Papers by Dr. Ruhiya Abubakar

Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
The current global issue of the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the push and utilization of all av... more The current global issue of the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the push and utilization of all available means to halt its spread. COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease, and continuously monitoring early symptoms could help avert catastrophic devastation. This paper proposes an innovative use of the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled system to efficiently and effectively detect early COVID-19 signs at a relatively low cost. This study adopted an experimental approach in designing and constructing a low-cost hardware system using a Wi-Fi enabled microcontroller, a temperature sensor, and a heart rate sensor for students. The proposed system detected and distinguished normal and abnormal temperature, regular and irregular heartbeat and constantly displayed the student's status in a mobile application. Consistent tests proved that the developed IoT-enabled system was reliable, responsive, and cost-effective. The mass production of this device will aid in the early detection of the ...

2019 International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications (ICCMA), 2019
Deployment of Smart Grid is neither a goal nor a destination, but rather an enabler to the provis... more Deployment of Smart Grid is neither a goal nor a destination, but rather an enabler to the provision of reliable, secured and clean electricity for the end- user or consumer. Overall Smart Grid vision is very well explained with the future of electricity systems, which largely depends on digitization and automation of the overall electricity value-chain, by enhancing electric power information to bi-directional flow and the provision of services that can support the operations of the generation, distribution and end-user usage of power can lead to improvement of electric power system efficiency. This work aims at analyzing factors and forecast effects on the adoption of Smart Grid in Ghana using Pattern Recognition Neural Net. The Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire and the questions were designed to test the perception of consumers on the deployment of Smart Grid. Also, the target group of respondents covered 80% of the regions in Ghana. Based on the collected data, the pattern recognition neural networks was employed in the analysis of data. Results indicated that education, government policy, cost and safety were the main drivers to the deployment of Smart Grid in Ghana. Other drivers like culture and societal perception recorded as insignificant variables to the deployment of distributed generation in Ghana. It is recommended that further research work should examine the extent of infrastructural preparedness of Ghana for the deployment of Smart Grid.

2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST), 2018
This paper proposes a model of PCB traces for high speed digital systems. The adopted approach in... more This paper proposes a model of PCB traces for high speed digital systems. The adopted approach involves predetermined geometry using direct discretization of transmission lines. Initially, the proposed methodology involves computing the line propagation delay by employing its geometry with associated empirical equations. The initial procedure paves the way to design a Lattice diagram which depicts multiple reflections that the signal underwent due to impedance mismatches between transmission lines and loads. Subsequent computations of electrical model parameters were further done. Simulation results using Multisim software illustrated a favorable performance with a time delay of 1.42 ns and an equivalent electrical model of 10 lumped LC cells. The time delay between input and output signal obtained from the simulation was approximately 15.152 ns corresponding to the time it took for a transmitted signal to reach a steady state which further signifies good performance of our proposed method.

2019 International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications (ICCMA), 2019
Power Line Communication (PLC) is a means of communication that uses the power line network mediu... more Power Line Communication (PLC) is a means of communication that uses the power line network medium to transmit data and signals. The PLC system is basically divided into Narrowband and Broadband PLC system. The PLC is considered to be one of the most favourable candidates for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). In the past Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) used PLC (Narrowband-PLC) as a medium of Communication for smart prepaid metering but was unsuccessful due to hostile nature of the power line characteristics like electrical noise and interferences. Noise characterization of the power lines channel is very important for PLC systems design. In this paper, the measurements of noise properties injected by various loads in the Narrowband frequency 1-500 KHz and Broadband frequency 2-12 MHz spectrum are presented and discussed. The outcome of the study suggests that the Narrowband frequency region 1 - 500 KHz is marked with noise and therefore noise will have a negative impact on PLC categories operating under this region of frequency band. On the other hand, noise level on the Broadband frequency region 2-12 MHz was found to be minimal and therefore noise will have very little or no impact on the PLC Category operating under the Broadband frequency band (BB-PLC).

