Papers by Robinson Osorio Hernandez

PALABRAS CLAVE: Prefabricado, simulacion, elementos fi nitos. ABSTRACT: Thanks to positive experi... more PALABRAS CLAVE: Prefabricado, simulacion, elementos fi nitos. ABSTRACT: Thanks to positive experiences in urban, sandwich panels ferrocement type are presented as an alternative to the demand for fast, low construction cost imposed by the rural housing problem in Latin America. Various proposals in this regard may be previously evaluated through simulation. This study was performed to evaluate the mechanical behavior of three panels of ferrocement sandwich type, to defi ne the building system of rural housing proposal, from a simulation with the application of the fi nite element method. Based on a preliminary design for rural housing, three alternatives were designed sandwich type ferro-plates, then evaluating their tensile strength and displacement by applying the calculation of Von Mises stress in a simulation by the fi nite element method, by SolidWorks® software. The three alternatives were satisfactory offset resistance and, choosing the combination of the second and third alt...

Gracias a experiencias positivas en el medio urbano, las placas tipo sandwich de ferrocemento se ... more Gracias a experiencias positivas en el medio urbano, las placas tipo sandwich de ferrocemento se presentan, como una alternativa a la demanda de construcciones rapidas y de bajo costo que impone la problematica de vivienda rural en America Latina. Diversas propuestas en este sentido pueden ser evaluadas previamente a traves de simulaciones. Este estudio evaluo el comportamiento mecanico de tres placas tipo sandwich de ferrocemento, para defi nir el sistema constructivo de una propuesta de vivienda rural, a traves de una simulacion con elementos fi nitos, por medio del software SolidWorks®. Con base en un diseno previo para vivienda rural, fueron disenadas tres alternativas de placas tipo sandwich de ferrocemento, evaluando su resistencia a la rotura y deformacion, aplicando el calculo de esfuerzos de Von Mises. Las tres alternativas mostraron resultados satisfactorios de resistencia y deformacion, optando por la combinacion de dos de las tres alternativas para la defi nicion del sis...

Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín
This study aimed to evaluate the bioclimatic performance of three wet coffee processing facilitie... more This study aimed to evaluate the bioclimatic performance of three wet coffee processing facilities in Colombia, focused on the conditions for workers and coffee parchment, through computer simulation. In addition to temperature and relative humidity, the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature index (WBGT) was simulated during the highest coffee production month. The proposed simulation model was able to predict hygrothermal behavior within the three coffee processing facilities. Case 3 presented the warmest environment, and case 2 the most humid environment concerning the appropriate conditions for the coffee and the worker. The WBGT index limit was exceeded in case 3. Since this type of facility emits large amounts of heat and steam, constructive modifications are suggested to improve the environmental conditions of workers and coffee. Mainly, the physical separation of the heat exchangers is recommended, which ideally should be outside the post-harvest facility. The steam produced in the dryi...

Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo llevar a cabo una comparación bioclimática de instalaciones de be... more Este estudio tuvo como objetivo llevar a cabo una comparación bioclimática de instalaciones de beneficio húmedo en Colombia, con tres tipologías típicas de la zona cafetera colombiana, a través de simulación computacional, específicamente evaluando los efectos del calor y vapor generados por el secado mecánico, y el área de ventilación natural sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa en estas instalaciones. Se observó el efecto del área de ventilación natural, a mayor área de ventilación natural, menor temperatura y humedad relativa, es decir, se observó que la tipología b se comportó mejor bioclimáticamente que la tipología a. El ambiente interno de la tipología a (tipología escalonada), tuvo un mayor riesgo biológico de proliferación de hongos y bacterias, con una temperatura promedio de 27,5 °C, y una humedad relativa interna promedio de 70,6%. En el tipo c, como su secadora mecánica sobresale del edificio, y expulsa el vapor y el calor producidos en el proceso de secado al amb...

Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Mar 16, 2020
This study aimed to analyze the effect of the area size and location of openings for natural vent... more This study aimed to analyze the effect of the area size and location of openings for natural ventilation on the temperature and relative humidity inside a typological facility for coffee wet processing that have been using in Colombia and some South America Countries as well, with mechanical drying inside, using modeling with computational fluid dynamics modeling, in order to find the best suitable condition for preserve the quality of the coffee parchment. A significant effect was found regarding the area and location of the openings for natural ventilation on the internal hygrothermal environment, but no significant effect was found on the temperature. It was also found that the chimney effect plays a decisive role in the mass transfer of water vapor and heat to the outside of the building, and helping to maintain a suitable internal environment for the preservation of coffee.
DYNA, Oct 1, 2019
Poultry production is influenced directly by its environmental conditions and, therefore, the con... more Poultry production is influenced directly by its environmental conditions and, therefore, the conditions of comfort, animal welfare, and energy consumption of the facilities. The objective of this study was to carry out an assessment of the acclimatization needs of a negative pressure ventilated broiler barn (hybrid) in 12 Brazilian cities, located in the 8 bioclimatic zones of the country. It was found that cities located in bioclimatic zones 1 and 2 require a higher energy consumption of heating during the chicks phase (0-21 days), while zones 7 and 8 require more energy for cooling during the chickens phase (22-42days). The cities located in zones 3, 4, 5 and 6 present the best comfort conditions and the greatest energy savings for the two phases.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2016
The objective of this research was to evaluate the internal thermal environment of two broiler ba... more The objective of this research was to evaluate the internal thermal environment of two broiler barns featuring different ventilation systems representative of Brazilian and South American poultry production industry: (a) a negative-pressure tunnel and (b) a positive-pressure lateral ventilation system. Environmental parameters such as dry bulb temperature, relative humidity and temperature-humidity index were assessed; temperature maps for day and night average conditions were determined for the first three weeks of life. Better uniformity of the thermal environment and comfort conditions inside the negative-pressure tunnel were found.

Journal of Agricultural Engineering
This study aimed to analyze the effect of the area size and location of openings for natural vent... more This study aimed to analyze the effect of the area size and location of openings for natural ventilation on the temperature and relative humidity inside a typological facility for coffee wet processing that have been using in Colombia and some South America Countries as well, with mechanical drying inside, using modeling with computational fluid dynamics modeling, in order to find the best suitable condition for preserve the quality of the coffee parchment. A significant effect was found regarding the area and location of the openings for natural ventilation on the internal hygrothermal environment, but no significant effect was found on the temperature. It was also found that the chimney effect plays a decisive role in the mass transfer of water vapor and heat to the outside of the building, and helping to maintain a suitable internal environment for the preservation of coffee.
Poultry production is influenced directly by its environmental conditions and, therefore, the con... more Poultry production is influenced directly by its environmental conditions and, therefore, the conditions of comfort, animal welfare, and energy consumption of the facilities. The objective of this study was to carry out an assessment of the climatization needs of a negative pressure ventilated broiler barn in 12 Brazilian cities, located in the 8 bioclimatic zones of the country. It was found that, cities located in bioclimatic zones 1 and 2 require a higher energy consumption for heating during the chicks phase (0-21 days), while zones 7 and 8 require more energy for cooling during the chickens phase (22-42days). The cities located in zones 3, 4, 5 and 6 present the best comfort conditions and the greatest energy savings for the two phases.

Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Medellín
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo llevar a cabo una comparación bioclimática de instalaciones de be... more Este estudio tuvo como objetivo llevar a cabo una comparación bioclimática de instalaciones de beneficio húmedo en Colombia, con tres tipologías típicas de la zona cafetera colombiana, a través de simulación computacional, específicamente evaluando los efectos del calor y vapor generados por el secado mecánico, y el área de ventilación natural sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa en estas instalaciones. Se observó el efecto del área de ventilación natural, a mayor área de ventilación natural, menor temperatura y humedad relativa, es decir, se observó que la tipología b se comportó mejor bioclimáticamente que la tipología a. El ambiente interno de la tipología a (tipología escalonada), tuvo un mayor riesgo biológico de proliferación de hongos y bacterias, con una temperatura promedio de 27,5 °C, y una humedad relativa interna promedio de 70,6%. En el tipo c, como su secadora mecánica sobresale del edificio, y expulsa el vapor y el calor producidos en el proceso de secado al amb...

