Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
This work sets out to examine the validity and reliability of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude ... more This work sets out to examine the validity and reliability of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude Scale (MMAS), a instrument measuring teachers' attitude towards mathematical modeling. A cross-sectional survey research was utilised to describe the validity and reliability of the MMAS. The population of the present study focused on Malaysian mathematics teacher in primary and secondary schools (N = 171) and this was achieved using convenience sampling. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis were utilised in analysing the data in the present work. EFA revealed that the data from the teachers had a fourfactor structure: constructivism, relevance and real-life, understanding and motivation and interest. The CFA confirmed that the model fit indices established the four-factor structure of the first-and second-order model. Although the Rasch analysis generally supported the finding of EFA and CFA, there was still room for improvement in terms of the rating scale and DIF criterion.
Malaysian journal of learning & instruction, Jul 31, 2022
Purpose-Seligman's well-being theory of PERMA has been proven fruitful in defining various well-b... more Purpose-Seligman's well-being theory of PERMA has been proven fruitful in defining various well-being constructs across different fields of study. With a growing interest in teacher psychology research abroad, PERMA has been unveiled as a rewarding prospect for the well-being of second language (L2) teachers. Nonetheless, the contribution of PERMA to the well-being and grit of L2 teachers in Malaysia remains unclear. Thus, this study (1) examined the influence of PERMA on the well-being and grit of Malaysian teachers of English as a second language (ESL); and (2) analyzed the mediating impact of positive emotion in the relationship between grit and well-being. Methodology-A priori power analysis was conducted to identify the sample size for this study. Hence, a convenience sample of 91
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
This study examined the connections between procedural and conceptual knowledge of addition and s... more This study examined the connections between procedural and conceptual knowledge of addition and subtraction of fractions with the problem-posing skills of prospective primary teachers. The applied method was a correlational study with structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) analysis. The sample in this research was 101 third-year students from a primary teacher education study program of a public university in Riau, Indonesia. The results showed that prospective primary teachers have high procedural knowledge and problem-posing skills on addition and subtraction. However, they have poor performance on problems related to conceptual knowledge of addition and subtraction of fractions. Then, the results also revealed a significant connection between procedural and conceptual knowledge with problem-posing skills on addition and subtraction of fractions of prospective primary teachers. Improving prospective primary teachers’ procedural and conceptual knowledge could r...
Baja AISI 1045 merupakan satu dari jenis baja yang memiliki kandungan karbon 0,45% dan tergolong ... more Baja AISI 1045 merupakan satu dari jenis baja yang memiliki kandungan karbon 0,45% dan tergolong dalam baja karbon menengah .Baja AISI 1045
Jurnal ARTI (Aplikasi Rancangan Teknik Industri), 2021
CV Surya Niaga Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang supplier penjualan ala... more CV Surya Niaga Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang supplier penjualan alat tulis kantor. CV Surya Niaga Jaya memiliki kendala terhadap pengelolaan persediaan yaitu terjadi kenaikan permintaan alat tulis kantor, untuk (reorder) mengalami masalah permintaan yang tidak terlayani harus menjadi perhatian bagi CV Surya Niaga Jaya karena hal ini akan berpengaruh pada terhambatnya kegiatan operasional penjualan. Dengan menggunakan metode peramalan (forecasting) dan EOQ (economic order quantity) sebagai teknik pemecahan permasalahan. Untuk dapat dilakukan analisa apabila ada terjadi penumpukan atau kekurangan persediaan, dan berapa jumlah safety stock dan maksimum stok yang harus disiapkan perusahaan untuk kelancaran produksi. Persediaan pena di CV Surya Niaga Jaya periode Januari 2021 adalah sebanyak 45 kotak, jumlah EOQ untuk pena adalah 26 kotak dengan 6 kotak safety stock dan maksimum stok 47 kotak. Pemesanan kembali sebesar 32 kotak dan untuk ROP adalah 7 kotak. ...
Guided by a framework promoted by Zimmerman (2000) and empirical evidence, this research examined... more Guided by a framework promoted by Zimmerman (2000) and empirical evidence, this research examined the relationship between achievement goals involving mastery goal and performance goal and PERMA (positive emotion, engagement, relationship, meaning and accomplishment) that might affect lifelong learning. A total of 274 prospective mathematics teachers (93.8% female; 6.2% male, with age range from 18 to 22 years old) in Indonesia participated in this research. A relational survey model was taken to test and measure the degree of relationship among achievement goals, PERMA and lifelong learning. Exploratory, confirmatory factor analysis and descriptive statistics were applied in this research. The direct path coefficient of mastery goal and performance goal to lifelong learning was significant. The findings of bootstrapping for the indirect effect test revealed that there was no indirect effect of PERMA for mastery goal and lifelong learning. In addition, a partial indirect effect of PERMA for performance goal on lifelong learning was observed.
