Papers by Robinson Noronha

Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE), Nov 1, 2006
This paper describes a model of process that selects and creates feedback messages to run in an I... more This paper describes a model of process that selects and creates feedback messages to run in an Intelligent Tutor System based on production rules. What to do when a student gives a solution that doesn't match with any of these rules? The main idea in the backstages of this model of process is that a computer system could automatically identifies the rule that is more closer to student's solution. This selected rule doesn't need to match with the student's solution. If they don't match them there are some differences betweem student's solution and this rule. The model described in this paper, meassures these differences and creates piece of text messages that could conduct this student to consider his/her solution and gives another solution. This model could reduces the necessity of a completed set of rules in Intelligent Tutor Systems. How to integrate an instructional technique called Structural Communication into a typical Intelligent Tutor System is the primarily use of this model. The computer system resulted of this integration could be used to run instructional activities based on ill-structured problems.
Investigou-se se a formação de turmas de acordo com o coeficiente de rendimento do aluno poderia ... more Investigou-se se a formação de turmas de acordo com o coeficiente de rendimento do aluno poderia ter um desempenho acadêmico superior às turmas que não possuem esse tipo de critério de composição. Todas as turmas envolvidas nesse estudo tiveram os mesmos instrumentos de avaliação. As turmas formadas por alunos de baixo coeficiente de rendimento tiveram uma abordagem didática diferenciada. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um aumento nos índices de aprovação e reprovação das turmas e uma redução nos índices de desistência dos alunos.
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE), 2011

The subject of this paper is the forgotten instructional technique called Structural Communicatio... more The subject of this paper is the forgotten instructional technique called Structural Communication and how learners stereotypes could be defined to a generic Intelligent Tutor System based on Structural Communication Exercise. This instructional technique stemmed from teacher's practice of analysing a learner's problem solution to an ill-structured problem. The solution described in this paper is based on some ideas of convergent and divergent cognitive learner styles. These cognitive learner styles were used to define a set of twelve basic learner stereotypes. These ideas of learners stereotypes stemmed from the observation of how learners could employ some domain's concepts or ideas in a convergence and divergence way to solve a set of ill-structured problems. This set of learner's stereotypes is represented by three independent dimensions or layers and define a Learner Model of a generic ITS based on Structural Exercise.
Anais do Workshop de Informática na Escola, 2003
Page 1. Authoring Ideas for Developing Structural Communication Exercises Robinson V. Noronha* Te... more Page 1. Authoring Ideas for Developing Structural Communication Exercises Robinson V. Noronha* Technological Institute of Aeronautics - ITA, SP, Brazil rvida@cefetpr. br Summary The process of creating instructional activities ...

Resumo: There are no consensual methodologies to aid teachers how to identify main facts or piece... more Resumo: There are no consensual methodologies to aid teachers how to identify main facts or piece of domain elements inside instructional text documents. Teachers identify which facts are relevant to their instructional activities while reading document. This paper describes a helpful model and process to identify, select and order relevant facts and phrases inside an instructional text document. This process is guided by some pedagogical information such as “what is the Instructional Objective and its Goals” and “which are the relevant concepts or keywords of this domain”. The main contribution of this report is how to use pedagogical information to select main facts and pieces of knowledge. The findings of a preliminary experiment shows that these model and process could be used to aid teachers to identify relevant facts and phrases inside text document. Abstract: There are no consensual methodologies to aid teachers how to identify main facts or piece of domain elements inside in...
Resumo: Este artigo descreve a metodologia desenvolvida para avaliacao do uso de um jogo eletroni... more Resumo: Este artigo descreve a metodologia desenvolvida para avaliacao do uso de um jogo eletronico no ensino de ecologia e sua capacidade de prover resultados satisfatorios no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O projeto, a metodologia e os resultados do experimento com estudantes do ensino fundamental sao apresentados, assim como a tecnologia empregada na construcao do jogo. Abstract: This article describes a methodology for games evaluation on ecology learning, and its capacity to get good results. The project, the methodology and the experiment results with students of the preliminary-instruction are presented, as well as the technology used to build the game.
Anais do Workshop sobre Educação em Computação (WEI), 2020
Investigou-se se a formação de turmas de acordo com o coeficiente de rendimento do aluno poderia ... more Investigou-se se a formação de turmas de acordo com o coeficiente de rendimento do aluno poderia ter um desempenho acadêmico superior às turmas que não possuem esse tipo de critério de composição. Todas as turmas envolvidas nesse estudo tiveram os mesmos instrumentos de avaliação. As turmas formadas por alunos de baixo coeficiente de rendimento tiveram uma abordagem didática diferenciada. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um aumento nos índices de aprovação e reprovação das turmas e uma redução nos índices de desistência dos alunos.
Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian symposium on Multimedia and the web - WebMedia '12, 2012
ABSTRACT Driven by public policies, distance education courses or EAD are now a reality in the Br... more ABSTRACT Driven by public policies, distance education courses or EAD are now a reality in the Brazilian educational system. However, a major difficulty faced by professionals and institutions involved in this type of education refers to the effective monitoring of students. One alternative used by the scientific community to deal with this problem have been investigating techniques for exploring the data stored by the technological systems used, trying to turn them into useful information. This work demonstrated some possibilities of using social network analysis techniques in order to obtain information from the interaction in discussion forums. In the experiments some potentially useful information was obtained, indicating the feasibility of this proposal.
Mobile Learning has been emerging as a new research branch of learning, in which mobile devices a... more Mobile Learning has been emerging as a new research branch of learning, in which mobile devices are explored during the learning process. The development of these applications, however, is a non trivial task since it requires skills and knowledge of various domains (computational, pedagogical, etc.), along with technologies to support the process. This paper describes a case study at UTFPR, with the objective of integrate mobility, not only in terms of learning through mobile devices, but also in terms of mobile participants and mobile administration. The case study focuses on a generic and asynchronous computer architecture (PEDRO), based on a the Moodle-based adaptation. Our proposal allows the Learning Management System and mobile devices to work together in order to provide a complete set of instructional materials to students.

