propose the method of transition from the complex full polarimetric radar signal... more In this paper we propose the method of transition from the complex full polarimetric radar signals to univariate uniformly distributed marginals that can be used for more precise copula analysis of statistical dependence between the complex samples of signals received at orthogonally polarized sounding waveforms. The method is applied to meteorological radar signal processing.
This paper presents the copula based simulation of weather radar preprocessed input signals with ... more This paper presents the copula based simulation of weather radar preprocessed input signals with orthogonal polarizations. The use of copulas allows taking into account their mutual dependence in a straightforward and natural way, because the copula relates exactly to the pure dependence between the marginal distributions.
In the paper a new approach for estimating the radar signal multivariate probability density is s... more In the paper a new approach for estimating the radar signal multivariate probability density is suggested. It is based on the use of a projection of a random process to the set of random variables, with the probability density defined as a product of two-dimensional densities. The estimates of two-dimensional probability densities are obtained with the help of filtering the two-dimensional characteristic function. So we are suggesting a nonparametric estimate of the characteristic function. On the basis of these estimates nonparametric algorithms of signal detection are constructed. Examples for remote sensing of atmosphere are suggested

Дана навчальна дисципліна є теоретичною основою сукупності знань та вмінь, що формують профіль фа... more Дана навчальна дисципліна є теоретичною основою сукупності знань та вмінь, що формують профіль фахівця в галузі електроніки інформаційних систем та технологій. Метою викладання дисципліни є розкриття сучасних наукових концепцій, понять, методів та технологій формування у студентів знань, які необхідні для розуміння принципу роботи та проектування аналогових електронних пристроїв, які використовуються в мікро-та наносистемної техніці, а також придбання практичних навичок дослідження аналогових електронних систем.Данная учебная дисциплина является теоретической основой совокупности знаний и умений, формируют профиль специалиста в области электроники информационных систем и технологий. Целью преподавания дисциплины является раскрытие современных научных концепций, понятий, методов и технологий формирования у студентов знаний, которые необходимы для понимания принципа работы и проектирования аналоговых электронных устройств, используемых в микро-и наносистемнои технике, а также приобрет...

Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни "Переддипломна практика" (171 "Електронні те... more Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни "Переддипломна практика" (171 "Електронні технології інтернету речей")Переддипломна практика є складовою частиною основної освітньої програми вищої професійної освіти і являє собою одну з форм організації навчального процесу, яка полягає в професійно-практичній підготовці здобувачів вищої освіти. Практика проводиться перед виконанням дипломної роботи і завершує формування здобувача вищої освіти за освітнім ступенем «Бакалавр». Практика має бути узгоджена з темою дипломної роботи (проекту).Undergraduate practice is an integral part of basic education higher professional education program and is a form of organization educational process, which consists in professional and practical training applicants for higher education. The internship is held before the diploma work and completes the formation of the applicant for higher education by educational degree "Bachelor". The internship should be consistent with the topic...
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 2015
In this paper the algorithm of signal detection by means passive acoustics and digital data proce... more In this paper the algorithm of signal detection by means passive acoustics and digital data processing is proposed. This algorithm is original and contains the processing of signals, which are received by several acoustic aerials. For signal detection the calculation of wide-band ambiguity function together with its projection on time axis are used. All the calculations are executed with the real signals. As the result the location of the aircraft on Cartesian coordinate plane is observed. The suggested algorithm is also proposed to use for measuring of aircraft noise with the aim of environmental protection.
New algorithms for polarimetric radar signals processing were developed and applied for the detec... more New algorithms for polarimetric radar signals processing were developed and applied for the detection of hail zones in clouds and precipitation. This paper presents and analyzes two algorithms: parametric algorithm and adaptive non-parametric algorithm. Reliability of detection of radar signals from hailstones is investigated by statistical simulation with application of experimental researches as initial data. The results demonstrate the limits
2016 17th International Radar Symposium (IRS), 2016
The paper presents a multivariate copula approach to identify the dependence between different po... more The paper presents a multivariate copula approach to identify the dependence between different polarimetric parameters. This approach can be used to develop a new method of invariant polarimetric classification of radar targets. Signals from meteorological target are processed as an example.
Papers by Rustem Sinitsyn