Papers by Riza Zainuddin Ahmad
Paecilomyces lilacinus AND Verticillium chlamydosporium FUNGI AS BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FASCIOLOSI... more Paecilomyces lilacinus AND Verticillium chlamydosporium FUNGI AS BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FASCIOLOSIS Fasciolosis is a worm disease caused of Fasciola gigantica and an important problem in husbandry especially for cattle. Controlling of this worm disease can be conducted by prevention and treatment. The use of antihelminthic is commonly causes a resistance problem. Natural control by mold such as Paecilomyces lilacinus and Verticillium chlamydosporium can be applied to reduce egg of F. gigantica. Although it was recently found, in vitro study gave satisfied result. This gives a new hope in controlling the disease although the extend application still needs to be studied. This paper discussed about the use of P. lilacinus and V. chlamydosporium for reducing F. gigantica population.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
The Rotten fruits cause of great losses. The molds and other contaminant microbes are the causing... more The Rotten fruits cause of great losses. The molds and other contaminant microbes are the causing agent of rotten fruits. Snake fruit (Salacca zalacca (Gaernth) rotten fungi were found in the garden, market or during transportation to the market. The purpose of the experiment is to study the molds in rotten fruits at the three traditional fruit markets, Bogor, Depok and Jakarta. The mold from 122 fleshy up rotten snake fruits were isolated and identified. Colonies were grown for 3-7 days, at 25-30 o C on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) using direct isolation methods. Growth rate were observed every day. Molecular techniques were applied to confirm species identification. Morphology characteristics and DNA sequencing results showed that the isolates were Thielaviopsis paradoxa, (98.3%) and Thielaviopsis ethacetica (1.7%). The molds found in snake fruit from the garden and from the market were similar. Thielaviopsis paradoxa, is the main causes of snake fruit rotten agent in the fruit traditional markets and the initial occurrence of pollution is in the garden.
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
... Page 102. 96 REFERENCES Ahmad, RZ 1998. Pemakaian dua metode isolasi kapang nematofagus dari ... more ... Page 102. 96 REFERENCES Ahmad, RZ 1998. Pemakaian dua metode isolasi kapang nematofagus dari tanah di daerah Bogor. ... Hal 1027-1029. Ahmad, RZ 2001. Isolasi dan seleksi kapang nematofagus untuk pengendalian haemonchosis domba. Master Thesis. ...

Advances in biological sciences research, 2023
This study aims to determine the essential oils most effective in inhibiting the growth of pathog... more This study aims to determine the essential oils most effective in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi (mold and yeast) in animal feed ingredients. Comparisons were made to the essential oils made from the peel of 3 types of citrus fruits: Pomelo, Sweet orange, and Lime. The research was conducted in 2016 at the Medicinal Plants Research Center and the Bogor Veterinary Research Center. Essential oils of all three types of orange peel were obtained by distilling in water and steam. The effectiveness of fungal growth inhibition was determined using the agar plate dilution method by using the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) method. Furthermore, an analysis was carried out with a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometer (GC-MS) to determine the content of essential oils in each orange peel. Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., and Candida spp. were selected as representatives of the fungal pathogen test. It was revealed that the content of essential oils in each orange peel used differed. It was concluded the essential oil from the Lime peel had in its composition the most excellent antifungal properties compared to the Sweet orange and Pomelo.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for Health Research – BRIN (ICHR 2022), 2023
Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes are pathogenic fungi that could induce disease i... more Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes are pathogenic fungi that could induce disease in animal and human. Limited non-toxic antifungal and the presence of resistance are triggering the search for novel alternative. Antifungal peptides gain more interest since their native protein are very abundant and showed broad spectrum activity. This research was conducted to evaluate antifungal activity of goat, mare and soybean milks hydrolysate and their peptide fraction against Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Goat, mare and soybean milk proteins were hydrolyzed using Bacillus thuringiensis protease enzyme. Hydrolysate products were fractionated using molecular weight cut off membrane 30 kDa, 10 kDa, and 3 kDa. Each peptide fraction was assayed for antifungal activity against to Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The