The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah ... more The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah buffalo calves and evaluate the therapeutic management of the disease. In November 2019, 9 to 10 buffaloes calves up to 3 months of age showed symptoms of diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and poor weight gain at an organised dairy farm. Based on history, faecal samples were collected from 20 buffaloes calves and subjected to standard qualitative coprological examination and quantitative analysis using a modified McMaster technique. Out of 20 faecal samples, 90% were positive for coccidia oocysts. Among positive samples, 11% were heavily infected and 16% had a moderate level of infection of Eimeria spp. Six species of Eimeria were identified, E. bareillyi was the most often encountered species, accounting for 37.39%, followed by E. bovis (22.76%), E. zuernii (14.63%), E. ellipsoidalis (13.82%), E. canadensis (13.82%), and E. cylindrica (6.50%). Blood examination of mild and severely affected calves revealed a decrease in the mean values of hemoglobulin, total erythrocyte count, total leucocyte count, platelets and an increase in monocytes as compared with healthy calves. The affected calves were treated with combination of Sulphadiazine and Trimethoprim (Biotrim IV injection) along with supportive treatment for five successive days. All the affected animals responded well to the treatment and showed marked reduction in clinical symptoms as well as oocyst output.
The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah ... more The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah buffalo calves and evaluate the therapeutic management of the disease. In November 2019, 9 to 10 buffaloes calves up to 3 months of age showed symptoms of diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and poor weight gain at an organised dairy farm. Based on history, faecal samples were collected from 20 buffaloes calves and subjected to standard qualitative coprological examination and quantitative analysis using a modified McMaster technique. Out of 20 faecal samples, 90% were positive for coccidia oocysts. Among positive samples, 11% were heavily infected and 16% had a moderate level of infection of Eimeria spp. Six species of Eimeria were identified, E. bareillyi was the most often encountered species, accounting for 37.39%, followed by E. bovis (22.76%), E. zuernii (14.63%), E. ellipsoidalis (13.82%), E. canadensis (13.82%), and E. cylindrica (6.50%). Blood examination of mild and severely affected ...
The present study estimated the therapeutic management of Babesia gibsoni in the dog population l... more The present study estimated the therapeutic management of Babesia gibsoni in the dog population located in and around Jabalpur (M.P.). A total of 2103 dogs that were brought to Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science & A.H., Jabalpur and different government and private clinics of Jabalpur (M.P.) were screened for a period of six months (June 2021 to November 2021). 503 dogs found suspected based on clinical history viz. anorexia, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding from the nostrils, pale of the mucous membrane, maelena, anaemia, jaundice, weight loss etc. and detection of the organisms in the blood of infected dogs and out of which 76 samples were haemoprotozoan positive amongst which 26 were B. gibsoni positive. For the therapeutic study, a total of 12 dogs confirmed for B. gibsoni were divided randomly into two treatment groups i.e., T2 and T3, each comprising of 6 dogs. Dogs of group T2 and T3 were treated with Doxycycline @ 5mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days +Metronidazole @ 15 mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days +Imidocarb @ 6.6 mg/kg bodyweight, S/C, two doses14 days apart and Doxycycline @ 5mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days +Metronidazole @ 15 mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days + Diminazene aceturate @ 5 mg/kg bodyweight, I/M, two doses 48 h apart respectively. The best therapeutic response was observed in the T2 group. A blood smear examination reveals a lower the degree of Parasitemia on the 15 th-day posttreatment and on the 30 th-day post-treatment blood smear was negative in all affected dogs.
Gastrointestinal (GI) nematode infections are one of the most prevalent and important issue upset... more Gastrointestinal (GI) nematode infections are one of the most prevalent and important issue upsetting the livestock worldwide. The principal mode of control of GI nematodes is based on anthelmintics because it is simple, cheap and offers both therapeutic and prophylactic cover against GI helminths. But, due to the emergence of resistant against anthelmintics, the problem has become complicated. The problem of anthelmintic resistance in GI nematodes of ruminants is worldwide in distribution. It has been documented to all classes of anthelmintics and multi-class resistance exists in many domestic animals. The objective of this review article is to provide an overview on the prevalence of anthelmintic resistance in India, mechanism and the factors contributing towards anthelmintic resistance, detection methods and to outline some strategies that may be used in parasite control programmers.
