Papers by Roosganda Elizabeth

buku Bunga Rampai Rantai Pasok Pertanian : Specialty Kopi Indonesia di Pasar Global, diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Penebar Swadaya, 2023
kopi dan
produknya berkontribusi besar perekonomian daerah dan
nasional, peluang usaha yang membe... more kopi dan
produknya berkontribusi besar perekonomian daerah dan
nasional, peluang usaha yang memberi keuntungan besar bagi
usaha/pelaku terlibat, dan terbukanya lapangan pekerjaan dan
membuat usaha. Hal tersebut tentu mempengaruhi peningkatan
produksi dan produktivitas serta peningkatan perkembangan
penawaran dan permintaan kopi dan produk olahannya;
Membuatnya menjadi tantangan dan peluang untuk ikut bersaing
di pasar domestik dan dunia. Seluruh kegiatan usaha kopi terkait
dengan pangan dan konsumen, dari lokal hingga ekspor, tidak
terlepas dari persyaratan keamanan, higienitas dan kualitas bahan
bakunya. Pengembangan dan peningkatan kopi dan produknya
tentunya tidak terlepas dan harus didukung kesiapan infrastruktur
moda transportasi yang kondusif dan aman dalam pengiriman
dan pendistibusiannya agar kondisi kopi dan produknya aman
dan lengkap sampai di buyer. Tulisan ini mengemukakan peran
penting dan fungsi moda transportasi, (lokasi bahasan di Aceh
dan Lampung), secara lebih komprehensif, yang diinterpretasikan
secara deskriptif kualitatif dan diperkaya dengan review literatur
dan hasil kajian terkait untuk memperluas wawasan pembahasan.
Kebaharuan yang diusung adalah mengatasi dan
mengantisipasi berbagai hambatan terkait moda transportasi kopi
dan produknya menjadi tantangan dan peluang pembuat kebijakan,
pemangku kepentingan supaya menggiatkan ketersediaan dan
kesiapan alat/moda transportasi dan sarana jalan yang kondusif dan
aman terkendali mulai dari hilir sampai hulu untuk pengangkutan
kopi dan produknya dalam pendistribusiannya yang dibutuhkan
petani produsen, pelaku usaha, pebisnis kopi, hingga eksportir,
supaya kualitas dan kuantitas kopi dan produknya aman terkendali
selama proses pendistribusian sampai diterima lengkap oleh buyer.

Asian Journal of Management Entrepreneurship and Social Science. Vol.3.Issue1, 2023
The industrial world has entered the industrial revolution 4.0, which is all related to the inter... more The industrial world has entered the industrial revolution 4.0, which is all related to the internet system, and the rotation is very dynamic, requiring every industry to keep up with this new era. To be able to get a competitive advantage, companies can focus on competitive resources. Among the advantages, the company can focus on having transformational leaders and innovative work behavior from all employees. This study examines the effect of transformational leadership and organizational climate on innovative work behavior by taking the smelter industry of PT Daiki Aluminum Industry Indonesia as a case. The sample of this study is 100 permanent employees in the production department. The analysis of this study uses SEM (structural equation model) with Smart PLS version 3.0 as a statistical tool. The result is that transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational climate. Transformational leadership and organizational climate also have a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior partially and simultaneously.

Open Agriculture, vol. 8, no. 1, 2023, 2023
The abundance of agricultural products often causes environmental problems. The utilization of ag... more The abundance of agricultural products often causes environmental problems. The utilization of agricultural waste from carrots can reduce both the feed cost and environmental pollution and become a source of vitamin A for the health of the native chicken. The study aims to analyze carrot (Daucus carota L.) waste juice on native chicken performance. It was conducted from April to July 2019 at Pandu experimental field in North Minahasa Regency. The practical method used was a completely randomized design with four replications. The experimental livestock used in the study was 80-day-old chickens of native chicken. The concentration of carrot juice during the study was as follows: 100% drinking water without carrot juice (W0), 80% water drinking + 20% carrot juice (W1), 60% drinking water + 40% carrot juice (W2), and 20% drinking water + 80% carrot juice (W3). Observed variables included feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and mortality rate. The results showed that carrot waste juice significantly impacted the body weight gain, feed conversion rate, and 0% mortality rate during the 8 weeks. The concentration of 20% drinking water + 80% carrot juice (W3) with the feed intake ratio of 1.608 g, body weight gain value of 775.63 ± 301 g, and the FCR of 2.1 ± 0.06. However, the consumption ratio did not differ among treatments. The addition of carrot waste juice, as much as 80%, in the drinking water of native chickens showed an increase in body weight compared to other treatments. In conclusion, the current study showed that treatment of carrot waste juice has a significant effect on body weight in 8 weeks of maintenance. Meanwhile, the feed intake ratio of carrot waste juice treatment has no real effect. There was no dead chicken (0%) in the present study. The carrot waste juice can be used in chicken drinks 40-80% by paying attention to the balance of energy content and feed proteins used to grow chickens.