2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2009
This paper discusses a tool to study the relations among group members of a social network that e... more This paper discusses a tool to study the relations among group members of a social network that evolve using a virtual environment. Understanding how these relations are built and maintained is essential to foster favorable conditions that can facilitate collective and individual learning. The focus of interest is how inner relations affect both the collective and individual learning of its members. We consider a group as being a set of relations among people and artifacts. As an example, we might determine which relations among members of a Project Team (predominantly goaloriented) are different from the ones found in Communities of Practice (predominantly learningoriented), and how they affect the learning of their members. We propose to characterize the relations among members by analyzing text content of social exchanges (e.g. email messages, blog posts, chat sessions, etc). The approach originality relies on taking into account the distinct points of view of its actors. Due to the distributed character of the problem (a virtual group), we intend to develop this tool by using a Multi-Agent System, whose architecture we present in this paper.
2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2013
Coding Dojo is a dynamic and collaborative activity inspired in martial arts that follows a disci... more Coding Dojo is a dynamic and collaborative activity inspired in martial arts that follows a discipline in a cheerful and pleasant environment. Several agile development techniques are used during the Coding Dojo, such as test driven development, pair programming and baby steps. This article presents some Coding Dojo characteristics that help teaching agile development techniques. Some experienced practitioners were interviewed to get qualitative information about their perception of the Coding Dojo practice. An electronic survey was answered by Coding Dojo participants from several Coding Dojo groups in Brazil, which provided quantitative data. This article presents Coding Dojo as a teaching technique to help developers create software with higher test coverage rates.

Revista Brasileira de Informática na …, 2006
There are no consensual methodologies to aid teachers on how to identify main facts or phrases fr... more There are no consensual methodologies to aid teachers on how to identify main facts or phrases from instructional text documents. Usually, teachers identify which facts are relevant to their instructional activities while reading such documents. This paper describes a process to identify, select and order relevant facts and phrases from instructional text documents. This process is guided by some instructional information such as instructional objective, instructional goals, domain relevant concepts or keywords. The main contribution of this report isto show how to use some of instructional information to select main facts and pieces of knowledge. This information were structured based on a new proposal of a model of how to represent some instructional information. The findings of a preliminary experiment shows that the proposed process can suitably aid teachers to identify relevant facts and phrases from instructional text document.
Anais do Workshop de Informática na Escola, 2007
In the present article we approach the conceptions of learning and we show as the teacher can use... more In the present article we approach the conceptions of learning and we show as the teacher can use the knowledge of the same ones to evaluate an Learning Object. Moreover, we show the advantages of the Learning Object use for the understanding of mathematical concepts. To the end, we carry through an evaluation of three Learning Objects to know in which conception of learning they are based. Resumo. No presente artigo abordamos as concepções de aprendizagem e mostramos como o professor pode utilizar o conhecimento das mesmas para avaliar um Objeto de Aprendizagem. Além disso, mostramos as vantagens da utilização de Objetos de Aprendizagem para a compreensão de conceitos matemáticos. Ao final, realizamos uma avaliação de três Objetos de Aprendizagem para saber em qual concepção de aprendizagem eles se fundamentam.

Resumo: Este trabalho descreve um modelo de processo que seleciona e cria mensagens de retorno de... more Resumo: Este trabalho descreve um modelo de processo que seleciona e cria mensagens de retorno de interacao em um sistema instrucional inteligente baseado em regras de producao do tipo se-entao. O que fazer quando a solucao apresentada pelo aprendiz em um exercicio nao casa com nenhuma regra armazenadas no sistema? Diferentemente dos sistemas instrucionais inteligentes que utilizam casamento de padroes para identificar regras especificas e fornecem uma mensagem predefinida padrao quando nao e possivel identificar regra alguma, este trabalho define um modelo que seleciona automaticamente a regra mais proxima de uma solucao qualquer. O modelo apresentado tambem procura identificar os elementos contrastantes entre a solucao e a regra selecionada. Os elementos contrastantes identificados fornecem informacoes importantes para a criacao automatica de fragmentos de texto a serem apresentados ao aprendiz. Esses fragmentos de textos poderiam ter a funcao de induzir o aprendiz a rever a sua s...

Policiais e Bombeiros militares se destacam da populacao em geral e de outras categorias profissi... more Policiais e Bombeiros militares se destacam da populacao em geral e de outras categorias profissionais pelo alto nivel de desgaste fisico e mental, as dores osteomusculares estao entre as mais tratadas e responsaveis por um consideravel indice de afastamento por motivo de saude. Alem disso, uma parcela desses militares nao pratica exercicio fisico regularmente, esse fato associado com o sobrepeso em virtude do fardamento e equipamentos de rotina pode causar o aparecimento de dores lombares. O objetivo deste trabalho e desenvolver um aplicativo com exercicios para a musculatura do Core com o intuito de auxiliar no tratamento e prevencao de dores lombares. Foram selecionados quatorze exercicios isometricos distribuidos em nove semanas com niveis de complexidade e intensidade progressivos, a cada duas semanas e necessario o preenchimento do diagrama de Corlett para monitorar a intensidade das dores. O aplicativo esta sendo desenvolvido em parceria com o Departamento Academico de Educac...
Papers by Robinson Noronha