Banyak penelitian yang bertaraf nasional dan internasional yang menunjukkan pencapaian matematika... more Banyak penelitian yang bertaraf nasional dan internasional yang menunjukkan pencapaian matematika siswa sekolah menengah Indonesia berada pada tahap rendah. Salah satu indikator rendahnya pencapaian matematika adalah lemahnya pemahaman konsep matematika yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Pemahaman konsep matematika bisa diintegrasikan melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik (PMR). PMR dijalankan untuk melihat efek PMR terhadap miskonsepsi topik program linear melalui penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Penelitian melibatkan sebanyak 65 orang siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Analisis data  yang digunakan analisis deskriptif yang mencakup persentase dan rata-rata. Temuan kajian menunjukkan bahwa miskonsepsi terhadap topik program linear bagi kelompok eksperimen lebih rendah berbanding kelompok kontrol. Kedua-dua kelompok menunjukkan miskonsepsi yang dapat dikategorikan atas kesalahan interpretasi bahasa, kesalahan prosedur dan penjelasannya dan kesalahan teknis. Implikasi dari ...
Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas yang di andalkan dalam peningkatan devisa negara dari sektor... more Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas yang di andalkan dalam peningkatan devisa negara dari sektor non migas. Udang mampu berkembang dengan pesat bila dibudidayakan secara baik, terpenuhi segala kebutuhan hidupnya dan tidak ada gangguan lingkungan. Pakan merupakan komponen budidaya yang menyerap biaya paling besar sampai 80%. Teknologi bioflok merupakan salah satu alternatif penyediaan pakan tambahan berprotein untuk kultivan sehingga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan sistem bioflok dengan sumber C/N yang berbeda terhadap efisiensi pakan dan pertumbuhan udang windu dan mengetahui ratio C/N yang menghasilkan efisiensi pakan dan pertumbuhan udang windu yang terbaik. Parameter variable bebas yang dikaji meliputi pertumbuhan mutlak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR), tingkat konsumsi pakan (TKP), efesiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP) dan kelulushidupan (SR). Rancangan percobaan penelitian ini mengguna...
مستخلص البحث في عادات المجتمع الإندونيسي ، وخاصة جزيرة جاوة ، هناك العديد من التقاليد المتعلقة بت... more مستخلص البحث في عادات المجتمع الإندونيسي ، وخاصة جزيرة جاوة ، هناك العديد من التقاليد المتعلقة بتنفيذ الزواج، بدءا من wetonan، dino pasaran، وهلم جرا. ليس في التقاليد الإندونيسية فقط ، في علم الفلك، هناك حساب للتوفيق بين الحروف الواردة في أسماء الشريكين. تسمى هذه الحروف أبجدية ، والقيم الواردة في كل حرف من حروف أبجدية تسمى جساب الجمل الكبير. التركيز الرئيسي في هذا البحث هو معرفة مفهوم الحساب ، وأيضا لمعرفة وجهات النظر من الماجستير عرفان زدني وهاب، هل هذا الشرك أم لا. هو خبير في هذه القضية، حصل على لقب "الحاسب". البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها من المقابلات معه سيتم مقارنته مع طريقة التثليث ، والتي تبحث في الأدب أو دراسة الأبجدية و جساب الجمل الكبير. إذا كانت حساباتهم جيدة وفقا للأبجدية و جساب الجمل الكبير ، فإنه من الجيد لعلاقتهم الزواج في وقت لاحق. وإذا لم يتطابقان ، سيكون هناك خطر إذا استمرا في الزواج. ومع ذلك ، فإن المعلومات الواردة في النتائج هي جميع الأنماط أو الاحتمالات ، ويمكن أن تحدث ، وقد لا تحدث. هذه الإمكانية هي نتيجة المجاهدين من العلماء السابقين. بالإضافة إلى الم...
