Es importante tener en cuenta la prevención desde la génesis de la obra. Por tanto la posibilidad... more Es importante tener en cuenta la prevención desde la génesis de la obra. Por tanto la posibilidad de documentarla en un Estudio o Proyecto de SS que sirva de base para la elaboración del PSS
Malformación adenomatoidea quística pulmonar de afectación bilateral en el adulto Sr. Director: L... more Malformación adenomatoidea quística pulmonar de afectación bilateral en el adulto Sr. Director: La malformación adenomatoidea quística (MAQ) pulmonar es una alteración embriológica que se caracteriza por la proliferación de estructuras similares a los bronquiolos que acaban dando lugar a la formación de quistes de tamaños variables. El 85% de los pacientes se diagnostican antes de los 2 años de edad por distrés respiratorio en el período neonatal o infecciones de repetición 1 . Su diagnóstico en el adulto y la afectación bilateral son extremadamente infrecuentes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 21 años diagnosticado de MAQ pulmonar bilateral que requirió tratamiento quirúrgico.
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2012
This exploratory paper provides preliminary evidence on the distribution of various forms of vari... more This exploratory paper provides preliminary evidence on the distribution of various forms of variable pay-by-pay determination structure. Data is drawn from the CRANET survey of company human resource practices, and is used for 13 countries. These countries are divided into two regimes, those where pay determination is predominantly centralized and those where it is generally decentralized. The use of variable pay is compared between the two. The results are consistent with both institutional and resource-based perspectives.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominating mode of interannual climate variability at ... more El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominating mode of interannual climate variability at global scale (Brönnimann, 2007). ENSO extreme negative and positive phases can significantly influence on climatic conditions in Europe, affecting precipitation mainly in spring and autumn (Mariotti et al., 2002; Moron and Ward 1998), but also during winter (Brönnimann et al., 2007; Pozo-Vázquez et al., 2005). Over the Iberian Peninsula (IP), ENSO teleconnections can modulate the frequency and intensity of precipitation (Brunet and López, 1991; Rodó et al., 1997; Rodríguez-Puebla et al., 1998), with a time-lag between the ENSO and its effect on precipitation ranging from 3 to 21 months (Rodó et al., 1997). Large areas of the IP are also affected by severe droughts during the final months of La Niña years and the initial months of the following year, while other areas are affected by dry conditions during the first months of El Niño years, as well as during the summers and autumns of the following year (Muñoz-Diaz and Rodrigo, 2005; Vicente-Serrano, 2005). Here we explore the possibility that nitrate concentration in the Llobregat River (North-eastern Spain) is influenced by ENSO events, which are modulating precipitation variability over the Western Mediterranean basin. The Southern Oscillation Index during La Niña years, the self-calibrating Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (van der Schrier et al., 2006; Wells et al., 2004), and nitrate concentrations were significantly correlated on a seasonal basis in the Llobregat River, with both drought and nitrate concentrations increasing during positive ENSO phases. Our hypothesis is that initially unusual within-stream nitrate increases would take place, owing to higher-than-normal evaporation from the river. During drought periods, the hydrological deficit favours nitrate accumulation in the catchment's soils and, thus, a decline in allochthonous inputs to the river water would be expectable. Besides, on the late summer and during autumn, nitrates concentration should begin to decrease, though there are high nitrates' allochthonous inputs related to the first heavy precipitation events over the catchment, which return nitrate's peaks in the river. References Brönimann, S., Xoplaqui, S.E., Casty, C., Pauling, A., Luterbacher, J., 2007. ENSO influence on Europe during the last centuries. Clim. Dyn. 28, 181-197. Brönnimann, S., 2007. Impact of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on European climate. Rev. Geophys. 45, RG3003, doi: 10.1029/2006RG000199. Brunet, M.; Lopez, D.(1991) : La influencia de la oscilación austral en los regímenes pluviométricos de la fachada atlántica española. Acta del XII Congreso Nacional de Geografía, Sociedad y Territorio, Valencia (Spain) 28-31 May 1991, Valencia: AGE , 9pp Mariotti A, Zeng N, Lau KM. 2002, Euro-Mediterranean rainfall and ENSO - a seasonally varying relationship, Geophysical Research Letters,. 