Papers by Rodrigo Alves De Paula
Orientadora: Celina WisniewskiCo-orientadora: Maria Regina BoegerInclui bibliografia e anexoÁrea ... more Orientadora: Celina WisniewskiCo-orientadora: Maria Regina BoegerInclui bibliografia e anexoÁrea de concentraçăo: Química e biologia do solo e nutriçăo de planta

Orientador: Flávio de Oliveira GonçalvesMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Se... more Orientador: Flávio de Oliveira GonçalvesMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasResumo: Utilizamos dados da Prova Brasil 2011 para estudar as competências e habilidades dos alunos da 5ª série do Ensino Fundamental de Curitiba em Língua Portuguesa e Matemática. Verificamos que as escolas de Curitiba/PR apresentaram resultados superiores à média nacional e o percentual de acertos em quase todos os descritores foi acima de 50% ou seja, em todas as habilidades avaliadas mais da metade dos alunos demonstraram que possuem as competências exigidas. Apesar do percentual de acerto dos alunos de Curitiba serem superiores ao nacional percebemos que na maioria das habilidades avaliadas apenas um pouco mais da metade dos alunos avaliados possuem as competências exigidas. Isso significa que o número de alunos que ainda não dominam as habilidades esperadas para a série em que estão é muito elevado. A situação piora quando analisamos as habilidades a nível de Brasil. Os resultados apresentados podem sinalizar meios para melhorar a pratica pedagógica que vem sendo adotada pelas escolas e exercidas em sala pelos professores afim de melhor e desenvolver as competências dos alunos, porém, as medidas corretivas adotadas, devem ter uma finalidade formativa e não apenas preparar os alunos para se saírem bens em testes futurosAbstract: Using data from school exams in Brazil from 2011 to study the competences and skill of 5th year students in basic education in Curitiba for Portuguese and mathematic. We verified that the schools of Curitiba/PR show results over the national average and the percentage of correct answers in almost all descriptors was above 50%. That is, in all skills evaluated more than half the students demonstrate that they have the competences required, although the percentage of correct answers of students from Curitiba are above the national average. We noted that most of the skills assessed that a little more than 50% of evaluated students possess the required competences. This means that the number of students who do not yet have the skills for this series are dominated by those whose skills are very high. The situation gets worse when we analyse the skills level of Brazil. The results presented may signal a need to improve the educational practice that has been adopted by schools and are conducted by teachers in the classroom in order to improve and develop the competences of students, however, the corrective measures taken, should have a formative purpose and not just to prepare students to do well in exam