Sorghum (Jowar/Chari) is an important feedstuff for livestock. A negative characteristic of sorgh... more Sorghum (Jowar/Chari) is an important feedstuff for livestock. A negative characteristic of sorghum from an animal health perspective is its capabilities to cause cyanide poisoning. Cyanide can cause significant animal health problems including death. In the present study deals with an outbreak of sorghum poisoning from Nirdhari village of the Mandsaur district of the Madhya Pradesh in the month of May 2018 with a history of accidental ingestion of sorghum crops. A total of eight buffaloes were exposed, three animals found dead and five were severally affected with clinical symptoms like rapid and difficult breathing, dry noses, dilated pupils, motionless eyes, congested mucous membranes, muscle tremors, convulsions and recumbency. On post-mortem examination revealed that carcasses were bright cherryred coloured blood, congestion of liver, lungs, kidney and congestion and petechial haemorrhages on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract. Based on history and clinical symptoms, aff...
A total of 1419 faecal samples of goats collected and examined for gastrointestinal parasitic inf... more A total of 1419 faecal samples of goats collected and examined for gastrointestinal parasitic infestations for a period of 9 months (August 2015 to April 2016) revealed overall prevalence of 86.11 percent. The common parasitic infections prevalent were coccidian (71.45%), strongyle (28.40%), Moniezia spp. (18.74%) and Strongyloides spp. (0.70%). Highest prevalence of coccidia (81.07%) was observed in Jamunapari goats, while highest strongyle prevalence (30.64%) was observed in Barbari goats. Jakhrana goats showed highest prevalence rate of Moniezia spp. infection. Age-wise, prevalence of coccidian oocysts was highest in >6-12M age group while higher prevalence of strongyles was observed in > 6M age. Moniezia spp. infection, however, was more prevalent in goats of 2-6M age group. Month-wise, prevalence was higher in during September and October. The intensity of coccidian infection in terms of overall least squares means of coccidian oocysts count per gram of faeces (LFOC) was ...
The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 2018
Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infection in cattle is a worldwide problem as a cause of reduced ... more Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infection in cattle is a worldwide problem as a cause of reduced productivity and profitability. The present study deals with the prevalence of various GIparasitic infections in cattle in the Mahakaushal region of Madhya Pradesh. A total of 1243 faecal samples collected during a period of one year revealed, 249 (20.03%) were positive for one or more GIparasitism viz., Amphistomes (13.03%), Strongyle (5.47%), Moniezia (1.37%), Coccidia (1.21%), Fasciola (0.48%) and Toxocaravitulorum (0.16%) infection. Coproculture studies reveled thatHaemonchus was predominant nematode followed by Oesophagostomum, Trichostrongylus, Strongyloides and Bunostomum. Seasonal prevalence revealed significantly higher (p less than 0.01) prevalencein monsoon season (25.91%) than summer (21.40%) and winter (12.50%). Whereas, age wise prevalence was non-significantly higher in adult compared to young calves.
Abstract In many physical systems, films are rough due to the stochastic behavior of depositing p... more Abstract In many physical systems, films are rough due to the stochastic behavior of depositing particles. They are characterized by non-Porod power law decays in the structure factor S ( k ) . Theoretical studies predict anomalous diffusion in such morphologies, with important implications for diffusivity, conductivity, etc. We use the non-Porod decay to accurately determine the fractal properties of two prototypical nanoparticle films: (i) Palladium (Pd) and (ii) Cu 2 O. Using scaling arguments, we find that the resistance of rough films of lateral size L obeys a non-integer power law R ∼ L − ζ , in contrast to integer power laws for compact structures. The exponent ζ is anisotropic . We confirm our predictions by re-analyzing experimental data from Cu 2 O nano-particle films. Our results are valuable for understanding recent experiments that report anisotropic electrical properties in (rough) thin films.
