Books by Rommel Angeles Falcon

Ñawpa pacha 34, 2014
In 1998, an undisturbed grave containing a woman and a foetus was excavated at Huaca Malena. This... more In 1998, an undisturbed grave containing a woman and a foetus was excavated at Huaca Malena. This article
describes the Middle Horizon tomb and the unwrapping of the two bundles. Women’s garments of the Middle
Horizon are not well known, and the adult bundle contained a range of female garments, accessories, and tools, including
a dress and a shawl fragment, headbands, belts, bags, and weaving implements. The textiles from this grave context
are compared with textiles from other Huaca Malena contexts and coastal sites, highlighting the local style and discussing
its antecedents and influences from other styles. The presence of local and regional styles of textiles at Huaca Malena
and other coastal sites in this period suggests that local groups maintained relationships with a variety of regional polities
during the Middle Horizon, and were not under direct control of the Wari.
El trabajo que se publica a continuación es uno de los informes del Programa que preparó la Comis... more El trabajo que se publica a continuación es uno de los informes del Programa que preparó la Comisión Fulbright de Intercambio Educativo en coordinación con el Instituto de Etnología y Arqueología de la Universidad de San Marcos, entre 1957 y 1960.
Inkallaqta, 2010
El presente artículo es un avance sobre las investigaciones acerca de un extraordinario adoratori... more El presente artículo es un avance sobre las investigaciones acerca de un extraordinario adoratorio Inca ubicado en el valle medio de Asia, el cual presenta arquitectura de piedra con hornacinas trapezoidales y una plataforma decorada con frisos de barro que representan una serie de felinos. Los frisos tienen incrustaciones de conchas lo que lo convierten en un sitio único en su género.
Hacia fi nes del Periodo Intermedio Temprano e inicios del Horizonte Medio, surge un estilo innov... more Hacia fi nes del Periodo Intermedio Temprano e inicios del Horizonte Medio, surge un estilo innovador en la costa sur central del Perú, el estilo Cerro del Oro, cuyo nombre deriva del sitio del mismo nombre ubicado en el valle bajo de Cañete. Esta cerámica reúne formas novedosas e iconografía proveniente de diversas tradiciones.
ARQUEOLOGIA DEL VALLE DE ASIA -CAÑETE, 4000 años de histoia, 2020
Arqueología del valle de Asia -Coayllo desde el periodo Arcaico a la conquista española. Arquitec... more Arqueología del valle de Asia -Coayllo desde el periodo Arcaico a la conquista española. Arquitectura, cerámica, textiles. Breve introducción a la arqueología de la provincia de Cañete.
Papers by Rommel Angeles Falcon

8th IAHR World Congress - "Water: Connecting the World", Sep 1, 2019
The Sanctuary of Pachacamac is considered to be one of the most important sanctuaries of the Inca... more The Sanctuary of Pachacamac is considered to be one of the most important sanctuaries of the Incan Empire, and it is located in the coast of Peru, approximately 20 km south of Lima. The Sanctuary consists of several precincts, such as the Temple of the Sun or Pilgrims' Square, as well as network of channels and ponds. Though these hydraulic structures were discovered several years ago, no hydraulic engineering study has been conducted, to date, about their functionality and the purpose for which they were built. In this paper, we discuss our initial findings about the purpose for their construction as well as their functionality. The geometry of the channels was obtained using LiDAR as well as drone photogrammetry, whereas the geometry of the ponds was obtained using LiDAR and discrete GPS points. The geometry was then used to developed 3 computational models: HEC-RAS (1-D), TELEMAC-2D (2-D) and OpenFOAM (3-D). The 1-D model was used to study the overall functionality of the system and it is concluded that the network of channels and ponds was built for water distribution purposes, rather than for ceremonial purposes. The 2-D model was used to study potential for erosion throughout the whole network and it is concluded that the network was built taking this criterion into account. Finally, the 3-D model was used to study in detail the local hydrodynamics of areas with high potential for erosion. It is concluded that the channels included several large roughness elements to lower the potential for erosion in areas prone to it.
es una publicación fundada en 1984 y editada por la Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología. Desde el año... more es una publicación fundada en 1984 y editada por la Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología. Desde el año 2022 es de tiraje bianual y tiene como propósito la difusión de avances, resultados, reflexiones y discusiones relativas a la investigación arqueológica nacional y de zonas aledañas. Las opiniones vertidas en este Boletín son de exclusiva responsabilidad de quienes las emiten y no representan necesariamente el pensamiento
Tocados del Horizonte Medio al Intermedio Tardío en la costa central: Una visión desde el valle d... more Tocados del Horizonte Medio al Intermedio Tardío en la costa central: Una visión desde el valle de Asia, Perú (Siglos VII-XII d.C.) Rommel Angeles Falcón 1 Resumen Las excavaciones arqueológicas efectuadas en Huaca Malena, valle de Asia, costa central del Perú, permitieron recuperar una gran cantidad de finos tejidos del periodo Wari correspondiente a los siglos VII al XI d.C. donde destaca una gran variedad de adornos de cabeza o tocados elaborados en fibra de camélido, cestería y plumas destacando finas bandas constituyendo una extraordinaria muestra de la variedad de tocados existentes durante el Horizonte Medio. Se han identificado 18 tipos de tocados la mayoría asociados al sexo masculino y en menor grado al femenino, algunos de estilos locales y otros probablemente de otras regiones de los Andes. Se describen los tipos identificados.
Arqueología y sociedad, Dec 30, 2002
Se presenta un contexto funerario procedente del valle bajo de Asia, ubicado a 100 kilómetros al ... more Se presenta un contexto funerario procedente del valle bajo de Asia, ubicado a 100 kilómetros al sur de Lima. Los materiales asociados indican la presencia de puntas de obsidiana, esculturas de hueso y espejo de antracita, entre otros vestigios. Esto nos lleva a plantear que el valle de Asia no fue ajeno al tráfico de ideologías, o la interacción de las sociedades costeñas y serranas durante este período donde los aspectos ideológicos jugaron un rol fundamental. Se presenta del mismo modo las características arquitectónicas y el patrón de asentamiento del valle durante el período Formativo, se señala también las diferencias existentes entre la costa de Lima y la costa norcentral, determinándose en aquélla la ausencia de arquitectura pública monumental.

