Papers by Ingrid Roos
The Central European Review of Economics and Management
Aim: This article describes ideas of Enlightenment thinkers about the building of a democratic st... more Aim: This article describes ideas of Enlightenment thinkers about the building of a democratic state with responsible and rationally thinking citizens. The article starts with the ideas of Spinoza, formulated in the seventeenth century, and will end in our time, where democracy is under threat. Design/Research method: The article relies on professional publications, both within the fields of philosophy and political sociology. Conclusions/findings: The study concludes that the optimistic expectations about the increase of democracy and the stability of democratic institutions in the world are no longer valid. Originality/Value of the article: Recent developments in the political field in the western world make this optimism questionable
Aim: This article describes ideas of Enlightenment thinkers about the building of a democratic st... more Aim: This article describes ideas of Enlightenment thinkers about the building of a democratic state with responsible and rationally thinking citizens. The article starts with the ideas of Spinoza, formulated in the seventeenth century, and will end in our time, where democracy is under threat.
There are several hypothesis about the revival of the ideas of Spinoza in the Netherlands in the ... more There are several hypothesis about the revival of the ideas of Spinoza in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century. This paper will focus on this revival. I use the method of historical reading as propageted by Bourdieu when I look at the reception in the nineteenth century of the philosophical text of Spinoza, who lived in the seventeenth century,

There are several hypotheses about the revival of the ideas of Spinoza in the Netherlands in the ... more There are several hypotheses about the revival of the ideas of Spinoza in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century, see , and . This paper will focus on this revival. To make clear why this revival could take place I will discuss the reading of the texts of Spinoza by one man, Johannes van Vloten, who was an important publicist and propagator of Spinoza`s ideas in the second part of the nineteenth century. In this paper I will demonstrate that his reading of the texts was not a timeless exercise but was embedded in the time and place where he lived in. This method of historical reading of a certain text was propagated by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. I use the ideas of Bourdieu when I look at the reception of the philosophical text of Spinoza by Van Vloten. The historical reading that Bourdieu propagates says that one not should read a philosophical text a-historically, outside time and place. According to Bourdieu, pure philosophy doesn`t exist. In order to be able to interpret a philosophical text from a certain time in history it is necessary to look at the field of perception in that period. This also applies to discussions of the work of earlier philosophes. The questions in this case are: why was van Vloten interested in the ideas of Spinoza, what was his place in the social and political context of his time and and which ideas from the original text did he embrace. All what was read in Spinoza In the nineteenth century by Van Vloten was a historical interpretation of the original texts written in the seventeenth century.
In this paper I will focus on the political ideas of Benedictus de Spinoza as written down in his... more In this paper I will focus on the political ideas of Benedictus de Spinoza as written down in his Theologico-Political Treatise (TTP) and his Political Treatise (TP), especially his idea about tolerance that is linked with freedom of thought and freedom of expression. This idea of tolerance has to be seen as an invention in the social field and was linked with the discovery of reason.
In this paper I will focus on the political ideas of benedictus de Spinoza as written down in his... more In this paper I will focus on the political ideas of benedictus de Spinoza as written down in his Theologico-Political Treatise (TTP), especially his idea about tolerance that is linked with freedom of thought and freedom of expression. This idea of tolerance has to be seen as an invention in the social field and was linked with the discovery of reason.
Conference Presentations by Ingrid Roos
Optimism in a time of uncertainty. Spinoza, Kant and the eternal peace., 2020
Aim: This article describes ideas of Enlightenment thinkers about the building of a democratic st... more Aim: This article describes ideas of Enlightenment thinkers about the building of a democratic state with responsible and rationally thinking citizens. The article starts with the ideas of Spinoza, formulated in the seventeenth century, and will end in our time, where democracy is under threat. Design/Research method: The article relies on professional publications, both within the fields of philosophy and political sociology. Conclusions/findings: The study concludes that the optimistic expectations about the increase of democracy and the stability of democratic institutions in the world are no longer valid. Originality/Value of the article: Recent developments in the political field in the western world make this optimism questionable.
Papers by Ingrid Roos
Conference Presentations by Ingrid Roos