A total of three cases, around two month old nondescript calves, were brought to Teaching Veterin... more A total of three cases, around two month old nondescript calves, were brought to Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Jabalpur in the month of January and February 2018 with a history of inappetence and bloody diarrhoea for last 2-3 days. On clinical examination, calves were found rough hair coat, dehydration, weakness, dry muzzle, pale mucous membrane, low body temperature and blood mixed faeces attached to the perineum regions. Samples were collected per rectum and brought to the Department of Veterinary Parasitology and processed for standard qualitative and quantitative examination. Parasitological examination of the faecal sample revealed the presence of coccidian oocysts and after sporulation, a total five Eimeria species were identified. Eimeria zuernii was found to be the most predominant species followed by Eimeria pellita like, Eimeria subspherica, Eimeria alabamensis and Eimeria bovis. The affected calves were treated with Biotrim @ 3-4 ml IV and supportive medication for 3 days. Animal recovered after 3 days post-treatment and further faecal sample examined revealed no evidence of oocysts. Base on literature and our knowledge, species-wise identification of Eimeria in cattle have been recorded for the first time in Madhya Pradesh.
Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infections are serious problem in livestock animals. They are res... more Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infections are serious problem in livestock animals. They are responsible for production losses, ill health and even death of the animals which leads to economic losses to the farmers. A study was carried out to detect the occurrence of parasitic infections in buffaloes in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh, India. A total of 1237 faecal samples were examined in the departmental laboratory out of which 163 (13.18 %) were positive for different parasitic eggs/oocysts during a one year study period. The prevalence of Amphistomes (9.54%)) was highest followed by Strongyle (3.15%), Coccidia (0.65%), Fasciola (0.32%) and Moniezia (0.24%) infection. Seasonal prevalence revealed significantly higher (p < 0.01) in monsoon season (20.39%) than summer (11.86%) and winter (7.25%). Whereas age wise prevalence was non-significantly higher (p> 0.005) in adult (13.48%) as compared to calves (12.3%). Prevalence of nematode larvae showed preponderance of Haemon...
The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah ... more The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah buffalo calves and evaluate the therapeutic management of the disease. In November 2019, 9 to 10 buffaloes calves up to 3 months of age showed symptoms of diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and poor weight gain at an organised dairy farm. Based on history, faecal samples were collected from 20 buffaloes calves and subjected to standard qualitative coprological examination and quantitative analysis using a modified McMaster technique. Out of 20 faecal samples, 90% were positive for coccidia oocysts. Among positive samples, 11% were heavily infected and 16% had a moderate level of infection of Eimeria spp. Six species of Eimeria were identified, E. bareillyi was the most often encountered species, accounting for 37.39%, followed by E. bovis (22.76%), E. zuernii (14.63%), E. ellipsoidalis (13.82%), E. canadensis (13.82%), and E. cylindrica (6.50%). Blood examination of mild and severely affected calves revealed a decrease in the mean values of hemoglobulin, total erythrocyte count, total leucocyte count, platelets and an increase in monocytes as compared with healthy calves. The affected calves were treated with combination of Sulphadiazine and Trimethoprim (Biotrim IV injection) along with supportive treatment for five successive days. All the affected animals responded well to the treatment and showed marked reduction in clinical symptoms as well as oocyst output.
The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah ... more The present study was undertaken to examine the incidence of Eimeria species infection in Murrah buffalo calves and evaluate the therapeutic management of the disease. In November 2019, 9 to 10 buffaloes calves up to 3 months of age showed symptoms of diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and poor weight gain at an organised dairy farm. Based on history, faecal samples were collected from 20 buffaloes calves and subjected to standard qualitative coprological examination and quantitative analysis using a modified McMaster technique. Out of 20 faecal samples, 90% were positive for coccidia oocysts. Among positive samples, 11% were heavily infected and 16% had a moderate level of infection of Eimeria spp. Six species of Eimeria were identified, E. bareillyi was the most often encountered species, accounting for 37.39%, followed by E. bovis (22.76%), E. zuernii (14.63%), E. ellipsoidalis (13.82%), E. canadensis (13.82%), and E. cylindrica (6.50%). Blood examination of mild and severely affected ...
