Papers by Rupan Raghuvanshi

Research & Reviews: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Jun 30, 2018
Abstract Climate change is a burning issue in the global discussions on agriculture as it affects... more Abstract Climate change is a burning issue in the global discussions on agriculture as it affects all other sectors of development. Climate change directly affects agriculture production as this sector is inherently sensitive to climatic conditions and is one of the most vulnerable sectors to the risk and impact of global climate change. Agriculture system responds to changing climate through the process of adaptation. Adaptation to farming practices is largely dependent on awareness about climate change. It is also a threat to the food security of the growing population of the world. Awareness of farmers about the climate changes, its causes and consequences are the important aspect to deal with changing climatic conditions. Despite availability of adaptation measures like HYVs, mixed cropping, integrated farming, change in irrigation, crop insurance etc., farmers were not adapting them due to lack of knowledge and awareness about climate change. Majority of the farmers were unable to identify the causes and consequences of climate change, that’s way they had not made adjustments in their farming practices. It is important to create awareness about climate change among the farmers by using various methods like ICT, community radio, extension agent etc., so that they can adopt the various adaptation practices available to cope up with the adverse impact of climate change. Keywords: Climate change, agriculture, awareness, adaptation Cite this Article Rupan Raghuvanshi, Ansari MA. Farmer’s Awareness about Climate Change and Adaptation Practices: A Review . Research & Reviews: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology . 2016; 5(3): 41–51p.

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
The study aims to analyse the contents of articles published in Indian Research Journal of Extens... more The study aims to analyse the contents of articles published in Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. Volume 1 and 2 of 2014 was taken as a sample to analyse the various issues published in It. Volume 1 constitutes the 29 issue and volume 2 constitutes the 32 issues thus total 60 issues were reviewed. The main objective of this study was to find out the emerging research trends in extension education and to see the various important categories of research. The whole content were analysed in following heads title of the research/article, objectives, category of research, sample size methodology or tools and techniques. It was found that majority of research published was done on Adoption & Diffusion (7), Climate change (6) Training(6), ICT (5), Management (5), Entrepreneurship(4), Women Empowerment(3), SHGs (3), LPM (3), Agri. Clinics (2) Sustainable Ag.(1) and privatization (1), journalism (1) and remaining articles were come into other categories like one article was from home science, one from forestry etc. It was found that maximum number of researches was on adoption and diffusion, climate change, women empowerment, entrepreneurship etc. So on the bases of this, it was concluded that this is the emerging trend of researches in field of agricultural extension and communication.

Climate change is perhaps the most serious environmental threat to fight against hunger, malnutri... more Climate change is perhaps the most serious environmental threat to fight against hunger, malnutrition, disease and poverty in world. Agriculture is the most vulnerable and sensitive sector affected by climate change because of its dependency on local climate parameters like rainfall, temperature, soil health etc. To alleviate the challenges posed by climate change, agriculture has to become "climate smart", that is, sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes, adapt and build resilience to climate change, and reduce or remove greenhouse gases emissions, wherever possible. Despite the recognised importance of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), the dissemination and uptake of climate-smart technologies, tools and practices is still largely an ongoing and challenging process. The adaption of climate-related knowledge, technologies and practices to local conditions, promoting joint learning by farmers, researchers, extension worker and widely disseminating CSA practices, is critical. There is a need for site-specific assessments to identify suitable agricultural technologies and practices needed for CSA. So extension can play an important role in helping the farmers to cope with the diverse impacts of climate change by using appropriate approach to create awareness and make them aware about the different adaptation and mitigation strategies. In this regard, a study was conducted to find out the different extension approaches used in CSA. Three projects-National Innovation on Climate Change, Climate Change Knowledge Network and Climate Change Adaptation-in Maharashtra state were selected. Data collected through an unstructured questionnaire from advisory service provider of selected projects and their beneficiary farmers were analysed. The study found that there were various innovative extension approaches like Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR),Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM), contingency crop planning, appointment of Jaldoot at village, etc. which successfully catered to the needs of the farmers. It was also found that extension approaches varied depending upon the location or weather conditions and in CCA project there was 50% reservation for women's in all the committees. vi Extension service provider and beneficiary farmers of the projects were interviewed and Focused Group Discussion (FGD), observation method also used for information collection. It was found that different projects used different location-specific extension approaches with different clients. Some of them were climate trainings, climate workshops, contingency crop planning, establishment of automated weather station, use of ICTs for climate change, etc. CCA project used the concept of Jaldoot at the village level. Jaldoot is the local extension worker who provides all the information related to water like how to do water budgeting, promotion of water dams etc. The NICRA project has a different approach-it provides all the agricultural inputs and technology to the farmers to cope with the adverse impact of the climate change, field demonstration of the various adaptation or mitigation technology was done on the farmers' field. CCKN IA was totally ICT based project in which Network for Information on Climate (Ex)Change (NICE)platform (Software) was developed to provide the climatic agro-advisory services to the farmers. So it is important to focus the extension component of CSA while making policy.