International Journal of Economy, Education, and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 3, No. 2, 2023
Research on the complex and multifaceted relationship between job satisfaction, moonlighting inte... more Research on the complex and multifaceted relationship between job satisfaction, moonlighting intentions, turnover intentions, and organizational citizenship behaviour has been conducted in organizational behaviour. Researchers have investigated various factors contributing to positive organizational citizenship behaviour, job satisfaction, moonlighting, and turnover intentions. This study aims to examine the interrelationships between Job Satisfaction, Moonlighting Intentions, Turnover Intention, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior and their impact on an organization's success. Organizations can create a positive work environment that fosters employee well-being, engagement, and productivity when they thoroughly understand the complex interplay among these factors. This results in improved outcomes for employees as well as the organization. The research employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing a literature review that begins with a meticulous selection of relevant topics and keywords to identify appropriate journals and sources. This process is crucial as it guarantees that the information collected is accurate, relevant, and up-todate. By selecting appropriate topics and keywords, researchers can ensure that they gather the most pertinent and reliable information for their study. According to the study, there is a negative correlation between job satisfaction and moonlighting intentions among IT professionals. It implies that those who are content with their current job are less inclined to seek additional employment. Additionally, the study revealed that job satisfaction and organizational commitment significantly negatively impact turnover intention. Therefore, organizations can decrease turnover intention by enhancing job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and person-organization fit. Furthermore, the study found that job satisfaction positively and significantly influences organizational citizenship behaviour. Moreover, organizational commitment mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour positively and significantly.

MAMEN (Jurnal Manajemen) Vol. 2 No. 1, 2023
This study aims to determine the effect of the organizational culture, job satisfaction and emplo... more This study aims to determine the effect of the organizational culture, job satisfaction and employee engagement on employee performance at UPTD pengelolaan prasarana perhubungan (Dinas Perhubungan Kota Cilegon). The method used is a quantitative method. The sample selection technique used a saturation sampling method where all members of the population were sampled, amounting to 56 respondents. The statistical methods used are normality test, multicolliniearity test, hetesscedasticity test, correlation coefficient test, R2 test (coefficient of determination), multi linier regression analysis. The results of the t-test in this study indicate that organizational culture has not significant on employee performance, the results of the t-test in this study indicate job satisfaction has a significant effect of employee performance, the results of the t-test in this study indicate that employee engagement has a significant on employee performance. The results of the F-test show that the level of all variables is high. It can be concluded that the organizational culture, job satisfaction and employee engagement simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at UPTD pengelolaan prasarana perhubungan.

Asian Journal of Management Entrepreneurship and Social Science.Volume 03 Issue 01, 2023
The role of leadership affects the performance of institutional organizations, companies, busines... more The role of leadership affects the performance of institutional organizations, companies, business ventures, trade, education, and so on, which aim to be implemented and realized goals, at least exist, develop and even increase. This paper aims to express more comprehensively the relationship between the transformational leadership function of farmer groups partially or simultaneously with the success of an agricultural development program in rural areas, such as PNPM Mandiri, Export-Oriented Agribusiness Progam, P3A etc. The various programs have been more developed performance and objectives in addition to increasing the income and welfare of farmers, the regional economy also aims to realize the development of rural agribusiness aimed at exports. The location and respondent farmer groups were selected purposively,

International Journal of Economy, Education, and Entrepreneurship.Vol. 3, No. 2, 2023
Technological advances and continuous digitalization are transforming an organization's resources... more Technological advances and continuous digitalization are transforming an organization's resources and capabilities. Aligning with digitally oriented cultural archetypes is critical to successful digital transformation. This study aims to determine whether the Covid-19 pandemic impacts organizational culture change, as well as to find cutting-edge knowledge about productive-sustainable organizational culture and predict digital culture in organizations based on traditional cultural archetypes. The result is that the people-oriented cultural archetype is the most important for digital culture, while the values inherent in the cultural archetype of Norms or Goals inhibit it. The paper contributed to developing Functionalist and Structuralist cultural theories, showing the interaction of microcultures and cultural archetypes within an organization. Two frameworks on sustainable culture transformation and sustainability of organizational culture are derived from cutting-edge knowledge. Clean production requires managing the physical aspects of production and transforming organizational culture. What the author can criticize from these articles is the assumption that all organizations experience a decline in hierarchical culture and an increase in adhocracy culture and market culture. In fact, organizational culture shifts can vary depending on the industry, the size of the organization, and other factors.