The present study estimated the therapeutic management of Babesia gibsoni in the dog population l... more The present study estimated the therapeutic management of Babesia gibsoni in the dog population located in and around Jabalpur (M.P.). A total of 2103 dogs that were brought to Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science & A.H., Jabalpur and different government and private clinics of Jabalpur (M.P.) were screened for a period of six months (June 2021 to November 2021). 503 dogs found suspected based on clinical history viz. anorexia, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding from the nostrils, pale of the mucous membrane, maelena, anaemia, jaundice, weight loss etc. and detection of the organisms in the blood of infected dogs and out of which 76 samples were haemoprotozoan positive amongst which 26 were B. gibsoni positive. For the therapeutic study, a total of 12 dogs confirmed for B. gibsoni were divided randomly into two treatment groups i.e., T2 and T3, each comprising of 6 dogs. Dogs of group T2 and T3 were treated with Doxycycline @ 5mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days +Metronidazole @ 15 mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days +Imidocarb @ 6.6 mg/kg bodyweight, S/C, two doses14 days apart and Doxycycline @ 5mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days +Metronidazole @ 15 mg/kg bodyweight, PO, q12 h for 30 days + Diminazene aceturate @ 5 mg/kg bodyweight, I/M, two doses 48 h apart respectively. The best therapeutic response was observed in the T2 group. A blood smear examination reveals a lower the degree of Parasitemia on the 15 th-day posttreatment and on the 30 th-day post-treatment blood smear was negative in all affected dogs.
Gastrointestinal (GI) nematode infections are one of the most prevalent and important issue upset... more Gastrointestinal (GI) nematode infections are one of the most prevalent and important issue upsetting the livestock worldwide. The principal mode of control of GI nematodes is based on anthelmintics because it is simple, cheap and offers both therapeutic and prophylactic cover against GI helminths. But, due to the emergence of resistant against anthelmintics, the problem has become complicated. The problem of anthelmintic resistance in GI nematodes of ruminants is worldwide in distribution. It has been documented to all classes of anthelmintics and multi-class resistance exists in many domestic animals. The objective of this review article is to provide an overview on the prevalence of anthelmintic resistance in India, mechanism and the factors contributing towards anthelmintic resistance, detection methods and to outline some strategies that may be used in parasite control programmers.
Sorghum (Jowar/Chari) is an important feedstuff for livestock. A negative characteristic of sorgh... more Sorghum (Jowar/Chari) is an important feedstuff for livestock. A negative characteristic of sorghum from an animal health perspective is its capabilities to cause cyanide poisoning. Cyanide can cause significant animal health problems including death. In the present study deals with an outbreak of sorghum poisoning from Nirdhari village of the Mandsaur district of the Madhya Pradesh in the month of May 2018 with a history of accidental ingestion of sorghum crops. A total of eight buffaloes were exposed, three animals found dead and five were severally affected with clinical symptoms like rapid and difficult breathing, dry noses, dilated pupils, motionless eyes, congested mucous membranes, muscle tremors, convulsions and recumbency. On post-mortem examination revealed that carcasses were bright cherryred coloured blood, congestion of liver, lungs, kidney and congestion and petechial haemorrhages on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract. Based on history and clinical symptoms, aff...
A total of 1419 faecal samples of goats collected and examined for gastrointestinal parasitic inf... more A total of 1419 faecal samples of goats collected and examined for gastrointestinal parasitic infestations for a period of 9 months (August 2015 to April 2016) revealed overall prevalence of 86.11 percent. The common parasitic infections prevalent were coccidian (71.45%), strongyle (28.40%), Moniezia spp. (18.74%) and Strongyloides spp. (0.70%). Highest prevalence of coccidia (81.07%) was observed in Jamunapari goats, while highest strongyle prevalence (30.64%) was observed in Barbari goats. Jakhrana goats showed highest prevalence rate of Moniezia spp. infection. Age-wise, prevalence of coccidian oocysts was highest in >6-12M age group while higher prevalence of strongyles was observed in > 6M age. Moniezia spp. infection, however, was more prevalent in goats of 2-6M age group. Month-wise, prevalence was higher in during September and October. The intensity of coccidian infection in terms of overall least squares means of coccidian oocysts count per gram of faeces (LFOC) was ...