29, 1621, 10.1029/2001GL014248. Moron,V., Ward, M. N., 1998. ENSO teleconnections with climate variability in the european and african sectors. Weather 53, 287-295. Muñoz-Díaz, D. and Rodrigo, F. S. (2005) Influence of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the probability of dry and wet seasons in Spain, Clim Res 30: 1-12, 2005. Pozo-Vázquez, D., Gámiz-Forti, S.R., Tovar-Pescador, J., Esteban-Parra M.J., Castro-Díez, Y., 2005. El Niño-Southern Oscillation events and associated european winter precipitation anomalies. Int. J. Climatol. 25, 17-31. Rodó, X., Baer,T. E., Comín, P., 1997. Variations in seasonal rainfall in Southern Europe during the present century: relationships with the North Atlantic Oscillation and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Clim. Dyn. 13, 275-284. Rodriguez-Puebla, C., Encinas, A.H., Nieto, S., Garmendia, J., 1998. Spatial and temporal patterns of annual precipitation variability over the Iberian Peninsula. Int. J. Climatol. 18, 299-316. van der Schrier, G., Briffa,K. R., Jones, P. D., and Osborn, T. J., 2006, Summer Moisture Variability across Europe, Journal of Climate, 19, 2818-2834 Vicente-Serrano S.M. (2005) El Niño and La Niña influence on droughts at different timescales in the Iberian Peninsula. Water Research 41:1-18. Wells N, Goddard S, Hayes MJ (2004). A self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index. Journal of Climate, 17, 2335-2351.
Lagunillo del Tejo is a small groundwater-fed sinkhole lake in the karst region of the Iberian Ra... more Lagunillo del Tejo is a small groundwater-fed sinkhole lake in the karst region of the Iberian Range (central-eastern Spain), which undergoes significant lake level fluctuation in response to rainfall variability. The aim of this study is to understand the record of water level fluctuations in Lagunillo del Tejo over the last two-and-a-half centuries. This information could be used in future studies to interpret longer sedimentary sequences. We analysed photosynthetic pigments, diatoms and cladoceran remains in sediment sequences recovered from the deepest part of the lake. The paleoecological proxies traced two different communities which have switched their prevalence during the past: (1) a planktonic community of algae, including diatoms, chlorophytes, cryptophytes and cyanobacteria, and phototrophic bacteria associated with higher lake level and water column seasonal stratification; (2) a littoral community with the higher levels of macrophyte pigments and associated epiphytic diatoms and chydorids, all of which indicate lower lake level. The levels of coherence between different proxies, each having an independent mechanistic link to lake-level variability, enhance the reliability of palaeolimnological inferences. The high-resolution stratigraphical data from the upper part of the core was compared with lake-level inferences from instrumental rainfall series (1859–2005) to establish the correspondence between Lagunillo del Tejo sediment sequences and climate record.
La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un proble... more La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un problema clínico relevante. Se propone un método de cuantificación del neumotórax mediante su clasificación en parcial, completo o total, que junto a la valoración clínica parece suficiente para adoptar las diversas actitudes terapéuticas.
The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk of complications of a p... more The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk of complications of a population of Spanish pregnant women with GDM diagnosed following the O'Sullivan-Mahan ''standard'' criteria, compared with pregnant women with GDM diagnosed using the ''new'' Carpenter-Coustan criteria. In Spain, limited data are published concerning as the prevalence of GDM and its morbidity. In this sense, the ''new'' criteria for GDM diagnosis has not been adopted in Spain due to the absence of adequate studies. We retrospectively reviewed all pregnancies handled at our center from 1999 to 2001 (n = 6248). Using the standard and the new criteria, the prevalence of GDM was 6.46 and 6.75%, respectively. GDM patients diagnosed using the new criteria showed the same pregnancy evolution that patients diagnosed with the classic criteria. Those patients complicated only with impaired glucose intolerance (IGT) (0.94%) showed a worst outcome. Based on the pregnancy evolution observed, it is not recommended that the new GDM diagnostic criteria be adopted in Spain. More accurate follow-up of patients with IGT is needed.
