Papers by Rossella Moioli
Gli articoli presenti nel testo sono stati sottoposti a doppio referaggio anonimo. Finito di stam... more Gli articoli presenti nel testo sono stati sottoposti a doppio referaggio anonimo. Finito di stampare nel mese di giugno 2022. Vietata la riproduzione o duplicazione con qualsiasi mezzo. Le immagini che corredano i testi sono fornite dagli autori e vengono pubblicate a scopo di studio e documentazione. L'editore si dichiara pienamente disponibile, nel caso di involontari errori, a regolarizzare eventuali pendenze con gli aventi diritto che non sia stato possibile contattare.

The proposal aims at illustrating how diagnostic can be a useful tool in prevention and maintenan... more The proposal aims at illustrating how diagnostic can be a useful tool in prevention and maintenance activities. The case study will show how scientific results can be an effective evaluation indicators for the assessment of intervention durability and a base for drawing up a conservation plan. The paper reports the various inspections and studies for planning the conservation activities of the complex 12 years after the end of restoration works. Conservation plan achieved the goal to gather the widespread information produced before, during and after the restoration, in order to support the coordination of the maintenance/management activities in charge to different stakeholders. The investigations at Lavello Convent will drive the conservation activities choices: first of all the need to check the most vulnerable and critical parts, elements and systems that remain under risk of damage due to the environmental and soil conditions, mainly due to high humidity and moisture. Researche...
Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector, 2019

Conservation of Built Cultural Heritage, meant as the management of change, has to be built on ri... more Conservation of Built Cultural Heritage, meant as the management of change, has to be built on rigorous methodological tools, able to put into practice the mandatory cultural approach and to provide answers to the use and sustainability requirements in the urban regeneration projects. The proposal refers to the collecting knowledge process, which is preparatory for the intervention options, and to the re-use issues of historic buildings belonging to a disused hospital settlement. The complex is composed by buildings belonging to different typologies and the main interest lays on the fact that it is a complex strictly linked to the historic city center. A multicriteria analysis, aimed at defining the best scenario according to the four pillars of sustainability, has been carried on considering four different options with diverse functions and the results coming from the economic-financial evaluation. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis of the value-system emerging from the new acquired knowledge has been produced as well, since the multi-value dimension of Built Cultural Heritage must be at the base of every conservation and valorisation design. The adopted operational methodology is the combination of different methods: the values analysis, according to the Nara Grid model and the valuefocused thinking, the multicriteria analysis and the evaluation of the new functions according to the life-cycle oriented restoration approach. In this way it has been possible to obtain a range of compatible and sustainable functions and to pinpoint methods and costs for the restoration intervention. The objectives are: defining a methodology for conservation designs more and more effective and bringing Built Cultural Heritage at the center of local development dynamics.
Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector, 2019
Van der Wee Architects (preliminary research & restoration advice), Daidalos Peutz (building phys... more Van der Wee Architects (preliminary research & restoration advice), Daidalos Peutz (building physics), SumProject (technical research & specifications), Baro Architectuur (follow-up con- itruction íité;. Creisctr Engineering (structural engineering). VK Engineering (Techniques). Photo credit: Geert Roels 2018. 'Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices'book series 3. Innovative Built Heritage Models Edited by Koen Van Balen & Aziliz Vandesande rsBN 978-1 -1 38-4986 l-7 (HB) ISBN 978-l -3 5l -0147 9 -3 (eBook) 4. Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector Edited by Koen van Balen & Aziliz Vandesande rsBN 978-0-367-02763-6 (HB) ISBN 978-0-429 -397 9 1 -2 (eBook) CRC Pres.slBalkema is att imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an inftn'ma business

Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, Controls, 2016
The research identifies strategies to increase the durability of the components of historic build... more The research identifies strategies to increase the durability of the components of historic buildings and minimize the environmental impacts. The method has a direct application within the Conservation Plan of Lavello Convent (Lake Como). The study case is particularly representative of the historical building techniques and materials in the Northern Lombardy region. The study case presented the highest risks for the conservation of traditional finishing on site, because of the adverse climate and the particular exposure to rainfall of the exterior north facing plaster. The researchers studied six mortar mixes to identify the durability and compatibility compared to the masonry underneath, for repairing/substituting the exterior plaster of the northern side, which faced the worst conditions. The same formulations were tested on the specimens in the laboratory too. The diagnostics focused on the characterization and assessment of the water transport phenomena in mortars, through different tests, studying the absorption and vapour transmission properties by means of steady and innovative non-destructive techniques. A second step of the research included the application of protective products on the specimens, and on biocide and protective products on the site and the repetition of the tests. At the end of the experimental tests, the results were implemented in the ongoing Conservation Plan and especially supported the decision process for defining the threshold between maintenance and acceptable damage, and, consequently set the inspection procedures, cycles of maintenance of protective/biocide treatments, and the economic plan.