Background and Purpose: Mathematical modelling competency is one of the vital characteristics in ... more Background and Purpose: Mathematical modelling competency is one of the vital characteristics in mathematics education. Educational researchers have updated the benefit of modelling as key factor to the study of complexity and modern science. Since many scholars frequently adopt instrument from one cultural background to another, they also offer proof on the issue of validity and reliability. The present paper aimed at validating a mathematical modelling test for secondary prospective mathematics teachers. Methodology: We utilized a survey approach to examine the factor structure of mathematical modelling test for 202 secondary prospective mathematics teachers, selected by cluster random sampling. Mathematical modeling test was adapted to measure the desired constructs. More importantly, we used exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS 18 and Rasch measurement model with Winstep version 3.73 to analyze the data. Findings: The EFA and CFA t...
Several concerted movements toward mathematical modeling have been seen in the last decade, refle... more Several concerted movements toward mathematical modeling have been seen in the last decade, reflecting the growing global relationship between the role of mathematics in the context of modern science, technology and real life. The literature has mainly covered the theoretical basis of research questions in mathematical modeling and the use of effective research methods in the studies. Driven by the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) theory and empirical evidence on metacognition and modeling competency, this research aimed at exploring the interrelationships between metacognition and mathematical modeling and academic year level as a moderator via the SEM approach. This study involved 538 students as participants. From this sample, 133 students (24.7%) were from the first academic year, 223 (41.4%) were from the second and 182 (33.8%) were from the third. A correlational research design was employed to answer the research question. Cluster random sampling was used to gather the s...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
Referring to Article 185 paragraph (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code which in essence explains t... more Referring to Article 185 paragraph (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code which in essence explains that "the testimony of witnesses who are not sworn eventhough in accordance withone another, does not constitute evidence, but if the statements are in accordance with statements from sworn witnesses, it can be used as additional tools other valid proof. This raises problems in the level of practice when the childis confronted as a victim of an immoral crime, usually there are no witnesses who see and hear the criminal events committed by the perpetrator sofcrime. Instead, there is only child (not yet capable of law) as a witness who experienced the crime. However, the child's information is only used as a guide or only used to streng then the belief of the Judge because the information given by the child is considered not to meet the requirements as a witness information according to the Criminal Procedure Code. In this regard, we can see and analyze the judges' judgmentrela...
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika (Simika), 2019
Multimedia as a medium of communication, information delivery, and promotion is one of the most p... more Multimedia as a medium of communication, information delivery, and promotion is one of the most popular technology fields. As a fields that are flexible and can be attractive, as well as pamper the human senses, multimedia can simultaneously affect humans visually, audio, and touch so that it can make consumers digest the message contained more optimally. One product that requires multimedia to improve its superiority is a company profile or profile company. In this case, PT. Krakatau Insan Mandiri seeks to introduce clearly as well as attractive to consumers through profile videos 3D animation based company. The benefits are documentation and promotional media and information about the company profile of PT. Krakatau Insan Mandiri. In making this company profile video the author uses methodologies include: Literature Study, Analysis and Design of Systems, System Implementation, System Testing, and Documentation
KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal), 2020
The counseling perspective has a role in providing a personality description that feels needs att... more The counseling perspective has a role in providing a personality description that feels needs attention in counseling. Personality, according to two figures in the science of counseling, the concept of personality formulated by Al-Ghazali and Sigmund Freud has suitability as well as facilitating or contributing personality theories to counseling that makes justification when the counseling process. The design of this study is an analytic design aimed at testing hypotheses and carrying out a more in-depth interpretation of a relationship of conformity in content and data. The difference in human concepts, according to Al-Ghazali and Sigmund Freud, lies in the workings of the three terms of human personality. Al-Ghazali explained that the dimension of the nafs is a level that has the potential that every human being will be in it. Whereas the concept of the structure of the human personality that has been explained according to Freud, that is, the three systems are interrelated and co...
Journal Of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers & Teacher Education, 2018
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang Modul HEBAT Bacaan sebagai satu strategik pengaja... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang Modul HEBAT Bacaan sebagai satu strategik pengajaran dan pembelajaran membaca dalam usaha meningkatkan literasi bacaan murid sekolah menengah daripada murid Tingkatan Satu hingga murid Tingkatan Empat. Modul HEBAT bacaan adalah wardah yang disediakan oleh KPM bagi menyediakan murid untuk menjawab Literasi Bacaan PISA. Pembinaan Modul HEBAT Modul ini telah dibangunkan menggunakan pendekatan bertema dan memberi penekanan tentang teknik serta proses membaca sebagai panduan pengajaran dan pembelajaran guru di dalam kelas. Oleh itu dalam penulisan ini dibincangkan tentang pemikiran modul HEBAT bacaan, kebolehlaksanaan Modul HEBAT Bacaan dan Pedagogi Abad ke-21 (PAK 21) serta Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT). Secara keseluruhannya modul ini mempunyai nilai tambah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) membaca Bahasa Melayu kerana pendekatan yang digunakan adalah menyeluruh mencakupi aspek strategik P&P, cadangan aktiviti, bahan rangsangan/ simulasi dan projek penilaian pembelajaran. Selain itu penekanan PAK 21 dan KBAT juga menjadikan modul ini lebih sesuai dengan situasi P&P masa kini.
