Papers by Rufet Shirin

Araştırma, hicrî X. ve XI. yüzyıllarda yaşayan Ali el-Kârî'nin hayatını ve onun Mirkâtu'l-Mefâtîh... more Araştırma, hicrî X. ve XI. yüzyıllarda yaşayan Ali el-Kârî'nin hayatını ve onun Mirkâtu'l-Mefâtîh Şerhu Mişkâti'l-Mesâbîh eserini konu edinmektedir. Mirkâtu'l-Mefâtîh, hadis edebiyatında cem türü eserlerden biri olan Mişkâtu'l-Mesâbîh üzerine yazılmış en kapsamlı şerh olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ali el-Kârî, söz konusu şerhi kaleme alma sebebi olarak dönem halkının sünnet ve hadise olan ilginin azalmasını gerekçe göstermekte ve Hanefî mezhebinin hadis ilmine olan ilgisini ortaya koymayı hedeflediğini belirtmektedir. Mirkâtü'l-Mefâtîh'in tanıtımı yapılırken telif sebebi ve metoduna temas edilecek; aynı zamanda âlimlerin eser ile ilgili değerlendirmelerine yer verilecektir. Ayrıca bu şerhin İslâmî ilimler açısından değeri ve daha sonraki saha çalışmalarına hangi ölçüde kaynaklık ettiği Arapça ve Türkçe eserler üzerinde tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Mirkâtü'l-Mefâtîh'in yazıldığı dönemde olduğu gibi günümüzde de ilgi görüyor olması, konumuzu önemli hale getirmektedir.
Hədis elmində şərh ədəbiyyatının formalaşması və bəzi metodları barəsində məlumat verilmişdir.

dovlet ve din, 2019
GİRİŞ Hər bir millətin mədəniyyətini əks etdirən və yaşadan əsas amillərdən biri də adət-ənənələr... more GİRİŞ Hər bir millətin mədəniyyətini əks etdirən və yaşadan əsas amillərdən biri də adət-ənənələrdir. Bir millət həmişəyaşar olmaq üçün keçmişinə, tarixinə, dəyərlərinə və adət-ənənələrinə bağlı olmalıdır. Azərbaycan mədəniyyətinin və ənənələrinin formalaşmasında İslam dininin rolu danılmazdır. Bu baxımdan məqalədə cəmiyyətimizdə dini mahiyyət qazandırılan adət-ənənələrin bəziləri İslam dininin əsas mənbələri və ələlxüsus hədis elmi pəncərəsindən tədqiq edilmişdir. Azərbaycan xalqının 70 il ateizmin təbliğ edildiyi rejimin əsarətində yaşaması, əlbəttə ki, onun adət-ənənəsinə təsirsiz ötüşməmişdir. Bəzi xurafatlar dindən sayılaraq yaşadılmağa çalışılmışdır. Nəticədə müxtəlif xurafat və mövhumatlar dinin çərçivəsinə daxil edilmiş və mənəvi dəyərlər adı altında cəmiyyətə təqdim olunmuşdur. Xurafat və batil inancın ən böyük zərəri, ilk növbədə, ona inanıb dini adət kimi tətbiq edənlərə toxunur. Çünki yanlış əqidə və xurafatlar insanları doğru yoldan uzaqlaşdırır. Sağlam təməli olmayan binanın ömrü qısa olduğu kimi, sağlam əqidə üzərində inşa edilməmiş din və cəmiyyətin də uzun müddət ayaq üstdə qala biləcəyini düşünmək doğru olmaz. Həzrət Peyğəmbərin (s) də buyurduğu kimi, hər xurafat və bidət həqiqətdən uzaqdır: "Kəlamların ən gözəli Allahın Kitabıdır. Yolların ən doğrusu Məhəmmədin (s) yoludur. Əməllərin ən pisi və zərərlisi, dindən olmadığı halda sonradan uydurulub dinə yamananlardır. Bu cür uydurulmuş hər şey bidətdir, xurafatdır, hər bidət də doğru yoldan uzaqlaşma və azğınlıqdır [1, Etisam, 2]. İslam dinində adət-ənənəyə önəm verilmiş, dini əsaslara müvafiq olanlar qəbul edilmiş, uyğun olmayanlar isə kənarlaşdırılmışdır [2, s.369]. Qurani-Kərimdə adət-ənənələrin İslam dininə uyğun olması məsələsinə diqqət çəkilərək buyurulur: "Onlara (bütpərəstlərə): "Allahın göndərdiyinə (Qurana) tabe olun!"-deyildiyi zaman, onlar: "Biz ancaq atalarımızın getdiyi yolla gedəcəyik!"-deyirlər. Bəs ataları bir şey anlamayıb doğru yolda deyildilərsə necə? (Yenədəmi onlara tabe olacaqlar?)" [3, "Bəqərə", 170]. Qeyd edək ki, adət-ənənələrimizin çox az qismi tədqiq olunan məqalədə məqsəd adət-ənənəyə qarşı çıxmaq deyil, əksinə, onların əsasını araşdırmaq, doğru olanı yanlışdan ayırmaq və inancımızla yaşantımızın eyni olmasını təmin etməkdir.