Planned and preventive Conservation, as a strategy for prevention and Constant care of historical... more Planned and preventive Conservation, as a strategy for prevention and Constant care of historical buildings, is also a complex process of knowledge production, which goes into programming tools and information management (Maintenance Pian). Mainly, we refer to thè knowledge resulting from thè restoration site, where "digging" heritage becomes a moment of new knowledge production, study and sometimes new interpretation of thè history of thè monument. In literature many suggestions have been developed for thè systematization of knowledge in thè field of restoration, and also Italian regulations tried to define thè different skills and tools that actors involved in thè intervention on historic buildings must adopt for a coherent and coordinated data recording; nevertheless, despite of some recent attempts, we are stili far from a real systematization of thè whole chain with thè aim of using information for planning thè activities of prevention and maintenance required for thè Conservation of cultura! heritage. The paper wants to analyze methods for updating thè Maintenance Pian during thè intervention on thè monument, and thè role that executors of interventions play in thè registration of acquired knowledge and processing phases, for example updating of maps, production of graphic and photographic documentation, execution of diagnostics in operational phases, systematic collection of technical documentation and drafting of scientific reports. These are activities that require a preliminary stage of programming methods for storing information and that therefore need a dose cooperation between ali thè professionals involved in thè intervention on thè monument. The aim is to highlight how thè systematic and effective documentation of restoration activities can become an instrument for supporting planned and preventive Conservation.

This text describes the pattern that has been followed for drafting the conservation plan of the ... more This text describes the pattern that has been followed for drafting the conservation plan of the mural paintings in S. Maria Maddalena church. The conservation project of the building and its interiors is focused on a multidisciplinary approach. It has been drawn up with the collaboration of several professionals engaged together from the beginning of the conservation process. These different skills have gathered up relevant results which have been able to provide a set of information related to the comprehension of the building, meant as a complex system. The main goal is to integrate all this data with the support of each different discipline, querying each professional’s specific answers in order to outline a holistic view of the topic. Through this method it has been possible to set up the criteria for the conservation project, based on the issues of preventive and planned conservation.

Proceedings of the ICA, 2021
Founded by Romans, Vimercate had an important geographical position in Lombardy. Layers of histor... more Founded by Romans, Vimercate had an important geographical position in Lombardy. Layers of history are visible throughout the town, yet there is the inconsistency of historical data and neglect of the historical centre in the past decades. Only recently researchers and professors from Politecnico di Milano pointed out the importance of studying layers of history in the built environment. In the past years, Vimercate was used as an example for students from masters and bachelor courses in preservation studios. This is where the idea for the master's thesis was developed which focuses on the collection, digitalisation and investigation of primary historical cartography and then other historical documents. Historical cartography can offer extensive knowledge about the past of this town and it is one of the main sources of information. For the creation of the project was selected free and open-source software QGIS where the selected historical maps were vectorised, compared and investigated. A new understanding of the development of the city was studied and some discoveries appeared. Effective application of the thesis project started in the courses of Architectural preservation studio at Politecnico di Milano. This was followed by the interest of citizens in the project who were actively participated in the creation of the same. Other stakeholders showed interest in involving in future developments. The thesis found its application in didactic activities of students and pupils.

Background: Although many studies have documented patient-, clinician-, and organizational barrie... more Background: Although many studies have documented patient-, clinician-, and organizational barriers/facilitators of primary care among people with mental illnesses, few have examined whether these factors predict actual rates of preventive service use. We assessed whether clinician behaviors, beliefs, characteristics, and clinician-reported organizational characteristics, predicted delivery of preventive services in this population. Methods: Primary care clinicians (n = 247) at Kaiser Permanente Northwest (KPNW) or community health centers and safety-net clinics (CHCs), in six states, completed clinician surveys in 2014. Using electronic health record data, we calculated preventive care-gap rates for patients with mental illnesses empaneled to survey respondents (n = 37,251). Using separate multi-level regression models for each setting, we tested whether survey responses predicted preventive service care-gap rates. Results: After controlling for patient-level characteristics, patients of clinicians who reported a greater likelihood of providing preventive care to psychiatrically asymptomatic patients experienced lower care-gap rates (KPNW γ= -.05, p = .041; CHCs γ= -.05, p = .033). In KPNW, patients of female clinicians had fewer care gaps than patients of male clinicians (γ= -.07, p = .011). In CHCs, patients of clinicians who had practiced longer had fewer care gaps (γ= -.004, p = .010), as did patients whose clinicians believed that organizational quality goals facilitate preventive service provision (γ= -.06, p = .006). Case manager availability in CHCs was associated with higher care-gap rates (γ=.06, p = .028). Conclusions: Clinicians who report they are likely to address preventive concerns when their mentally ill patients present without apparent psychiatric symptoms had patients with fewer care gaps. In CHCs, care quality goals may facilitate preventive care whereas case managers may not.
The aim is to describe the best practice of Palazzo Te concerning the methodologies and the manag... more The aim is to describe the best practice of Palazzo Te concerning the methodologies and the management of preventive and planned conservation. The case study is the occasion for thinking about some topics as prevention, maintenance and use and about the relationship among these issues. It’s important to define the different meanings of prevention and to clarify them with some examples. The essay embodies both samples of preventive actions and the description of the Global Service which is the tool for the management of the conservation process.

