Prepared as a contribution to the Uorld Summit for Children organized by the United Nations in Ne... more Prepared as a contribution to the Uorld Summit for Children organized by the United Nations in New York in September 19'40, this report highlights and promotes commitment at the highegt political level for goals and strategies that ensure the survival, protection, and development of children. As part of the process of looking beyond survival and of working toward a "fair start" for children, this document offers the following: (1) a straightforward presentation of what is meant by child development, distinguishing it from child survival and growth and linking it to the concept of child care; (2) a rationale for investing in programs of early childhood care and development; (3) a brief description of the evolution of child care and development programs and a sketch of the current configuration of institutionalized programs, with special attention given to changes occurring since 1979 when the International Year of the Child (IYC) was celebrated; (4) a programming framework in three dimensions, combining stages of child development with five complementary program approaches and with a set of program guidelines; (5) brief descriptions of several programs from various countries that illustrate different ways to support and enhance early childhood development; and (6) some conclusions about what needs to be done to increase investment and to move child care and development programs from rhetoric to reality. References are included with each section except the introduction. (TJQ)
This digest issues a call to make good on the rhetoric of "integrated attention to the whole chil... more This digest issues a call to make good on the rhetoric of "integrated attention to the whole child" and provides some suggestions about how that might be done, beginning with combined interventions aimed at improving the nutritional status and the psychosocial development of the young child. After an introductory chapter that provides a summary of thp argument, the problem is discussed in Chapter II in terms of the rhetoric of integrated attention, forms of Integration, and underestimation of the importance of combined, or coordinated, actions among agencies. Chapter III defines child development and offers a multi-dimensional rationale for attending to developmental concerns. Chapter IV discusses the impact of nutrition on development in terms of the relevant research base and implications for programming. Chapter V offers guidelines for intervention. Chapters VI and VII discuss ways of incorporating psychosocial development into, respectively, nutrition plans and programs and nutrition manuals. Chapters VIII and Ix illustrate holistic approaches with examples of programs in Northeast Thailand and in India, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, and Jamaica. An appendix describes Mosley and Chen's analytical framework for the study of child survival in developing countries, indicates why the model is particularly important, and suggests a revised model that incorporates the idea of development. Fifty-five references are included. (RH) keproductiorL upplied by EDRS are the test that can be made
Two areas of social action in developing nations that have received attention in the last decade ... more Two areas of social action in developing nations that have received attention in the last decade are the survival and healthy development of children, and the social and economic well-being of women. In both areas, there has been concern about the relation between women's work and child welfare, but from two different points or view. One view comes from the Women-in-Development (WID) community. Focussing primarily on women's productive roles, WID programs tend either to downplay women's child care responsibilities or to assume that adequate substitute child care is available. They are also likely to assume that children will benefit from women's increased earnings and from the greater control by women over the use of resources that women's work can bring. Another view is typical of policy makers and researchers concerned with child health, nutrition, and development who assume that women should devote themselves primarily to their reproductive and child care roles and that they are available to do so. A corollary is that if women take on a productive role, particularly one outside the home, the welfare of children will suffer. Often, there is little recognition of the additional burdens child survival and development programs may place on women. Or, there is an assumption that seemingly minor burdens will result in longer-term benefits for women through savings of time and money associated with reduced child illness. These summaries of background papers and discussion examine available research evidence related to the above propositions, and report program and policy implications. (Author/RR)
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for discussing issues associated with the pr... more The main purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for discussing issues associated with the process of "going to scale" with programs of early childhood development. "Going to Scale" programs are described as those that attempt to reach as many potential beneficiaries as possible at a regional, national, or even worldwide level. The first section of the paper summarizes results from three analyses of successful projects and programs in an attempt to identify barriers to scale and to specify conditions, characteristics, strategies and processes accompanying successful programs. The second section examines advantages and drawbacks of three broad approaches to achieving scale, while the third section draws implications for child development programs from the preceding two sections. The final section discusses costs, organizational issues, the role of communications, evaluation, and some options for international organizations as they consider ways to increase the coverage and impact of early childhood development programs. (HOD)
Revista latinoamericana de estudios educativos, Nov 2, 2023
Taking advantage of his extensive experience in research and promotion work in the field of pre-p... more Taking advantage of his extensive experience in research and promotion work in the field of pre-primary education, or Early Education (EE), the author reviews the contributions to this field by the Center for Educational Studies (CES) throughout its 60 years of existence. The text is divided into four parts, which correspond to the anniversaries of 10, 25, 50, and 60 years of the CES. In each part, the publications on the subject are identified, including in the first years, Monthly Bulletins, Monographic Studies, and Dissemination Brochures, and in all periods books and articles published in the CES Journal and later in the Latin American Journal of Educational Studies. In each section, the author comments on what he found. The relationship between the number of CES publications on EE at each stage and the importance that the topic was taking internationally and in Mexico can be identified. The text concludes with an overall appreciation of CES's contributions and suggestions for the future.