Jurnal Asian Journal of Management Entrepreneurship and Social Science (AJMESC) Vol03 Issue 01, 2023
The role of leadership affects the performance of institutional organizations, companies, busines... more The role of leadership affects the performance of institutional organizations, companies, business ventures, trade, education, and so on, which aim to be implemented and realized goals, at least exist, develop and even increase. This paper aims to express more comprehensively the relationship between the transformational leadership function of farmer groups partially or simultaneously with the success of an agricultural development program in rural areas, such as PNPM Mandiri, Export-Oriented Agribusiness Progam, P3A etc. The various programs have been more developed performance and objectives in addition to increasing the income and welfare of farmers, the regional economy also aims to realize the development of rural agribusiness aimed at exports. The location and respondent farmer groups were selected purposively,

urnal Edunomika – Vol. 8, No. 1, 2023, 2023
Employee performance is the most fundamental factor in improving company performance. There are a... more Employee performance is the most fundamental factor in improving company performance. There are a number of factors that can influence employee performance in a company, including good internal communication and a work ethic that continues to improve among employees. Therefore, this research aims to examine the influence of interpersonal communication and work ethic on employee performance. Different from previous research, this research adds the Commitment variable as a moderating variable. This research is quantitative research, namely research that serves as a stepping stone for previous research to find new variations in this research. This research uses secondary data which is distributed through questionnaires. The data used was analyzed using smart PLS 3.0. The research results show that the Interpersonal Communication and Work Ethic variables have a positive relationship and have a significant influence. In line with the researchers' assumptions, the Commitment variable can moderate the influence of Interpersonal Communication and Work Ethic on Employee Performance.
Jurnal Edunomika – Vol. 8, No. 1, 2023, 2023
Dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan perubahan yang disebabkan oleh internet, maka muncullah suatu ... more Dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan perubahan yang disebabkan oleh internet, maka muncullah suatu inovasi dalam dunia informasi dan komunikasi yang sekarang dikenal dengan media sosial. Media sosial, telah menjadi suatu trend dalam kehidupan manusia. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Sosial Media Marketing dan Online Customer Review terhadap minat beli melalui aplikasi Shopee. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang pernah berbelanja secara online melalui aplikasi Shopee dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling: simple random yang berhasil diperoleh sebanyak 250 responden. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SPSS dapat diketahui hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosial media marketing dan online customer review berpengaruh terhadap minat beli melalui aplikasi shopee.

Jurnal Edunomika – Vol. 8, No. 1, 2023, 2023
Sebuah perusahaan disamping mempunyai pemasaran yang bagus, juga harus bisa memahami perilaku kon... more Sebuah perusahaan disamping mempunyai pemasaran yang bagus, juga harus bisa memahami perilaku konsumen dari suatu pasar karena hal ini merupakan salah satu hal penting untuk dilakukan oleh produsen ataupun oleh suatu perusahaan yang menjalankan usaha-usaha pemasaran, karena dalam konsep pemasaran salah satu cara untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan adalah dengan mengetahui apa kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen secara lebih efisien dari para pesaing perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk dan promosi terhadap minat beli berulang. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang pernah berbelanja di Minimarket Alfamidi dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling: simple random yang berhasil diperoleh sebanyak 180 responden dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk dan promosi berpengaruh terhadap minat beli berulang.

Sebuah perusahaan disamping mempunyai pemasaran yang bagus, juga harus bisa memahami perilaku kon... more Sebuah perusahaan disamping mempunyai pemasaran yang bagus, juga harus bisa memahami perilaku konsumen dari suatu pasar karena hal ini merupakan salah satu hal penting untuk dilakukan oleh produsen ataupun oleh suatu perusahaan yang menjalankan usaha-usaha pemasaran, karena dalam konsep pemasaran salah satu cara untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan adalah dengan mengetahui apa kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen secara lebih efisien dari para pesaing perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk dan promosi terhadap minat beli berulang. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang pernah berbelanja di Minimarket Alfamidi dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling: simple random yang berhasil diperoleh sebanyak 180 responden dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk dan promosi berpengaruh terhadap minat beli berulang.

