Karya ilmiah dapat berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, artikel yang dikirimkan ke jurnal serta tuli... more Karya ilmiah dapat berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, artikel yang dikirimkan ke jurnal serta tulisan lainnya merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kegiatan akademik. Mencantumkan sitasi sangat penting dalam menulis karya ilmiah. Oleh karena itu perlunya di berikan pengetahuan cara mengoptimalkan software yang dapat membantu para Dosen dan mahasiswa dalam penyusunan sitasi, daftar pustaka, dan mengorganisir sumber pustaka yang dimiliki secara baik agar memudahkan dalam proses penulisan karya ilmiah menggunakan bantuan software tententu. Mendeley merupakan aplikasi citation and reference manager berguna dalam proses sitasi dan pengelola suatu referensi berbasis open source mendukung berbagai platform. Melalui kegiatan PkM yang dilaksanakan secara online melalui zoom meeting dan live www.youtube.com, diperoleh hasil melalui kuesioner respon balik dari peserta yaitu kegiatan ini dinilai baik sekali sebanyak 49%, dinilai baik sebanyak 41% , dinilai cukup sebanyak 7% , dinilai kur...
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology, 2021
Perkembangan teknologi pada seluruh bidang sangat pesat, bahkan saat ini kita dihadapkan pada fen... more Perkembangan teknologi pada seluruh bidang sangat pesat, bahkan saat ini kita dihadapkan pada fenomena Revolusi Industri 4.0, yaitu pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang . Dampak dari fenomena Revolusi Industri 4.0 dirasakan oleh berbagai sektor bidang tanpa terkecuali Toko Meubel Jerry Bogor. Kendala yang dialami oleh Toko Meubel adalah kegiatan promosi produk furniture dengan cara memberikan katalog, brosur dan majalah yang menampilkan gambar produk dalam bentuk dua dimensi dengan alasan ekonomis, mengakibatkan konsumen menjadi tidak puas dan tidak bisa melihat kondisi produk secara keseluruhan serta mengharuskan konsumen datang ke toko jika ingin membeli produk. Untuk dapat beradaptasi dan bertahan dalam menghadapi fenomena Revolusi Industri 4.0 maka Toko Meubel Jerry mencoba untuk menerapkan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) sebagai sarana pemasaran yang lebih interaktif, inovatif dan komunikatif, hal ini sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Toko Meubel Jery. Metode...
Persoalan yang dihadapi mitra adalah mahasiswa dari prodi sistem informasi semester 3, 5, dan 7 s... more Persoalan yang dihadapi mitra adalah mahasiswa dari prodi sistem informasi semester 3, 5, dan 7 saat ini belum ada matakuliah audit sistem informasi, dan ingin menambah pemahaman terdapat konsep IT governance, pentingnya Audit SI bagi organisasi atau perusahaan, serta kerangka kerja dalam audit Sistem Informasi. Mahasiswa sebagai generasi penerus bangsa yang akan menjadi pelaku dalam menjalankan roda perekonomian baik dalam suatu perusahaan maupun organisasi maka perlu memahami konsep IT Governance dan mengapa kegiatan audit sistem informasi harus dilakukan. Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas maka dilaksanakan kegiatan PkM dengan kolaborasi antara Fakultas Informatika Universitas Bina Insani dengan Fakultasi Teknologi Informasi Universitas Flores, dosen-dosen prodi Sistem Informasi melakukan sharing ilmu pengetahuan terkait materi audit SI. Metode PkM ini dilaksanakan secara daring melalui link zoom, dan YouTube. Hasil dari feedback kegiatan mengenai korelasi materi yang dibutuhkan mah...
2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 2019
The transportation main problems in a city is finding the shortest paths to reach a destination. ... more The transportation main problems in a city is finding the shortest paths to reach a destination. Bandung city nowadays is experiencing high traffic. This study aimed to implement the algorithms for searching the shortest path. Many algorithms in finding the shortest paths are available. In this research, we tried a comparison between Bellman-Ford Algorithm and Dijkstra Algorithm to search the fastest path. This research used the roads in Bandung city as a case study. the initial node starts from Ir.H.Djuanda road and ends at Leuwipanjang terminal. The nodes passed are the main intersection in the Bandung city that can be skipped to the final destination. A Direct Comparison Approach method was used. The calculations have used a concept of graph and Haversine Formula for supporting a map obtained from Google Maps. The graph result was calculated using Bellman-Ford‘s Algorithm and Dijkstra's Algorithm. The results from the two algorithms were analyzed and compared. Both algorithms...
