Papers by Rizky Indrawan Nasution

Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2016
Marginal land in Indonesia is potential for agribusiness development, but it has not been well ma... more Marginal land in Indonesia is potential for agribusiness development, but it has not been well managed. At present, 17.1 million hectares or 22.8 percent of dry-land areas are cultivated for agriculture. Objectives of this research were to analyze the factors affecting: (1) perceptions of farmers towards extension, (2) farmers' perceptions on innovation characteristics, and (3) farmers' decision in adopting the technology. The research used an explanatory survey method. Units of analysis were individuals, and the sample farmers were the respondents. The population in this study was all farmers in the villages of the districts of Talaga (Cianjur Regency) and Jatiwangi (Garut Regency). Number of samples was determined using Slovin's formula with total samples of 302 respondents. Sampling method of this research employed that of stratified random. Data were collected from December 2008 to March 2009. Analyses of the data consisted of: (1) descriptive data analysis, i.e. frequency distribution and Odds ratio, and (2) inferential data analysis, i.e. Pearson correlation, multiple regression, and path analysis. Results of the study showed that: (1) Factors influencing the perception of adopting-farmers toward extension were mobility, intelligence, and risk-taking levels, and cooperation, while those for non-adopting farmers were purchasing power, cooperation, exposure to the media, and availability of financial facilities; (2) Factors influencing the perception of adoptingfarmers' on innovation characteristics were income level, land use, attitude toward change, competence and role of extension agents, while those for non-adopting farmers were intelligence, risk-taking, cosmopolite levels, inputs availability, and marketing facilities; (3) Factors affecting farmers' decisions to adopt technology for adoptingfarmers were relative advantage, compatibility of technology, and their perceptions on media influence/interpersonal information, while those for non-adopting farmers were conformity and complexity of technology, and their perceptions on media influence/ interpersonal information.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan dan hambatan restrukturisasi kredit... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan dan hambatan restrukturisasi kredit sebagai upaya penyelamatan kredit bermasalah serta kedudukan dan akibat hukum jaminan dalam pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit di BRI Cabang Karanganyar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif dengan model interaktif serta interpretasi terhadap hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit di BRI Cabang Karanganyar melalui beberapa tahap yaitu: prakarsa restrukturisasi, negosiasi yang didokumentasikan, analisis dan evaluasi, putusan restrukturisasi kredit, pembuatan perjanjian restrukturisasi kredit, dokumentasi kredit serta monitoring dan pengawasan. Pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit tergantung pada kasus kredit bermasalah dan jenis restrukturisasi yang digunakan. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit adalah perbedaan pendapat pada tahap negosiasi, upaya yang dilakukan yaitu kreditur melakukan pendekatan berdasarkan kewenangannya secara intensif dan kekeluargaan dengan debitur dalam bernegosiasi. Kedudukan jaminan dalam pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit yaitu dapat berubah ataupun tetap sesuai dengan jenis restrukturisasi kredit. Akibat hukum dari pengikatan jaminan dalam restrukturisasi kredit bagi debitur yaitu debitur tidak dapat melakukan perbuatan hukum apapun terhadap jaminan, sedangkan bagi kreditur yaitu kreditur berkedudukan sebagai kreditur preferen yang memiliki hak-hak khusus terhadap jaminan yaitu hak preferent, hak droit de suite, dan hak retensi. Kata kunci : jaminan, restrukturisasi kredit, kredit bermasalah

Marginal land in Indonesia is potential for agribusiness development, but it has not been well ma... more Marginal land in Indonesia is potential for agribusiness development, but it has not been well managed. At present, 17.1 million hectares or 22.8 percent of dry-land areas are cultivated for agriculture. Objectives of this research were to analyze the factors affecting: (1) perceptions of farmers towards extension, (2) farmers' perceptions on innovation characteristics, and (3) farmers' decision in adopting the technology. The research used an explanatory survey method. Units of analysis were individuals, and the sample farmers were the respondents. The population in this study was all farmers in the villages of the districts of Talaga (Cianjur Regency) and Jatiwangi (Garut Regency). Number of samples was determined using Slovin's formula with total samples of 302 respondents. Sampling method of this research employed that of stratified random. Data were collected from December 2008 to March 2009. Analyses of the data consisted of: (1) descriptive data analysis, i.e. frequency distribution and Odds ratio, and (2) inferential data analysis, i.e. Pearson correlation, multiple regression, and path analysis. Results of the study showed that: (1) Factors influencing the perception of adopting-farmers toward extension were mobility, intelligence, and risk-taking levels, and cooperation, while those for non-adopting farmers were purchasing power, cooperation, exposure to the media, and availability of financial facilities; (2) Factors influencing the perception of adopting-farmers' on innovation characteristics were income level, land use, attitude toward change, competence and role of extension agents, while those for non-adopting farmers were intelligence, risk-taking, cosmopolite levels, inputs availability, and marketing facilities; (3) Factors affecting farmers' decisions to adopt technology for adopting-farmers were relative advantage, compatibility of technology, and their perceptions on media influence/interpersonal information, while those for non-adopting farmers were conformity and complexity of technology, and their perceptions on media influence/ interpersonal information. ABSTRAK Indonesia memiliki potensi lahan pertanian marjinal untuk pengembangan agribisnis, namun belum dimanfaatkan dan dikelola dengan baik. Saat ini 17,1 juta hektar atau 22,8 persen dari lahan kering tersebut dibudidayakan untuk pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengkaji persepsi petani terhadap penyuluhan dan
Papers by Rizky Indrawan Nasution