PLOS ONE, 2020
Pachacamac is the name of the 15th-16th century Inca sanctuary on the Peruvian coast as well as t... more Pachacamac is the name of the 15th-16th century Inca sanctuary on the Peruvian coast as well as the name of one of the principal oracles of Inca divinities. This effigy would have been destroyed by Pizarro in 1533 during his visit to the great monumental complex, and as such the originality and antiquity of the wooden statue-the so-called Pachacamac Idolhave been the subject of much controversy and debate. We present here previously unpublished dates that confirm its manufacture during the Middle Horizon (AD 500-1000), as well as evidence of its original polychromy. Traces of colors were observed on its different sections with portable microscopy and analyses with two different X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry techniques, leading to identification of yellow, white, and red mineral pigments, including the presence of cinnabar. Dated between the 8th and 9th centuries, the statue would have been worshipped for almost 700 years, from the time of its creation to the time of the Spanish conquest, when Pachacamac was a major place of pilgrimage. These data not only offer a new perspective on Pachacamac's emblematic sacred icon, but also on the colorful practices of the Pre-Hispanic Andes.
Revista De Arqueologia, 2004
Revista De Arqueologia, 2004
Science (New York, N.Y.), Jan 29, 2014
Understanding the response of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to global warming requires ... more Understanding the response of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) to global warming requires quantitative data on ENSO under different climate regimes. Here, we present a reconstruction of ENSO in the eastern tropical Pacific spanning the past 10,000 years derived from oxygen isotopes in fossil mollusk shells from Peru. We found that ENSO variance was close to the modern level in the early Holocene and severely damped ~4000 to 5000 years ago. In addition, ENSO variability was skewed toward cold events along coastal Peru 6700 to 7500 years ago owing to a shift of warm anomalies toward the Central Pacific. The modern ENSO regime was established ~3000 to 4500 years ago. We conclude that ENSO was sensitive to changes in climate boundary conditions during the Holocene, including but not limited to insolation.
Books by Rommel Angeles Falcon
describes the Middle Horizon tomb and the unwrapping of the two bundles. Women’s garments of the Middle
Horizon are not well known, and the adult bundle contained a range of female garments, accessories, and tools, including
a dress and a shawl fragment, headbands, belts, bags, and weaving implements. The textiles from this grave context
are compared with textiles from other Huaca Malena contexts and coastal sites, highlighting the local style and discussing
its antecedents and influences from other styles. The presence of local and regional styles of textiles at Huaca Malena
and other coastal sites in this period suggests that local groups maintained relationships with a variety of regional polities
during the Middle Horizon, and were not under direct control of the Wari.
Papers by Rommel Angeles Falcon
describes the Middle Horizon tomb and the unwrapping of the two bundles. Women’s garments of the Middle
Horizon are not well known, and the adult bundle contained a range of female garments, accessories, and tools, including
a dress and a shawl fragment, headbands, belts, bags, and weaving implements. The textiles from this grave context
are compared with textiles from other Huaca Malena contexts and coastal sites, highlighting the local style and discussing
its antecedents and influences from other styles. The presence of local and regional styles of textiles at Huaca Malena
and other coastal sites in this period suggests that local groups maintained relationships with a variety of regional polities
during the Middle Horizon, and were not under direct control of the Wari.