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2012
This paper analyses how research in cross-national comparative human resource management deals wi... more This paper analyses how research in cross-national comparative human resource management deals with ideas, values and norms. On the basis of an analysis of the articles with that focus that were published in selected leading journals between 2001 and 2010, it first identifies the main approaches to comparative work, which are labelled as materialism, hard institutionalism, soft institutionalism, interlocking institutionalism and culturalism. How each of these broad approaches deals with ideational values is critically assessed. The paper then reviews attempts to deal with two specific problems: the shaping of national and actor identities, and the production of new ideas and cross-national learning. We conclude that the ideational sphere is under-operationalised and under-theorised in most cross-national research on human resource and industrial relations management, and suggest how this problem might be addressed.
Defining the key temporal scales of variability in ecological processes is fundamental to saline ... more Defining the key temporal scales of variability in ecological processes is fundamental to saline lake management because the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of saline lakes undergo fluctuations at different time scales, compared to those of freshwater lakes. A long-term study of Lake Gallocanta (25 km2 area inland saline lake in NE Spain) provides the ecological basis for its management. The coupling of the administrative framework with its ecological processes is examined. Limnological and climatological parameters were measured using standard methods during 1977–1995. Complete desiccation of the lake occurred in 1983–86 and in 1994–95. Water level fluctuations were strongly correlated with meteorological events, particularly rainfall for seasonal and decadal time scales. The relationship between salinity and water volume follows the typical model described for playa lakes. However, the intensity and frequency of the salinity and water volume fluctuations in Lake Gallocanta also change over time. Most species show pulsing population dynamics at the larger time scales (annual, decadal). However, many of these show a continuous population development at shorter time scales. Examples are provided for several phytoplankton and zooplankton species. Fluctuations in water level also influence phyto and zooplankton community structure. The combination of the number of species, S, and the number of individuals, N, as K=log S/log N indicates that the community structure also fluctuates at different time scales. Most of the present laws established for the management of saline lakes are centered on the conservation of waterfowl. Although some generic laws attempt to preserve the overall natural ecosystem, only those dealing with the protection of wild flora and fauna, and threatened species, are implemented. However, ecological knowledge now suggests that the major objective for the conservation of saline lakes should be to preserve the fluctuation of the hydrological balance, avoiding groundwater extraction in the catchment area and surface water. Generic laws regulate water use in Spain and in many other countries. These laws are not useful for saline lake management because they do not offer solutions to the frequent conflicts arising between the water demand for intensive agriculture and nature conservation, which are common in the semi-arid zones where saline lakes are located. Integrated management of the land and water resources in the catchment area is required to preserve saline lake characteistics. Recent legislation aims to promote such management. A model of conservation and development of the overall ecosystem is presented.
This article analyses the challenge of variable pay to collective bargaining, based on a cross-na... more This article analyses the challenge of variable pay to collective bargaining, based on a cross-national comparison that takes banking organizations in Austria, Norway, Spain and the UK as representatives of Europe's principal bargaining systems. The hypothesis is that the capacity of collective bargaining to govern variable pay varies with the bargaining system. As the findings show, articulated multi-employer bargaining is
La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un proble... more La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un problema clínico relevante. Se propone un método de cuantificación del neumotórax mediante su clasificación en parcial, completo o total, que junto a la valoración clínica parece suficiente para adoptar las diversas actitudes terapéuticas.
Formar con excelencia y liderazgo, profesionales Ser una universidad de trascendencia íntegros, c... more Formar con excelencia y liderazgo, profesionales Ser una universidad de trascendencia íntegros, comprometidos con el desarrollo de la académica en América Latina ciencia y la sociedad.
