Papers by Robert E. Lerner
This note provides an edition of the Latin text of a quodlibet by the Parisian master Peter of Au... more This note provides an edition of the Latin text of a quodlibet by the Parisian master Peter of Auvergne concerning the knowledge of angels about the coming of Antichrist. The introduction to the edition argues that this quodlibet was not made in response to Arnald of Villanova's De tempore adventus Antichristi. Rather, it is best understood as a hypothetical inquiry regarding the ability of angels to communicate revelation to human beings.
Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
If a diary of a prominent late-medieval religious figure were to be discovered that revealed his ... more If a diary of a prominent late-medieval religious figure were to be discovered that revealed his thoughts about the present and the future, such a discovery would seem to be too good to be true. But if labeled differently, such a document does exist: not a diary, but a prophetic commentary. The commentary by the fourteenth-century Augustinian friar Gentile of Foligno on the prophecy “Ve mundo in centum annis,” has never been the subject of sustained attention. Consequently the following presentation aims to examine it carefully within the context of the author's career and to show how it reveals some intriguing working habits as well as Gentile's firm hopes for the advent of angelic popes and ecclesiastical renewal.
The American Historical Review
Llengua I Literatura Revista Anual De La Societat Catalana De Llengua I Literatura, 2006
... A més a més, per tal de guanyar-se la Robert E. Lerner 20 33. ... Hi van morir dues-centes ci... more ... A més a més, per tal de guanyar-se la Robert E. Lerner 20 33. ... Hi van morir dues-centes cinquanta persones. Al final d'any els jueus, aterrits, s'agrupaven per a refugiar-se entre aquells que estiguessin disposats a acollir-los. ...
Oliviana Mouvements Et Dissidences Spirituels Xiiie Xive Siecles, Apr 1, 2009
Groupe d'anthropologie scolastique (Centre de recherches historiques-EHESS-CNRS)
Rivista Di Storia Della Chiesa in Italia, 2007
Times Literary Supplement Tls, 2002
... Biblical poetics before humanism and reformation / by Christopher Ocker. ... This was, for th... more ... Biblical poetics before humanism and reformation / by Christopher Ocker. ... This was, for theologians, a first step toward the equalization of Bible and poetry, even though it happened in ... Instead, I am interested in a new kind of biblical textuality, a textuality that emerged in the late ...
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2002
Times Literary Supplement Tls, 2002
Modern Philology, 1968
... Their comrades will be "swesters, bag-hinen, lollaerde" (sisters, Beguines, and Lol... more ... Their comrades will be "swesters, bag-hinen, lollaerde" (sisters, Beguines, and Lollards). ... As frequent as the references to Ever-hardini are in medieval documents, refer-ences to "sisters,Beguines, and Lollards" -the comrades of Broeder Everaet-are even more copious. ...

Speculum, 2009
the natural and the supernatural in the middle ages How did people of the mediaeval period explai... more the natural and the supernatural in the middle ages How did people of the mediaeval period explain physical phenomena, such as eclipses or the distribution of land and water on the globe? What creatures did they think they might encounter: angels, devils, witches, dogheaded people? This fascinating book explores the ways in which mediaeval people categorized the world, concentrating on the division between the natural and the supernatural and showing how the idea of the supernatural came to be invented in the Middle Ages. Robert Bartlett examines how theologians and others sought to draw lines between the natural, the miraculous, the marvelous, and the monstrous and the many conceptual problems they encountered as they did so. The final chapter explores the extraordinary thought-world of Roger Bacon as a case study exemplifying these issues. By recovering the mentalities of mediaeval writers and thinkers, the book raises the critical question of how we deal with beliefs we no longer share.
Mediaeval Studies, 1980
... On some of Innocent's other uses of the Melchisedech image, Pennington, ibid., 6... more ... On some of Innocent's other uses of the Melchisedech image, Pennington, ibid., 65 n. 49. ... non improbavit, sed approbando commendavi!' The passage is also cited in Grundmann, 'Dante und Joachim von Fiore', Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch 14 (1932) 210-56 (250), reprinted in ...
Papers by Robert E. Lerner