Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Nov 24, 2021
The corruption eradication in Indonesia currently requires a faster, more assertive, and more sig... more The corruption eradication in Indonesia currently requires a faster, more assertive, and more significant effort of settlement. One of the reformation efforts is made by the government through the establishment of corruption court. Since 2009, the corruption court has been existing as a special judicative entity that handles corruption cases. However, there are many obstacles found during the dispute settlement of corruption, especially in the process of implementation that is often not in accordance with the applicable provisions. Based on this research, the Corruption Court has not performed optimally yet, because of several factors, namely: a large number of cases, the limited facilities and infrastructures, and also the lack of quantity and quality of human resources.
Indonesian criminal law system does not regulate pacific settlement mechanisms in the settlement ... more Indonesian criminal law system does not regulate pacific settlement mechanisms in the settlement of criminal cases. This does not correspond to reality where for certain types of crime, members of the society tend to resort to pacific settlements such as giving/seeking forgiveness or making peace agreements, which is done to make peace between the perpetrators and their victims, thus settling the case. This article is written based on research that is aimed at finding out the relationship between forgiveness and peace agreements, and the legal system that exist in Indonesia; analyzing the cause/motivation behind the preference for peaceful settlement mechanisms over criminal proceeding at a judiciary, and; analyzing the response of law enforcement officers to the result of peace agreement and reconciliation between victims and perpetrators. Several conclusions were drawn as the results of this study; first, forgiveness and peace agreements in pacific settlements of criminal cases a...
Environmental problems are collective problems that require the participation of all components o... more Environmental problems are collective problems that require the participation of all components of the nation, one of which includes environmental NGOs which have the right to participate in the protection and management of the environment, especially in the context of enforcing environmental criminal law. In practice, NGO participation can be a third party with an interest in pretrial, a witness or an expert in a trial or filing amicus curiae in environmental criminal cases. However, the role of environmental NGOs themselves is still a matter of debate by law enforcers because there is no place in the legislation which results in legal uncertainty for environmental NGOs to participate in environmental criminal law enforcement. This research is normative juridical. By using a descriptive analytical approach, this study aims to determine the extent of the role of environmental NGOs and the obstacles to manifesting the role of NGOs in the enforcement of environmental criminal law.
The function of forensic autopsy in the murder investigation process is to examine the victim's b... more The function of forensic autopsy in the murder investigation process is to examine the victim's body and provide definite information about the victim's death. Forensic autopsy results will be used by Investigators as evidence that can prove causal between the actions of the suspect and the death of the victim. But there are problems, incomplete autopsy regulation which results in uncertainty along with irregularities in the autopsy process in practice and the second problem is the autopsy function in the process of investigating the crime of murder to find and achieve material truth. Unclear and incomplete regulations related to autopsy caused unclear interpretation of the regulations regarding autopsy also differences about the application in investigation practice. The rule of the forensic autopsy will affect the function of autopsy as the main examination standard to examine the cause of death to achieve the truth of the victim's death. The renewal rule of forensic will be the first step to optimize the development of forensic autopsy according to field requirements and to optimize the function of the autopsy, so it will have the effect of reducing doubts on the disclosure of murder cases.
Dalam praktek peradilan di Indonesia muncul fenomena peliputan secara langsung persidangan perkar... more Dalam praktek peradilan di Indonesia muncul fenomena peliputan secara langsung persidangan perkara pidana oleh pers dan kemudian disiarkan langsung melalui media televisi, hal ini dapat terjadi dalam keadaan suatu persidangan dinyatakan terbuka untuk umum. Praktek ini menimbulkan dampak negatif, antara lain terjadinya pelanggaran asas praduga tak bersalah dan berdampak pada pembuktian di persidangan. Penelitian ini bertujun untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis ketentuan mengenai peliputan persidangan perkara pidana di pengadilan oleh pers dihubungkan dengan kepentingan umum dan asas pemeriksaan di persidangan terbuka untuk umum. Serta untuk menemukan pengaturan peliputan persidangan di pengadilan oleh pers dimasa yang akan datang dalam kaitannya dengan asas pemeriksaan di persidangan terbuka untuk umum dalam rangka pembaharuan hukum acara pidana. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang didasarkan kepada data kepustakaan dengan didukung oleh perat...