The success of an educator in developing learning materials can be seen from theresults of studen... more The success of an educator in developing learning materials can be seen from theresults of student learning in each semester. The development of information technology becomesthe driving force to develop teaching materials become more interactive. This is in line withPermendiknas number 41 of 2007 regarding the learning process, where an educator is expectedto develop learning materials as one source of learning. Problems that arise is educators still cannot develop learning materials based on information technology with the maximum. The tendencyof many educators still use the concept of "student centered learning" in providing teachingmaterials to students, consequently the students become saturated, not interested in following thecourse materials because the lecture material presented with monotonous. In this study the authorsdevelop multimedia-based learning materials that is by making a storyline and create animatedvideo-based material with videoscribe software. The re...
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology
Currently, technology is developing so rapidly that people often forget the purpose of life in th... more Currently, technology is developing so rapidly that people often forget the purpose of life in this world, gadgets are attached to almost everyone, especially children who still abuse gadgets. The role of parents is very important in supervising children's activities in playing gadgets to make them more useful because most of them are only for playing games every day, plus the current condition of the teaching and learning process is online so students are required to use gadgets. The problem behind the making of learning media is the fourth grade students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Hidayatul Athfal Jonggol who have difficulty memorizing short letters in the Qur'an. Not a few of them often forget the order of verses in short letters. The background factors include not using interesting learning media for students. The purpose of this learning media is to make it easier for students and students to memorize and understand recitation. The method used in designing this learning media is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) where this method is structured based on 6 (six) stages, namely concept, design, obtaining content material, assembly, testing, and distribution. With this learning media students can understand the reading of letters so that the memorization process becomes easier and more fun, so as to foster enthusiasm and interest in student learning because it can attract students' attention in memorizing short letters.
Abstrak: Laboratorium merupakan salah satu prasarana yang perlu ada pada bidang pendidikan mulai ... more Abstrak: Laboratorium merupakan salah satu prasarana yang perlu ada pada bidang pendidikan mulai dari tingkat menengah atas hingga perguruan tinggi. berupa ruangan untuk melakukan pembelajaran berbasis praktikum. Peralatan yang ada pada laboratorium bisa saja sangat banyak, dan tidak terdata dengan baik maka diperlukan suatu pengelolaan yang bisa memberikan informasi peralatan apa saja yang ada dan yang dibutuhkan setiap laboran. Pengelolaan ini berguna untuk menampilkan data peralatan yang ada. Melihat permasalahan tersebut muncul gagasan yaitu membangun suatu sistem pengelolaan aset yang terdapat pada Laboratorium berbasis web yang dapat mengelola pendataan perangkat serta peminjaman terhadap perangkat alat-alat praktikum jaringan Universitas Bina Insani. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah metodologi RAD (Rapid Application Development). Tahapannya terdiri dari perencanaan syarat-syarat, Worksop Desain RAD, serta implementation. Bahasa pemrogram...
The condition of the students who sit in elementary school but difficulty in attending computer r... more The condition of the students who sit in elementary school but difficulty in attending computer recognition lessons, the teacher in explaining the material is not accompanied by props so that elementary school students have difficulty in following computer recognition lessons. Based on existing problems the author tries to design a learning media prop in explaining the lessons of computer device introduction. This learning medium contains written materials, videos, Multiple Choice Quiz, and Puzzles. The method used is Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) where this method is arranged based on 6 (six) stages namely concept, design, obtaining content material, assembly, testing, and distribution. In this study the authors were only new to the assembly stage. With this learning media, it is expected that elementary school children can know the form of computer devices and understand how to use them, as well as learning activities become more interesting, effective and able to foste...
Technology currently plays an important role in the Government sector, with the existence of th... more Technology currently plays an important role in the Government sector, with the existence of this technology each sector can maximize its system. State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) and Non-ASN Government in mastering basic PHP programming is very much needed. Implementation of Community Service (PkM) is carried out in accordance with the form of the implementation of the MoU that has been carried out between Bekasi City Government and Bina Insani University. The training was conducted online through a meeting zoom which was attended by 88 participants with the overall results of the training giving a positive response in the range of grades 4 (Good / Satisfied / Good) and 5 (Very Good / Very Satisfied / Very Good).