información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de ... more información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de mayo de 2010 Palabras clave: Simpatectomía torácica Hiperhidrosis Rubor facial Videotoracoscopia Efectos secundarios Sudoración compensadora Clipping Normativa Cirugía torácica
información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de ... more información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de mayo de 2010 Palabras clave: Simpatectomía torácica Hiperhidrosis Rubor facial Videotoracoscopia Efectos secundarios Sudoración compensadora Clipping Normativa Cirugía torácica
Es importante tener en cuenta la prevención desde la génesis de la obra. Por tanto la posibilidad... more Es importante tener en cuenta la prevención desde la génesis de la obra. Por tanto la posibilidad de documentarla en un Estudio o Proyecto de SS que sirva de base para la elaboración del PSS
Malformación adenomatoidea quística pulmonar de afectación bilateral en el adulto Sr. Director: L... more Malformación adenomatoidea quística pulmonar de afectación bilateral en el adulto Sr. Director: La malformación adenomatoidea quística (MAQ) pulmonar es una alteración embriológica que se caracteriza por la proliferación de estructuras similares a los bronquiolos que acaban dando lugar a la formación de quistes de tamaños variables. El 85% de los pacientes se diagnostican antes de los 2 años de edad por distrés respiratorio en el período neonatal o infecciones de repetición 1 . Su diagnóstico en el adulto y la afectación bilateral son extremadamente infrecuentes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 21 años diagnosticado de MAQ pulmonar bilateral que requirió tratamiento quirúrgico.
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2012
This exploratory paper provides preliminary evidence on the distribution of various forms of vari... more This exploratory paper provides preliminary evidence on the distribution of various forms of variable pay-by-pay determination structure. Data is drawn from the CRANET survey of company human resource practices, and is used for 13 countries. These countries are divided into two regimes, those where pay determination is predominantly centralized and those where it is generally decentralized. The use of variable pay is compared between the two. The results are consistent with both institutional and resource-based perspectives.
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominating mode of interannual climate variability at ... more El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominating mode of interannual climate variability at global scale (Brönnimann, 2007). ENSO extreme negative and positive phases can significantly influence on climatic conditions in Europe, affecting precipitation mainly in spring and autumn (Mariotti et al., 2002; Moron and Ward 1998), but also during winter (Brönnimann et al., 2007; Pozo-Vázquez et al., 2005). Over the Iberian Peninsula (IP), ENSO teleconnections can modulate the frequency and intensity of precipitation (Brunet and López, 1991; Rodó et al., 1997; Rodríguez-Puebla et al., 1998), with a time-lag between the ENSO and its effect on precipitation ranging from 3 to 21 months (Rodó et al., 1997). Large areas of the IP are also affected by severe droughts during the final months of La Niña years and the initial months of the following year, while other areas are affected by dry conditions during the first months of El Niño years, as well as during the summers and autumns of the following year (Muñoz-Diaz and Rodrigo, 2005; Vicente-Serrano, 2005). Here we explore the possibility that nitrate concentration in the Llobregat River (North-eastern Spain) is influenced by ENSO events, which are modulating precipitation variability over the Western Mediterranean basin. The Southern Oscillation Index during La Niña years, the self-calibrating Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (van der Schrier et al., 2006; Wells et al., 2004), and nitrate concentrations were significantly correlated on a seasonal basis in the Llobregat River, with both drought and nitrate concentrations increasing during positive ENSO phases. Our hypothesis is that initially unusual within-stream nitrate increases would take place, owing to higher-than-normal evaporation from the river. During drought periods, the hydrological deficit favours nitrate accumulation in the catchment's soils and, thus, a decline in allochthonous inputs to the river water would be expectable. Besides, on the late summer and during autumn, nitrates concentration should begin to decrease, though there are high nitrates' allochthonous inputs related to the first heavy precipitation events over the catchment, which return nitrate's peaks in the river. References Brönimann, S., Xoplaqui, S.E., Casty, C., Pauling, A., Luterbacher, J., 2007. ENSO influence on Europe during the last centuries. Clim. Dyn. 28, 181-197. Brönnimann, S., 2007. Impact of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on European climate. Rev. Geophys. 