Papers by Muchamad Rusdan

This research aims to identify and analyze strategies for implementing green networking on BTU co... more This research aims to identify and analyze strategies for implementing green networking on BTU computer networks. The research methods used include literature studies, surveys, and interviews with various stakeholders at BTU, as well as analysis of energy usage data from existing computer network infrastructure. This study investigates various technical and operational aspects of implementing green networking, including appropriate technology, implementation strategies, and challenges faced. The research results show that implementing green networking at BTU can reduce energy consumption and operational costs, as well as support the global commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the main challenges faced include initial investment costs, the need for increased technical skills, and resistance to change. Based on the research findings, it provides practical recommendations for BTU to implement green networking effectively, including increasing awareness and education about green networking, investing in environmentally friendly technology, and developing policies and procedures that support sustainability. We anticipate that this research will significantly contribute to environmental preservation, enhance BTU operational efficiency, and serve as a model for other educational institutions to adopt sustainable technological practices.

This research analyzes the comparison of service quality between the Infrastructure Wireless Dist... more This research analyzes the comparison of service quality between the Infrastructure Wireless Distribution System (I-WDS) and the Ad-Hoc Wireless Distribution System (A-WDS) by evaluating throughput, latency, jitter and packet loss levels. The research method follows 4 stages of the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC), with the Analysis stage using observation and literature study to analyze wireless network modes. The research results show that I-WDS provides higher stability and consistency in throughput, latency, and control over jitter and packet loss compared to A-WDS. A-WDS, meanwhile, stands out in flexibility and adaptability. The advantage of I-WDS lies in the presence of a fixed infrastructure, which provides better interference handling and data traffic optimization. These conclusions provide important insights in selecting the type of wireless network according to the specific needs of the application or usage environment.

Joint (Journal of Information Technology), Mar 2, 2020
Intisari-Jaringan wireless merupakan salah satu alternatif terbaik dalam membangun jaringan kompu... more Intisari-Jaringan wireless merupakan salah satu alternatif terbaik dalam membangun jaringan komputer yang praktis dan fleksibel serta memiliki mobilitas tinggi. Sebagian besar institusi menggunakan jaringan wireless untuk mendukung jaringan kabel yang sudah ada, namun pada kenyataannya jaringan wireless tersebut tetap menggunakan media kabel sebagai backbone dari access point, yang bertujuan supaya pengguna layanan bisa melakukan akses internet dan pencarian informasi. Permasalahan dari penggunaan kabel sebagai media backbone ini dapat menjadi kendala yang berarti pada tempat-tempat yang sulit dijangkau oleh kabel. Jaringan wireless memberikan kemudahan dan fleksibilitas yang cukup tinggi serta nyaman untuk digunakan. Selama berada dalam area cakupan jaringan wireless, pengguna dapat mengakses internet setiap saat. Untuk membuat sebuah jaringan wireless terkoneksi ke internet dengan aman dan user-friendly, maka kita dapat membuat sebuah sistem user authentication yang berbasis Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan Authentication dan Authorization. Pada umumnya setiap pengguna dapat menggunakan layanan jaringan wireless yang ada dengan cara melakukan user authentication yang berbasis Wifi Protected Access 2 Pre-Shared Key (WPA2-PSK). Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain adalah mengembangkan jaringan wireless yang menggunakan user authentication berbasis Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) untuk dapat melakukan koneksi pada jaringan wireless demi meningkatkan keamanan serta kemudahan dalam penggunaan jaringan wireless yang ada. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik studi literatur dan observasi. Setelah dilakukan analisis dan disain dapat disimpulkan bahwa user authentication berbasis Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) aman dan user-friendly yang mampu membedakan pengguna yang diizinkan dan tidak diizinkan untuk menggunakan layanan jaringan wireless. Kata kuncijaringan wireless, wireless distribution system, multi-factor authentication.
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2020

Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2021
The Rastra Rice Program is one of the programs planned by the government to reduce the burden on ... more The Rastra Rice Program is one of the programs planned by the government to reduce the burden on target households (RTS – Rumah Tangga Sasaran). This program provides relief to the community by distributing Rastra Rice which is suitable for consumption. BULOG become one of the state-owned institutions appointed by the government to provide and distribute subsidized rice for low-income groups, the provision prioritizes the procurement of rice/rice from farmers in the country. The main objective of this research is to find a better distribution strategy so that the distribution process of Rastra rice is efficient, minimizes delays from delivery times, and minimizes the risk of storage costs. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection methods using observation techniques and literature studies, while the method in determining the distribution strategy using agent-based modeling and simulation. Agent-based Model (ABM) based simulation method for Rastra rice...