The present research examines the relationship between self-directed learning and SNS that may af... more The present research examines the relationship between self-directed learning and SNS that may affect lifelong learning. In study, 170 of the respondents are Masters students and 140 are PhD students in Malaysia. The study follows a relational survey to investigate and measure the degree of relationship amongst self-directed learning, SNS and lifelong learning. The findings of the research corroborate that self-directed learning positively affects lifelong learning. SEM analysis indicates significant and positive influence of self-directed learning on SNS. SNS are a positive partial mediator between self-directed learning and lifelong learning. In conclusion, self-directed learning positively influences the lifelong learning of students, which is affected by SNS. This study implies that lectures should support preservice teachers to sharpen teachers' self-directed learning and social networking in lifelong learning by giving suitable learning methods and proposing a sufficient teaching and learning atmosphere.
A quasi-experiment was conducted to determine the effects of using the software GeoGebra as teach... more A quasi-experiment was conducted to determine the effects of using the software GeoGebra as teaching aid on the achievement of Form Two students. The experimental study was conducted on 80 Form Two students, 40 of whom comprised the treatment group and 40 formed the control group. Data were analysed using the software ANATES 4 and SPSS 24.0. Significant differences were found in student achievements in relation to the topics of functions and limit functions according to their group type. Research outcomes also showed that teachers and students approved the use of GeoGebra in the teaching and learning of mathematics. GeoGebra can illustrate mathematical concepts and procedures well through visuals and graphs, which considerably aid students in mastering and understanding concepts and procedures pertaining to functions and limit functions. This software is user-friendly and can relieve the teachers' burden in explaining functions. Even though the use of GeoGebra is time consuming, teaching by using the software can render the students' learning process increasingly active. Moreover, learning mathematics with the help of GeoGebra allows for an active interaction between teachers and students. This study provides suggestions as interventions for increasing student achievement.
This study investigates the relationship between metacognition and achievement goals which may in... more This study investigates the relationship between metacognition and achievement goals which may influence mathematical modeling competency in students of mathematics education programs. The current study employs 538 students of mathematics education program; 483 (89.8%) of whom are male and 55 (10.2%) are aged from 18 years old to 22 years old. The study follows a correlational research design to investigate and measure the degree of relationship amongst mathematical modeling competencies, achievement goals and metacognition. Results indicate that achievement goals and metacognition positively influence mathematical modeling competency. Moreover, four metacognition dimensions including awareness, planning, cognitive strategy and self-checking are positive partial mediators because they increase the association between achievement goals and mathematical modeling competency. In conclusion, metacognition and achievement goals positively affect students' mathematical modeling competency.
A number of national and international scale surveys showed that the mathematics achievements of ... more A number of national and international scale surveys showed that the mathematics achievements of Indonesian secondary school students were in the lower level. One of the indicators of this low achievement was the insufficient level of understanding of mathematical concepts of the students. Understanding of mathematical concepts could be integrated through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Therefore, the quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of Realistic Mathematical Education towards the conceptual understanding of linear programming. The study also investigated the relationship between conceptual understanding and mathematics achievement and investigated the misconceptions on linear programming. This study involved 65 students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Test conceptual understanding programming topics had Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.80. The data were collected by using a test question conceptual understanding of linear programming. Quantitative data analysis involved a descriptive and inferential analysis using SPSS 21.0. The descriptive analysis included the percentage, mean and standard deviation while inferential analysis involving independent t-test and Pearson correlation analysis. The results revealed that there were significant differences between the treatment and control groups toward conceptual understanding. There was a significant relationship between conceptual understanding and mathematics achievement of linear programming. Misconception toward linear programming for the treatment group was lower than the control group. The implications of this study were useful for educators to help their students to understand concept of mathematics through open and contextual questions so that the students though through the mathematics, not worked in the mathematics.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
This work sets out to examine the validity and reliability of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude ... more This work sets out to examine the validity and reliability of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude Scale (MMAS), a instrument measuring teachers' attitude towards mathematical modeling. A cross-sectional survey research was utilised to describe the validity and reliability of the MMAS. The population of the present study focused on Malaysian mathematics teacher in primary and secondary schools (N = 171) and this was achieved using convenience sampling. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis were utilised in analysing the data in the present work. EFA revealed that the data from the teachers had a fourfactor structure: constructivism, relevance and real-life, understanding and motivation and interest. The CFA confirmed that the model fit indices established the four-factor structure of the first-and second-order model. Although the Rasch analysis generally supported the finding of EFA and CFA, there was still room for improvement in terms of the rating scale and DIF criterion.