result showed hydrolysis of mare milk, goat milk produced bioactive peptides to Candida albicans but less effective to Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Generally, the peptide fractions derived from whole, casein and whey from mare milk showed higher antifungal activity compared to the peptide fraction derived from goat or soybean milk. Whole mare milk peptides fractions with molecular weight >3 kDa were very effective to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans compared to peptide fractions from goat's milk or soybean milk. Peptide fractions >3 kDa from mare casein and whey protein also showed high activity against to Candida albicans, while fractions <3 kDa was more active to inhibit Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the hydrolysates and their peptide fraction from whole milk, casein and whey from mare milk are very potent to be developed as antifungal.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for Health Research – BRIN (ICHR 2022), 2023
Dermatophytosis is a fungal infection of keratinized tissue (skin, hair, and nails) caused by thr... more Dermatophytosis is a fungal infection of keratinized tissue (skin, hair, and nails) caused by three genera of dermatophytes: Epidermophyton, Microsporum, and Trichophyton. Dermatophytosis is a zoonotic disease that easily spreads to other animals as well as to humans. Long treatment will give great loss not only to livestock but also to humans. Miconazole and sulfur are antifungals that have often been used to treat fungal-caused dermatophytosis. The purpose of this study was to obtain the composition of sulfur and miconazole combination which was effective in killing dermatophytes fungus. The fungus used was Trychophyton mentagrophytes. The antifungal doses used were single miconazole with a graded dose of 10mg/g, sulfur with a graded dose of 30 mg/g, and a combination of miconazole and sulfur. The test method used was the diffusion test to see the width of the inhibition zone and the dilution test (pour plate) to calculate the growth of the fungus. The concentration of fungus used for the test was 10 6 cfu/ml. Solutions of antifungal and fungus active ingredients were tested using Sabouraud Dextrose Agar media. The results of the in vitro test showed that the width of the inhibition zone on miconazole 10 mg/g was 35.2 mm (diffusion test) with 0 fungal growth (dilution test). Sulfur concentration 30 mg/g the inhibition zone was 4,83 mm (diffusion test) with 34 cfu/ml fungus growth (dilution test). In the combined of sulfur 7,5 mg/g and miconazole 5 mg/g, the width of the inhibition zone was 30.3 mm with the growth of fungus colonies is 0. Based on the results of the diffusion and dilution tests, the best combination composition between sulfur and miconazole was obtained at a concentration of 7,5 mg/g sulfur and 5 mg/g miconazole.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Tissue culture technology is an alternative way that can be used to produce plant seeds that will... more Tissue culture technology is an alternative way that can be used to produce plant seeds that will be widely developed as feed for ruminants. However, this technique often has constraint in the form of fungal contamination which affect the growth of explants during culture. One way in preventing the fungal pollution is by immersing explants in an antifungal solution in the form of essential oil. The aim of this study was to obtain the optimum concentration of essential oils made from orange peels to inhibit fungal growth in explants of elephant grass, cassava plant and corn kernel. There are 6 concentrations of essential oils as the treatments, including 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. Each treatment consisted of 4 replications and observations were carried out for 4 months period. Results obtained that concentration of essential oil as much as 10% was the best for preventing fungal growth followed by concentrations of 8%, 6%, 4% and 2%. However, explants of elephant grass and cassava pl...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Paecilomyces lilacinus and P.variotii are molds that can control the parasitic worms for animals ... more Paecilomyces lilacinus and P.variotii are molds that can control the parasitic worms for animals and plants. The molds have been used as biological control of plant nematodes and more commercialized, but for controlling animal trematode worm parasite has not been known. For the purposes of the experiments were tested in vitro the ability local isolates of P.lilacinus and P.variotii to reduce (predator) worm eggs of Meloidogyne sp and Fasciola gigantica. The tests carried out on the eggs of the two types of worms, by adding some eggs on P. lilacinus and P.variotii spores that have been inoculated in a petri dish. The experiments were performed during a specific time with the addition of isolates for a comparison test. The result of the test from this experiment was P. lilacinus is better than P. variotii to reduce types of those worms.