Di Indonesia sesungguhnya banyak kasus yang terjadi berkaitan dengan pelecehan terhadap pengadila... more Di Indonesia sesungguhnya banyak kasus yang terjadi berkaitan dengan pelecehan terhadap pengadilan dan aparat penegak hukum. Hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap integritas dan kewibawaan lembaga peradilan sebagai benteng terakhir untuk mendapatkan keadilan. Namun, sampai saat ini di Indonesia belum ada ketentuan yang secara khusus mengatur tentang pranata Contempt of Court. Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian yang telah selesai dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif yang mengedepankan data sekunder dengan dilengkapi data primer berupa penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan pada beberapa pengadilan negeri yang ada di Indonesia. Pembahasan
The idea of the concept of Wasathiyah Islam (moderate Islam) reappeared in the High Level Consult... more The idea of the concept of Wasathiyah Islam (moderate Islam) reappeared in the High Level Consultation (Summit) of World Muslim Scholars and Intellectuals at the Bogor Palace, 1-3 May 2018. Wasathiyah Islam is perceived as a perspective that understands the position of Islam between two extreme opposite points: Fundamentalist and radical on the one hand, and liberal and permissive on the other. Women are the party most defeated by Islamic fundamentalists and most disadvantaged in the application of rigid Islamic sharia in various places in the Islamic world. In connection with concept of Wasathiyah Islam, women have monitoring ability that can promote constructive dialogue and provide understanding, both in the family and in the community. Therefore, women need to be equipped with a full understanding of the concept of Wasathiyah Islam, because misleading understanding can foster religious radicalism on the one hand, and permissive attitudes will dwarf the understanding of religion on the other. The method used in this counselling includes several stages: 1) survey; 2) module making; 3) counselling; 4) interactive dialogue; 5) evaluation. The results of the counselling showed that after the training, participants enhanced their knowledge about the concept of Wasathiyah Islam. They began to realize that they had an important role in instilling a correct understanding of Wasathiyah Islam towards their families and communities.
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Nov 24, 2021
The corruption eradication in Indonesia currently requires a faster, more assertive, and more sig... more The corruption eradication in Indonesia currently requires a faster, more assertive, and more significant effort of settlement. One of the reformation efforts is made by the government through the establishment of corruption court. Since 2009, the corruption court has been existing as a special judicative entity that handles corruption cases. However, there are many obstacles found during the dispute settlement of corruption, especially in the process of implementation that is often not in accordance with the applicable provisions. Based on this research, the Corruption Court has not performed optimally yet, because of several factors, namely: a large number of cases, the limited facilities and infrastructures, and also the lack of quantity and quality of human resources.
Indonesian criminal law system does not regulate pacific settlement mechanisms in the settlement ... more Indonesian criminal law system does not regulate pacific settlement mechanisms in the settlement of criminal cases. This does not correspond to reality where for certain types of crime, members of the society tend to resort to pacific settlements such as giving/seeking forgiveness or making peace agreements, which is done to make peace between the perpetrators and their victims, thus settling the case. This article is written based on research that is aimed at finding out the relationship between forgiveness and peace agreements, and the legal system that exist in Indonesia; analyzing the cause/motivation behind the preference for peaceful settlement mechanisms over criminal proceeding at a judiciary, and; analyzing the response of law enforcement officers to the result of peace agreement and reconciliation between victims and perpetrators. Several conclusions were drawn as the results of this study; first, forgiveness and peace agreements in pacific settlements of criminal cases a...
Environmental problems are collective problems that require the participation of all components o... more Environmental problems are collective problems that require the participation of all components of the nation, one of which includes environmental NGOs which have the right to participate in the protection and management of the environment, especially in the context of enforcing environmental criminal law. In practice, NGO participation can be a third party with an interest in pretrial, a witness or an expert in a trial or filing amicus curiae in environmental criminal cases. However, the role of environmental NGOs themselves is still a matter of debate by law enforcers because there is no place in the legislation which results in legal uncertainty for environmental NGOs to participate in environmental criminal law enforcement. This research is normative juridical. By using a descriptive analytical approach, this study aims to determine the extent of the role of environmental NGOs and the obstacles to manifesting the role of NGOs in the enforcement of environmental criminal law.