The Eastasouth Management and Business Vol. 02, No. 01, September, 2023
This bibliometric analysis explores the profound influence of academic research on Human Resource... more This bibliometric analysis explores the profound influence of academic research on Human Resource Management (HRM) strategy, employee performance, and global organizational success. Leveraging a comprehensive dataset from reputable academic databases, the study employs bibliometric techniques to analyze patterns of publication, citation, collaboration, and keyword trends within the HRM research domain. The findings reveal a multifaceted landscape of HRM scholarship. Co-authorship network analysis identifies prolific authors and research clusters, highlighting the collaborative nature of HRM research. Citation analysis uncovers highly influential publications, showcasing the impact of seminal works on HRM theory and practice. Keyword analysis unveils emerging research themes, reflecting the field's responsiveness to evolving challenges and trends. Notably, the analysis underscores the significance of evidence-based HRM practices and the global context in which HRM operates. It recognizes the role of academic research in shaping HRM strategies that enhance employee performance and contribute to global organizational success. This study provides valuable insights for HRM practitioners, researchers, and organizational leaders by offering a comprehensive overview of the evolving HRM landscape. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration, the influence of seminal works, and the dynamic nature of HRM research. Understanding these dynamics is pivotal for advancing HRM scholarship and driving organizational excellence in a globalized world.

The Eastasouth Management and Business Vol. 02, No. 01, Sept, 2023
he purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze how
environmental factors, employee social... more he purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze how
environmental factors, employee social awareness, and corporate
social responsibility (CSR) impact the sustainability performance of an
organization or company. This study explores the complex interactions
between environmental factors, employee social awareness, corporate
social responsibility (CSR) practices, and their combined influence on
sustainability performance in the manufacturing sector in West Java,
Indonesia. In an era marked by increasing concerns about
environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility,
understanding the dynamics of these factors is critical for organizations
seeking to balance economic success with ethical and environmental
responsibility. Using a mixed methods research approach, this study
combines a quantitative survey of 150 samples with qualitative insights
from interviews and analysis of CSR reports from 5 informants. The
findings of this study provide a holistic perspective on how these
variables collectively shape sustainability performance in
manufacturing companies in West Java.

West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship Vol. 1, No. 09, September 2023, 2023
The creative economy has become a driving force for economic growth and cultural development in I... more The creative economy has become a driving force for economic growth and cultural development in Indonesia, with the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy at the forefront of shaping policies and initiatives to support this sector. This research employs a mixedmethods approach, combining quantitative survey data and qualitative insights from in-depth interviews, to explore the Minister's role in encouraging innovation and entrepreneurial networks in the creative economy. The findings reveal a generally positive perception of the Minister's policies, with stakeholders acknowledging their effectiveness in promoting innovation and entrepreneurial networks. Networking and collaboration initiatives facilitated by the Minister are seen as instrumental in fostering connections within the sector. While challenges exist, including the need for enhanced funding accessibility and intellectual property protection, they present opportunities for policy improvement. The study contributes to a nuanced understanding of the Minister's impact and offers policy recommendations to further enhance the growth and sustainability of the creative economy in Indonesia.

urnal West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship,pada Vol. 1 No. 09 (2023), 2023
Microcredit programs have emerged as powerful tools for poverty alleviation and economic growth i... more Microcredit programs have emerged as powerful tools for poverty alleviation and economic growth in developing economies. This study investigates the impact of the BRI People's Business Credit Program (KUR) on entrepreneurship development and economic growth in West Java, Indonesia. Employing a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative survey data and qualitative insights from interviews and focus group discussions, the research reveals compelling findings. The quantitative analysis demonstrates a high level of participation in the BRI KUR program, with significant positive effects on entrepreneurship development indicators, such as business growth, employment generation, and income increase. Furthermore, areas with higher program participation exhibit noteworthy increases in GDP per capita and reductions in poverty rates. These results underscore the program's pivotal role in stimulating entrepreneurship and fostering economic growth at the regional level. Qualitative insights from program participants and stakeholders provide valuable context, emphasizing the program's accessibility, its impact on entrepreneurship culture, and the importance of addressing challenges for sustainable success. This research contributes to our understanding of microcredit program effectiveness, especially within the unique regional context of West Java. It offers insights for policymakers, financial institutions, and development agencies seeking to harness the potential of microcredit programs as drivers of economic transformation.