45, RG3003, doi: 10.1029/2006RG000199. Brunet, M.; Lopez, D.(1991) : La influencia de la oscilación austral en los regímenes pluviométricos de la fachada atlántica española. Acta del XII Congreso Nacional de Geografía, Sociedad y Territorio, Valencia (Spain) 28-31 May 1991, Valencia: AGE , 9pp Mariotti A, Zeng N, Lau KM. 2002, Euro-Mediterranean rainfall and ENSO - a seasonally varying relationship, Geophysical Research Letters,. 29, 1621, 10.1029/2001GL014248. Moron,V., Ward, M. N., 1998. ENSO teleconnections with climate variability in the european and african sectors. Weather 53, 287-295. Muñoz-Díaz, D. and Rodrigo, F. S. (2005) Influence of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the probability of dry and wet seasons in Spain, Clim Res 30: 1-12, 2005. Pozo-Vázquez, D., Gámiz-Forti, S.R., Tovar-Pescador, J., Esteban-Parra M.J., Castro-Díez, Y., 2005. El Niño-Southern Oscillation events and associated european winter precipitation anomalies. Int. J. Climatol. 25, 17-31. Rodó, X., Baer,T. E., Comín, P., 1997. Variations in seasonal rainfall in Southern Europe during the present century: relationships with the North Atlantic Oscillation and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Clim. Dyn. 13, 275-284. Rodriguez-Puebla, C., Encinas, A.H., Nieto, S., Garmendia, J., 1998. Spatial and temporal patterns of annual precipitation variability over the Iberian Peninsula. Int. J. Climatol. 18, 299-316. van der Schrier, G., Briffa,K. R., Jones, P. D., and Osborn, T. J., 2006, Summer Moisture Variability across Europe, Journal of Climate, 19, 2818-2834 Vicente-Serrano S.M. (2005) El Niño and La Niña influence on droughts at different timescales in the Iberian Peninsula. Water Research 41:1-18. Wells N, Goddard S, Hayes MJ (2004). A self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index. Journal of Climate, 17, 2335-2351.
Lagunillo del Tejo is a small groundwater-fed sinkhole lake in the karst region of the Iberian Ra... more Lagunillo del Tejo is a small groundwater-fed sinkhole lake in the karst region of the Iberian Range (central-eastern Spain), which undergoes significant lake level fluctuation in response to rainfall variability. The aim of this study is to understand the record of water level fluctuations in Lagunillo del Tejo over the last two-and-a-half centuries. This information could be used in future studies to interpret longer sedimentary sequences. We analysed photosynthetic pigments, diatoms and cladoceran remains in sediment sequences recovered from the deepest part of the lake. The paleoecological proxies traced two different communities which have switched their prevalence during the past: (1) a planktonic community of algae, including diatoms, chlorophytes, cryptophytes and cyanobacteria, and phototrophic bacteria associated with higher lake level and water column seasonal stratification; (2) a littoral community with the higher levels of macrophyte pigments and associated epiphytic diatoms and chydorids, all of which indicate lower lake level. The levels of coherence between different proxies, each having an independent mechanistic link to lake-level variability, enhance the reliability of palaeolimnological inferences. The high-resolution stratigraphical data from the upper part of the core was compared with lake-level inferences from instrumental rainfall series (1859–2005) to establish the correspondence between Lagunillo del Tejo sediment sequences and climate record.
La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un proble... more La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un problema clínico relevante. Se propone un método de cuantificación del neumotórax mediante su clasificación en parcial, completo o total, que junto a la valoración clínica parece suficiente para adoptar las diversas actitudes terapéuticas.
The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk of complications of a p... more The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk of complications of a population of Spanish pregnant women with GDM diagnosed following the O'Sullivan-Mahan ''standard'' criteria, compared with pregnant women with GDM diagnosed using the ''new'' Carpenter-Coustan criteria. In Spain, limited data are published concerning as the prevalence of GDM and its morbidity. In this sense, the ''new'' criteria for GDM diagnosis has not been adopted in Spain due to the absence of adequate studies. We retrospectively reviewed all pregnancies handled at our center from 1999 to 2001 (n = 6248). Using the standard and the new criteria, the prevalence of GDM was 6.46 and 6.75%, respectively. GDM patients diagnosed using the new criteria showed the same pregnancy evolution that patients diagnosed with the classic criteria. Those patients complicated only with impaired glucose intolerance (IGT) (0.94%) showed a worst outcome. Based on the pregnancy evolution observed, it is not recommended that the new GDM diagnostic criteria be adopted in Spain. More accurate follow-up of patients with IGT is needed.