Malaysian journal of learning & instruction, Jul 31, 2022
Purpose-Seligman's well-being theory of PERMA has been proven fruitful in defining various well-b... more Purpose-Seligman's well-being theory of PERMA has been proven fruitful in defining various well-being constructs across different fields of study. With a growing interest in teacher psychology research abroad, PERMA has been unveiled as a rewarding prospect for the well-being of second language (L2) teachers. Nonetheless, the contribution of PERMA to the well-being and grit of L2 teachers in Malaysia remains unclear. Thus, this study (1) examined the influence of PERMA on the well-being and grit of Malaysian teachers of English as a second language (ESL); and (2) analyzed the mediating impact of positive emotion in the relationship between grit and well-being. Methodology-A priori power analysis was conducted to identify the sample size for this study. Hence, a convenience sample of 91
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
This study examined the connections between procedural and conceptual knowledge of addition and s... more This study examined the connections between procedural and conceptual knowledge of addition and subtraction of fractions with the problem-posing skills of prospective primary teachers. The applied method was a correlational study with structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) analysis. The sample in this research was 101 third-year students from a primary teacher education study program of a public university in Riau, Indonesia. The results showed that prospective primary teachers have high procedural knowledge and problem-posing skills on addition and subtraction. However, they have poor performance on problems related to conceptual knowledge of addition and subtraction of fractions. Then, the results also revealed a significant connection between procedural and conceptual knowledge with problem-posing skills on addition and subtraction of fractions of prospective primary teachers. Improving prospective primary teachers’ procedural and conceptual knowledge could r...
Baja AISI 1045 merupakan satu dari jenis baja yang memiliki kandungan karbon 0,45% dan tergolong ... more Baja AISI 1045 merupakan satu dari jenis baja yang memiliki kandungan karbon 0,45% dan tergolong dalam baja karbon menengah .Baja AISI 1045
Jurnal ARTI (Aplikasi Rancangan Teknik Industri), 2021
CV Surya Niaga Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang supplier penjualan ala... more CV Surya Niaga Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang supplier penjualan alat tulis kantor. CV Surya Niaga Jaya memiliki kendala terhadap pengelolaan persediaan yaitu terjadi kenaikan permintaan alat tulis kantor, untuk (reorder) mengalami masalah permintaan yang tidak terlayani harus menjadi perhatian bagi CV Surya Niaga Jaya karena hal ini akan berpengaruh pada terhambatnya kegiatan operasional penjualan. Dengan menggunakan metode peramalan (forecasting) dan EOQ (economic order quantity) sebagai teknik pemecahan permasalahan. Untuk dapat dilakukan analisa apabila ada terjadi penumpukan atau kekurangan persediaan, dan berapa jumlah safety stock dan maksimum stok yang harus disiapkan perusahaan untuk kelancaran produksi. Persediaan pena di CV Surya Niaga Jaya periode Januari 2021 adalah sebanyak 45 kotak, jumlah EOQ untuk pena adalah 26 kotak dengan 6 kotak safety stock dan maksimum stok 47 kotak. Pemesanan kembali sebesar 32 kotak dan untuk ROP adalah 7 kotak. ...
Guided by a framework promoted by Zimmerman (2000) and empirical evidence, this research examined... more Guided by a framework promoted by Zimmerman (2000) and empirical evidence, this research examined the relationship between achievement goals involving mastery goal and performance goal and PERMA (positive emotion, engagement, relationship, meaning and accomplishment) that might affect lifelong learning. A total of 274 prospective mathematics teachers (93.8% female; 6.2% male, with age range from 18 to 22 years old) in Indonesia participated in this research. A relational survey model was taken to test and measure the degree of relationship among achievement goals, PERMA and lifelong learning. Exploratory, confirmatory factor analysis and descriptive statistics were applied in this research. The direct path coefficient of mastery goal and performance goal to lifelong learning was significant. The findings of bootstrapping for the indirect effect test revealed that there was no indirect effect of PERMA for mastery goal and lifelong learning. In addition, a partial indirect effect of PERMA for performance goal on lifelong learning was observed.