The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the level of wireless network vulnerability ... more The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the level of wireless network vulnerability using ISSAF with penetration testing and make plans, assessments, and evaluation reports of wireless network security that can be used as guidelines for conducting penetration testing on an organization or company. The study was conducted with an action research approach which was divided into several stages, namely diagnosing, action planning, intervention, evaluation, and reflection. Then for the wireless network security evaluation process by applying ISSAF Penetration Testing. The results of testing the level of wireless network vulnerability of PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia using ISSAF with penetration testing shows that the overall results of the four types of testing show the average level of a vulnerability is 0.8, in other words, the overall wireless network at PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia has a high level of vulnerability. The outputs from each phase, namely th...
Jurnal TEDC, Apr 15, 2019

Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (JICT), 2020
The purpose of the study was to develop a website-based tour and travel application on the fronte... more The purpose of the study was to develop a website-based tour and travel application on the frontend and to make ticket reservation facilities. The research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using observation and literature study. While the system development method used is the Rational Unified Process (RUP) method. The results of the research, the development of website-based tour and travel applications on the frontend can be made with the programming language Python and Django framework and coupled with the bootstrap feature can make the frontend display on the tour and travel application more attractive. Creating a tour and travel application is expected to meet the needs of companies to improve performance in the business of PT INTI, especially in the field of information technology in the field of tour and travel services to facilitate customers to obtain information about tourist attractions, tour packages, and ticket reservations provided at t...

In this study, problems arise due to the use of WPA2-based user authentication. Constraints faced... more In this study, problems arise due to the use of WPA2-based user authentication. Constraints faced in using WPA2 are difficult to distinguish between users of wireless network services that are permitted and not permitted. The purpose of this study is that each wireless network user at Bale Bandung University (UNIBBA) can be distinguished between users who are permitted and not permitted so that wireless networks become safe, comfortable and user-friendly. UNIBBA is one of the educational institutions in Bandung Regency, which makes wireless networks a standard facility provided to students, lecturers, and employees that can be accessed through mobile devices that support wireless networks. The research method used is the waterfall method. The results of this study created a web-based wireless network user authentication system using RADIUS that is safe and user-friendly, by testing on the RADIUS server side and web login form.

Green computing adalah program aksi dan meminimalkan dampak buruk penggunaan teknologi terhadap k... more Green computing adalah program aksi dan meminimalkan dampak buruk penggunaan teknologi terhadap kelestarian lingkungan. Tujuan dan manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi perencanaan komputasi hijau di laboratorium komputer Universitas Widyatama dalam upaya menghemat listrik, mengurangi konsumsi daya yang berlebihan, dan mengurangi emisi karbon yang mempengaruhi suhu bumi yang meningkat (pemanasan global). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi literatur, observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan dengan Biro Sarana, Pusat Teknologi Informasi, dan Sekretariat Laboratorium Universitas Widyatama. Hasilnya menunjukkan kontribusi penggunaan energi komputer laboratorium komputer Universitas Widyatama untuk biaya dan emisi CO2 yang cukup tinggi, sebagai upaya penghematan listrik, mengurangi kelebihan konsumsi daya, dan mengurangi emisi karbon yang mempengaruhi kenaikan suhu bumi telah dilakukan oleh Widyatama. Universitas untuk mendekati konsep green use, green disposal, gr...

Wireless network as one of the standard facilities provided to students, faculty, and employees c... more Wireless network as one of the standard facilities provided to students, faculty, and employees can be accessed via laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other devices that support wireless networking. Existing wireless network at the University Widyatama still use cables Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) as the backbone of the access point. The use of UTP cable as the backbone of the access point has limited range, it is necessary to develop a wireless network utilizing pathways from wireless access point called a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) as the backbone of the access point, as well as the need to develop user authentication secure and user friendly capable distinguish the user or users that are allowed and not allowed based Remote Access Dial In User Service (RADIUS). The method used descriptive qualitative with the observation and study of literature while using the system development method waterfall method. The main objective of this study is to develop a wireless network ut...

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan jaringan wireless pada area hotspot yang masih mempergunak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan jaringan wireless pada area hotspot yang masih mempergunakan Wi-Fi Protected Access 2-Pre-Shared Key (WPA2-PSK) akan dikembangkan menjadi berbasis Remote Access Dial In User Service (RADIUS) sebagai user authentication yang aman dan user-friendly yang mampu membedakan user yang diizinkan dan tidak diizinkan. Di Universitas Widyatama setiap mahasiswa, dosen, dan karyawan dapat menggunakan layanan jaringan wireless yang ada dengan cara memasukkan password pada laptop, smartphone, tablet, dan perangkat lainnya yang mendukung penggunaan WPA2-PSK untuk melakukan user authentication. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan jaringan wireless dengan menggunakan user authentication dalam melakukan koneksi jaringan wireless, meningkatkan keamanan serta kemudahan dalam penggunaan jaringan wireless, dan dapat menghasilkan kebijakan dan prosedur penggunaan akses jaringan wireless. Pada penelitian ini metode penelitian yang digunakan metode Ne...