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2012
This paper analyses how research in cross-national comparative human resource management deals wi... more This paper analyses how research in cross-national comparative human resource management deals with ideas, values and norms. On the basis of an analysis of the articles with that focus that were published in selected leading journals between 2001 and 2010, it first identifies the main approaches to comparative work, which are labelled as materialism, hard institutionalism, soft institutionalism, interlocking institutionalism and culturalism. How each of these broad approaches deals with ideational values is critically assessed. The paper then reviews attempts to deal with two specific problems: the shaping of national and actor identities, and the production of new ideas and cross-national learning. We conclude that the ideational sphere is under-operationalised and under-theorised in most cross-national research on human resource and industrial relations management, and suggest how this problem might be addressed.
Defining the key temporal scales of variability in ecological processes is fundamental to saline ... more Defining the key temporal scales of variability in ecological processes is fundamental to saline lake management because the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of saline lakes undergo fluctuations at different time scales, compared to those of freshwater lakes. A long-term study of Lake Gallocanta (25 km2 area inland saline lake in NE Spain) provides the ecological basis for its management. The coupling of the administrative framework with its ecological processes is examined. Limnological and climatological parameters were measured using standard methods during 1977–1995. Complete desiccation of the lake occurred in 1983–86 and in 1994–95. Water level fluctuations were strongly correlated with meteorological events, particularly rainfall for seasonal and decadal time scales. The relationship between salinity and water volume follows the typical model described for playa lakes. However, the intensity and frequency of the salinity and water volume fluctuations in Lake Gallocanta also change over time. Most species show pulsing population dynamics at the larger time scales (annual, decadal). However, many of these show a continuous population development at shorter time scales. Examples are provided for several phytoplankton and zooplankton species. Fluctuations in water level also influence phyto and zooplankton community structure. The combination of the number of species, S, and the number of individuals, N, as K=log S/log N indicates that the community structure also fluctuates at different time scales. Most of the present laws established for the management of saline lakes are centered on the conservation of waterfowl. Although some generic laws attempt to preserve the overall natural ecosystem, only those dealing with the protection of wild flora and fauna, and threatened species, are implemented. However, ecological knowledge now suggests that the major objective for the conservation of saline lakes should be to preserve the fluctuation of the hydrological balance, avoiding groundwater extraction in the catchment area and surface water. Generic laws regulate water use in Spain and in many other countries. These laws are not useful for saline lake management because they do not offer solutions to the frequent conflicts arising between the water demand for intensive agriculture and nature conservation, which are common in the semi-arid zones where saline lakes are located. Integrated management of the land and water resources in the catchment area is required to preserve saline lake characteistics. Recent legislation aims to promote such management. A model of conservation and development of the overall ecosystem is presented.
This article analyses the challenge of variable pay to collective bargaining, based on a cross-na... more This article analyses the challenge of variable pay to collective bargaining, based on a cross-national comparison that takes banking organizations in Austria, Norway, Spain and the UK as representatives of Europe's principal bargaining systems. The hypothesis is that the capacity of collective bargaining to govern variable pay varies with the bargaining system. As the findings show, articulated multi-employer bargaining is
La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un proble... more La presencia de aire dentro de la cavidad pleural de causa no traumática o iatrógena es un problema clínico relevante. Se propone un método de cuantificación del neumotórax mediante su clasificación en parcial, completo o total, que junto a la valoración clínica parece suficiente para adoptar las diversas actitudes terapéuticas.
Formar con excelencia y liderazgo, profesionales Ser una universidad de trascendencia íntegros, c... more Formar con excelencia y liderazgo, profesionales Ser una universidad de trascendencia íntegros, comprometidos con el desarrollo de la académica en América Latina ciencia y la sociedad.
información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de ... more información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de mayo de 2010 Palabras clave: Simpatectomía torácica Hiperhidrosis Rubor facial Videotoracoscopia Efectos secundarios Sudoración compensadora Clipping Normativa Cirugía torácica
información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de ... more información del artículo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 27 de mayo de 2010 Aceptado el 29 de mayo de 2010 Palabras clave: Simpatectomía torácica Hiperhidrosis Rubor facial Videotoracoscopia Efectos secundarios Sudoración compensadora Clipping Normativa Cirugía torácica
Papers by Rodo Lopez