Karya ilmiah dapat berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, artikel yang dikirimkan ke jurnal serta tuli... more Karya ilmiah dapat berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, artikel yang dikirimkan ke jurnal serta tulisan lainnya merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kegiatan akademik. Mencantumkan sitasi sangat penting dalam menulis karya ilmiah. Oleh karena itu perlunya di berikan pengetahuan cara mengoptimalkan software yang dapat membantu para Dosen dan mahasiswa dalam penyusunan sitasi, daftar pustaka, dan mengorganisir sumber pustaka yang dimiliki secara baik agar memudahkan dalam proses penulisan karya ilmiah menggunakan bantuan software tententu. Mendeley merupakan aplikasi citation and reference manager berguna dalam proses sitasi dan pengelola suatu referensi berbasis open source mendukung berbagai platform. Melalui kegiatan PkM yang dilaksanakan secara online melalui zoom meeting dan live www.youtube.com, diperoleh hasil melalui kuesioner respon balik dari peserta yaitu kegiatan ini dinilai baik sekali sebanyak 49%, dinilai baik sebanyak 41% , dinilai cukup sebanyak 7% , dinilai kur...
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology, 2021
Perkembangan teknologi pada seluruh bidang sangat pesat, bahkan saat ini kita dihadapkan pada fen... more Perkembangan teknologi pada seluruh bidang sangat pesat, bahkan saat ini kita dihadapkan pada fenomena Revolusi Industri 4.0, yaitu pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang . Dampak dari fenomena Revolusi Industri 4.0 dirasakan oleh berbagai sektor bidang tanpa terkecuali Toko Meubel Jerry Bogor. Kendala yang dialami oleh Toko Meubel adalah kegiatan promosi produk furniture dengan cara memberikan katalog, brosur dan majalah yang menampilkan gambar produk dalam bentuk dua dimensi dengan alasan ekonomis, mengakibatkan konsumen menjadi tidak puas dan tidak bisa melihat kondisi produk secara keseluruhan serta mengharuskan konsumen datang ke toko jika ingin membeli produk. Untuk dapat beradaptasi dan bertahan dalam menghadapi fenomena Revolusi Industri 4.0 maka Toko Meubel Jerry mencoba untuk menerapkan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) sebagai sarana pemasaran yang lebih interaktif, inovatif dan komunikatif, hal ini sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Toko Meubel Jery. Metode...
Persoalan yang dihadapi mitra adalah mahasiswa dari prodi sistem informasi semester 3, 5, dan 7 s... more Persoalan yang dihadapi mitra adalah mahasiswa dari prodi sistem informasi semester 3, 5, dan 7 saat ini belum ada matakuliah audit sistem informasi, dan ingin menambah pemahaman terdapat konsep IT governance, pentingnya Audit SI bagi organisasi atau perusahaan, serta kerangka kerja dalam audit Sistem Informasi. Mahasiswa sebagai generasi penerus bangsa yang akan menjadi pelaku dalam menjalankan roda perekonomian baik dalam suatu perusahaan maupun organisasi maka perlu memahami konsep IT Governance dan mengapa kegiatan audit sistem informasi harus dilakukan. Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas maka dilaksanakan kegiatan PkM dengan kolaborasi antara Fakultas Informatika Universitas Bina Insani dengan Fakultasi Teknologi Informasi Universitas Flores, dosen-dosen prodi Sistem Informasi melakukan sharing ilmu pengetahuan terkait materi audit SI. Metode PkM ini dilaksanakan secara daring melalui link zoom, dan YouTube. Hasil dari feedback kegiatan mengenai korelasi materi yang dibutuhkan mah...
2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 2019
The transportation main problems in a city is finding the shortest paths to reach a destination. ... more The transportation main problems in a city is finding the shortest paths to reach a destination. Bandung city nowadays is experiencing high traffic. This study aimed to implement the algorithms for searching the shortest path. Many algorithms in finding the shortest paths are available. In this research, we tried a comparison between Bellman-Ford Algorithm and Dijkstra Algorithm to search the fastest path. This research used the roads in Bandung city as a case study. the initial node starts from Ir.H.Djuanda road and ends at Leuwipanjang terminal. The nodes passed are the main intersection in the Bandung city that can be skipped to the final destination. A Direct Comparison Approach method was used. The calculations have used a concept of graph and Haversine Formula for supporting a map obtained from Google Maps. The graph result was calculated using Bellman-Ford‘s Algorithm and Dijkstra's Algorithm. The results from the two algorithms were analyzed and compared. Both algorithms...