I have written several books and published many papers, articles, etc. If you would like to have... more I have written several books and published many papers, articles, etc. If you would like to have a listing of those publications and advise people where they can download the works they can consult my webpage:
Este artículo pretende enriquecer el debate académico y político en torno a la política pública d... more Este artículo pretende enriquecer el debate académico y político en torno a la política pública de atención y cuidado a niñas y niños menores de 4 años de edad durante el gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador en México. Se analizan los motivos detrás de los cambios propuestos y los efectos sociales esperados en la decisión de eliminar el Programa de Estancias Infantiles y sustituirlo por el Programa de Apoyo al Bienestar de Niñas y Niños Hijos de Madres Trabajadoras. Se destaca la importancia de reorganizar los servicios y establecer un sistema integral de cuidado infantil; coordinar las estrategias para responder a la diversidad y reducir inequidad; realizar procesos de monitoreo y evaluación para saber cómo utilizan el dinero transferido las familias, e incrementar el presupuesto para este rango de edad.
Resumen es: El discurso sobre la calidad no corresponde a la realidad en programas de atencion a ... more Resumen es: El discurso sobre la calidad no corresponde a la realidad en programas de atencion a la infancia en America Latina. Muchos programas aparecen de baja ca...
Cardiac hepatopathy, hepatic injury caused by cardiac dysfunction, is a common entity but has bee... more Cardiac hepatopathy, hepatic injury caused by cardiac dysfunction, is a common entity but has been characterized incompletely, particularly the relationship between hemodynamics and his-tology. We aimed to describe the clinical, biochemical, hemodynamic, and histologic ...
If children are to benefit from a healthy, supportive early childhood experience, it is important... more If children are to benefit from a healthy, supportive early childhood experience, it is important to strengthen transitions between early childhood experiences in educational and care settings and the more formal educational system. This issue of Coordinator's Notebook focuses on strengthening linkages and transitions between home, preschool, and primary school. The journal is divided into five sections. "Removing Roadblocks to Success: Transitions and Linkages between Home, Preschool, and Primary School" (Robert G. Myers) examines several approaches in which transitions between early childhood experiences and schooling can be supported and linkages built between home, care settings, and schools to strengthen children's ability to thrive as they move out into the world. "Diagnosis and Solutions: Efforts to Address Transitions and Linkages in Diverse Countries" (Judith L. Evans) describes activities to strengthen linkages and transitions in Kenya, Indonesi...
The opinions expressed and arguments employed in this article are the sole responsibility of the ... more The opinions expressed and arguments employed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily re#ect those of the OECD or of the governments of its Member countries.
We study two recent conjectures for holographic complexity: the complex-ity=action conjecture and... more We study two recent conjectures for holographic complexity: the complex-ity=action conjecture and the complexity=volume conjecture. In particular, we examine the structure of the UV divergences appearing in these quantities, and show that the coefficients can be written as local integrals of geometric quantities in the boundary. We also consider extending these conjectures to evaluate the complexity of the mixed state produced by reducing the pure global state to a specific subregion of the boundary time slice. The UV divergences in this subregion complexity have a similar geometric structure, but there are also new divergences associated with the geometry of the surface enclosing the boundary region of interest. We discuss possible implications arising from the geometric nature of these UV divergences.