Jurnal West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 1 No. 09 (2023), 2023
Indonesia's fashion sector has grown dramatically in recent years, driven primarily by influencer... more Indonesia's fashion sector has grown dramatically in recent years, driven primarily by influencer marketing's ascent to prominence in advertising and consumer interaction. Within this dynamic framework, influencer credibility-which includes competence, trustworthiness, and attractiveness-has emerged as a critical component in influencing consumer purchasing decisions. This study uses a mixed-methods approach to examine the complex relationship between customer behavior and influencer credibility in the Indonesian fashion business. It combines quantitative surveys with qualitative interviews. Our research suggests that dependability and competence are important aspects of influencer credibility that favorably affect consumers' decisions to buy. Although relevant, attractiveness has a relatively smaller impact. Furthermore, it was found that cultural relevance was a significant element, as consumers favored influencers that shared the norms and values of Indonesian culture. These insights offer a deeper knowledge of the interaction between influencers and customers in Indonesia's dynamic fashion market, which is helpful advice for influencers and marketers alike as they try to optimize their tactics in this quickly changing scene.

West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, 2023
This bibliometric study examines how the field of sustainable crop management research is develop... more This bibliometric study examines how the field of sustainable crop management research is developing through an analysis of publications and their citations. We use VOSviewer software and sophisticated bibliometric approaches to find emergent research subjects, co-authorship networks, trends, and influential publications. Our data shows a significant increase in research publications over the course of four decades, which is indicative of the growing understanding of the significance of sustainable agriculture. Key publications by well-known writers offer fundamental information, and co-authorship networks emphasize cooperative research initiatives. Agroecology and climate-resilient agriculture are two emerging study subjects that provide insights into the field's future orientations. Through an awareness of these trends and key publications, this research helps to support well-informed decisions about food security and sustainable agriculture.

