Papers by Rudra Maheshwari
International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications, 2011
ABSTRACT This paper has proposed an idea to develop a speech controlled authenticated voice enabl... more ABSTRACT This paper has proposed an idea to develop a speech controlled authenticated voice enabled system based on hybrid approach consisting of wavelet and probabilistic neural network (PNN) techniques. This hybrid approach is endeavoured for spoken paired word classification that is conceived of as an integral part of a speaker dependent intelligent system. Five hundred templates of spoken Hindi (Indian national language) paired word (SHPW) have been used for experimental validation of the proposed approach. The SHPW signal attributes are extracted by wavelet technique and classification/recognition has been examined with the help of PNN. Correct classification rate of proposed speaker dependent SHPW intelligent system is found to be 100% on considered database.

Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2013
In this paper, the modified color motif co-occurrence matrix (MCMCM) is presented for content-bas... more In this paper, the modified color motif co-occurrence matrix (MCMCM) is presented for content-based image retrieval. The proposed method collects the inter-correlation between the red, green, and blue color planes which is absent in color motif co-occurrence matrix. The proposed method integrates the MCMCM and difference between the pixels of a scan pattern (DBPSP) features with equal weights in contrast to the system which integrates motif co-occurrence matrix, DBPSP, and color histogram with k-mean features with optimized weights. The retrieval results of the proposed method are tested on different image databases i.e. MIT VisTex (DB1) and Corel-1000 (DB2). The results after being investigated show a significant improvement in terms of average retrieval rate and average retrieval precision on DB1 database and average precision, average recall and average retrieval rate on DB2 database as compared to the state-of-art techniques on respective databases.

Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2016
This paper presents multi-quantized local binary patterns for facial gender classification. For e... more This paper presents multi-quantized local binary patterns for facial gender classification. For encoding the gray level difference (GLD) between a reference pixel and its neighbors, local binary pattern employs a binary quantization which retains the sign of GLD but discards the magnitude information. To improve the discrimination capability, the proposed method utilizes both the sign and magnitude components by performing multi-level vector quantization of GLD. Each quantized level is then separately encoded to generate multiple local binary patterns. The proposed method is evaluated on four publicly available datasets (FERET, PAL, CASIA and FEI) through extensive experiments. Comparison of performance with various existing methods clearly demonstrated that the proposed method has advantages such as higher discrimination power, improved noise robustness and better generalization capability.

International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems, 2011
In this paper a new visual feature, binary wavelet transform based histogram (BWTH) is proposed f... more In this paper a new visual feature, binary wavelet transform based histogram (BWTH) is proposed for content based image retrieval. BWTH is facilitated with the color as well as texture properties. BWTH exhibits the advantages of binary wavelet transform and histogram. The performance of CBIR system with proposed feature is observed on Corel 1000 (DB1) and Corel 2450 (DB2) natural image database in color as well as gray space. The results analysis of DB1 database illustrates the better average precision and average recall of proposed method in RGB space (73.82%, 44.29%) compared to color histogram (70.85%, 42.16%), auto correlogram (66.15%, 39.52%) and discrete wavelet transform (60.83%, 38.25%). In case of gray space also performance of proposed method (66.69%, 40.77%) is better compared to auto correlogram (57.20%, 35.31%), discrete wavelet transform (52.70%, 32.98%) and wavelet correlogram (64.3%, 38.0%). It is verified that in case of DB2 database also average precision, average ...
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2022
2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI), 2012
Accurate location of faults in a distribution system is a need of present scenario in order to pr... more Accurate location of faults in a distribution system is a need of present scenario in order to provide uninterrupted supply to the customers. Research is under way to increase the accuracy of the fault in distribution system. It should also be kept in mind that transmission line fault location algorithms cannot be directly employed on distribution system because of the