Banyak penelitian yang bertaraf nasional dan internasional yang menunjukkan pencapaian matematika... more Banyak penelitian yang bertaraf nasional dan internasional yang menunjukkan pencapaian matematika siswa sekolah menengah Indonesia berada pada tahap rendah. Salah satu indikator rendahnya pencapaian matematika adalah lemahnya pemahaman konsep matematika yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Pemahaman konsep matematika bisa diintegrasikan melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik (PMR). PMR dijalankan untuk melihat efek PMR terhadap miskonsepsi topik program linear melalui penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Penelitian melibatkan sebanyak 65 orang siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Analisis data  yang digunakan analisis deskriptif yang mencakup persentase dan rata-rata. Temuan kajian menunjukkan bahwa miskonsepsi terhadap topik program linear bagi kelompok eksperimen lebih rendah berbanding kelompok kontrol. Kedua-dua kelompok menunjukkan miskonsepsi yang dapat dikategorikan atas kesalahan interpretasi bahasa, kesalahan prosedur dan penjelasannya dan kesalahan teknis. Implikasi dari ...
Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas yang di andalkan dalam peningkatan devisa negara dari sektor... more Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas yang di andalkan dalam peningkatan devisa negara dari sektor non migas. Udang mampu berkembang dengan pesat bila dibudidayakan secara baik, terpenuhi segala kebutuhan hidupnya dan tidak ada gangguan lingkungan. Pakan merupakan komponen budidaya yang menyerap biaya paling besar sampai 80%. Teknologi bioflok merupakan salah satu alternatif penyediaan pakan tambahan berprotein untuk kultivan sehingga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan sistem bioflok dengan sumber C/N yang berbeda terhadap efisiensi pakan dan pertumbuhan udang windu dan mengetahui ratio C/N yang menghasilkan efisiensi pakan dan pertumbuhan udang windu yang terbaik. Parameter variable bebas yang dikaji meliputi pertumbuhan mutlak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR), tingkat konsumsi pakan (TKP), efesiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP) dan kelulushidupan (SR). Rancangan percobaan penelitian ini mengguna...
مستخلص البحث في عادات المجتمع الإندونيسي ، وخاصة جزيرة جاوة ، هناك العديد من التقاليد المتعلقة بت... more مستخلص البحث في عادات المجتمع الإندونيسي ، وخاصة جزيرة جاوة ، هناك العديد من التقاليد المتعلقة بتنفيذ الزواج، بدءا من wetonan، dino pasaran، وهلم جرا. ليس في التقاليد الإندونيسية فقط ، في علم الفلك، هناك حساب للتوفيق بين الحروف الواردة في أسماء الشريكين. تسمى هذه الحروف أبجدية ، والقيم الواردة في كل حرف من حروف أبجدية تسمى جساب الجمل الكبير. التركيز الرئيسي في هذا البحث هو معرفة مفهوم الحساب ، وأيضا لمعرفة وجهات النظر من الماجستير عرفان زدني وهاب، هل هذا الشرك أم لا. هو خبير في هذه القضية، حصل على لقب "الحاسب". البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها من المقابلات معه سيتم مقارنته مع طريقة التثليث ، والتي تبحث في الأدب أو دراسة الأبجدية و جساب الجمل الكبير. إذا كانت حساباتهم جيدة وفقا للأبجدية و جساب الجمل الكبير ، فإنه من الجيد لعلاقتهم الزواج في وقت لاحق. وإذا لم يتطابقان ، سيكون هناك خطر إذا استمرا في الزواج. ومع ذلك ، فإن المعلومات الواردة في النتائج هي جميع الأنماط أو الاحتمالات ، ويمكن أن تحدث ، وقد لا تحدث. هذه الإمكانية هي نتيجة المجاهدين من العلماء السابقين. بالإضافة إلى الم...