Robert Myers est coordinateur du Groupe consultatif sur la protection et le développement des jeu... more Robert Myers est coordinateur du Groupe consultatif sur la protection et le développement des jeunes enfants, à New Yo r k. Chercheur et homme de terrain expérimenté, il a travaillé avec la Fondation Ford et l'UNICEF. Il est actuellement membre du Groupe de conseillers scientifiques pour le Projet de l'UNESCO sur le Jeune enfant et le milieu familial. Dans ces travaux, Robert Myers exhorte à ne pas dissocier la lutte pour sauver la vie des enfants et les efforts déployés pour donner un sens à cette vie. Son livre, The Twelve Who Survive, brosse un tableau détaillé des programmes consacrés aux jeunes enfants dans les pays en développement. Il a été publié chez Routledge (Londres) en 1992. L'auteur est responsable du choix et de la présentation des faits contenus dans cet ouvrage ainsi que des opinions exprimées, qui ne sont pas nécessairement celles de l'UNESCO et n'engagent nullement I 'Organisation. Pour obtenir d'autres exemplaires de cet ouvrage, écrire à l'adresse suivante: Projet sur le Jeune enfant et le milieu familial,
El documento se inicia con una descripción del contexto político y educativo bajo el cual se orig... more El documento se inicia con una descripción del contexto político y educativo bajo el cual se origina el debate sobre los estándares y la evaluación docente en México, para comprender los factores que están detrás de las diferentes propuestas para la evaluación docente, las razones que guían el proceso de toma de decisiones y los posicionamientos de los diferentes actores en relación a cada una estas. Luego los autores abordan ciertas diferencias conceptuales que, en su opinión, complican el debate en esta materia. A continuación discuten sobre los estándares de facto que rigen actualmente la práctica y la evaluación docente en el país, revisan las principales propuestas aparecidas últimamente en este campo, y hacen un análisis prospectivo de los usos e impactos que se producirán si se aplican esas propuestas.
An accumulation of research across hundreds of studies shows the benefits of quality early childh... more An accumulation of research across hundreds of studies shows the benefits of quality early childhood care and education for children’s later learning, school success and social development. In recognition of the value of providing early learning opportunities, many nations have expanded early childhood care and education in recent years. Mexico provides an interesting case in which expansion of early childhood
Prepared as a contribution to the Uorld Summit for Children organized by the United Nations in Ne... more Prepared as a contribution to the Uorld Summit for Children organized by the United Nations in New York in September 19'40, this report highlights and promotes commitment at the highegt political level for goals and strategies that ensure the survival, protection, and development of children. As part of the process of looking beyond survival and of working toward a "fair start" for children, this document offers the following: (1) a straightforward presentation of what is meant by child development, distinguishing it from child survival and growth and linking it to the concept of child care; (2) a rationale for investing in programs of early childhood care and development; (3) a brief description of the evolution of child care and development programs and a sketch of the current configuration of institutionalized programs, with special attention given to changes occurring since 1979 when the International Year of the Child (IYC) was celebrated; (4) a programming framework in three dimensions, combining stages of child development with five complementary program approaches and with a set of program guidelines; (5) brief descriptions of several programs from various countries that illustrate different ways to support and enhance early childhood development; and (6) some conclusions about what needs to be done to increase investment and to move child care and development programs from rhetoric to reality. References are included with each section except the introduction. (TJQ)
This digest issues a call to make good on the rhetoric of "integrated attention to the whole chil... more This digest issues a call to make good on the rhetoric of "integrated attention to the whole child" and provides some suggestions about how that might be done, beginning with combined interventions aimed at improving the nutritional status and the psychosocial development of the young child. After an introductory chapter that provides a summary of thp argument, the problem is discussed in Chapter II in terms of the rhetoric of integrated attention, forms of Integration, and underestimation of the importance of combined, or coordinated, actions among agencies. Chapter III defines child development and offers a multi-dimensional rationale for attending to developmental concerns. Chapter IV discusses the impact of nutrition on development in terms of the relevant research base and implications for programming. Chapter V offers guidelines for intervention. Chapters VI and VII discuss ways of incorporating psychosocial development into, respectively, nutrition plans and programs and nutrition manuals. Chapters VIII and Ix illustrate holistic approaches with examples of programs in Northeast Thailand and in India, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, and Jamaica. An appendix describes Mosley and Chen's analytical framework for the study of child survival in developing countries, indicates why the model is particularly important, and suggests a revised model that incorporates the idea of development. Fifty-five references are included. (RH) keproductiorL upplied by EDRS are the test that can be made