Sustainability, 2021
Indigenous technical knowledge derived from traditional wisdom is an asset of farmers in developi... more Indigenous technical knowledge derived from traditional wisdom is an asset of farmers in developing countries. To ensure the continuity of these practices for future generations, we need to understand the scientific rationality and their communication patterns, and then document them. This study aimed to document the indigenous pest management practices, test their scientific rationality, and determine their communication pattern among the farmers. A total of 120 farmers from district Bageshwar in Uttarakhand, India, were selected through the simple random sampling method. Interviews and focussed group discussions were used to collect data. Out of a total of 32 documented indigenous practices, 27 were found to be rational by the scientists. Neighbours ranked first as the source of information, followed by friends and relatives. Knowledge related to managing pests through indigenous methods was shared by the farmers, mainly in temples. They learned the practical application of these ...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2018

International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2017
Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy, and climate change significantly affects agricultu... more Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy, and climate change significantly affects agriculture productivity. The present study was conducted in one district of Uttarakhand state in the North Himalayan region of India bordering Nepal and China. The study sample comprised 110 farmers selected by using simple random sampling. Study findings indicate that all the farmers were found to be aware of the climate change, and majority of them reported "erratic rainfall, diminishing agricultural yield and increase in temperature" as the indicators of climate change. The increasing industrialisation, overpopulation and deforestation' were perceived by farmers to be the main causes of climate change. Further, most of the farmers reported crop failures, migration to other places and flooding' as three major consequences (impact) of climate change. The study findings will help in preparing a roadmap for policy formulation as well as undertaking mitigation measures besides helping the agriculture extension agencies to design and plan locale specific adaptation strategies and agriculture development programmes.

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
An Expost facto research design was adopted to understand the learning approaches of agricultural... more An Expost facto research design was adopted to understand the learning approaches of agricultural students (deep, strategic, and surface) and the data were collected randomly from 1514 students of Indian agricultural higher education institutions using the ‘Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST)’ instrument. The predominant learning approach adopted by the agricultural students was found to be ‘strategic’ (41.1%), followed by ‘deep’ (40.3 %) and ‘surface’ (15.5 %) approaches. No significant association (Chi-square statistic = 24.106, p=0.156) was found in the student learning approaches across the disciplines, while significant difference (t-statistic=2.248, p=0.028) was found between graduate and undergraduate students in case of ‘deep approach’. Gender had a significant association (Chi-square statistic =14.817, p<0.001) with the students’ learning approaches, especially in ‘strategic’ and ‘surface’ approaches. The paper calls for more systematic and effect...

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2019
Climate change has emerged as one of the key determinants of agricultural productivity. Risks per... more Climate change has emerged as one of the key determinants of agricultural productivity. Risks perceptions of farmers’ towards climate change and its impact on agriculture are said to be a strong predictor of their behavioural intentions to climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Consequently, measuring farmers’ perception about risks associated with climate change is of paramount importance and needs to be studied so that appropriate adaptation measures could be undertaken to mitigate the productivity losses. The present study was an attempt to develop a scale to measure the farmers risk perception about climate change which could be used by researchers. Likert’s summated rating technique was followed for the construction of perception scale. The process started with selection of 30 statements on the bases of Mean Relevancy Weightage (MRW) scores; and the statements were given to 30 farmers in four purposively selected villages (based on their degree of vulnerability t...
Papers by Rupan Raghuvanshi