Papers by Rosa Elia Martínez

Investigación & Desarrollo, 2021
Con base en diversas investigaciones de las autoras en el ramo medioambiental de la Industria Min... more Con base en diversas investigaciones de las autoras en el ramo medioambiental de la Industria Minero-Metalúrgica de México, se plantea un estudio que tiene como objetivo describir desde la perspectiva teórica de la Economía Circular, indicadores en función de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: Industria, Innovación e Infraestructura y Producción y Consumo Responsable en relación a las fases del Modelo de Economía Circular (MEC), para formular propuestas de medición de productividad en búsqueda del equilibrio económico, social y ambiental, que promueve la Sustentabilidad. A partir de una metodología de corte cualitativo basada en un Estudio de Caso realizado en una unidad minera, se obtienen resultados que permiten establecer indicadores en relación a cada fase del MEC, generando conclusiones que dirigen a mediciones particulares que en conjunto permitirán la obtención de valores de productividad ligados a la circularidad gestando acciones sustentables.

El Sector Educativo ha venido implementado una serie de estrategias que brindan a los estudiantes... more El Sector Educativo ha venido implementado una serie de estrategias que brindan a los estudiantes oportunidades para fortalecer competencias. Como consecuencia han optado por sistemas, procesos administrativos, academicos y comunitarios con eficacia y efectividad (Guerra y Sansevero, 2008). Estos a su vez han motivado a las Instituciones de Educacion Superior (IES) a generar escenarios que exigen participacion activa, din amica, intelectual en funcion de liderazgo. La presente investigacion permiti o realizar un estudio transversal, en el cual se rescata la experiencia que ha generado el hecho de que los alumnos se involucren en eventos extracurriculares, en donde demuestran capacidades y habilidades adquiridas durante su formacion profesional y el desarrollo de otras; en termino de variables cualitativas, se identificaron algunas competencias por medio de un cuestionario aplicado a estudiantes que hubieron participado en eventos realizados por el Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico o po...

ECORFAN Journal-Ecuador, 2021
As part of an Integrated Multiple Case Study (Yin, 2013), a method applied for the implementation... more As part of an Integrated Multiple Case Study (Yin, 2013), a method applied for the implementation of a Sustainable Management Model for the Mining-Metallurgical Industry of Mexico, the individual study of the mining analysis unit is presented, which is in the closing stage and belongs to the Au-Ag-Pb-Cu-Zn Mineralization Trend of the national territory. In addition to collaborating with the validation of the Model in field, this study aims to evaluate whether environmental, practices comply with legislative requirements and align with the international suggestions of the UN (2016) through Sustainable Development Goals selected from the agenda 2030. The contribution of this study lies in the importance that is generated from the closure strategy they have followed and how it impacts on the environment, involving ecological and social aspects primarily; the mining unit in the closing stage has been involved in clashes led by radical groups, arguing excessive devastation of important a...

ECORFAN Journal Spain, 2021
In the society of the XXI century it is generally accepted that a new intangible resource of orga... more In the society of the XXI century it is generally accepted that a new intangible resource of organizations is knowledge, in addition to the other existing resources: human, capital, raw materials and equipment. This is particularly true in a knowledge-based society and economy, where knowledge has become an invaluable medium for all organizations, particularly businesses. The objective of this paper is to make a diagnosis to describe how to apply knowledge management in the family business Campechanas la Escondida de la Trinidad. This project is based on a case study methodology, with a descriptive type of research; the collection of information uses as instruments with a qualitative approach, observation and interviewing. The results obtained show a dependence on the tacit knowledge possessed by bakers who apply in the artisanal process, in addition to family members, lack human talent management, formal training and innovation, which has limited their competitiveness.

Journal Health Education and Welfare, 2021
During 2020, in the face of the recession caused by the COVID19 pandemic, public and private sect... more During 2020, in the face of the recession caused by the COVID19 pandemic, public and private sectors suffer massive losses that force them to promote strategies for immediate reactivation. Education in México, despite estimating a considerable lag, had a favorable reaction towards "online classes” in all education levels. Through technological resources, administrative, teachers, parents and students were involved without having the opportunity to be questioned. As a result of this, a study was proposed with a quantitative approach and descriptive method, to keep record of the effects presented by college students before this modality. Natural stress is associated with social isolation through dimensions involving ICTs with the aim of diagnosing the personal, family, social and technological impact on college students in San Luis Potosí, to determine the effects that are adverse to their learning and professional life. The results will contribute to the development of strategie...

Journal of Administration and Finance, 2019
Mexico has a high potential in terms of mineral resources, promoting investment, employment gener... more Mexico has a high potential in terms of mineral resources, promoting investment, employment generation and strong fiscal contributions; mining activity at the national level has incorporated strategies that also allow it to comply with environmental protection requirements, so it recognizes that sustainable development allows it to harmonize this economic growth, with the right of future generations to achieve their well-being. Based on the descriptions provided in a Focus Group composed of the members of Minera Tierra Adentro, environmental challenges are identified that the Mexican Mining and Metallurgical Industry faces with respect to the fulfillment of goals derived from the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015). Therefore, the objective of this work is to describe the main environmental challenges currently faced by mining companies in Mexico, to contribute as a sector oriented towards sustainability. The methodology, of qualitative nature, includes documentary research and...

Revista de Desarrollo Urbano y Sustentable, 2019
The United Nations Organization is in favor of Sustainable Development through Objectives, of whi... more The United Nations Organization is in favor of Sustainable Development through Objectives, of which four are studied for their relationship with the environment; for its part, the Legislative Framework of Mexico, provides to the agencies of the Ministry of Economy, power over the environmental parameters that must be met for companies operating in the mining-metallurgical sector. With a case study methodology, which is part of an integrated multiple case study (Yin, 2013), the environmental practices of an analysis unit (underground metal ore mine in Mexico) were investigated, obtaining information on instruments designed and, describing with a qualitative approach, the participation of the four sustainable principles selected, which obey the Sustainable Development Goals: (1) Industry, innovation and infrastructure, (2) Sustainable cities and communities, (3) Production and consumption responsible and, (4) Life and terrestrial ecosystems Therefore, the objective is: Articulate comp...
ECORFAN Journal Republic of Nicaragua, 2021
This article gives an account of the qualitative research process under the Grounded Theory strat... more This article gives an account of the qualitative research process under the Grounded Theory strategy to generate a substantive theoretical construct called Sustainable Social Culture from instrumental records product of an immersion in the field in four industrial units (Martínez, 2020). The first findings raised questions that led to delving into the way in which industrial workers exercise agency and reflexivity in terms of sustainability. This theoretical construct rests on the Sociology of Organizations, Organizational Culture and Environmental Management that contribute to integrating categorical dimensions for their subsequent theorization and conceptual integration whose consistency, internal logic and validity are evidenced.
Autora: Rosa Elia Martínez Torres.
Papers by Rosa Elia Martínez