Papers by Rostislav Blume

Faktori eksperimental'noi evolucii organizmiv, 2020
Aim. Main aim of this research was identification of genetic distances between different genotype... more Aim. Main aim of this research was identification of genetic distances between different genotypes of napa cabbage (B. rapa ssp. pekinensis) and diversity identification in var. glabra and var. laxa forms. Methods. Molecular genetic analysis of napa cabbage genotypes was conducted out using method of β-tubulin intron length polymorphism (TBP). Results. Molecular profiles of different napa cabbage (B. rapa ssp. pekinensis) genotypes were identified. Number of amplified β-tubulin intron fragments was significantly varying – from 12 to 24 for each genotype. Basing on obtained results a dendrogram was built, which shows genetic distances among studied accessions. Conclusions. In present study 7 genotypes of B. rapa ssp. pekinensis were analyzed, received from IPK (Gatersleben) and Crop Research Institute (Prague) gene banks. Basing on obtained results it was established that systematic diversification of two forms var. glabra and var. laxa is not being confirmed by molecular genetic met...

Faktori eksperimental'noi evolucii organizmiv, 2021
Aim. Main aim of this research was the evaluation of theoretical bioethanol yield (per ha) from h... more Aim. Main aim of this research was the evaluation of theoretical bioethanol yield (per ha) from hexaploid giant miscanthus (Miscanthus х giganteus) and further comparison with conventional triploid form as well as with other bioethanol crops. Methods. Several mathematic functions were determined that describe yearly yield dynamics and equations, which were used in calculations of theoretical bioethanol yield. Results. The theoretical bioethanol yield was evaluated for different hexaploid miscanthus lines. The most productive in terms of ethanol yield were lines 108 and 202, from which potential bioethanol yield was found to be higher than in control line (6451 L/ha) by 10.7 % and 14.2% respectively and can reach 7144 L/ha and 7684 L/ha. Conclusions. It was determined that the most productive lines of polyploid miscanthus (lines 108 and 202) are able to compete with other plant cellulosic feedstocks for second-generation bioethanol production in Ukraine. However, these lines show bio...

The long-forgotten and taxonomically problematic name Camelina armeniaca Desv. is one of the earl... more The long-forgotten and taxonomically problematic name Camelina armeniaca Desv. is one of the earliest speciesʼ names published in Camelina (Brassicaceae; Cruciferae). Because of that, the issue of its proper taxonomic application was important for the nomenclatural stability of taxa belonging to the C. sativa–C. microcarpa aggregate and containing the important oilseed and biofuel crop C. sativa and its wild relatives and progenitors. The name Camelina armeniaca is lectotypified here with the specimen P00652666 from the Tournefort Herbarium (Herbarium Tournefortianum No. 1634) in P, following the direct reference in the protologue. Judging from the morphological characters of the lectotype, taxonomically, it represents a morphotype of C. sativa sensu lato, probably most closely matching C. caucasica (C. sativa var. caucasica) from a morphological viewpoint. Contrary to the recent listing of C. armeniaca in synonymy (!) of C. microcarpa in several main biodiversity databases (such as...
Industrial Crops and Products

The Open Agriculture Journal
Background: Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a promising C4-photosynthetising perennial grass... more Background: Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a promising C4-photosynthetising perennial grass and an important energy crop. It is resistant to drought, cold and winter frost, endures flooding and shows high performance at minimal energy consumption for cultivation. Methods: The purpose of the work was to develop and introduce high-yielding genotypes of switchgrass and develop effective cultivation technologies for the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. The objective of the study was to evaluate the introduction potential of switchgrass, to establish biologically productive parameters and energy values of different genotypes and the effectiveness of cultivation techniques in the specific geo-climatic zone of Ukraine. To achieve the objectives, a wide range of introductory, biological-morphological, breeding-biotechnological, and agronomic methods have been used. Results: The gene pool of P. virgatum was collected (33 accessions), ten of which have been investigated, including both in...

The Open Agriculture Journal
Background: Sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Moench) is a unique crop with great potential... more Background: Sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Moench) is a unique crop with great potential to serve both the food and energy industries. It is due to the possibility of (bio)ethanol production both from the juice and biomass of this crop. The sorghum stems juice contains sugar in the levels similar to that of sugarcane. Besides, low cultivation requirements for the sweet sorghum make this crop even more attractive for sugar and ethanol production. In terms of technology, sweet sorghum is seen as a transitional feedstock for the first to the second generation bioethanol production. However, effective technological development of the plant cultivation and processing in the Northern and Central Ukraine is restrained by the lack of a collection of sweet sorghum genotypes and adapted varieties for its large-scale cultivation. Additionally, no evaluations of potential (bio)ethanol productivity have been performed for this region, which is important for efficient implementation of n...

The Open Agriculture Journal
Background: One of the most promising alternative biofuels, competitive with regular petrol, dies... more Background: One of the most promising alternative biofuels, competitive with regular petrol, diesel or jet fuel is biodiesel, especially derived from plant oils. Until now, various technological approaches, as well as oil sources, have been proposed for biodiesel production, but an industrially scalable technology with high end-product quality and production efficiency has not been developed and brought to the market yet. Biodiesel is produced in Europe and North America mainly from rapeseed, or canola, sunflower and soybean oil. However, other underutilized plant species could also be considered as potential oil feedstocks for biodiesel. The great perspective holds Brassicaceae family, especially such species as false flax (Camelina sativa) and Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata), but many other Brassicaceae crops are still out of sight. Objectives: This research has been conducted aiming to identify and compare the productivity of several Brassicaceae crops (camelina or false fl...

The Open Agriculture Journal
The current trend in volatile oil prices, global warming and environmental pollution, has encoura... more The current trend in volatile oil prices, global warming and environmental pollution, has encouraged major consumers worldwide to sharply increase their use of “green” fuels. Bioethanol is usually obtained from the conversion of carbon-based feedstock. Bioethanol from biomass sources is the principal fuel used as a fossil fuels’ substitute for road transport vehicles. Bioethanol is predominantly produced by the sugar fermentation process, although it can also be generated by the chemical process of reacting ethylene with steam. Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) is also known as Ragi (India), Kodo (Nepal), Uburo (Rwanda), Kurakkan (Srilanka), Bulo (Uganda), Kambale (Zambia) and Tamba (Nigeria) and can be used as an efficient source for bioethanol production. Despite all its importance, however, finger millet is still grossly undervalued both scientifically and internationally. This review observes current progress in bioethanol production from E. coracana feedstock and the effectiven...
Papers by Rostislav Blume