Papers by Roberto Rossetti

2019 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC)
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a production process able to create complex structures with trabec... more Additive manufacturing (AM) is a production process able to create complex structures with trabecular morphology that are of great potential interest in various application areas, such as aerospace and biomedical. In addition to a significant mass reduction, structures with trabecular topology (micro-scale) can be optimized and functionalized depending on the specific properties that the final product (macro-scale) needs to exhibit. The actual structural response of this new class of materials is, however, little known. This paper presents some first results obtained within the framework of a research project of national interest (PRIN) started in 2017, which involves some leading Universities in Italy. The project aims to investigate additive manufactured trabecular structures by developing proper testing protocols based on different non-contact measurement techniques, using a multi-instrumental and multi-competence approach.
Capitolo XIII. Antibiogramma, 2005
Capitolo X. Mycobacteriaceae, 2005
Presenta los emblemas de organismos y agencias especializadas de Naciones Unidas, de organismos s... more Presenta los emblemas de organismos y agencias especializadas de Naciones Unidas, de organismos subsidiarios, de programas especiales, anos y decadas internacionales, de conferencias auspiciadas por las Naciones Unidas, etc.
Illustrations of Lingua Franca with pictures provided by Robert Rossetti and annotations by Alan ... more Illustrations of Lingua Franca with pictures provided by Robert Rossetti and annotations by Alan Corre
Manuali – Biomedica, 2005
The manual aims to represent the essence of bacteriology that is carried out in a medium-large si... more The manual aims to represent the essence of bacteriology that is carried out in a medium-large sized clinical Microbiology laboratory, stating its operational aspects with simple, easily applicable schemes resulting from long experience
Italian journal of anatomy and embryology, 2012
Capitolo VI. Bacilli Gram positivi aerobi, 2005
Capitolo VII. Bacilli Gram negativi, 2005
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1997
Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B beta-haemolytic Streptococcus) plays an important role in neona... more Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B beta-haemolytic Streptococcus) plays an important role in neonatal pathology and in U.S.A. it is currently the most frequent cause of septicaemia and meningitis in neonates, with a case fatality rate of 5 to 20%, and it is also directly responsible for some 50.000 infections in pregnancy1, 4.

Microbiologia Medica, 2003
INTRODUZIONE Le Infezioni Ospedaliere (I.O.) costituiscono tuttora una sfida importante per le mo... more INTRODUZIONE Le Infezioni Ospedaliere (I.O.) costituiscono tuttora una sfida importante per le molteplici implicazioni che comportano sia in campo etico e clinico, sia per i costi che esse determinano per l'aumento dei giorni di degenza e dei costi assistenziali, legati ad un maggiore impiego di farmaci e presidi diagnostici.(3) Particolare considerazione deve essere rivolta alle unità di Terapia Intensiva, dove tali patologie si presentano con maggiore frequenza e gravità ma anche altri reparti ospedalieri possono presentare le stesse problematiche, che necessitano d'interventi immediati ed il più possibile mirati per evitare esiti infausti.(7) Per la diagnosi delle Infezioni Ospedaliere, oltre alla valutazione del quadro clinico, sono utilizzati diversi parametri di laboratorio che consentono d'inquadrare e quantificare lo stato infiammatorio specifico ma pochi sono i test in grado di monitorarne l'evoluzione e i risultati della terapia antibiotica in soggetti con infezioni batteriche sistemiche gravi. Nel 1996 è stato introdotto, a scopo diagnostico, un nuovo indicatore biochimico, la procalcitonina (PCT) che è un propeptide ormonale della calcitonina, normalmente prodotto dalle cellule C della tiroide. In condizioni normali non è rilasciato in circolo mentre in corso d'infezioni batteriche gravi ne è stato evidenziato un marcato incremento ematico, che permane fino al superamento dell'evento infettivo. Molti studi hanno dimostrato che questo marcatore non è rilevabile nei casi in cui l'infezione rimane confinata ad un tessuto o ad un organo senza manifestazioni generalizzate, mentre aumenta in maniera significativa nel caso di sepsi, shock settico e in severe reazioni infiam-matorie sistemiche, fornendo quindi un mezzo per il follow-up del loro decorso clinico.
Mnemosyne, 2011
Brief exegesis of the chapters of the res gestae. Brief insights on the discovery of the epigraph... more Brief exegesis of the chapters of the res gestae. Brief insights on the discovery of the epigraphic material, on marriage policy and the problem of heredity. (Italian language) Breve esegesi dei capitoli delle res gestae. Brevi approfondimenti sul ritrovamento del materiale epigrafico, sulla politica matrimoniale e sul problema dell'eredità.
The Catholic Historical Review, 2007

Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2013
Background and Objectives: CIK cells are a novel population of efficient immune effector cells wi... more Background and Objectives: CIK cells are a novel population of efficient immune effector cells with high antitumour activity mainly due to the high proliferation of CD3 þ CD56 þ cells, so may play a role in the development of new forms of adoptive cellular immunotherapy. We started a pilot clinical trial with autologous CIK cells in patients with refractory lymphoma and metastatic solid tumours. This study was aimed at determining the feasibility of generating a sufficient number of CIK cells in heavily pretreated patients and at assessing treatment toxicity. Design and Methods: CIK cells were generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) and incubated in the presence of IFN-g followed by OKT3 and IL-2. Treatment schedule consisted of three cycles of CIK cells infusions at an interval of 3 weeks. Results: At present 12 patients were enrolled: 6 advanced lymphomas, 5 metastatic kidney carcinoma and 1 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The median number of transferred cells per patient was 28 Â 10 9 (range, 6-61). Protocol adherence was excellent and the toxicity profile was favourable. After CIK cells infusion, the absolute median count of lymphocytes, CD3 þ , CD8 þ and CD3 þ CD56 þ cells significantly increased in patient's peripheral blood. Clinical outcome appeared promising: three patients had complete response (CR) and two patients had stabilization of disease with a median follow-up of 33 months (range, 9-44). Interpretations and Conclusions: These preliminary data showed that adoptive immunotherapy with CIK cells is a safe therapy with some suggestion of efficacy that significantly enhances immune functions increasing absolute numbers of effector cells without side effects. If confirmed in larger scale studies, these promising results may have a favourable impact on conventional treatment strategy of malignancies.
Papers by Roberto Rossetti