Two areas of social action in developing nations that have received attention in the last decade ... more Two areas of social action in developing nations that have received attention in the last decade are the survival and healthy development of children, and the social and economic well-being of women. In both areas, there has been concern about the relation between women's work and child welfare, but from two different points or view. One view comes from the Women-in-Development (WID) community. Focussing primarily on women's productive roles, WID programs tend either to downplay women's child care responsibilities or to assume that adequate substitute child care is available. They are also likely to assume that children will benefit from women's increased earnings and from the greater control by women over the use of resources that women's work can bring. Another view is typical of policy makers and researchers concerned with child health, nutrition, and development who assume that women should devote themselves primarily to their reproductive and child care roles and that they are available to do so. A corollary is that if women take on a productive role, particularly one outside the home, the welfare of children will suffer. Often, there is little recognition of the additional burdens child survival and development programs may place on women. Or, there is an assumption that seemingly minor burdens will result in longer-term benefits for women through savings of time and money associated with reduced child illness. These summaries of background papers and discussion examine available research evidence related to the above propositions, and report program and policy implications. (Author/RR)
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for discussing issues associated with the pr... more The main purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for discussing issues associated with the process of "going to scale" with programs of early childhood development. "Going to Scale" programs are described as those that attempt to reach as many potential beneficiaries as possible at a regional, national, or even worldwide level. The first section of the paper summarizes results from three analyses of successful projects and programs in an attempt to identify barriers to scale and to specify conditions, characteristics, strategies and processes accompanying successful programs. The second section examines advantages and drawbacks of three broad approaches to achieving scale, while the third section draws implications for child development programs from the preceding two sections. The final section discusses costs, organizational issues, the role of communications, evaluation, and some options for international organizations as they consider ways to increase the coverage and impact of early childhood development programs. (HOD)
Revista latinoamericana de estudios educativos, Nov 2, 2023
Taking advantage of his extensive experience in research and promotion work in the field of pre-p... more Taking advantage of his extensive experience in research and promotion work in the field of pre-primary education, or Early Education (EE), the author reviews the contributions to this field by the Center for Educational Studies (CES) throughout its 60 years of existence. The text is divided into four parts, which correspond to the anniversaries of 10, 25, 50, and 60 years of the CES. In each part, the publications on the subject are identified, including in the first years, Monthly Bulletins, Monographic Studies, and Dissemination Brochures, and in all periods books and articles published in the CES Journal and later in the Latin American Journal of Educational Studies. In each section, the author comments on what he found. The relationship between the number of CES publications on EE at each stage and the importance that the topic was taking internationally and in Mexico can be identified. The text concludes with an overall appreciation of CES's contributions and suggestions for the future.
I have written several books and published many papers, articles, etc. If you would like to have... more I have written several books and published many papers, articles, etc. If you would like to have a listing of those publications and advise people where they can download the works they can consult my webpage:
Este artículo pretende enriquecer el debate académico y político en torno a la política pública d... more Este artículo pretende enriquecer el debate académico y político en torno a la política pública de atención y cuidado a niñas y niños menores de 4 años de edad durante el gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador en México. Se analizan los motivos detrás de los cambios propuestos y los efectos sociales esperados en la decisión de eliminar el Programa de Estancias Infantiles y sustituirlo por el Programa de Apoyo al Bienestar de Niñas y Niños Hijos de Madres Trabajadoras. Se destaca la importancia de reorganizar los servicios y establecer un sistema integral de cuidado infantil; coordinar las estrategias para responder a la diversidad y reducir inequidad; realizar procesos de monitoreo y evaluación para saber cómo utilizan el dinero transferido las familias, e incrementar el presupuesto para este rango de edad.
Resumen es: El discurso sobre la calidad no corresponde a la realidad en programas de atencion a ... more Resumen es: El discurso sobre la calidad no corresponde a la realidad en programas de atencion a la infancia en America Latina. Muchos programas aparecen de baja ca...