MIMBAR AGRIBISNIS Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis, 2022
Degradation and forest damage that happened effect and illegal logging, and governmental policy f... more Degradation and forest damage that happened effect and illegal logging, and governmental policy failure effect in forest resource management. The failure made legitimation power base by for the sake of development project, although the loss of biggest ethics as people prosperity accomplishment risk. This paper aim to propose factors determining failure or efficacy [of] a[n
public policy in forest resource management and development program. Forest management by private sector and state (HPH) in Indonesia, at be situation that very concern, because break of the rules destroyed forest. Forest domination resource rights enforcing as mastered by state, making
agraria forest function have dregs from its as requirement accomplishment local society live effort for traditional agriculture. Empowerment represent goals which will be reached, which can be existed with existence participate from community forest. Community forest participate very determine failure or efficacy of public program in development policy, and represent tool to reach enableness. The importance of people forest take care and remain order to own benefit looking into people forest by holistic in order to the development program target more conducive, usable so that as base to rebuild forestry world which have destroyed, and also maintain and and function continueing forever and ever
Papers by Roosganda Elizabeth
produknya berkontribusi besar perekonomian daerah dan
nasional, peluang usaha yang memberi keuntungan besar bagi
usaha/pelaku terlibat, dan terbukanya lapangan pekerjaan dan
membuat usaha. Hal tersebut tentu mempengaruhi peningkatan
produksi dan produktivitas serta peningkatan perkembangan
penawaran dan permintaan kopi dan produk olahannya;
Membuatnya menjadi tantangan dan peluang untuk ikut bersaing
di pasar domestik dan dunia. Seluruh kegiatan usaha kopi terkait
dengan pangan dan konsumen, dari lokal hingga ekspor, tidak
terlepas dari persyaratan keamanan, higienitas dan kualitas bahan
bakunya. Pengembangan dan peningkatan kopi dan produknya
tentunya tidak terlepas dan harus didukung kesiapan infrastruktur
moda transportasi yang kondusif dan aman dalam pengiriman
dan pendistibusiannya agar kondisi kopi dan produknya aman
dan lengkap sampai di buyer. Tulisan ini mengemukakan peran
penting dan fungsi moda transportasi, (lokasi bahasan di Aceh
dan Lampung), secara lebih komprehensif, yang diinterpretasikan
secara deskriptif kualitatif dan diperkaya dengan review literatur
dan hasil kajian terkait untuk memperluas wawasan pembahasan.
Kebaharuan yang diusung adalah mengatasi dan
mengantisipasi berbagai hambatan terkait moda transportasi kopi
dan produknya menjadi tantangan dan peluang pembuat kebijakan,
pemangku kepentingan supaya menggiatkan ketersediaan dan
kesiapan alat/moda transportasi dan sarana jalan yang kondusif dan
aman terkendali mulai dari hilir sampai hulu untuk pengangkutan
kopi dan produknya dalam pendistribusiannya yang dibutuhkan
petani produsen, pelaku usaha, pebisnis kopi, hingga eksportir,
supaya kualitas dan kuantitas kopi dan produknya aman terkendali
selama proses pendistribusian sampai diterima lengkap oleh buyer.
bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Sosial Media Marketing dan Online Customer Review terhadap minat beli melalui aplikasi Shopee. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang pernah berbelanja secara online melalui aplikasi Shopee dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling: simple random yang berhasil diperoleh sebanyak 250 responden. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SPSS dapat diketahui hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosial media marketing dan online customer review berpengaruh terhadap minat beli melalui aplikasi shopee.
environmental factors, employee social awareness, and corporate
social responsibility (CSR) impact the sustainability performance of an
organization or company. This study explores the complex interactions
between environmental factors, employee social awareness, corporate
social responsibility (CSR) practices, and their combined influence on
sustainability performance in the manufacturing sector in West Java,
Indonesia. In an era marked by increasing concerns about
environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility,
understanding the dynamics of these factors is critical for organizations
seeking to balance economic success with ethical and environmental
responsibility. Using a mixed methods research approach, this study
combines a quantitative survey of 150 samples with qualitative insights
from interviews and analysis of CSR reports from 5 informants. The
findings of this study provide a holistic perspective on how these
variables collectively shape sustainability performance in
manufacturing companies in West Java.
public policy in forest resource management and development program. Forest management by private sector and state (HPH) in Indonesia, at be situation that very concern, because break of the rules destroyed forest. Forest domination resource rights enforcing as mastered by state, making
agraria forest function have dregs from its as requirement accomplishment local society live effort for traditional agriculture. Empowerment represent goals which will be reached, which can be existed with existence participate from community forest. Community forest participate very determine failure or efficacy of public program in development policy, and represent tool to reach enableness. The importance of people forest take care and remain order to own benefit looking into people forest by holistic in order to the development program target more conducive, usable so that as base to rebuild forestry world which have destroyed, and also maintain and and function continueing forever and ever