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan, 2020
The purpose of this research is to provide ease in reading articles on the standard production an... more The purpose of this research is to provide ease in reading articles on the standard production and use of imitation leather. Help reduce the level of errors in viewing the standard article production and use of materials by the operator. Operators can more easily enter and change data on the standard production and use of faux leather. It is helping operators who are elderly and have vision problems in seeing and determining production standards and material usage. Bits of help reduce night shift operator errors that lack concentration when looking at the standard production book and the use of faux leather due to drowsiness. This study uses a qualitative approach to data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and literature study. The system development model used in this study is the Waterfall model. The results of this study indicate that the application of production standards and the use of imitation leather material is very easy to use, fast enough in processing ...

Journal of Information Technology, 2020
Wireless networks are one of the best alternatives in building practical and flexible computer ne... more Wireless networks are one of the best alternatives in building practical and flexible computer networks that have high mobility. Most of them use wireless networks to support existing cable networks, but on wireless networks, they still use cable media as a backbone of the access point, which supports communication users can access the internet and find information. The problem of using cables as backbone media can be a significant challenge in places that are difficult to reach by wires. Wireless networks provide convenience and convenience that is high enough to use. As long as they are in an area that is supported by a wireless network, users can access the internet at any time. To make the wireless network connected to the internet safe and easy to use, we can create a user authentication system based on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) that can be used to authenticate and authorize. In general, each user can use existing wireless network services by verifying users based on Wi...
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2020

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan, 2020
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang jaringan wireless yang memanfaatkan jalur wireless se... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang jaringan wireless yang memanfaatkan jalur wireless sebagai backbone pada semua access point kecuali basestation point yang tetap mempergunakan kabel UTP sebagai backbone-nya dan memperluas area jangkauan jaringan wireless yang mampu mencakup seluruh bagian di Universitas Widyatama. Hasil desain jaringan wireless dengan WDS akan diuji dengan melakukan simulasi. Kemudian pengujian akan difokuskan pada parameter delay, packet loss, throughput, dan jitter dengan menggunakan metode Quality of Service (QoS) menggunakan aplikasi Axence netTools. Desain jaringan wireless dengan Wireless Distribution System (WDS) memiliki tingkat fleksibilitas yang lebih baik daripada backbone yang menggunakan kabel Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa throughput, delay, packet loss, dan jitter menunjukkan hasil yang bagus. Hasil pengujian throughput didapatkan nilai rata-rata throughput dengan presentase sebesar 90%, dapat dikategorikan...

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan, 2019
Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji strategi keamanan yang efektif untuk UKM pa... more Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji strategi keamanan yang efektif untuk UKM pada teknologi cloud computing, dengan memeriksa ancaman keamanan untuk UKM, langkah-langkah mitigasi, dan strategi terbaik untuk keamanan yang efektif di lingkungan cloud computing. Cloud computing adalah paradigma yang relatif baru yang menghadirkan manfaat bisnis yang signifikan dan peluang yang sangat besar untuk usaha kecil dan menengah. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi informasi (TI), UKM perlu menemukan strategi yang efektif untuk memenuhi tuntutan bisnis. Namun, banyak UKM yang enggan mengadopsi teknologi cloud computing karena masalah keamanan, privasi, dan kepercayaan yang melekat, serta risiko regulasi dan implikasi kepatuhan. Penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah serangan keamanan cyber yang menargetkan UKM di lingkungan cloud. Untuk mengatasi ancaman keamanan, ada kebutuhan untuk menetapkan praktik, standar, dan pedoman terbaik yang dapat diikuti oleh UKM. Penelit...

Journal of Informatics, Information System, Software Engineering and Applications (INISTA), 2019
The purpose of this research is to create a wireless network design in Cijambe Village using WDS ... more The purpose of this research is to create a wireless network design in Cijambe Village using WDS so that Cijambe Village can enjoy internet services through wireless networks, which can be used to find information, communication, and market products owned by village communities. A wireless network is one of the best alternatives in building a computer network that is practical and flexible and has high mobility. Most organizations use wireless networks to support existing cable networks, but in reality, the wireless network still uses Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable media as the backbone of Access Points (AP). Cijambe Village is a village located in Paseh District, Sumedang Regency. Cijambe village is divided into two hamlets, namely Cijambe Hamlet and Parugpug Hamlet. Cijambe village has an area of 357 hectares. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method. The steps taken in this research are analysis and design. the conclusion is that wi...
Conference on Information Technology, Information System and Electrical Engineering (CITISEE), 2019
Sistem monitoring merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dijaringan, dengan adanya manajeme... more Sistem monitoring merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dijaringan, dengan adanya manajemen jaringan dapat menghubungkan antara perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak agar dapat melakukan proses monitoring secara terus menerus pada aktivitas jaringan, serta mendukungnya data perangkat jaringan dan IP address yang dapat di monitor. Menggunakan aplikasi Cacti yang tersedia secara gratis dan dikonfigurasi pada sistem operasi linux untuk manajemen jaringan agar dapat memantau kepadatan dan lalu lintas bandwidth dengan aplikasi Cacti dapat melihat kondisi bandwidth saat digunakan di ruang lingkup Pemerintahan Kabupaten. Hasil akhir dari penelitian menampilkan grafik bandwidth di setiap perangkat jaringan.
Papers by Muchamad Rusdan