Atualmente, a apicultura é aproveitada de forma econômica pelo homem na polinização das plantaçõe... more Atualmente, a apicultura é aproveitada de forma econômica pelo homem na polinização das plantações, assim como na produção de própolis, geléia real, apitoxina e o mais conhecido e explorado pelo homem, o mel. A apicultura tem se consolidado como uma das atividades mais importantes do ponto de vista econômico, social e ambiental, uma vez que ao empregar mão-de-obra familiar e proporcionar geração de fluxo de renda, reduz a dependência dos produtos agrícolas de subsistência e favorece a fixação do homem no campo. Todavia, sem utilizar nenhum recurso computacional ou uma metodologia sistemática, os apicultores escolhem o local para instalar suas colméias, seja dentro dos perímetros da propriedade, ou numa região geográfica mais abrangente, como, por exemplo, um município. O Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) é uma ferramenta computacional, resultado de combinação da Cartografia com a Informática, que permite efetuar análise espacial e cruzamento de informações espaciais de uma forma, antes, quase impossível de se pensar, pelo enorme esforço requerido, tempo exigido e o custo resultante. Este trabalho visa criar um SIG destinado a escolha do local que possa otimizar a produção apícola. Como conseqüência desta metodologia, surge também um melhoramento na polinização de zonas escolhidas, afetando e acelerando o processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas. As técnicas de manejo apícola desenvolvidas têm conseqüências econômicas e sociais para as populações envolvidas, como é o caso do exemplo utilizado neste trabalho, assentamento rural "Padre Josimo Tavares".
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2015
Highlights • A new catalytic system based on an immobilized imidazolyl manganese porphyrin. • Mer... more Highlights • A new catalytic system based on an immobilized imidazolyl manganese porphyrin. • Merrifield resin (MR) and functionalized silica gel (SG) as supports. • MR system shows high reaction rates, high efficiency and good recyclability. • Very high selectivity for cyclooctene, styrene, cyclohexene and geraniol epoxides.
RSC Advances, 2011
... complex. Sónia MG Piresa, Rodrigo De Paulaa, Mário MQ Simõesa, Artur MS Silvaa, M. Rosário M... more ... complex. Sónia MG Piresa, Rodrigo De Paulaa, Mário MQ Simõesa, Artur MS Silvaa, M. Rosário M. Dominguesa, Isabel CMS Santosa, Maria D. Vargasb, Vítor F. Ferreirab, M. Graça PMS Neves*a and José AS Cavaleiro*a. ...
Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012
Os adenolipomas tireoidianos são neoplasias raras e benignas, compostas de tecido adiposo maduro ... more Os adenolipomas tireoidianos são neoplasias raras e benignas, compostas de tecido adiposo maduro e folículos tireoidianos, de histogênese ainda indefinida, que acometem geralmente pacientes adultas do sexo feminino. Relata-se um caso de adenolipoma tireoidiano em paciente feminina de 65 anos de idade, discutindo-se os aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais e o diagnóstico diferencial. Primeira submissão em 03/10/11 Última submissão em 13/03/12 Aceito para publicação em 19/03/12 Publicado em 20/06/12
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011, 2011
Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Karst Aquifer in the Brazilian Semi‐Arid Region with Time Seri... more Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Karst Aquifer in the Brazilian Semi‐Arid Region with Time Series Analysis of Hydrology Data. [ASCE Conference Proceedings 414, 100 (2011)]. Marques Guilherme Fernandes, Stela Cota ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2013
The steady state and time resolved experiments together with absorption and emission spectroscopi... more The steady state and time resolved experiments together with absorption and emission spectroscopies and quantum chemical calculations have been employed to investigate spectroscopic properties of a xanthone-type compound (ethyl 3,12-dioxopyran[3,2-a]xanthone-2-carboxylate). The spectroscopic data show good agreement with results obtained from quantum chemical calculations. Additionally, this compound shows expressive quantum efficiency for triplet population and a quantum efficiency of singlet oxygen generation very close to unity. Correlations between the nature of singlet and triplet excited states and spectroscopic properties were performed in order to understand the high quantum efficiency of singlet oxygen generation by this compound.

Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2004
The photophysics of 3-(benzoxazol-2-yl)-7-(N,N-diethylamino)chromen-2-one was studied in differen... more The photophysics of 3-(benzoxazol-2-yl)-7-(N,N-diethylamino)chromen-2-one was studied in different solvents and in SDS micelles. This compound presents characteristics which include an S 0 S 1 1 (π,π*) transition with a 1 (n,π*) perturbative component, due to the electronic coupling between the diethylamino group and the coumarin ring, considerable solvatochromism, dual fluorescence and high fluorescence quantum yields in almost all solvents studied. The electronic structure of the S 1 and S 2 excited states permits vibronic coupling between them, making configurational changes of the S 2 excited state possible, leading to the formation of an S 2 (TICT) state. Analysis of the TCSPC data indicates an equilibrium between the S 2 (TICT) and S 1 (LE) states in favour of the former. In protic solvents, the hydrogen bonding between the solvent and the diethylamino moiety results in the formation of an S 2 (HICT) state, making internal conversion an important deactivation process. Quantum mechanical calculations for the isolated molecule show that the diethylamino group in the S 2 (TICT) state is twisted at least 56Њ from the plane of the coumarin ring, with partial electronic decoupling between-NEt 2 and the coumarin ring. This twisting angle must be positively influenced by solute-solvent interactions. Φ ST is found to be small, but not negligible. However, Φ Δ can be considered negligible, an indication that T 1 is a short-lived state. Based on the experimental data and theoretical calculations, the most probable sequence for the first excited states, including the TICT state, is T 1 (n,π*) < S 2 (TICT) < S 1 (π,π*) ≈ S 2 (n,π*).
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2009
Cheap and abundant natural products can be transformed into products of higher commercial value. ... more Cheap and abundant natural products can be transformed into products of higher commercial value. One of the approaches for the functionalization of organic compounds is their oxidation in the presence of an oxygen atom donor, under the influence of a suitable catalyst. Metalloporphyrins, with structures based on the well known meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPPH2), are amongst the catalysts commonly studied and have demonstrated to be efficient in the oxygenation of organic compounds. These transformations have been studied in the presence of different oxygen atom donors. However, our biomimetic oxidative approach is based on the use of clean and environmentally benign hydrogen peroxide in the presence of metalloporphyrins. This approach will be outlined in this review.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2006
The photophysics and photochemical reactivity of dibenzodioxocins (DBDO) was evaluated, consideri... more The photophysics and photochemical reactivity of dibenzodioxocins (DBDO) was evaluated, considering experimental and theoretical data related to two model compounds, a phenolic and a non-phenolic and two theoretical analogues. Both compounds exhibit similar photophysical properties, influenced by solvent polarity.Expressive quantum yields of intersystem crossing were observed for both compounds, in aprotic and non-polar medium and in protic and considerably polar