produknya berkontribusi besar perekonomian daerah dan
nasional, peluang usaha yang memberi keuntungan besar bagi
usaha/pelaku terlibat, dan terbukanya lapangan pekerjaan dan
membuat usaha. Hal tersebut tentu mempengaruhi peningkatan
produksi dan produktivitas serta peningkatan perkembangan
penawaran dan permintaan kopi dan produk olahannya;
Membuatnya menjadi tantangan dan peluang untuk ikut bersaing
di pasar domestik dan dunia. Seluruh kegiatan usaha kopi terkait
dengan pangan dan konsumen, dari lokal hingga ekspor, tidak
terlepas dari persyaratan keamanan, higienitas dan kualitas bahan
bakunya. Pengembangan dan peningkatan kopi dan produknya
tentunya tidak terlepas dan harus didukung kesiapan infrastruktur
moda transportasi yang kondusif dan aman dalam pengiriman
dan pendistibusiannya agar kondisi kopi dan produknya aman
dan lengkap sampai di buyer. Tulisan ini mengemukakan peran
penting dan fungsi moda transportasi, (lokasi bahasan di Aceh
dan Lampung), secara lebih komprehensif, yang diinterpretasikan
secara deskriptif kualitatif dan diperkaya dengan review literatur
dan hasil kajian terkait untuk memperluas wawasan pembahasan.
Kebaharuan yang diusung adalah mengatasi dan
mengantisipasi berbagai hambatan terkait moda transportasi kopi
dan produknya menjadi tantangan dan peluang pembuat kebijakan,
pemangku kepentingan supaya menggiatkan ketersediaan dan
kesiapan alat/moda transportasi dan sarana jalan yang kondusif dan
aman terkendali mulai dari hilir sampai hulu untuk pengangkutan
kopi dan produknya dalam pendistribusiannya yang dibutuhkan
petani produsen, pelaku usaha, pebisnis kopi, hingga eksportir,
supaya kualitas dan kuantitas kopi dan produknya aman terkendali
selama proses pendistribusian sampai diterima lengkap oleh buyer.
bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Sosial Media Marketing dan Online Customer Review terhadap minat beli melalui aplikasi Shopee. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang pernah berbelanja secara online melalui aplikasi Shopee dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling: simple random yang berhasil diperoleh sebanyak 250 responden. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SPSS dapat diketahui hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosial media marketing dan online customer review berpengaruh terhadap minat beli melalui aplikasi shopee.
environmental factors, employee social awareness, and corporate
social responsibility (CSR) impact the sustainability performance of an
organization or company. This study explores the complex interactions
between environmental factors, employee social awareness, corporate
social responsibility (CSR) practices, and their combined influence on
sustainability performance in the manufacturing sector in West Java,
Indonesia. In an era marked by increasing concerns about
environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility,
understanding the dynamics of these factors is critical for organizations
seeking to balance economic success with ethical and environmental
responsibility. Using a mixed methods research approach, this study
combines a quantitative survey of 150 samples with qualitative insights
from interviews and analysis of CSR reports from 5 informants. The
findings of this study provide a holistic perspective on how these
variables collectively shape sustainability performance in
manufacturing companies in West Java.
public policy in forest resource management and development program. Forest management by private sector and state (HPH) in Indonesia, at be situation that very concern, because break of the rules destroyed forest. Forest domination resource rights enforcing as mastered by state, making
agraria forest function have dregs from its as requirement accomplishment local society live effort for traditional agriculture. Empowerment represent goals which will be reached, which can be existed with existence participate from community forest. Community forest participate very determine failure or efficacy of public program in development policy, and represent tool to reach enableness. The importance of people forest take care and remain order to own benefit looking into people forest by holistic in order to the development program target more conducive, usable so that as base to rebuild forestry world which have destroyed, and also maintain and and function continueing forever and ever
Indonesia strategis sebagai penghasil devisa Negara terbesar
keempat di setelah kelapa sawit, karet dan kakao.
Ketiga faktor krusial: keberlanjutan (sustainability), ketelusuran/
keterlacakan (traceability) dan legality sebagai cermin keperdulian
konsumen, diterjemahkan sebagai jaminan keamanan (safety)
produk untuk dikonsumsi dalam variabel-variabel terkait akses
pasar, salah satunya dibuktikan dengan kepemilikan sertifikasi,
baik untuk produk kopi domestik maupun ekspor. Kegiatan
ekspor kopi dan segala kegiatan serta usaha yang terkait dengan
pangan dan konsumen tentunya tidak terlepas dari ketentuan dan
persyaratan keamanan, higienitas dan kualitas bahan bakunya.
Untuk kopi, selain syarat ekspor pemerintah, negara tujuan ekspor
mensyaratkan pemastian kualitas kopi mereka beli dilengkapi
sertifikat phytosanitary. Tulisan ini secara lebih komprehensif