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo encontrar el área mínima de ventilación natural necesaria para in... more Este estudio tuvo como objetivo encontrar el área mínima de ventilación natural necesaria para instalaciones de beneficio húmedo de café con secado mecánico en su interior, con el fin de preservar la calidad de café a través de un ambiente bioclimático que propicie la inocuidad biológica, este estudio se realizó con ayuda de simulaciones computacionales en el programa EnergyPlusTM. Se encontró que a medida que se incrementa la capacidad de secado, y por ende la potencia de las máquinas de secado, la temperatura y la humedad relativa interna tienden a aumentar. Por otra parte, se encontró una correlación lineal inversa entre el área de ventilación natural y las variables temperatura y humedad relativa. Por último, se encontraron relaciones de área mínima de ventilación natural con la capacidad de secado, con el fin de obtener un ambiente bioclimático adecuado para la preservación del café pergamino.

R E S U M E N Los pollos de engorde durante la primera fase deben estar protegidos del estrés por... more R E S U M E N Los pollos de engorde durante la primera fase deben estar protegidos del estrés por frio, especialmente en el inverno, noches y madrugadas frías. Para proteger a los animales, los avicultores han utilizado diferentes estrategias, entre ellas está el uso de varias capas de cortinas para aumentar el nivel de aislamiento térmico y disminuir las pérdidas de calor, disminuyendo también la permeabilidad con el aire externo. En este contexto, es importante dar especial atención a la calidad del aire interno de los galpones avícolas como parte de una producción bajo parámetros de bienestar animal. El presente estudio fue realizado en el municipio de Barbacena, MG, en Brasil, y tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad del aire al nivel de los pollos y los trabajadores, específicamente de las concentraciones de amoniaco, dióxido de carbono y monóxido de carbono, en un galpón avícola naturalmente ventilado durante la primera fase de vida de pollos de engorde en el período de inverno, y la influencia del nivel de aislamiento con cortinas laterales sobre las concentraciones de amoniaco. Durante la primera semana experimental, los niveles de amoniaco sobrepasaron los valores aceptables, y se encontró diferencia estadística entre las concentraciones de amoniaco para los diferentes niveles de aislamiento con cortinas laterales. A B S T R A C T Broilers during the first phase should be protected from cold stress, especially in the winter, cold nights and early mornings. To protect animals, poultry producers have used different strategies, including the use of multilayer of curtain, to increase the thermal insulation and reduce heat losses, also decreasing the permeability to the external air. In this context it is important to give special attention to the indoor air quality of poultry sheds as part of a production under animal welfare parameters. This study was conducted in the municipality of Barbacena, MG, in Brazil, and aimed to assess air quality at the level of the chickens and workers, specifically concentrations of ammonia, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, in a poultry house naturally ventilated during the first phase of life of broilers in the winter period, and the influence of insulation level with side curtains on concentrations of ammonia. During the first experimental week, ammonia levels exceed acceptable values, and statistical difference was found between the concentrations of ammonia for different insulation levels with side curtains. Palabras clave: estrés por frio bioclimatología aislamiento térmico manejo de cortinas

A B S T R A C T The objective of this research was to evaluate the internal thermal environment o... more A B S T R A C T The objective of this research was to evaluate the internal thermal environment of two broiler barns featuring different ventilation systems representative of Brazilian and South American poultry production industry: (a) a negative-pressure tunnel and (b) a positive-pressure lateral ventilation system. Environmental parameters such as dry bulb temperature, relative humidity and temperature-humidity index were assessed; temperature maps for day and night average conditions were determined for the first three weeks of life. Better uniformity of the thermal environment and comfort conditions inside the negative-pressure tunnel were found. Ambiente térmico em dois galpões de frangos de corte nas três primeiras semanas de vida R E S U M O Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, avaliar o ambiente térmico interno de dois galpões de frangos de corte com diferentes sistemas de ventilação representativos da indústria de produção de aves de corte brasileira e sul-americana: (a) um com pressão negativa tipo túnel e (b) outro com ventilação lateral e pressão positiva. Parâmetros ambientais do conforto térmico, tais como temperatura de bulbo seco, umidade relativa e índice de temperatura e umidade, foram avaliados; mapas de temperaturas médias para as condições de dia e noite foram determinadas nas três primeiras semanas de vida das aves. Melhor uniformidade ambiental e condições de conforto térmico no interior do galpão com pressão negativa foram observadas.
A B S T R A C T This study aimed to make a simulation of the internal environment of an installat... more A B S T R A C T This study aimed to make a simulation of the internal environment of an installations for coffee post-harvest and a parabolic solar dryer, specifically analyzing the effect of natural ventilation on the temperature and relative humidity inside these buildings. The ventilated coffee-processing plant and the solar dryer with the largest natural ventilation area showed the best results to preserve the quality of coffee grain.

