Papers by Romuald Normand

Revista Lusofona De Educacao, May 26, 2023
A transposição do paradigma PISA em França. Formas de autoridade epistémica na sombra do Estado r... more A transposição do paradigma PISA em França. Formas de autoridade epistémica na sombra do Estado republicano Resumo: A avaliação PISA pode ser considerada como um paradigma promovido pela OCDE que dá origem a múltiplas traduções e transferências políticas em contextos nacionais. O artigo explora os conjuntos políticos e a governança epistémica que possibilitaram a receção do PISA no sistema educacional francês. Ele mostra que as formas de autoridade epistémica que transpõem o paradigma PISA não só transmitem os conhecimentos especializados que circulam na arena internacional, mas também mantêm um imaginário político e uma grande narrativa republicana. Primeiramente são apresentadas as áreas de interesse e associações políticas entre diferentes atores nacionais envolvidos na transferência e na hibridização desses conhecimentos construídos em torno do PISA. O artigo procura depois caracterizar alguns porta-vozes influentes na produção e na tradução desses conhecimentos numa agenda política reformista ao estilo francês.

Social Inclusion, Sep 16, 2021
The article describes the emergence and development of positive epistemology and quantification t... more The article describes the emergence and development of positive epistemology and quantification tools in the dynamics of inequalities in education. It contributes to a history of the present at a time when datafication and experimentalism are reappearing in educational policies to justify the reduction of inequalities across international surveys and randomised controlled trials. This socio-history of metrics also sheds light on transformations about relationships historically established between the welfare state and education that have shaped the representation of inequalities and social programs in education. The use of large-scale surveys and controlled experiments in social and educational policies developed in the 1920s and 30s, even if their methods and techniques have become more sophisticated due to statistical progress. However, statistical reasoning is today no less persuasive in justifying the measurement of student skills and various forms of state intervention for "at-risk" children and youth. With the rise of international organisations, notably the European Commission, demographic issues related to school population and the reduction of inequalities have shifted. It is less a question of selecting the most talented or gifted among working-class students than of investing in human capital from early childhood to improve the education systems' performance and competitiveness for the lifelong learning economy and European social investment strategy. This article attempts to illustrate this new arithmetic of inequalities in education at the European level.
Routledge, Apr 28, 2016
Top-down accountability and local management : tensions and contradictions experienced by French ... more Top-down accountability and local management : tensions and contradictions experienced by French principals as leaders
Cet ouvrage rend compte des resultats d'un premier echange sur la question du leadership en e... more Cet ouvrage rend compte des resultats d'un premier echange sur la question du leadership en education, organise a Lyon en avril 2012. Sont notamment abordees les questions autour de l'autonomie des etablissements scolaires et de l'organisation du travail en leur sein. Au-dela des differences de traditions politiques, des questions communes se posent : comment coordonner l'action des personnes qui se referent a des valeurs differentes au service de la reussite de tous les eleves ? Quel accompagnement du developpement professionnel des personnels d'encadrement, enseignants et personnels d'education, pour preparer cette nouvelle repartition des responsabilites ?
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, May 18, 2023
This article relates the beginning and developments of a set of scientific studies which have bee... more This article relates the beginning and developments of a set of scientific studies which have been granted full recognition at the international level: “the paradigm of efficient schooling”. It shows how this theory, based on the designing of measuring instruments, has gradually influenced management and education policies in the thriving for excellence and the quality of the education systems. By rallying allies, implanting its laboratories, and expanding its connections into big international organizations, efficient schooling has also contributed to the birth of a political rhetoric which puts the blame on the teaching profession while shifting critical tests.
Perspectives en éducation et formation
Shaping Policy Agendas The Micro-Politics of Economic International Organizations Edited by David... more Shaping Policy Agendas The Micro-Politics of Economic International Organizations Edited by David Dolowitz, Magdaléna Hadjiisky and Romuald Normand This fascinating book investigates the strategic importance of the production and dissemination of expertise in the activities of the international organizations (IOs) that have come to symbolize the dominance of the Western political and economic order.
Intimate Accounts of Education Policy Research, 2021
Critical Perspectives on PISA as a Means of Global Governance, 2022
This paper examines the international circulation of the evidence-based-education model. It shows... more This paper examines the international circulation of the evidence-based-education model. It shows how this circulation emerges from the field of public health. It also indicates how some technologies and expert knowledge are designed by international consortiums which have a relatively large ability to influence audiences through their links with States, national agencies, and universities. The article characterizes supranational organizations, like the OECD and the European Commission, as agents of dissemination and mediators of this international expertise. The evidence-based model serves to redefine the relationships between research and policy, from health to education, in institutionalizing new standards and methods to evaluate public intervention programs and management.

1. Introduction Martin Lawn and Romuald Normand 2. Education Governance and Transnational Experts... more 1. Introduction Martin Lawn and Romuald Normand 2. Education Governance and Transnational Experts: Europe, OECD and the New Politics of Policy Mobilisation Sotiria Grek 3. The "French Pinnacle" of PISA. A Boundary Object between Translations and Irreversibility Romuald Normand 4. Soft Governance through PISA Benchmarking - German Reforms in Secondary Education Tonia Bieber, Dennis Niemann and Kerstin Martens 5. Power as Translation in the Global Governance of Education Nelli Piattoeva 6. Worlds of Educational Standards: Complex Interplays between Sociologies of Education Paolo Landri 7. The Understories of European Education: The Contemporary Life of Experts and Professionals Martin Lawn 8. "Speaking Truth to Power"? On the Challenges of Collaborative Research through European Funding Eric Mangez and Pieter Vanden Broeck 9. The (C)SI effect - School Inspection as Crime Scene Investigation Joakim Lindgren and John Clarke 10. What Kind of Public Sphere Shapes the E...

Within a reconfiguration motivated by economic imperatives, international organizations and trans... more Within a reconfiguration motivated by economic imperatives, international organizations and transnational agencies have acquired a power of expertise and influence over state policies. The authors study one aspect of this new form of government, namely the policy of indicators and data production that contribute to creating a new frame of knowledge and of action for transforming educational systems. The object of the investigation is the creation of tools and instruments that are part of a cognitive transformation of public decision-making by reframing and restructuring the processes of negotiation and deliberation within European institutions. Indicators, comparative evaluations, international rankings are created by experts according to a number of specific techniques (econometrics, psychometrics) and are carried out with specific tools (production functions, tests). The production of expertise has to do with the notion of proximity, where experts cooperate and monitor each other ...
"Partant de l'observation des pratiques de reseau d'etablissement qui bousculent l&#... more "Partant de l'observation des pratiques de reseau d'etablissement qui bousculent l'organisation scolaire traditionnelle, on met en evidence les logiques de travail a l'oeuvre qui favorisent la collaboration dans une perspective flexible et transversale. Cooperation, coordination, auto-evaluation sont indispensables a un pilotage qui permette une amelioration des resultats par le meilleur accompagnement des personnels et des unites educatives."
"Penser l'arithmetique politique des inegalites en education, c'est re-interroger le... more "Penser l'arithmetique politique des inegalites en education, c'est re-interroger les sciences de gouvernement qui ont contribue a edifier des instruments de mesure de la reussite scolaire, mais aussi le role de l'Etat et son usage de la statistique. C'est aussi s'interroger sur la circulation des savoirs et des outils de mesure a l'echelle internationale, pour mieux caracteriser la trajectoire francaise a l'heure ou se developpe une politique d'obligation de rendre compte et une certaine fascination dans l'espace public pour les comparaisons internationales telles que PISA."
Adult Education Policy and the European Union: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives, 2014
Papers by Romuald Normand