Azerbaijan inistitute of teology, 2019
One of Azerbaijani muhaddis Ahmed b. Harun al-Berdîcî, is a hadith scholar who lived in the thir... more One of Azerbaijani muhaddis Ahmed b. Harun al-Berdîcî, is a hadith scholar who lived in the third century. The author was born in the Bardîc district in the territory of Barda province of Azerbaijan. He migrated to Baghdad and continued his scientific life there. The period in which the author lived was at the peak of the Islamic sciences. The author has significant works in the hadith field. One of them belongs to the special field of hadith science called “ridjal”. The work is the first in terms of collecting the single nouns. There was no one among the Hadith scholars who criticized al-Berdîcî. He has always been praised. The scholars who lived after him usually quoted fom his works.
Drafts by Rufet Shirin
Müsəlman ölkələri ilə əlaqələrin inkişafında Heydər Əliyevin rolu, 2021
Məqalədə Azərbaycan xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin müsəlman ölkələri ilə əlaqələrin in... more Məqalədə Azərbaycan xalqının Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin müsəlman ölkələri ilə əlaqələrin inkişafında rolundan bəhs edilir.
Conference Presentations by Rufet Shirin

Müasir dini təhsil modelleri ənənələr və qlobal çağırışlar kontekstində, 2024
Human beings are created with an inclination to learn and teach. In this respect, every p... more SUMMARY
Human beings are created with an inclination to learn and teach. In this respect, every person learns something every day and tries to teach something to others. This process manifests itself in a formal or informal way, that is, it is carried out either within the framework of a certain method, style, or without any specific plan or program.
In the modern era, various methods, pedagogical rules, and styles have been designated to educate people effectively in a short time. These methods differ according to the needs and conditions of the time and the cultural level of the region.
Just as each civilization has its own methods, there are also unique methods in the teaching of Islam. Of course, the main goal of these methods is to convey religious needs to people in a more efficient way. These styles, which started with Prophet Muhammad, have been adapted to the era and refined with new additions over time. Some of these religious education methods, which mostly coincide with modern pedagogical styles, stand out with their uniqueness. One such method is for religious educators to be role models for learners, that is, the practical application and implementation of the information being taught.
Because religious education is not only about obtaining information but also one of the main factors that shape human personality. Religion is a way of life.
The main purpose of this article is to touch on the importance of the principle of exemplarity in religious education, the points to pay attention to in its implementation, and to demonstrate that knowledge reflected in practice is very effective in teaching.
KEY WORDS: Prophet Muhammad, Teaching methods, Religious education, Exemplarity, Role model

Maveraünnehir'den Anadolu'ya Hadis ve İlimİrfan Geleneği Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 2024
Examining and investigating the lives and works of Azerbaijani religious scholars is of utmost im... more Examining and investigating the lives and works of Azerbaijani religious scholars is of utmost importance for those who aim to write the religious history of this region. In the medieval Islamic world, Azerbaijani scholars made significant contributions to enriching religious sciences. However, the works of these scholars have not been researched or brought to light for many years. It should be noted that among the identified and examined works, those in the fields of language, mysticism, and logic are in the majority. Particularly, scholars in the field of hadith are fewer in comparison to others. Therefore, the identification and investigation of works in the field of hadith is of particular importance.
One of the hadith scholars born in Azerbaijan during the golden age of the third century Hijri and who contributed to the world of knowledge is Ahmed b. Harun b. Ravh al-Bardiji (d. 301/914), who distinguished himself with his unique works. In the third century Hijri, various systems were commonly applied in hadith books according to different needs. The two most common forms were the classification of hadiths according to the narrators (al-er-rijal) and according to the chapters (al-ebvab). We can say that the most valuable works in the field of Jarh wa Ta'dil, an important branch of hadith sciences, were also authored in the third century.
Al-Bardiji, who is praised by Zahabi as a hafiz, imam, and sebt, has three identified works. Al-Bardiji's most important and famous work is "Tabaqat al-Asma' al-Mufrada." The purpose of this work is to provide information about narrators who do not have similar names. Another work by our author is the "Juz'un Fihi Man Rawa 'Ani'n-Nabiyyi Min al-Sahabati Fi al-Kaba'ir," one of the first works written on major sins.