The paper presents the errors in the estimation of impedance seen by mho relay due to the presenc... more The paper presents the errors in the estimation of impedance seen by mho relay due to the presence of UPFC in transmission line. These errors occur due to rapid change in the compensation parameters such as shunt reactive current and series voltage injection into the transmission line. The study presents the cause of under reach/ over reach of mho relay in this case. This error in impedance calculation results in mal operation of the relay for the faults like single line to ground fault specifically. Effect of fault location, fault resistance has also been investigated. Performance of quadrilateral characteristic relay under such scenario is also evaluated. The study suggests the supremacy of quadrilateral relay over mho relay during high resistance fault on UPFC compensated transmission lines. The paper also presents the need of adaptive measures of generating tripping boundaries to improve distance relaying scheme for FACTS compensated transmission line protection. The complete simulation including UPFC structure modeling, mho and quadrilateral relays setting has been carried out with PSCAD software tool.

The RST algorithm of Mohan and Shanker[10] is a population based heuristic algorithm designed to ... more The RST algorithm of Mohan and Shanker[10] is a population based heuristic algorithm designed to determine the global optimal solution of nonlinear constrained optimization problems. Unlike other optimization techniques it does not require an initial guess value of the decision parameters, but only requires the lower and upper bounds of the decision parameters. The algorithm does not require the continuity and differentiability of the objective function or constraints. The algorithm has been well tested on standard benchmark problems in Mohan and Shanker[10]. In this paper, an attempt has been made to solve a problem that has its origin in electrical power systems. The problem is to compute the values of the decision variables called “Re-lays”, which control the act of isolation of faulty lines from the system without disturbing the healthy lines. In other words it is required to determine the optimal relay operating times. Firstly, the generalized model is presented. Then, two mode...

The paper deals with the analysis of synchronous generator protection for loss of field condition... more The paper deals with the analysis of synchronous generator protection for loss of field condition. The effect of loss of field on the generator and on the system is investigated. The proposed scheme provides the loss of field protection of generator based on simple measurements at the generator terminals instead of direct detection of loss of field. To this end generator terminal quantities are used. For feature extraction discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is applied to the obtained signals. Wavelet energy and wavelet entropy of generator terminal voltage, current, active power output and reactive power output are used as features for loss of field detection. Thereafter, support vector machine (SVM) is used for the classification of loss of field. The investigations suggests that SVM based technique is robust and capable of maintaining its performance under different loading conditions. For obtaining test signal for loss of field a power system model consisting of generator is simula...
2014 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, 2014
A very simple low profile rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is proposed in this pape... more A very simple low profile rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is proposed in this paper. A partially printed metallic ground with two stepped section removed has been used. A stepped microstrip feed line is used to excite the DRA. The structure gives a very high bandwidth from 3.71GHz to 13.01 GHz with a band notch at 5.725 GHz. A T shape slot is used in the ground plane to create the notch at 5.725 GHz. This notch reduces the interference between UWB band and local Wi-MAX communication system.

2011 International Conference on Energy, Automation and Signal, 2011
The spatial distribution of the rate of deposition of uronic acids in the elongation zone of Zea ... more The spatial distribution of the rate of deposition of uronic acids in the elongation zone of Zea mays L. Crow WF9 x Mo 17 was determined using the continuity equation with experimentally determined values for uronide density and growth velocity. In spatial terms, the uronide deposition rate has a maximum of 0.4 micrograms per millimeter per hour at s = 3.5 mm (ie., at the location 3.5 mm from the root tip) and decreases to 0.1 mg mm-' h-' by s = 10 mm. In terms of a material tissue element, a tissue segment located initially from s = 2.0 to s = 2.1 mm has 0.14 Mg of uronic acids and increases in both length and uronic acid content until it is 0.9 mm long and has 0.7 gg of uronide when its center is at s = 10 mm. Simulations of radioactive labeling experiments show that 15 min is the appropriate time scale for pulse determinations of deposition rate profiles in a rapidly growing corn root. Uronic acids, which are components of the primary cell wall, comprise more than 1% of the total dry weight of the growing region of the corn root. The deposition of uronides occurs as the root cells are expanding and being displaced away from the root tip during growth. Thus, to calculate the local net deposition rates, it is necessary to collect data on the spatial distribution of both growth velocity and concentration of uronides (6, 13-15). The continuity equation of classical fluid dynamics implies that, in quantitative terms, b

