Papers by Riza multazam luthfy

This paper aims to determine the supervision of the Village Government in the mechanism of checks... more This paper aims to determine the supervision of the Village Government in the mechanism of checks and balances of Village Government post-reform. Based on a critical review of Law No. 22/1999 concerning Regional Government, Law No. 32/2004 concerning Regional Government, and Law No. 6/2014 concerning the Village, it can be concluded that the supervision of the village government as an effort to realize the mechanism of checks and balances of the Village Government after the reform has experienced ups and downs. In Law No. 22/1999, this supervision was not optimal. This can be seen from: (1) the transparency of the report on the implementation of the Village Government by the Village Government does not touch the stakeholders (community) (2) There are no provisions regarding the dismissal of village officials. In Law No. 32/2004, supervision of the Village Government is still stagnant. This is because: (1) Village legislatures are not provided with a control function over the Village...
Sakina Journal of Family Studies, Nov 15, 2023

Buku ini menyajikan hal-hal fundamental berkaitan dengan sistem pemerintahan dengan fokus kajian ... more Buku ini menyajikan hal-hal fundamental berkaitan dengan sistem pemerintahan dengan fokus kajian federalisme di Amerika Serikat dan otonomi daerah di Indonesia. Dalam catatan sejarah, negara Indonesia pernah menerapkan sistem pemerintahan federal, namun tidak lama setelah itu beralih ke negara kesatuan. Nampaknya, akhir-akhir ini penerapan desentralisasi sebagai konsekuensi negara kesatuan di Indonesia lebih bercorak federal. Prinsip otonomi seluas-luasnya, ketidaktegasan dalam sistem otonomi daerah dengan ajaran rumah tangga materiil (materiele huishoudingsleer) dan riil (riel huishoudingsbegrip), serta desentralisasi asimetris yang diberikan kepada daerah adalah sebagian ciri negara federal. Meskipun secara de jure Pasal 1 ayat (1) UUD 1945 tidak menyebutkan Indonesia adalah negara federal, akan tetapi secara de facto prinsip-prinsip federalisme sudah melekat secara signifikan dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan, sejarah hukum dan p...
The discussion about Village Regulation arrangements in legal products is closely related to theo... more The discussion about Village Regulation arrangements in legal products is closely related to theory of legal politics. The type of research used in this paper is normative law research with a statute approach and a historical approach. The researcher concludes that based on a legal politics review, there are differences in Village Regulation arrangements in legal products concerning the formation of statutory regulations. There are legal products that state Village Regulation explicitly in the types and hierarchies of statutory regulations. However, there are also legal products that mention it implicitly through the articles. In addition to it shows that the Village Regulation arrangements in legal products depends on the wishes of the compiler, the position of Village Regulation in the national legal system can also be seen from the regulation in legal products. If
Masalah-Masalah Hukum, Oct 16, 2019
The magnitude of the power of the village head since the New Order era was responded to by the is... more The magnitude of the power of the village head since the New Order era was responded to by the issuance of legislation concerning the village after the reformation by limiting his tenure. This paper analyzes the comparison of restrictions on the power of the village head through his tenure in Law No. 22/1999, Law No. 32/2004, and Law No. 6/2014. The author concludes that based on the law approach, the limitation has deteriorated especially in Law No. 6/2014. As for based on the constitutionalism approach, the norm regarding the permissibility of someone serving as the village head for three periods (18 years) in Law No. 6/2014 contradicts the direction of legal politics in the 1945 Constitution and is considered unconstitutional.
Papers by Riza multazam luthfy