mengemukakan peran penting dan fungsi sertifikasi kopi dan
yang terkait diperkaya review literatur dan hasil kajian terkait yang
diinterpretasikan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Turut dikemukakan
bahwa sertifikasi menjadi pelindung kegiatan budidaya hingga
pasca panen termasuk pemasaran kopi oleh petani dan pelaku
usaha, tulisan ini meliputi Aceh dan Lampung, sebagai pendongkrak
pengembangan usaha bagi pelaku terlibat termasuk kegiatan
Kebaharuan dari hasil kajian tantangan dan peluang mulai
dari hilir sampai hulu dalam peningkatan ekspor kopi (terkait
sertifikasi) bagi pelaku usaha, petani produsen, bisnis kopi, hingga
eksportir, pembuat kebijakan, pemangku kepentingan supaya
menggiatkan pengembangan peningkatan produk kopi kualitas
ekspor yang bermutu, aman, higienis dan menguntungkan.
nilai ekspor pertanian cukup baik dan meningkat sekitar 15,79%
dari tahun 2019. Secara total sekitar Rp451 triliun (Kementan
2020), yang didominasi produk olahan (sekitar 89%) dan sisanya
(11%) produk segar (primer). Kontribusi nilai ekspor terbesar
dari perkebunan (91%), tanaman pangan 6%, hortikultura 2%
dan peternakan 1%, berpotensi berpeluang ditingkatkan.
Indonesia produsen kopi keempat terbesar dunia setelah Brasil,
Vietnam, dan Kolombia. Ekspor kopi Indonesia meningkat 37
persen sepanjang Januari-Mei 2022, dengan pertumbuhan industri
kopi cukup signifikan (250%) selama dekade terakhir ini. Dengan
luas lahan mencapai 1,25 juta ha dan total produksi hingga 761
ribu ton per tahun, kopi menjadi salah satu komoditas perkebunan
unggulan Indonesia yang strategis dan penting setidaknya dua
hal, yaitu: (1) dari sisi produksi, tanaman kopi berperan penting
dan strategis serta penyokong bagi perekonomian melalui basis
produksi bahan mentah dan basis penyerapan tenaga kerja baik
sebagai sumber pendapatan petani kopi dan pelaku yang terlibat,
sumber devisa, penghasil bahan baku industri, maupun penyedia
lapangan kerja melalui kegiatan pengolahan, pemasaran; dan (2)
dari sisi perdagangan ekspor-impor kopi secara luas dan paling
penting setelah minyak bumi (Barantan 2020).
Produksi, produktivitas dan kualitas komoditas merupakan
faktor penentu daya saing dan kinerja ekspor serta menjadi
kunci keberhasilan dari akses pasar dan peningkatan ekspor di
pasar dunia. Ketiganya dalam ranah domestik Indonesia dengan
memenuhi standar khusus (private/specific standard) terkait aspek
GMP (Good Management Product), GAP, dan keamanan pangan
(food safety) dan lain-lain, yang ditentukan aspek teknologi, mulai
dari sektor hulu (benih, pupuk, budidaya-pasca panen, alsintan
dan lain-lain), dan infrastruktur penunjang di sektor hilir. Tulisan ini
merupakan hasil kajian kuantitatif yang bertujuan mengidentifikasi
dan menganalisis potensi pengembangan ekspor kopi Indonesia
di pasar global dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu trade
complementary index (TCI), dan intra industry trade (IIT). Pembahasan
diperkaya dengan review beberapa literatur dan hasil kajian terkait
yang diinterpretasikan secara deskriptif kualitatif.
memengaruhi struktur organisasi, pengambilan keputusan, dan hubungan dengan pelanggan dan mitra usaha. Namun, tak dapat diabaikan bahwa setiap transformasi selalu diiringi oleh hambatan. Buku ini akan mengupas secara jujur tentang tantangan apa saja yang dihadapi UMKM dalam
beradaptasi dengan teknologi digital. Dari keterbatasan sumber daya hingga kesenjangan digital antara wilayah, berbagai rintangan perlu diatasi demi mewujudkan transformasi yang inklusif. Tidak hanya sebatas pada hambatan, berbagai uraian lengkap, komprehensif dan lugas, juga mengajak
pembaca untuk melihat peluang-peluang gemilang yang muncul beriringan dengan perubahan digital. Ekosistem digital membuka pintu luas bagi UMKM untuk merambah pasar global, berkolaborasi secara lebih efektif, dan mengoptimalkan strategi pemasaran melalui e-commerce.
Indeks Potensi Lahan (IPL) adalah: (i) upaya penilaian lahan sesuai potensinya; (ii) merupakan proses relatif lahan untuk kegunaan umum yang dinyatakan dengan angka. Manfaat dari Indeks Potensi Lahan (IPL) ini seperti: (i) sebagai data dan informasi acuan perencanaan kualitas usahatani, termasuk perkebunan, kehutanan, dan peternakan (manajemen HMT); sebagai (ii) basis untuk mendukung peruntukan penggunaan lahan untuk kesesuaian lahan; dengan (iii) mengetahui nilai potensi lahan di suatu wilayah/Kawasan; serta memberikan (iv) bantuan data dan informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk dipergunakan secara lebih efektif; sehingga dalam (v) suatu IPL merupakan pedoman/penunjuk bagi kegiatan perencanaan kegiatan budidaya terkait kesesuaian kondisi lahan di suatu wilayah yang bertujuan untuk multi kemanfaatan dan kesejahteraan.
mengungkapkan fenomena pada masyarakat di zaman kuno. Menurutnya, bahwa pada setiap negara selalu ditemui tiga unsur masyarakat, yaitu golongan masyarakat yang sangat kaya, golongan masyarakat di tengah-tengah, dan golongan mereka yang melarat; Inilah yang menjadi cikal bakal
terbentuknya lapisan sosial atau stratifikasi sosial. Perbedaan antar
lapisan sosial ini dapat terjadi berdasarkan aspek pendidikan,
keturunan, ekonomi, suku, agama dan politik. Strata atau lapisan dalam masyarakat, muncul secara alami
dalam proses pertumbuhan masyarakat. Perbedaan yang muncul dapat
menjadi sistem tersendiri dalam menciptakan kestabilan dalam
kehidupan bermasyarakat. Sistem strata ini juga digunakan dalam
pembagian wewenang dan kekuasaan dalam organisasi formal dan non
formal. Dengan demikian, stratifikasi social merupakan suatu gejala
umum yang kita temukan dalam masyarakat, baik masyarakat yang
sederhana maupun yang kompleks.