Duddingtonia flagrans is selected nematophagous fungi as biological control to nematode worm. The... more Duddingtonia flagrans is selected nematophagous fungi as biological control to nematode worm. The aim of this research was to show that the survival of in vitro tested to D. flagrans mold growth is effected by artificial saliva, rumen fluid, enzymes and agar-cement and comin block applicator. The testing was done two steps : Firstly the conidia’s was multicated and the secondly the growth of D.flagrans tested in saliva, rumen fluid and comin block, agar cement applicator. The result showed that mold could survive and grow in condition such as in gastrointestinal fluid of sheep and in comin block and in agar-cement applicator (1 and 2%). It can be concluded that D. flagrans could grow in medium containing rumen fluid, saliva, enzymes and comin block and agar-cement applicator.

Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Heavy metal toxicity in livestock animals will affect and damage the body organs. The animals tha... more Heavy metal toxicity in livestock animals will affect and damage the body organs. The animals that are exposed to heavy metal residues will suffer pain and experience pathological changes in body organs that support the metabolic function of the body's work. Some organs lead to the specific diagnosis of specific contaminating heavy metals. Examination of pathological changes in the body of animals will help a lot in diagnosing, handling animals that are exposed to certain heavy metal toxicity. The respiratory tract, digestive tract and reproductive tract in animals can direct the detection of the effects of toxicity of certain heavy metal. Organs that experience pathological changes can also to help diagnose contamination due to certain heavy metals. The purpose of this writing is to help adding the knowledge of pathological changes regarding heavy metal toxicity Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Cooper (Cu), Mercury (Hg), Mangan (Mn) and Lead (Pb), in the organs of animals.

S elakarang is a fungal disease attacking horses. Although the mortality rate is low , the morbid... more S elakarang is a fungal disease attacking horses. Although the mortality rate is low , the morbidity is high leading to economic loss. The island of Sulawesi has about 151.000 horses and they are distributed in 5 provinces: North, Central, West, South, and South-East Sulawesi which potentially has endemic outbreaks caused by the Selakarang fungus, Histoplasma farciminosum. The disease might be endemic throughout Indonesia if the horse trading is not monitored . I n Maros, South Sulawesi , the disease is found with symptoms in the form of nasal , cutan, and ocular symptoms. Ignorance of the appropriate authorities will increase the likelihood of spread of the disease . According to the Staatblad act produced in 1912 and the disease belonged to the zoonotic disease and when it is not well handled and properly managed, infection to human may occur. Prevention is better than treatment . In the future , we may propose to produce inactive vaccines and develop serological test to detect an...

The study on cases of abortion in cow caused by fungi have never been reported so far in Indonesi... more The study on cases of abortion in cow caused by fungi have never been reported so far in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to get prevalence of cows have not and have aborted, both have reproductive disorder, and health cattles associated with percentage of fungi isolated.The study included both field survey and laboratory examination of samples. The samples of vaginal fluid were collected by using cotton swabs in cow which had suffered abortion or cow had repeated breeding, as well as freeze dried semen for artificial insemination (AI), and also examining the occurrence of abortion in cattle. The samples were collected in Sukabumi and Bandung, and then cultured in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar by stretch method, followed by incubation at 37oC. Number of samples collected consisted of 56 samples of cattle which had suffered from abortion and cow that had reproductive problems; 38 samples as control; five samples of freeze dried semen. There were no cases of abortion observed when fie...