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2004
It was shown that 3-benzoxazol-2-yl-7-(N,N-diethylamino)-chromen-2-one is suitable to perform as ... more It was shown that 3-benzoxazol-2-yl-7-(N,N-diethylamino)-chromen-2-one is suitable to perform as a fluorescent probe, to analyse physical parameters related to organised systems. Micropolarity, microviscosity, critical aggregation and micelle concentration data, in SDS and CTAB micelles, using the proposed compound as fluorescent probe show the compound is allocated, in both micelles, in a strongly polar hydrophilic region (the parameter E T (30) is equal to 61.3 and 61.9 kcal/mol, respectively, in SDS and CTAB micelles, whereas Lippert's f parameter is equal to 0.35). The CMC of SDS in pure water (7.5 × 10 −3 mol/dm 3) agrees with the reported values. For SDS and CTAB micelles in buffered medium (PBS buffer, pH 7.4, NaCl 0.9%, w/w), the estimated critical aggregation concentrations (4.6 × 10 −3 and 9.2 × 10 −4 mol/dm 3 , respectively, for SDS and CTAB) also agree with the results obtained using equivalent conditions.

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2011
The oxidation of styrene and derivatives with H 2 O 2 catalyzed by manganese porphyrins in aceton... more The oxidation of styrene and derivatives with H 2 O 2 catalyzed by manganese porphyrins in acetonitrile is described. The effect of the imidazolium substituent on the catalytic efficiency has been also considered. The thermodynamic analysis has indicated that enthalpy rules styrene oxidation when catalysts Mn(Porph)-1 and Mn(Porph)-2 are used whereas the entropy is the driven force for Mn(Porph)-3 and Mn(Porph)-4 catalyzed reactions. Interestingly, an enthalpy-entropy compensation phenomenon is observed when comparing the thermodynamic results obtained for catalysts Mn(Porph)-3 and Mn(Porph)-4. Hammett plots for the studied manganese porphyrins provided small-values, and this is typical for multi-step reactions, indicating that there is no significant charge separation in the transition state. For Mn(Porph)-1 and Mn(Porph)-2 the formation of multiple active species can be put forward whereas for Mn(Porph)-3 and Mn(Porph)-4 a concerted-type mechanism, via metalloxetane intermediate, fits well with the values obtained for those catalysts. The imidazolium-based catalysts have shown to be efficient catalysts in styrene and derivatives oxidation with hydrogen peroxide.