Advanced Materials Research, 2011
A new image indexing and retrieval algorithm known as local binary pattern (LBP) correlogram is p... more A new image indexing and retrieval algorithm known as local binary pattern (LBP) correlogram is presented in this paper. LBP histogram captures only the patterns distribution in a texture while the spatial correlation between the pair of patterns is gathered by LBP correlogram. Multi-resolution texture decomposition and color correlation has been efficiently used in the proposed method where multi-resolution texture images are computed using Gaussian filter for collection of LBPs from these particular textures. Eventually, feature vectors are constructed by making into play the auto-correlation that exists between binary patterns. The retrieval results of the proposed method are examined on different texture image databases viz Brodatz database (DB1), MIT VisTex database (DB2), rotated Brodatz database (DB3) and small set of rotated Brodatz database (DB4), and shows a major improvement in terms of average retrieval rate as when weighed against with LBP histogram and some existing tr...

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2008
The development of a new differential protection scheme for tapped transmission lines using wavel... more The development of a new differential protection scheme for tapped transmission lines using wavelet transform is presented. At each relay locations, using the most suitable mother wavelet, the measured three line currents are decomposed up to third level. Thereafter, third-level approximation coefficients are reconstructed and used to derive the operating and restraining quantities. The proposed scheme has been tested extensively using the PSCAD/EMTDC software package with fault data, generated by modelling UKAI-KAKRAPAR 400 kV line of the Indian power system. The proposed scheme eliminates many of the problems encountered with tapped transmission lines such as high resistance faults, outfeed current in case of internal and external faults, insufficient current for tripping and provides better discrimination between external and internal faults in case of loss of generation at one end. At the end, a comparative evaluation of the conventional current differential protection scheme with the proposed scheme is also presented. Dependability and security have been studied separately.
Electric Power Components and Systems, 2009
A wavelet-based digital protection scheme for a tapped transmission line is presented in this art... more A wavelet-based digital protection scheme for a tapped transmission line is presented in this article. As the wavelet packet transform provides more detailed and accurate signal decomposition than the discrete wavelet transform, proper discrimination can be achieved between the forward and reverse faults on extra-high voltage tapped lines. The idea of the proposed scheme depends on deriving an ADD signal

IEEE Systems Journal, 2012
ABSTRACT This paper presents a seven-stage hot redundant structure (SeSHRS)-hydrogen cooling syst... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a seven-stage hot redundant structure (SeSHRS)-hydrogen cooling system (HCS), dedicated for cooling of 2 × 660 MW size generators of combined cycle power plants. In the case of large generators, air cooling system restricts itself up to 100 MW generation capacities, while HCS is very effective as a coolant for capacity of 120-130 MW unit(s) and above. To control and monitor such a critical system, it is essential to incorporate supervisory control and data acquisition with HCS for effective cooling of the large generators, and taking proactive actions, if abnormality is observed during the operation. The objectives of this paper are to analyze the system reliability and system failure of the proposed process control and instrumentation of HCS. The work includes a comparison between the proposed and the existing systems in terms of system reliability and fault tree analysis (FTA). The algorithms for system reliability and FTA of the proposed SeSHRS model are developed on the MATLAB platform. The effectiveness of real-time featured proposed HCS is validated by computer simulation. The entire process instrumentation of the system is designed and simulated on RSView Studio, a real-time automation platform by Rockwell Automation, Milwaukee, WI. The proposed design meets the specifications of IEC 61025, IEEE C37.1-2007, and IEEE 1413-2003.
Technologies that recognize short spoken words from a small, predefined vocabulary have been comm... more Technologies that recognize short spoken words from a small, predefined vocabulary have been commercially available from many years. In this paper, Spoken Paired Word (SPW) as a whole word template has been explored for utility and suitability in real time system, which has several novel features and potentially valuable extensions. Performance of SPW has been evaluated using waveletprobabilistic neural network. Five hundred utterances of Hindi (Indian National Language) paired word have been used as database. The overall Correct Pattern Classification Rate (CPCR) of the speaker dependent Hindi paired word classification system is 99.80% on the considered database. KeywordsSpoken paired word, whole word template, wavelet transform, PNN, Correct pattern classification rate, Hindi language; speaker dependent Hindi paired word.