Innovative Built Heritage Models, 2018
À minha família, que sempre, muito unida, acreditou em mim, mesmo quando eu ainda não acreditava,... more À minha família, que sempre, muito unida, acreditou em mim, mesmo quando eu ainda não acreditava, me apoiando e me fazendo seguir em frente, sempre de cabeça erguida. Aos meus pais, à minha irmã, às minhas avós, aos meus tios e tias, primos e primas, o maior agradecimento só poderia ser a eles. Aos meus amigos, que foram a minha força durante esse período e com quem dividi as maiores alegrias e tristezas nesse tempo. À Renata, Pedro, Anna, Lincoln, Marllon, Nikolas, obrigado por estarem comigo nesses anos de faculdade. Aos meus amigos de laboratório, Adriana, Andreia, Luíza, Victor, Marcos Vinicius, Flávio, e tantos que já passaram e que convivi desde o início da minha graduação. Obrigado pelos ensinamentos e companheirismo. E obrigado principalmente aos meus orientadores, que foram minha fonte de aprendizado. Um obrigado especial à Prof a Michelle, por toda sua paciência e sua ajuda. E por fim, ao Prof. o João Cajaiba, aquele que acreditou em mim desde o primeiro dia em que entrei na faculdade e quem me proporcionou as maiores oportunidades de aprendizado que eu jamais poderia esperar.

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019
of universal peace is near"、4.6.4)と平行する形で、覇者を嘲る演劇的工夫が見られる。 クレオパトラはシーザーを "Fortune's knave"(5.2.3)と... more of universal peace is near"、4.6.4)と平行する形で、覇者を嘲る演劇的工夫が見られる。 クレオパトラはシーザーを "Fortune's knave"(5.2.3)と見下して次のように言う。 CLEOPATRA and it is great To do that thing that ends all other deeds, Which shackles accidents and bolts up change, Which sleeps, and never palates more the dug, The beggar's nurse and Caesar's. Enter Proculeius PROCULEIUS Caesar sends greetings to the Queen of Egypt, And bids thee study on what fair demands Thou mean'st to have him grant thee. (5.2.4-11) このやりとりではクレオパトラの言葉は "Caesar's" の語で終る。同じ名前は次に、シー ザーの使者プロキュリーアスによって公式の挨拶の冒頭に用いられる。その効果は嘲り の響きを征服者の名前に与える。 5 劇の進展におけるこのようなタイミングは、 プロキュ リーアスの次に女王の許に派遣されるドラベラとのやりとりにおいても見られる。夢の 中のアントニー像を語り終わった後、 女王はシーザーの意図を直接ドラベラに質問する。 CLEOPATRA Know you what Caesar means to do with me? DOLABELLA I am loath to tell you what I would you knew. CLEOPATRA Nay, pray you, sir. DOLABELLA Though he be honourable--CLEOPATRA He'll lead me, then, in triumph? DOLABELLA Madam, he will. I know't. Flourish. Enter Caesar, Proculeius, Gallus, Mecenas, and others of his train ALL Make way there! Caesar! (5.2.105-111) クレオパトラはここで、凱旋式に自分を連行するというシーザーの計画を彼の側近の一

A Research Agenda for Heritage Planning, 2021
Research on how to achieve more effective heritage management models is more and more timely, mov... more Research on how to achieve more effective heritage management models is more and more timely, moving from preservation to a more integrated approach (Shuster et al. 1997; Malkki and Schmidt-Thomé 2010; European Commission 2015). The resources for conservation of cultural heritage are diminishing. Sustainability concerns are increasingly driving investments in the construction sector -including conservation of historic buildingstowards new models (among many others, see Cassar 2009; Pereira Roders and Van Oers 2011; Biscontin and Driussi 2014). Societal changes are challenging the bases of some traditional approaches to preservation of national memories, while the rapid development of mass culture is triggering unforeseen and sometimes odd forms of enjoyment of heritage sites. It is therefore necessary to build new attitudes: opening up to a new understanding of historic preservation, investigating the relationships between the heritage sector and the issues of the economy and society, and highlighting the returns on investments in conservation beyond the narrow circle of the heritage sector. The principal keyword of the research we present in this chapter is integration -which is not new, as integrated conservation was one of the main ideas proposed in 1975 by the Council of Europe. The focus of the research is built heritage; meant not as a separate field, but as a crossroads to include single objects as well as landscape, as the observed changes hold for all the scales and values. Integration concerns both domains and timescales. On the one hand, recent research points out the potential of the heritage sector as a factor for integrated policies concerning all four pillars of sustainability (CHCfE Consortium 2015). On the other hand, as arguments increasingly rise against large restoration works, a slow paradigm shift has been observed towards
Papers by Rossella Moioli
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