Papers by Rizqi Apriani Putri

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
Pemberdayaan gender merupakan sebuah rekonstruksi dalam kesetaraan sebuah aktivitas dilingkungan ... more Pemberdayaan gender merupakan sebuah rekonstruksi dalam kesetaraan sebuah aktivitas dilingkungan yang beorientasi terhadap kehidupan sosial dalam kehidupan individu maupun kelompok yang berfokus pada sebuah partisipasi publik pada sektor politik ekonomi dan kepemimpinan. Tulisan ini berfokus pada kondisi atau fenomena gender di Kota Tanjungpinang yang menunjukkan angka tertinggi di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau ditengah pandemi COVID-19 tahun 2020. Adapun metode yang dilakukan peneliti berupa kajian kepustakaan secara kualitatif dengan mengunakan data sekunder yaitu pemberitaan, laporan, dokumen yang dianalisis secara mendalam mengunakan model logika dan model pengembangan penjelasan sesuai dengan studi kasus yang ada. Hasil menunjukan bahwa pemberdayaan gender berpengaruh pada dimensi keterwakilan parlemen, pengambilan keputusan, serta distribusi pendapatan sangat mempengaruhi pada kondisi sistem pemerintahan Kota Tanjungpinang. Artinya pemberdayaan gender mempunyai kesadaran tingkat ind...

The United States's economy crisis because of housing subprime mortgage cause decrease of eco... more The United States's economy crisis because of housing subprime mortgage cause decrease of economy world 2008 that still continues until 2009. For the developed countries and emerging markets, this situation can damage economy fundamnetal and trigger economy crisis. the rubber cause becomes research object, first rubber becomes one of export commodity that gives chance to Indonesian for expanding the market. Second, rubber is the biggest donation from agriculture sector. Third, rubber is one of important farm commodity, both as income source, job chance and devisa, economy development for new centrals in surrounding and evironment and natural resources and as country with the biggest area and the second production in the world.The research methode that is used by the writer is the analyze descriptive methode. It is research methode that is used to describe sistematicaly a moment or problem that become study topic sistematicaly and rely on analyze against the events from consequen...

Journal of Islamic World and Politics, 2019
Batam merupakan salah satu daerah di Kepulauan Riau. Berdasarkan letak geografis, Batam berbatasa... more Batam merupakan salah satu daerah di Kepulauan Riau. Berdasarkan letak geografis, Batam berbatasan langsung dengan negara tetangga yaitu Malaysia dan Sngapura yang memiliki keistimewaan sendiri dibandingkan daerah sekitarnya, dan dilewati oleh jalur perdagangan Internasional. Sehingga, Batam dijadikan salah satu daerah Free Trade Zone (FTZ) untuk investasi asing dan berdaya saing tinggi. Konsep dari FTZ ini berfokus terhadap sektor ekspor industri, membuka lapangan pekerjaan dan mengembangkan industri lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori liberalisme, teori efektivitas, dan paradiplomasi. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menentukan efektivitas dari pemerintahan Free Trade Zone (FTZ) paradiplomasi di daerah Batam. Metode penelitian kombinasi, metode kuantitatif digunakan dalam pengkodean untuk mendeteksi dalam konten analisis dan metode kualitatif, library research seperti buku, artikel, jurnal, peraturan. Hasil penelitian, kebijakan baru pemerintah Indonesia dari sentalisasi menjadi desentralisasi. Pemerintah pusat memberikan kewenangan pemerintah daerah untuk mengelola wilayah sendiri salah satunya Batam. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 5 tahun 2011 tentang area bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Batam untuk zona bebas perdagangan (FTZ) daerah Batam. FTZ Batam berlaku 70 Tahun. Namun, beberapa peraturan yang mengatur FTZ di Batam masih terjadi dalam ketidakkonsistenan dilihat dari beberapa indikator yang diteliti.
Journal of Islamic World and Politics, 2018
Combating terrorism is one of the foreign policy of the United States (US). The Islamic State of ... more Combating terrorism is one of the foreign policy of the United States (US). The Islamic State of Iraq and The Levant (ISIL) or The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is one of the movement deemed terrorists and has disturbed world peace. Ultimately the US decided to intervene to deal with the frequent acts of terror by ISIS which resulted in gross human rights violations. This article aims to find out how the US intervention to combat human rights abuses and acts of terror that have been done by ISIS. The research method which was used in this research is library research method, such as books, articles, journals, and various media which were relevant to this research.

Journal of Public Policy and Administration
Local communities are an inseparable part of tourism destinations. The integration of local commu... more Local communities are an inseparable part of tourism destinations. The integration of local communities in the planning and development of tourism destinations is intended to ensure that local communities have the space and opportunity to participate in the tourism planning process. The integration framework starts with a basic understanding of tourism destinations. Community-based tourism is tourism development with a high level of local community involvement and can be accounted for from social and environmental aspects. Usually, the community's main source of income remains as before, for example from agriculture, plantations, or fishing. It is hoped that the income from the tourism sector can be an added value in gaining the economy amid the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The main objective of this research is to examine and identify the potential for developing community-based creative tourism in Bintan. The process of data analysis includes understanding and compiling primary and secondary data that have been obtained methodically. The findings of the analysis and interpretation of this research data are used to develop the concept of community-based creative tourism in Bintan based on the city's potential to create creative zones centered on seven creative industries. in Bintan with the idea of sustainability and community empowerment to attract visitors, especially tourists from Singapore, due to Bintan's proximity and strategic position to Singapore. Of course, this is an opportunity that must be exploited in terms of attracting international visitors to Singapore as well as domestic tourists. At the same time, it is projected to increase tourist visits to Indonesia, especially to Bintan.
Papers by Rizqi Apriani Putri