Background and Purpose: Mathematical modelling competency is one of the vital characteristics in ... more Background and Purpose: Mathematical modelling competency is one of the vital characteristics in mathematics education. Educational researchers have updated the benefit of modelling as key factor to the study of complexity and modern science. Since many scholars frequently adopt instrument from one cultural background to another, they also offer proof on the issue of validity and reliability. The present paper aimed at validating a mathematical modelling test for secondary prospective mathematics teachers. Methodology: We utilized a survey approach to examine the factor structure of mathematical modelling test for 202 secondary prospective mathematics teachers, selected by cluster random sampling. Mathematical modeling test was adapted to measure the desired constructs. More importantly, we used exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS 18 and Rasch measurement model with Winstep version 3.73 to analyze the data. Findings: The EFA and CFA t...
Several concerted movements toward mathematical modeling have been seen in the last decade, refle... more Several concerted movements toward mathematical modeling have been seen in the last decade, reflecting the growing global relationship between the role of mathematics in the context of modern science, technology and real life. The literature has mainly covered the theoretical basis of research questions in mathematical modeling and the use of effective research methods in the studies. Driven by the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) theory and empirical evidence on metacognition and modeling competency, this research aimed at exploring the interrelationships between metacognition and mathematical modeling and academic year level as a moderator via the SEM approach. This study involved 538 students as participants. From this sample, 133 students (24.7%) were from the first academic year, 223 (41.4%) were from the second and 182 (33.8%) were from the third. A correlational research design was employed to answer the research question. Cluster random sampling was used to gather the s...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
Referring to Article 185 paragraph (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code which in essence explains t... more Referring to Article 185 paragraph (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code which in essence explains that "the testimony of witnesses who are not sworn eventhough in accordance withone another, does not constitute evidence, but if the statements are in accordance with statements from sworn witnesses, it can be used as additional tools other valid proof. This raises problems in the level of practice when the childis confronted as a victim of an immoral crime, usually there are no witnesses who see and hear the criminal events committed by the perpetrator sofcrime. Instead, there is only child (not yet capable of law) as a witness who experienced the crime. However, the child's information is only used as a guide or only used to streng then the belief of the Judge because the information given by the child is considered not to meet the requirements as a witness information according to the Criminal Procedure Code. In this regard, we can see and analyze the judges' judgmentrela...
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika (Simika), 2019
Multimedia as a medium of communication, information delivery, and promotion is one of the most p... more Multimedia as a medium of communication, information delivery, and promotion is one of the most popular technology fields. As a fields that are flexible and can be attractive, as well as pamper the human senses, multimedia can simultaneously affect humans visually, audio, and touch so that it can make consumers digest the message contained more optimally. One product that requires multimedia to improve its superiority is a company profile or profile company. In this case, PT. Krakatau Insan Mandiri seeks to introduce clearly as well as attractive to consumers through profile videos 3D animation based company. The benefits are documentation and promotional media and information about the company profile of PT. Krakatau Insan Mandiri. In making this company profile video the author uses methodologies include: Literature Study, Analysis and Design of Systems, System Implementation, System Testing, and Documentation
KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal), 2020
The counseling perspective has a role in providing a personality description that feels needs att... more The counseling perspective has a role in providing a personality description that feels needs attention in counseling. Personality, according to two figures in the science of counseling, the concept of personality formulated by Al-Ghazali and Sigmund Freud has suitability as well as facilitating or contributing personality theories to counseling that makes justification when the counseling process. The design of this study is an analytic design aimed at testing hypotheses and carrying out a more in-depth interpretation of a relationship of conformity in content and data. The difference in human concepts, according to Al-Ghazali and Sigmund Freud, lies in the workings of the three terms of human personality. Al-Ghazali explained that the dimension of the nafs is a level that has the potential that every human being will be in it. Whereas the concept of the structure of the human personality that has been explained according to Freud, that is, the three systems are interrelated and co...
Journal Of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers & Teacher Education, 2018
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang Modul HEBAT Bacaan sebagai satu strategik pengaja... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang Modul HEBAT Bacaan sebagai satu strategik pengajaran dan pembelajaran membaca dalam usaha meningkatkan literasi bacaan murid sekolah menengah daripada murid Tingkatan Satu hingga murid Tingkatan Empat. Modul HEBAT bacaan adalah wardah yang disediakan oleh KPM bagi menyediakan murid untuk menjawab Literasi Bacaan PISA. Pembinaan Modul HEBAT Modul ini telah dibangunkan menggunakan pendekatan bertema dan memberi penekanan tentang teknik serta proses membaca sebagai panduan pengajaran dan pembelajaran guru di dalam kelas. Oleh itu dalam penulisan ini dibincangkan tentang pemikiran modul HEBAT bacaan, kebolehlaksanaan Modul HEBAT Bacaan dan Pedagogi Abad ke-21 (PAK 21) serta Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT). Secara keseluruhannya modul ini mempunyai nilai tambah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) membaca Bahasa Melayu kerana pendekatan yang digunakan adalah menyeluruh mencakupi aspek strategik P&P, cadangan aktiviti, bahan rangsangan/ simulasi dan projek penilaian pembelajaran. Selain itu penekanan PAK 21 dan KBAT juga menjadikan modul ini lebih sesuai dengan situasi P&P masa kini.