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2014
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry in the positive ion mode was used to ... more Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry in the positive ion mode was used to investigate the gas-phase chemistry of multicharged ions from solutions of porphyrins with 1,3-dimethylimidazolium-2-yl (DMIM) and 1-methylimidazol-2-yl (MIm) meso-substituents. The studied compounds include two free bases and 12 complexes with transition metals (Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(III), and Fe(III)). The observed multicharged ions are either preformed or formed during the electrospraying process by reduction or protonation and comprise closed-shell and hypervalent mono-radical and bi-radical ions. The observed extensive and abundant fragmentation of the DMIM and MIm meso-substituents is a characteristic feature of these porphyrins. Fragments with the same mass values can be lost from the meso-substituents either as charged or neutral species and from closed-shell and hypervalent radical ions. Reduction processes are observed for both the free bases and the metallated DMIM porphyrins and occur predominantly by formation of hypervalent radicals that fragment, at low energy collisions, by loss of methyl radicals with formation of the corresponding MIm functionalities. These findings confirm that, when using electrospray ionization, reduction is an important characteristic of cationic meso-substituted tetrapyrrolic macrocycles, always occurring when delocalization of the formed hypervalent radicals is possible. For the Fe(III) and Mn(III) complexes, reduction of the metal centers is also observed as the predominant fragmentation of the corresponding reduced ions through losses of charged fragments testifies. The fragmentation of the closed-shell ions formed by protonation of the MIm porphyrins mirrors the fragmentation of the closed-shell ions of their DMIM counterparts.
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2008
Page 1. Mar-Apr 2008 Kinetic Study of meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin Synthesis Under Microwave Irradia... more Page 1. Mar-Apr 2008 Kinetic Study of meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin Synthesis Under Microwave Irradiation 453 Rodrigo De Paula, Maria AF Faustino, Diana CGA Pinto, Maria GPMS Neves, José AS Cavaleiro* University of Aveiro, Department of Chemistry, Campus Santiago. ...
Dyes and Pigments, 2014
ABSTRACT In the present work, we investigate the UV-Vis absorption spectrum of a free base cation... more ABSTRACT In the present work, we investigate the UV-Vis absorption spectrum of a free base cationic porphyrin derivative (5,10,15,20-tetrakis (1,3-dimethylimidazolium-2-yl) porphyrin tetraiodide) (H(2)TDMImP) in polar solvents. Our results show that, for the present sample, the less energetic transitions belonging to Soret band are favored when compared to other ionic porphyrins and that the Q-band presents a rhodo type structure. Quantum chemical calculations suggest that such spectral feature is caused by the strong interaction between the cationic outlying group, present in this porphyrin, and solvent molecules. Increasing the porphyrin concentration, the spectral changes suggest that H-type porphyrin aggregates are formed and that such aggregate structures protect the outlying groups of porphyrin against interactions with solvent molecules.
Catalysis Communications, 2008
... Acknowledgements. Thanks are due to the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT)/FE... more ... Acknowledgements. Thanks are due to the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT)/FEDER for funding the University of Aveiro Organic Chemistry Research Unit. R. De Paula also thanks FCT for his PhD Grant (SFRH/BD/25666/2005). References. ...

Bragantia, 2011
Lodos de esgoto são fontes significativas de N, P, matéria orgânica e outros elementos necessário... more Lodos de esgoto são fontes significativas de N, P, matéria orgânica e outros elementos necessários à nutrição de plantas. A aplicação desses resíduos em solos e substratos é um das mais eficientes maneiras de recuperação de nutrientes. Todavia, os benefícios obtidos com o uso de lodo de esgoto devem ser confrontados com riscos inerentes à sua utilização, tais como a lixiviação excessiva de nitrato, que pode contaminar aquíferos. Normas sanitárias e ambientais impedem o consumo humano de águas com concentrações de nitrato > 10 mg L-1. Dessa forma, este trabalho objetivou mensurar o risco de contaminação de águas subterrâneas por nitrato produzido em substrato exposto pela mineração, que foi tratado com a dose equivalente a 120 t ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, base úmida. O substrato liberou lixiviados com concentrações de até 78 mg L-1 de nitrato, que representam risco de contaminação de águas subterrâneas. Sob as condições testadas neste trabalho, o aquífero subterrâneo deve situar-se a...
Papers by Rodrigo Alves De Paula