The contamination of mold in feed and its controlThe contamination of some kinds of mold as Asper... more The contamination of mold in feed and its controlThe contamination of some kinds of mold as Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., and Mucor spp. can be found in feed and feedstuff especially corn. The contamination causes health disturbance of animals. The disease is not only caused by the mold, but also by toxin produced. Health loss in term of economy due to the mold contamination is quite significant. Some factors can support the appearance of mold and toxic contamination in feed, especially humidity and temperature. In Indonesia, Aspergillus sp. especially A. flavus is the dominant mold contaminant in feed. Controlling as prevention by early detection or visual inspection and good management is a better choice compared to cure.
Jurnal Mikologi Indonesia, 2021
Kapang Trichoderma spp. dan Gliocladium sp. merupakan kapang tanah yang banyak ditemukan. Pemanfa... more Kapang Trichoderma spp. dan Gliocladium sp. merupakan kapang tanah yang banyak ditemukan. Pemanfaatannya untuk meningkatkan unsur hara dan biokontrol agen hayati sudah banyak diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji isolat Trichoderma asperellum, T. harzianum, T. koningiopsis dan Gliocladium virens asal Jambi untuk dimanfaatkan dalam pengomposan kotoran ternak dan bahan organik serpihan kayu. Kapang-kapang tersebut diinokulasikan pada kotoran ternak dan bahan organik serpihan kayu untuk dibuat kompos. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah penambahan inokulum Trichoderma spp. dan G. virens membantu proses pengomposan, dan meningkatkan unsur hara kompos khususnya N, P dan K pada perlakuan isolat kapang terhadap kotoran ternak yang dibuat kompos.
Jurnal Mikologi Indonesia, 2020
Limbah feses merupakan masalah dalam industri peternakan di Indonesia. Pengolahan feses menjadi k... more Limbah feses merupakan masalah dalam industri peternakan di Indonesia. Pengolahan feses menjadi kompos adalah salah satu jalan pemecahannya. Mikroorganisme khususnya kapang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat proses pengomposan dan meningkatkan ketersediaaan unsur hara pada kompos nantinya. Ada 4 jenis isolat kapang asal Jambi yang di seleksi untuk menjadi dekomposer, yaitu Trichoderma asperellum, T. koningiopsis, T. harzianum. dan Gliocladium virens dan 1 isolat Bacillus sp. Di dalam penelitian ini digunakan media agar kentang dekstrosa (Potato Dextrose Agar), untuk menguji mikroorganisme tersebut untuk saling berkompetisi dalam petri. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan isolat G. virens paling unggul tumbuhnya dari 3 spesies Trichoderma spp. dan Bacillus sp.

Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2018
The agriculture land including farmland is decreasing caused by conversion to industrial area and... more The agriculture land including farmland is decreasing caused by conversion to industrial area and settlement, therefore post-mining area is used to be farmlands. The utilization of post-mining area causes serious health problem in animals and humans due to heavy metal waste pollution (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, and Pb). Efforts to overcome the pollution of heavy metals on farms can be carried out by preventing and controlling waste in post-mining and industry areas. There are several mycoremediation methods to recover heavy metal polluted land such as biosorption, bioaccumulation, bioprecipitation, bioreduction, and bioleaching. Mycoremediation is a process to remove pollutants or heavy metals from soil using potential fungi (Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium sp, Fusarium sp, Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Mycoremediation is chosen due to economical cost, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
Jurnal Rekayasa Lingkungan, 2018
The contamination of fungi is an important problem which must be known and controled. Mycelia ste... more The contamination of fungi is an important problem which must be known and controled. Mycelia sterile is one of contaminated fungi which is seldom known and must be studied. Different morphology, reproduction and physiology of this fungi is important to study because of the strategy for its control. The aim of this research is to study mycelium sterile and the procedure for its controll. The observation was conducted on fungi suspected included mycelia sterile for 3 years at IRCVS Mycology laboratory. Isolation, identification and re inoculation in agar medium wasconducted on suspected fungi as mycelia sterile. The results show that 10 fungi are mycelia sterile. From this research result, it can concluded that mycelium sterile is a contaminating fungi and it is assumed that it can be controlled.Keywords: Mycelia sterile, contamination, control.
Papers by Riza Zainuddin Ahmad