The present research examines the relationship between self-directed learning and SNS that may af... more The present research examines the relationship between self-directed learning and SNS that may affect lifelong learning. In study, 170 of the respondents are Masters students and 140 are PhD students in Malaysia. The study follows a relational survey to investigate and measure the degree of relationship amongst self-directed learning, SNS and lifelong learning. The findings of the research corroborate that self-directed learning positively affects lifelong learning. SEM analysis indicates significant and positive influence of self-directed learning on SNS. SNS are a positive partial mediator between self-directed learning and lifelong learning. In conclusion, self-directed learning positively influences the lifelong learning of students, which is affected by SNS. This study implies that lectures should support preservice teachers to sharpen teachers' self-directed learning and social networking in lifelong learning by giving suitable learning methods and proposing a sufficient teaching and learning atmosphere.
A quasi-experiment was conducted to determine the effects of using the software GeoGebra as teach... more A quasi-experiment was conducted to determine the effects of using the software GeoGebra as teaching aid on the achievement of Form Two students. The experimental study was conducted on 80 Form Two students, 40 of whom comprised the treatment group and 40 formed the control group. Data were analysed using the software ANATES 4 and SPSS 24.0. Significant differences were found in student achievements in relation to the topics of functions and limit functions according to their group type. Research outcomes also showed that teachers and students approved the use of GeoGebra in the teaching and learning of mathematics. GeoGebra can illustrate mathematical concepts and procedures well through visuals and graphs, which considerably aid students in mastering and understanding concepts and procedures pertaining to functions and limit functions. This software is user-friendly and can relieve the teachers' burden in explaining functions. Even though the use of GeoGebra is time consuming, teaching by using the software can render the students' learning process increasingly active. Moreover, learning mathematics with the help of GeoGebra allows for an active interaction between teachers and students. This study provides suggestions as interventions for increasing student achievement.
This study investigates the relationship between metacognition and achievement goals which may in... more This study investigates the relationship between metacognition and achievement goals which may influence mathematical modeling competency in students of mathematics education programs. The current study employs 538 students of mathematics education program; 483 (89.8%) of whom are male and 55 (10.2%) are aged from 18 years old to 22 years old. The study follows a correlational research design to investigate and measure the degree of relationship amongst mathematical modeling competencies, achievement goals and metacognition. Results indicate that achievement goals and metacognition positively influence mathematical modeling competency. Moreover, four metacognition dimensions including awareness, planning, cognitive strategy and self-checking are positive partial mediators because they increase the association between achievement goals and mathematical modeling competency. In conclusion, metacognition and achievement goals positively affect students' mathematical modeling competency.
A number of national and international scale surveys showed that the mathematics achievements of ... more A number of national and international scale surveys showed that the mathematics achievements of Indonesian secondary school students were in the lower level. One of the indicators of this low achievement was the insufficient level of understanding of mathematical concepts of the students. Understanding of mathematical concepts could be integrated through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Therefore, the quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of Realistic Mathematical Education towards the conceptual understanding of linear programming. The study also investigated the relationship between conceptual understanding and mathematics achievement and investigated the misconceptions on linear programming. This study involved 65 students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Test conceptual understanding programming topics had Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.80. The data were collected by using a test question conceptual understanding of linear programming. Quantitative data analysis involved a descriptive and inferential analysis using SPSS 21.0. The descriptive analysis included the percentage, mean and standard deviation while inferential analysis involving independent t-test and Pearson correlation analysis. The results revealed that there were significant differences between the treatment and control groups toward conceptual understanding. There was a significant relationship between conceptual understanding and mathematics achievement of linear programming. Misconception toward linear programming for the treatment group was lower than the control group. The implications of this study were useful for educators to help their students to understand concept of mathematics through open and contextual questions so that the students though through the mathematics, not worked in the mathematics.
Papers by Riyan Hidayat