2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST), 2018
This paper shows A 2.4GHz two-way directional Antenna of Wi-Fi Systems for Underground Mine-Tunne... more This paper shows A 2.4GHz two-way directional Antenna of Wi-Fi Systems for Underground Mine-Tunnel. The designed antenna enhances wireless transmission of signals in an underground mine-tunnel in a two-way direction. The research was carried-out through scientific design and simulation-using high frequency structure simulator (HFSS). This antenna has fabricated and tested. The antenna is in the shape of a rectangle, partitioned into 12 sub-rectangular rings hooked together, that work in a standing-wave mode. The high-gain two-way radiation property realized by the currents distribution in-phase on the vertical edges. The dimensions of the desired ring are 230 mm, 22 mm and 0.8 mm $(1.84\lambda, 0.17\lambda $ and $ 0.006\lambda $ at 2.4 GHz). The simulated and measured -10-dB bandwidth is about 340 MHz (2.320–2.66 GHz), the simulated peak gain is 8.4 dBi. Presentation and discussion of the simulated results showed that the proposed antenna in two-way direction application is of high directional radiation gain, low profile and easy to build.
Procedia Manufacturing, 2019
This paper evaluates HVDS and LVDS concepts by system performance. This is achieved by examining ... more This paper evaluates HVDS and LVDS concepts by system performance. This is achieved by examining system losses on HV and LV distribution networks in radial AC distribution systems. Challenges associated with system losses may demand network conversion from LV to HV network. This paper addresses this issue by using HVDS optimization specifically, linear programming techniques with Matlab optimization toolbox to determine the optimal number of unit transformers in the HV network. Studies conducted on a test distribution system using CYMEDIST software show the optimized HVDS has improved voltage profile and a total system loss reduction of 29.50% as compared to the LVDS. Consequently, there is reduced operational cost and increased annual capitalized loss savings in the optimized HVDS.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2016
To survive and prosper in the China, online companies must design their operational platforms to ... more To survive and prosper in the China, online companies must design their operational platforms to organically adjust to changes in consumer shopping behavior. The study investigated the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence the online purchasing behavior of Chinese millennials. A cohort of university students from selected parts of the Jiangsu province provided the sample of study. Consistent with the extant literature, the research confirms that millenials are influenced by several external factors, demographic factors, personal characteristics, and vendor/service/product characteristics and websites qualities when buying online. The economic, socio-cultural, technological, and legal considerations where the main external factors that influences online shopping behavior of Chinese millenials, internet knowledge, concern for security, need specificity and disposition to trust were the main personal characteristics identified. The study also found significant association between vendor services such as real existence of the store, store reputation, store size, reliability, assurance (seals, warranties, news clips) and use of testimonials/reference have association with millennials' purchasing intention. Similar characteristics were identified for product characteristics, service quality factors and website quality and each of these is statistically significant.

Procedia Manufacturing, 2019
Distributed generation presents the potential solution to the power deficit problem faced in deve... more Distributed generation presents the potential solution to the power deficit problem faced in developing counties by encouraging local generation with renewable energy resources that are abundantly available in some part of the world, especially in Ghana. Distributed generations on the other hand are closely linked to Smart Grid (SG) that uses information technology to manage electricity networks. A plethora of problems relating to safety, reliability and affordability of Smart grid solutions remains challenging today. In Africa, especially in Ghana, the adoption of smart grid has been very slow, poorly managed, and almost inexistent in some countries despite the crucial need for electricity provision. This slow adoption can be attributed to many limiting factors that demand a thorough investigation. This paper aims at investigating the barriers to the adoption of smart grids in Africa and also develops and evaluates countermeasures to hasten the adoption process. A stratified sampling approach was used to collect comprehensive data in Ghana that were handled with SmartPLS software. The evaluation of factors was done through inferential statistics. The impact of the proposed measures was tested using a partial least structural equation model analysis. Findings revealed some factors that strongly influence the adoption of SG including cost, education, government policies; other factors like culture, Grid stability, had slight influence on the adoption process, nevertheless, societal perception had a low impact on the adoption process and therefore attracts less attention in fostering the SG acceptance in Ghana. Regarding SG prospects, the study identified several factors that can foster the prospect of smart grid adoption in Ghana namely education on smart grid technology, government policies and consumers behaviour. It is believed that, if careful attention is given to the factors listed above, the adoption of SG in Ghana will move at a faster speed.
Information Resources Management Journal, 2021
The interactive nature of the internet has created many opportunities for mobile payment usage. I... more The interactive nature of the internet has created many opportunities for mobile payment usage. In certain age groups and geographies, mobile payments have already unseated traditional means of effecting payment. In this study, 1,351 mobile payment users in Ghana were sampled using a structured questionnaire to investigate their intention to continue to use mobile payments technologies. The results showed that vendor reputation, word-of-mouth, and structural assurance significantly contribute to imbuing trust in mobile payment technology customers. When high levels of trust become identified with a brand, high numbers of customers choose to continue to use their current choice of mobile payment technology.

Background: Innovative strategies such as mobile health (mHealth) are a serious requirement for t... more Background: Innovative strategies such as mobile health (mHealth) are a serious requirement for the attainment of universal health coverage in Africa. An increasing amount of evidence proves that mHealth interventions may have the capacity to significantly reduce the cost of accessing medical care, especially in rural areas. A mobile text messaging system (MTMS) Framework was recently developed and successfully implemented in Ghana. Objective: The aim of this research was to conduct an empirical analysis of the cost-cutting effect of the newly developed MTMS framework. Method: Empirical data was collected from 32 hospitals and clinics in four districts (Mamprusi East District, Tamale Metropolis, Lawra District and Wa Metropolis) of two of the poorest regions of Ghana; the Northern and Upper West Regions. A purposeful interview was scheduled with caregivers, heads of institutions and patients to determine the cost of accessing healthcare at the health centers. Transportation, admissi...
2021 International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications (ICCMA)
2021 International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications (ICCMA)