Papers by Rufet Shirin
Drafts by Rufet Shirin
Conference Presentations by Rufet Shirin
Human beings are created with an inclination to learn and teach. In this respect, every person learns something every day and tries to teach something to others. This process manifests itself in a formal or informal way, that is, it is carried out either within the framework of a certain method, style, or without any specific plan or program.
In the modern era, various methods, pedagogical rules, and styles have been designated to educate people effectively in a short time. These methods differ according to the needs and conditions of the time and the cultural level of the region.
Just as each civilization has its own methods, there are also unique methods in the teaching of Islam. Of course, the main goal of these methods is to convey religious needs to people in a more efficient way. These styles, which started with Prophet Muhammad, have been adapted to the era and refined with new additions over time. Some of these religious education methods, which mostly coincide with modern pedagogical styles, stand out with their uniqueness. One such method is for religious educators to be role models for learners, that is, the practical application and implementation of the information being taught.
Because religious education is not only about obtaining information but also one of the main factors that shape human personality. Religion is a way of life.
The main purpose of this article is to touch on the importance of the principle of exemplarity in religious education, the points to pay attention to in its implementation, and to demonstrate that knowledge reflected in practice is very effective in teaching.
KEY WORDS: Prophet Muhammad, Teaching methods, Religious education, Exemplarity, Role model
One of the hadith scholars born in Azerbaijan during the golden age of the third century Hijri and who contributed to the world of knowledge is Ahmed b. Harun b. Ravh al-Bardiji (d. 301/914), who distinguished himself with his unique works. In the third century Hijri, various systems were commonly applied in hadith books according to different needs. The two most common forms were the classification of hadiths according to the narrators (al-er-rijal) and according to the chapters (al-ebvab). We can say that the most valuable works in the field of Jarh wa Ta'dil, an important branch of hadith sciences, were also authored in the third century.
Al-Bardiji, who is praised by Zahabi as a hafiz, imam, and sebt, has three identified works. Al-Bardiji's most important and famous work is "Tabaqat al-Asma' al-Mufrada." The purpose of this work is to provide information about narrators who do not have similar names. Another work by our author is the "Juz'un Fihi Man Rawa 'Ani'n-Nabiyyi Min al-Sahabati Fi al-Kaba'ir," one of the first works written on major sins.
Human beings are created with an inclination to learn and teach. In this respect, every person learns something every day and tries to teach something to others. This process manifests itself in a formal or informal way, that is, it is carried out either within the framework of a certain method, style, or without any specific plan or program.
In the modern era, various methods, pedagogical rules, and styles have been designated to educate people effectively in a short time. These methods differ according to the needs and conditions of the time and the cultural level of the region.
Just as each civilization has its own methods, there are also unique methods in the teaching of Islam. Of course, the main goal of these methods is to convey religious needs to people in a more efficient way. These styles, which started with Prophet Muhammad, have been adapted to the era and refined with new additions over time. Some of these religious education methods, which mostly coincide with modern pedagogical styles, stand out with their uniqueness. One such method is for religious educators to be role models for learners, that is, the practical application and implementation of the information being taught.
Because religious education is not only about obtaining information but also one of the main factors that shape human personality. Religion is a way of life.
The main purpose of this article is to touch on the importance of the principle of exemplarity in religious education, the points to pay attention to in its implementation, and to demonstrate that knowledge reflected in practice is very effective in teaching.
KEY WORDS: Prophet Muhammad, Teaching methods, Religious education, Exemplarity, Role model
One of the hadith scholars born in Azerbaijan during the golden age of the third century Hijri and who contributed to the world of knowledge is Ahmed b. Harun b. Ravh al-Bardiji (d. 301/914), who distinguished himself with his unique works. In the third century Hijri, various systems were commonly applied in hadith books according to different needs. The two most common forms were the classification of hadiths according to the narrators (al-er-rijal) and according to the chapters (al-ebvab). We can say that the most valuable works in the field of Jarh wa Ta'dil, an important branch of hadith sciences, were also authored in the third century.
Al-Bardiji, who is praised by Zahabi as a hafiz, imam, and sebt, has three identified works. Al-Bardiji's most important and famous work is "Tabaqat al-Asma' al-Mufrada." The purpose of this work is to provide information about narrators who do not have similar names. Another work by our author is the "Juz'un Fihi Man Rawa 'Ani'n-Nabiyyi Min al-Sahabati Fi al-Kaba'ir," one of the first works written on major sins.