Papers by Rojat Aksoy Işık

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 5, 2023
Historical buildings often face various deteriorations over time. These structures can be made ha... more Historical buildings often face various deteriorations over time. These structures can be made habitable again through their old or new functions. This ensures that the structure survives, resists time and becomes more visible. The aim of this study is to reveal the historical process of Mardin Old Government Mansion, which is located in the city centre of Mardin and dates back to the 19th century, and to contribute to the city's social and cultural history. In this context, the purposes it served since its construction have been questioned. In addition, the contribution of the use of old buildings to the tourism and economy of the city was emphasized and the necessity of preserving historical structures was referred to. In this context, a literature review regarding the structure was conducted. The historical location, architectural plans, and visuals of the building have been added to the study through the conducted research. Mardin Old Government Mansion has served two separate purposes up to the present day. Initially, it served as the Government Mansion, and later it served as the Department of Architecture building in the Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Mardin Artuklu University. Finally, it has been observed to be vacant in the present day.

Calisma, Batman Ili, Besiri Ilcesi Ayranci koyunde bulunan ve eskiden Suryani cemaati tarafindan ... more Calisma, Batman Ili, Besiri Ilcesi Ayranci koyunde bulunan ve eskiden Suryani cemaati tarafindan kullanilan Mor Kuryakos (Dera Qira) Manastirinin gunumuzdeki mevcut durumunu literature kazandirma amaciyla yapilmis olan mimari (Rolove) degerlendirmesi ve ayrica yapinin tarihi ile ilgili bilgiler icermektedir. Gunumuzde kullanilmayan yapinin bulundugu durumun analitik cozumlemesi yapilmistir. Bununla beraber manastir ile ilgili literatur calismasi da yapildigindan yapi ile ilgili bilgilerde verilmistir (yapinin yeri, konumu, tarihcesi, rolove projeleri, fotograflari). Yapinin icinde bulundugu durum mimari argumanlarla da desteklenerek anlatilmistir. Yapinin zamanla dogal ve cevresel kaynaklardan dolayi tahribata ugramasi yapinin daha erken yikilmasina neden olmaktadir. Anadolu’da bircok yapi bu durumla karsi karsiyadir. Bu nedenle bu tur calismalarla yapilarin guncel verilerle sunulup bilinmesine olanak saglanmali ve gerekli tedbirler alinmalidir.

Kadim Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019
ABSTRACT: In this study, the Mor Kuryakos (Dera
Qira) Monastery, which is located in Ayrancı
(Der... more ABSTRACT: In this study, the Mor Kuryakos (Dera
Qira) Monastery, which is located in Ayrancı
(Deraqira) Village of Beşiri District of Batman
Province, is examined. The monastery of Mor
Kuryakos (Dera Qira), which was used by the
Assyrian community, was introduced to the
literature. Building, architecture and art history are
studied within the discipline and the current situation
is tried to be put forward with survey plans.
Analytical analysis of the situation where the unused
structure exists today has been made. However,
since the literature on the monastery is also done,
information about the structure is given. The present
situation of the building is tried to be explained. The
destruction of the building over time due to natural
and environmental resources causes the building to
be destroyed and destroyed earlier. For this reason,
presenting the structures with current data and taking
necessary measures with such studies are also among
the important issues.
Papers by Rojat Aksoy Işık
Qira) Monastery, which is located in Ayrancı
(Deraqira) Village of Beşiri District of Batman
Province, is examined. The monastery of Mor
Kuryakos (Dera Qira), which was used by the
Assyrian community, was introduced to the
literature. Building, architecture and art history are
studied within the discipline and the current situation
is tried to be put forward with survey plans.
Analytical analysis of the situation where the unused
structure exists today has been made. However,
since the literature on the monastery is also done,
information about the structure is given. The present
situation of the building is tried to be explained. The
destruction of the building over time due to natural
and environmental resources causes the building to
be destroyed and destroyed earlier. For this reason,
presenting the structures with current data and taking
necessary measures with such studies are also among
the important issues.
Qira) Monastery, which is located in Ayrancı
(Deraqira) Village of Beşiri District of Batman
Province, is examined. The monastery of Mor
Kuryakos (Dera Qira), which was used by the
Assyrian community, was introduced to the
literature. Building, architecture and art history are
studied within the discipline and the current situation
is tried to be put forward with survey plans.
Analytical analysis of the situation where the unused
structure exists today has been made. However,
since the literature on the monastery is also done,
information about the structure is given. The present
situation of the building is tried to be explained. The
destruction of the building over time due to natural
and environmental resources causes the building to
be destroyed and destroyed earlier. For this reason,
presenting the structures with current data and taking
necessary measures with such studies are also among
the important issues.