2015 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT ASIA), 2015
In this article, a new `dq0' transformation based islanding detection scheme for power distri... more In this article, a new `dq0' transformation based islanding detection scheme for power distribution system with Distributed Generation (DG) interconnections is presented. The proposed scheme is based on conversion of current and voltage samples of all phases into `d', `q' and `0' components using `dq0' transformation. PSCAD/EMTDC software package is used to generate varying islanding and non-islanding events. Various islanding conditions have been simulated by disconnecting the main circuit breaker with different value of reactive and active power mis-matches. On the other hand, different non-islanding conditions such as short-circuit on an adjacent feeder, switching (ON/OFF) of load, switching (ON/OFF) of transformer, energization /de-energization of medium transmission lines, and switching (ON/OFF) of capacitor bank in the network have also been simulated. The simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme is not only capable to detect islanding condition...
In this paper, we used the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) feature for image retrieval. ... more In this paper, we used the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) feature for image retrieval. SIFT descriptors are invariant to image scaling, transformation, rotation and partially invariant to illumination changes and affine, gives the local features of an image. Therefore, feature from the images can be extracted more accurately by using SIFT than color, texture, shape and spatial relations. SIFT descriptor vectors for each image is indexed by making the use of vocabulary tree. Further, relevance feedback technique is used to bridge the gap between low level features and high level concepts. The proposed method is tested on mixed database of Corel and Caltech 3000 images which shows a significant improvement in precision and average recall rate. KeywordsSIFT, Image retrieval, Relevance feedback, Vocabulary tree.

2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2017
The injection from small or medium sized distributed generation units operating in parallel with ... more The injection from small or medium sized distributed generation units operating in parallel with the utility grid supply presents several technical issues for the control and protection of the system. Amongst these, need is there to protect the system from islanding, caused by the loss of the utility grid supply. Failure to trip islanded generator can lead to problems such as out of phase reclosing, threats to personnel safety, damage of network instruments and degradation of power quality. In this paper a new scheme for islanding detection of distribution network with Distributed Generation (DG) is proposed, using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. After generating test data (Voltage and Current) using PSCAD/EMTDC simulation package, a decision of islanding or non islanding condition is carried out using SVM classifier. The proposed scheme is tested on islanding and various non islanding conditions such as faults on adjacent feeder, sudden change of load, capacitor switchin...

World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2012), 2012
A comprehensive hydrogen processing unit (HPU) is presented for uninterrupted supplying of it at ... more A comprehensive hydrogen processing unit (HPU) is presented for uninterrupted supplying of it at desired pressure rate. The pressurized Hydrogen is used for the cooling of large size generators in integrated gasification combined cycle power plants. It can also be seen as one of the future sources of fuel for automobile applications. Thereby, it reduces the chances of green house gases emission. Equally, Hydrogen can be utilized as a future source of energy for the automobiles. A novel HPU clubbed with highly reliable and efficient process automation system is proposed. The work includes a comparison between the proposed and the existing systems in terms of system reliability. The algorithm for system reliability is developed on MATLAB platform. The effectiveness of real-time featured proposed HPU is validated by computer simulation. The entire process automation system is designed and simulated on FT-View32 Works. It meets the specifications guided by IEEE C37.1-2007, IEC 61131-3 a...
Papers by Rudra Maheshwari