The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 2018
Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infection in cattle is a worldwide problem as a cause of reduced ... more Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infection in cattle is a worldwide problem as a cause of reduced productivity and profitability. The present study deals with the prevalence of various GIparasitic infections in cattle in the Mahakaushal region of Madhya Pradesh. A total of 1243 faecal samples collected during a period of one year revealed, 249 (20.03%) were positive for one or more GIparasitism viz., Amphistomes (13.03%), Strongyle (5.47%), Moniezia (1.37%), Coccidia (1.21%), Fasciola (0.48%) and Toxocaravitulorum (0.16%) infection. Coproculture studies reveled thatHaemonchus was predominant nematode followed by Oesophagostomum, Trichostrongylus, Strongyloides and Bunostomum. Seasonal prevalence revealed significantly higher (p less than 0.01) prevalencein monsoon season (25.91%) than summer (21.40%) and winter (12.50%). Whereas, age wise prevalence was non-significantly higher in adult compared to young calves.
Abstract In many physical systems, films are rough due to the stochastic behavior of depositing p... more Abstract In many physical systems, films are rough due to the stochastic behavior of depositing particles. They are characterized by non-Porod power law decays in the structure factor S ( k ) . Theoretical studies predict anomalous diffusion in such morphologies, with important implications for diffusivity, conductivity, etc. We use the non-Porod decay to accurately determine the fractal properties of two prototypical nanoparticle films: (i) Palladium (Pd) and (ii) Cu 2 O. Using scaling arguments, we find that the resistance of rough films of lateral size L obeys a non-integer power law R ∼ L − ζ , in contrast to integer power laws for compact structures. The exponent ζ is anisotropic . We confirm our predictions by re-analyzing experimental data from Cu 2 O nano-particle films. Our results are valuable for understanding recent experiments that report anisotropic electrical properties in (rough) thin films.
A total of three cases, around two month old nondescript calves, were brought to Teaching Veterin... more A total of three cases, around two month old nondescript calves, were brought to Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Jabalpur in the month of January and February 2018 with a history of inappetence and bloody diarrhoea for last 2-3 days. On clinical examination, calves were found rough hair coat, dehydration, weakness, dry muzzle, pale mucous membrane, low body temperature and blood mixed faeces attached to the perineum regions. Samples were collected per rectum and brought to the Department of Veterinary Parasitology and processed for standard qualitative and quantitative examination. Parasitological examination of the faecal sample revealed the presence of coccidian oocysts and after sporulation, a total five Eimeria species were identified. Eimeria zuernii was found to be the most predominant species followed by Eimeria pellita like, Eimeria subspherica, Eimeria alabamensis and Eimeria bovis. The affected calves were treated with Biotrim @ 3-4 ml IV and supportive medication for 3 days. Animal recovered after 3 days post-treatment and further faecal sample examined revealed no evidence of oocysts. Base on literature and our knowledge, species-wise identification of Eimeria in cattle have been recorded for the first time in Madhya Pradesh.
Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infections are serious problem in livestock animals. They are res... more Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infections are serious problem in livestock animals. They are responsible for production losses, ill health and even death of the animals which leads to economic losses to the farmers. A study was carried out to detect the occurrence of parasitic infections in buffaloes in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh, India. A total of 1237 faecal samples were examined in the departmental laboratory out of which 163 (13.18 %) were positive for different parasitic eggs/oocysts during a one year study period. The prevalence of Amphistomes (9.54%)) was highest followed by Strongyle (3.15%), Coccidia (0.65%), Fasciola (0.32%) and Moniezia (0.24%) infection. Seasonal prevalence revealed significantly higher (p < 0.01) in monsoon season (20.39%) than summer (11.86%) and winter (7.25%). Whereas age wise prevalence was non-significantly higher (p> 0.005) in adult (13.48%) as compared to calves (12.3%). Prevalence of nematode larvae showed preponderance of Haemon...
Papers by Rupesh Verma