The function of forensic autopsy in the murder investigation process is to examine the victim's b... more The function of forensic autopsy in the murder investigation process is to examine the victim's body and provide definite information about the victim's death. Forensic autopsy results will be used by Investigators as evidence that can prove causal between the actions of the suspect and the death of the victim. But there are problems, incomplete autopsy regulation which results in uncertainty along with irregularities in the autopsy process in practice and the second problem is the autopsy function in the process of investigating the crime of murder to find and achieve material truth. Unclear and incomplete regulations related to autopsy caused unclear interpretation of the regulations regarding autopsy also differences about the application in investigation practice. The rule of the forensic autopsy will affect the function of autopsy as the main examination standard to examine the cause of death to achieve the truth of the victim's death. The renewal rule of forensic will be the first step to optimize the development of forensic autopsy according to field requirements and to optimize the function of the autopsy, so it will have the effect of reducing doubts on the disclosure of murder cases.
Dalam praktek peradilan di Indonesia muncul fenomena peliputan secara langsung persidangan perkar... more Dalam praktek peradilan di Indonesia muncul fenomena peliputan secara langsung persidangan perkara pidana oleh pers dan kemudian disiarkan langsung melalui media televisi, hal ini dapat terjadi dalam keadaan suatu persidangan dinyatakan terbuka untuk umum. Praktek ini menimbulkan dampak negatif, antara lain terjadinya pelanggaran asas praduga tak bersalah dan berdampak pada pembuktian di persidangan. Penelitian ini bertujun untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis ketentuan mengenai peliputan persidangan perkara pidana di pengadilan oleh pers dihubungkan dengan kepentingan umum dan asas pemeriksaan di persidangan terbuka untuk umum. Serta untuk menemukan pengaturan peliputan persidangan di pengadilan oleh pers dimasa yang akan datang dalam kaitannya dengan asas pemeriksaan di persidangan terbuka untuk umum dalam rangka pembaharuan hukum acara pidana. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang didasarkan kepada data kepustakaan dengan didukung oleh perat...
Di Indonesia sesungguhnya banyak kasus yang terjadi berkaitan dengan pelecehan terhadap pengadila... more Di Indonesia sesungguhnya banyak kasus yang terjadi berkaitan dengan pelecehan terhadap pengadilan dan aparat penegak hukum. Hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap integritas dan kewibawaan lembaga peradilan sebagai benteng terakhir untuk mendapatkan keadilan. Namun, sampai saat ini di Indonesia belum ada ketentuan yang secara khusus mengatur tentang pranata Contempt of Court. Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian yang telah selesai dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif yang mengedepankan data sekunder dengan dilengkapi data primer berupa penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan pada beberapa pengadilan negeri yang ada di Indonesia. Pembahasan
The idea of the concept of Wasathiyah Islam (moderate Islam) reappeared in the High Level Consult... more The idea of the concept of Wasathiyah Islam (moderate Islam) reappeared in the High Level Consultation (Summit) of World Muslim Scholars and Intellectuals at the Bogor Palace, 1-3 May 2018. Wasathiyah Islam is perceived as a perspective that understands the position of Islam between two extreme opposite points: Fundamentalist and radical on the one hand, and liberal and permissive on the other. Women are the party most defeated by Islamic fundamentalists and most disadvantaged in the application of rigid Islamic sharia in various places in the Islamic world. In connection with concept of Wasathiyah Islam, women have monitoring ability that can promote constructive dialogue and provide understanding, both in the family and in the community. Therefore, women need to be equipped with a full understanding of the concept of Wasathiyah Islam, because misleading understanding can foster religious radicalism on the one hand, and permissive attitudes will dwarf the understanding of religion on the other. The method used in this counselling includes several stages: 1) survey; 2) module making; 3) counselling; 4) interactive dialogue; 5) evaluation. The results of the counselling showed that after the training, participants enhanced their knowledge about the concept of Wasathiyah Islam. They began to realize that they had an important role in instilling a correct understanding of Wasathiyah Islam towards their families and communities.
Papers by Elis Rusmiati