Papers by Robert Landeros
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2001
Outlines the total quality management approach used to develop and sustain an undergraduate curri... more Outlines the total quality management approach used to develop and sustain an undergraduate curriculum in supply management. Illustrates the importance of identifying the primary customer, and using the customer’s needs as the foundation for a curriculum. Examines the importance of empowering faculty and students to create leadership and advance the curriculum. Finally, discusses ways in which faculty, students and business
American Journal of Business, 2000
This study develops an integrated theory about how Total Quality Management (TQM) based capabilit... more This study develops an integrated theory about how Total Quality Management (TQM) based capabilities can be leveraged for Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing (ERM). It suggests that efforts should be coordinated to take advantage of the potential synergies between TQM and ERM. The means for capturing these synergies might be accomplished by using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) framework. The

International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 1995
ABSTRACT Partnerships between industrial buyers and industrial sellers are becoming more common i... more ABSTRACT Partnerships between industrial buyers and industrial sellers are becoming more common in the United States. However, evidence suggests that many of these relationships do not reach their full potential because of actions taken or not taken by the partners. While some partnerships are doomed to failure from the beginning, many fail because the partners do not have a process established to maintain the relationship.This article offers a model for developing and maintaining buyer-supplier partnerships. The development portion of the model consists of four stages: (1) buyer's expectations, (2) seller's perceptions, (3) mutual understanding and commitment, and (4) performance activity. However, certain problems in the performance activity stage can place the relationship in jeopardy and move the partnership to another stage: (5) corrective action. The model continues by illustrating three approaches to mitigate these performance problems and bring stability back to the relationship: (1) operational unilateral adjustment, (2) operational bilateral adjustment, and (3) managerial bilateral adjustment. The key to a stable, mutually beneficial buyer-supplier partnership over time is understanding how problems may enter a relationship and how they can best be eliminated.
International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 1994
ABSTRACT The practice of relying solely on a supplier's direct labor as the basis for all... more ABSTRACT The practice of relying solely on a supplier's direct labor as the basis for allocating indirect costs may be questionable in many cases, as suppliers continue to automate their production systems. In this article, regression analysis is presented as a technique for evaluating the appropriateness of the indirect cost allocation mechanism used by suppliers. Detailed information about a supplier's production activities is used to systematically evaluate the indirect cost drivers, allocation rates, and their appropriateness. This analytical tool can also be used to provide information for the construction of a new indirect cost allocation mechanism for counterproposals.

International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 1994
ABSTRACT Dieser Artikel ermittelt die Wertvorstellungen mit Hintergrund einiger moralischer Überl... more ABSTRACT Dieser Artikel ermittelt die Wertvorstellungen mit Hintergrund einiger moralischer Überlegungen bei Entscheidungen des Lieferantenmanagement. Sieben Wertvorstellungen wurden an fünf Vorgängen untersucht, in denen Teilnehmer an der Studie Entscheidungen fällten und ihre Grande beschrieben. Die Studie ergab, daβ die Teilnehmer, überwiegend angestellte Einkäufer bei Herstellern im mittleren Westen, ihre Entscheidungen haupt-sächlich mit Wertvorstellungen wie z.B. professioneller Verant-wortung, Uneigennützigkeit, Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit begründeten—seltener jedoch mit Werten wie Unabhängigkeit, Vertraulichkeit oder Schadensverhütung.Die Untersuchung zeigte auch, dafβ ein unterschiedliches Anwendungsmuster für die Wertvorstellungen verantwortlich war, die von der Art der problematischen Einkaufssituation abhing, mit der der Einkäufer konfrontiert war. Auβerdem legen die Unter-suchungsergebnisse nahe, daβ die Befragten moralischer handelten als in früheren Studien berichtet wurde. Und letztlich zeigen die von den Befragten gewählten Wertvorstellungen, daβ Einkäufer gut in kooperativen Käufer-Lieferanten Beziehungen arbeiten können, bei Bedarf ein Gesamtkostenkonzept anwen-den und sich dem Einfluβ ihrer Aktionen auf die Wettbewerbs-stellung ihrer Firma bewuβt sind.
The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2006
... Diversity in organizations is one of many challenges confronting firms in dynamic business en... more ... Diversity in organizations is one of many challenges confronting firms in dynamic business environments. Adroitly managing diversity has become a prominent issue in management theory and business practice (Pless and Maak 2004). ...

Journal of Business Ethics, 1996
The primary purpose of this study was to assess the ethics of purchasing management professionals... more The primary purpose of this study was to assess the ethics of purchasing management professionals. A multidimensional scale of ethics was used to measure their predispositions to act morally. The ethics measure from this scale was correlated to a series of ethical vignettes specific to the purchasing function to further assess the value of the scale. In addition, the consistency of values as rationale for decision making was also examined. The findings of the study indicate that purchasing professionals appear to be more ethical than indicated in previous studies as measured by both the multidimensional scale of ethics and their responses to ethical situations similar to those faced in their day-to-day work experiences. The utility of a multidimensional scale of ethics is further validated, and some preliminary assessments of the nature of values impacting on ethical decision making are also evaluated.
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 1995
The role of engineering is changing, many firms operate in a team environment. In response to thi... more The role of engineering is changing, many firms operate in a team environment. In response to this change, a computer simulation game was developed which integrated engineering and business students. ... Harms, C., 1988. The Swift Shoe Company. , Irwin, Homewood, IL.

Business Strategy and the Environment, 2008
This study addresses one of the major perceived barriers to total quality environmental managemen... more This study addresses one of the major perceived barriers to total quality environmental management (TQEM): cost measurement. Operations managers have difficulty assessing the impact of TQEM programs because of the lack of appropriate measures. In order for TQEM to be given serious consideration, a cost framework is required for evaluating TQEM by appropriately including all the environmental costs and savings for each investment option. At present, frameworks such as life-cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental cost accounting (ECA) exist, but they have both been recognized as too difficult to implement at the plant level among operations managers. This study focuses on identifying and formulating a set of easy-to-use quantitative cost measures. The structure of these measures is taken from the operations management (OM) literature itself, and specifically the total quality management (TQM) and cost of quality (COQ) frameworks developed by Joseph Juran. However, an empirical examination of this remains untested. The findings of this study provide an important foundation for theory development and set the stage for further research in this burgeoning field of TQEM.
Production and Operations Management, 2009
... Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing ... more ... Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Operations Management Journal of Operations Research Society Journal of Quality Technology Journal of Small Business Management Long-Range ...
Papers by Robert Landeros