2019 International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications (ICCMA)
This paper investigates the effect of interference on Aeronautical Navigation systems by Frequenc... more This paper investigates the effect of interference on Aeronautical Navigation systems by Frequency Modulation (FM) broadcasting signals. Precisely, the paper evaluated the impact of 3 rd order intermodulation distortion on the VHF omnidirectional range and the instrument landing system (Localizer) used at the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA). The necessity of this study stems from the fact that, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) between FM audio broadcast and aeronautical radio communication services operating in the range of 85.7-108MHz and 108-117.975 MHz respectively is essential for safe flight operation. An analytical method of estimating the 3 rd order intermodulation distortion has first been presented followed by simulation approach with the intermodulation analysis software v.10 and subsequent simulation with the Matlab software to determine and display the power spectral density of the output signals. All FM station frequencies in the Greater Accra region have been considered and paired to form dual tone signals that were considered input signal before assessing the impact of the 3 rd order intermodulation harmonic. It was found that multiple 3 rd order intermodulation harmonics distort and perturbate the aeronautical communication system in the Greater Accra region and these lead to severe safety implications for the operation of the aeronautical navigation system. It was recommended that broadcasting stations should implement cavity filters to reduce the effect of 3 rd order intermodulation harmonics; they should respect the specification prescribed to them by the NCA and operate within limits allocated to them in order not to breach the international regulation of ITU that deems it an offense to interfere with the aeronautical communication system and to further ensure safety to the aviation navigation system.

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2016
A number of educational institutions and libraries have established computerized information retr... more A number of educational institutions and libraries have established computerized information retrieval systems (CIRS) to help students to easily identify resources for their academic pursuit. The study investigates and retests the Unified Theory of Adoption and Use of Technology as a model for explaining technology (UTAUT) use among library users in the University of Ghana (UG). A questionnaire with 31 items based on the UTAUT study of (Venkatesh et al. 2003) and analysed on a 7 point Likert Scale was distributed to students using the Balme Library-University of Ghana. The results reveal that many students judge their ability to use the computer information retrieval system to accomplish the specified task as poor due to nonfamiliarity with the system. It is noted that a lot of students also doubt the ability of the system to provide the required responses they are looking for. This may be due to misconceptions from previous experiences or information gained from other people who have not been successful in using the information retrieval system. The study recommends that the Library incorporates the basic skills of interacting with the CIRS in its orientation programme to give students an acceptable perception of the CIRS.

IEOM, 2021
Waste management and practices is a pervasive world problem. This is mainly due to the continuous... more Waste management and practices is a pervasive world problem. This is mainly due to the continuous rise in urbanization which comes along with a rise in waste generation. Even though proper waste management has a vital role to play in the ecological environment by greening through the recovery of energy from waste, its management is a menace. Reports in Ghana indicate that about 5 million tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is generated annually and about 60% is organic. Out of this, the non-recyclable components constitutes about 20%, which indicates that 80% can be recovered and recycled, technically. Further, about 25% of the organic waste received at the material recovery and compost facility remains as compost for use in agricultural and other purposes. Considering the population of Ghana pegged at 30 million in 2019, and daily solid waste production of about 0.45 kg per person (Amoah, 2006). Proper management and greening of MSW is very much essential with increasing demand of energy and that is what this paper seeks to tackle. This paper mainly emphases on analyzing and classifying (segregating) solid waste using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to productively process solid waste materials to enhance the separation process of converting waste to energy. Also, the potentials and prospects of organic waste to energy is exploited to reveal the technologies, socio
Conference Presentations by Dr. Ruhiya Abubakar

Proceedings of the 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2020
Waste management and practices is a pervasive world problem. This is mainly due to the continuous... more Waste management and practices is a pervasive world problem. This is mainly due to the continuous rise in urbanization which comes along with a rise in waste generation. Even though proper waste management has a vital role to play in the ecological environment by greening through the recovery of energy from waste, its management is a menace. Reports in Ghana indicate that about 5 million tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is generated annually and about 60% is organic. Out of this, the non-recyclable components constitutes about 20%, which indicates that 80% can be recovered and recycled, technically. Further, about 25% of the organic waste received at the material recovery and compost facility remains as compost for use in agricultural and other purposes. Considering the population of Ghana pegged at 30 million in 2019, and daily solid waste production of about 0.45 kg per person (Amoah, 2006). Proper management and greening of MSW is very much essential with increasing demand of energy and that is what this paper seeks to tackle. This paper mainly emphases on analyzing and classifying (segregating) solid waste using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to productively process solid waste materials to enhance the separation process of converting waste to energy. Also, the potentials and prospects of organic waste to energy is exploited to reveal the technologies, socio
Papers by Dr. Ruhiya Abubakar
Conference Presentations by Dr. Ruhiya Abubakar