This study aimed to compare the bioclimate and energy consumption of two coffee wet processing fa... more This study aimed to compare the bioclimate and energy consumption of two coffee wet processing facilities in Colombia, with two typical types of Colombian coffee, using computer simulation. Specifically, we evaluated the effect of the heat generated by machines and the effect of the natural ventilation area on temperature and relative air humidity inside these buildings and their energy consumption. The postharvest plant with typology b gave the best results in terms of temperature and relative humidity suitable to preserve the quality of the coffee bean. Its approximate energy consumption was 30% of the total consumed by typology a. Simulación del ambiente térmico en dos edificaciones para beneficio húmedo de café Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo hacer una comparación bioclimática y de consumo energético entre dos instalaciones de beneficio húmedo de café en Colombia, con dos tipologías típicas de la zona cafetera colombiana, por medio de simulación computacional, evaluando específicamente el efecto del calor generado por las máquinas y el efecto del área de ventilación natural sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa del aire en el interior de éstas construcciones y su consumo energético. El beneficiadero de café de tipología b presentó los mejores resultados en términos de temperatura y humedad relativa para conservar la calidad del grano de café y su consumo energético aproximado fue 30% del total consumido por la tipología a.
RESUMO: A pesquisa foi desenvolvida nos Andes colombianos, em uma altura de 2100msnm, mais exatam... more RESUMO: A pesquisa foi desenvolvida nos Andes colombianos, em uma altura de 2100msnm, mais exatamente na fazenda San Pablo da Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL), no município de Rio Negro, no departamento de Antioquia. A pluviosidade aproximada é de 2280mm/ano, e temperatura média de 16.7ºC. Nesta pesquisa, avaliou-se na etapa de estabilização o funcionamento de um sistema em série de dois biodigestores de diferente tipo: de cúpula fixa (GTZ) e flexível tipo Taiwan em condições de clima frio. Encontrou-se fatores que determinam seu funcionamento como a remoção de carga contaminante em DBO, DQO total, SST. Encontrou-se que este sistema realiza remoções de carga contaminante, aproximadamente em DBO, DQO total e SST de 97,4%, 96,1 % e 95,1% respectivamente, com pH na saída pertos da neutralidade, estes resultados são um indicativo da alta eficiência do sistema.
TANQUE CASQUETE ESFERICO FEITO COM ARGAMASSA ARMADA - RESUMO O armazenamento de água para a produ... more TANQUE CASQUETE ESFERICO FEITO COM ARGAMASSA ARMADA - RESUMO O armazenamento de água para a produção agrícola é fundamental duas formas geometrias, a parte inferior corresponde a uma seção de uma esfera oca e a superior por um anel cilíndrico perimetral, normalmente feito em alvenaria. Este adendo superior, acima do nível do solo, aumenta a capacidade volumétrica do tanque e ao mesmo tempo oferece proteção, evitando a queda de animais ou pessoas.
Bitacora Urbano Territorial
1) 2015: 45 -139 25 25 ARTÍCULOS 45 45 Síntesis proyectual de las agrovillas propUesta de CaraCte... more 1) 2015: 45 -139 25 25 ARTÍCULOS 45 45 Síntesis proyectual de las agrovillas propUesta de CaraCterístiCas Urbanas básiCas Projectual synthesis of rural villages TProposal of urban basic features Síntese projetual de agrovila Proposta de características urbanas básicas
Papers by Robinson Osorio Hernandez