Cardiac hepatopathy, hepatic injury caused by cardiac dysfunction, is a common entity but has bee... more Cardiac hepatopathy, hepatic injury caused by cardiac dysfunction, is a common entity but has been characterized incompletely, particularly the relationship between hemodynamics and his-tology. We aimed to describe the clinical, biochemical, hemodynamic, and histologic ...
If children are to benefit from a healthy, supportive early childhood experience, it is important... more If children are to benefit from a healthy, supportive early childhood experience, it is important to strengthen transitions between early childhood experiences in educational and care settings and the more formal educational system. This issue of Coordinator's Notebook focuses on strengthening linkages and transitions between home, preschool, and primary school. The journal is divided into five sections. "Removing Roadblocks to Success: Transitions and Linkages between Home, Preschool, and Primary School" (Robert G. Myers) examines several approaches in which transitions between early childhood experiences and schooling can be supported and linkages built between home, care settings, and schools to strengthen children's ability to thrive as they move out into the world. "Diagnosis and Solutions: Efforts to Address Transitions and Linkages in Diverse Countries" (Judith L. Evans) describes activities to strengthen linkages and transitions in Kenya, Indonesi...
The opinions expressed and arguments employed in this article are the sole responsibility of the ... more The opinions expressed and arguments employed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily re#ect those of the OECD or of the governments of its Member countries.
We study two recent conjectures for holographic complexity: the complex-ity=action conjecture and... more We study two recent conjectures for holographic complexity: the complex-ity=action conjecture and the complexity=volume conjecture. In particular, we examine the structure of the UV divergences appearing in these quantities, and show that the coefficients can be written as local integrals of geometric quantities in the boundary. We also consider extending these conjectures to evaluate the complexity of the mixed state produced by reducing the pure global state to a specific subregion of the boundary time slice. The UV divergences in this subregion complexity have a similar geometric structure, but there are also new divergences associated with the geometry of the surface enclosing the boundary region of interest. We discuss possible implications arising from the geometric nature of these UV divergences.
Robert Myers est coordinateur du Groupe consultatif sur la protection et le développement des jeu... more Robert Myers est coordinateur du Groupe consultatif sur la protection et le développement des jeunes enfants, à New Yo r k. Chercheur et homme de terrain expérimenté, il a travaillé avec la Fondation Ford et l'UNICEF. Il est actuellement membre du Groupe de conseillers scientifiques pour le Projet de l'UNESCO sur le Jeune enfant et le milieu familial. Dans ces travaux, Robert Myers exhorte à ne pas dissocier la lutte pour sauver la vie des enfants et les efforts déployés pour donner un sens à cette vie. Son livre, The Twelve Who Survive, brosse un tableau détaillé des programmes consacrés aux jeunes enfants dans les pays en développement. Il a été publié chez Routledge (Londres) en 1992. L'auteur est responsable du choix et de la présentation des faits contenus dans cet ouvrage ainsi que des opinions exprimées, qui ne sont pas nécessairement celles de l'UNESCO et n'engagent nullement I 'Organisation. Pour obtenir d'autres exemplaires de cet ouvrage, écrire à l'adresse suivante: Projet sur le Jeune enfant et le milieu familial,
El documento se inicia con una descripción del contexto político y educativo bajo el cual se orig... more El documento se inicia con una descripción del contexto político y educativo bajo el cual se origina el debate sobre los estándares y la evaluación docente en México, para comprender los factores que están detrás de las diferentes propuestas para la evaluación docente, las razones que guían el proceso de toma de decisiones y los posicionamientos de los diferentes actores en relación a cada una estas. Luego los autores abordan ciertas diferencias conceptuales que, en su opinión, complican el debate en esta materia. A continuación discuten sobre los estándares de facto que rigen actualmente la práctica y la evaluación docente en el país, revisan las principales propuestas aparecidas últimamente en este campo, y hacen un análisis prospectivo de los usos e impactos que se producirán si se aplican esas propuestas.
An accumulation of research across hundreds of studies shows the benefits of quality early childh... more An accumulation of research across hundreds of studies shows the benefits of quality early childhood care and education for children’s later learning, school success and social development. In recognition of the value of providing early learning opportunities, many nations have expanded early childhood care and education in recent years. Mexico provides an interesting case in which expansion of early childhood
Papers by Robert Myers
Robert G. Myers
Robert G. Myers