The success of an educator in developing learning materials can be seen from theresults of studen... more The success of an educator in developing learning materials can be seen from theresults of student learning in each semester. The development of information technology becomesthe driving force to develop teaching materials become more interactive. This is in line withPermendiknas number 41 of 2007 regarding the learning process, where an educator is expectedto develop learning materials as one source of learning. Problems that arise is educators still cannot develop learning materials based on information technology with the maximum. The tendencyof many educators still use the concept of "student centered learning" in providing teachingmaterials to students, consequently the students become saturated, not interested in following thecourse materials because the lecture material presented with monotonous. In this study the authorsdevelop multimedia-based learning materials that is by making a storyline and create animatedvideo-based material with videoscribe software. The re...
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology
Currently, technology is developing so rapidly that people often forget the purpose of life in th... more Currently, technology is developing so rapidly that people often forget the purpose of life in this world, gadgets are attached to almost everyone, especially children who still abuse gadgets. The role of parents is very important in supervising children's activities in playing gadgets to make them more useful because most of them are only for playing games every day, plus the current condition of the teaching and learning process is online so students are required to use gadgets. The problem behind the making of learning media is the fourth grade students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Hidayatul Athfal Jonggol who have difficulty memorizing short letters in the Qur'an. Not a few of them often forget the order of verses in short letters. The background factors include not using interesting learning media for students. The purpose of this learning media is to make it easier for students and students to memorize and understand recitation. The method used in designing this learning media is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) where this method is structured based on 6 (six) stages, namely concept, design, obtaining content material, assembly, testing, and distribution. With this learning media students can understand the reading of letters so that the memorization process becomes easier and more fun, so as to foster enthusiasm and interest in student learning because it can attract students' attention in memorizing short letters.
Abstrak: Laboratorium merupakan salah satu prasarana yang perlu ada pada bidang pendidikan mulai ... more Abstrak: Laboratorium merupakan salah satu prasarana yang perlu ada pada bidang pendidikan mulai dari tingkat menengah atas hingga perguruan tinggi. berupa ruangan untuk melakukan pembelajaran berbasis praktikum. Peralatan yang ada pada laboratorium bisa saja sangat banyak, dan tidak terdata dengan baik maka diperlukan suatu pengelolaan yang bisa memberikan informasi peralatan apa saja yang ada dan yang dibutuhkan setiap laboran. Pengelolaan ini berguna untuk menampilkan data peralatan yang ada. Melihat permasalahan tersebut muncul gagasan yaitu membangun suatu sistem pengelolaan aset yang terdapat pada Laboratorium berbasis web yang dapat mengelola pendataan perangkat serta peminjaman terhadap perangkat alat-alat praktikum jaringan Universitas Bina Insani. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah metodologi RAD (Rapid Application Development). Tahapannya terdiri dari perencanaan syarat-syarat, Worksop Desain RAD, serta implementation. Bahasa pemrogram...
The condition of the students who sit in elementary school but difficulty in attending computer r... more The condition of the students who sit in elementary school but difficulty in attending computer recognition lessons, the teacher in explaining the material is not accompanied by props so that elementary school students have difficulty in following computer recognition lessons. Based on existing problems the author tries to design a learning media prop in explaining the lessons of computer device introduction. This learning medium contains written materials, videos, Multiple Choice Quiz, and Puzzles. The method used is Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) where this method is arranged based on 6 (six) stages namely concept, design, obtaining content material, assembly, testing, and distribution. In this study the authors were only new to the assembly stage. With this learning media, it is expected that elementary school children can know the form of computer devices and understand how to use them, as well as learning activities become more interesting, effective and able to foste...
Technology currently plays an important role in the Government sector, with the existence of th... more Technology currently plays an important role in the Government sector, with the existence of this technology each sector can maximize its system. State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) and Non-ASN Government in mastering basic PHP programming is very much needed. Implementation of Community Service (PkM) is carried out in accordance with the form of the implementation of the MoU that has been carried out between Bekasi City Government and Bina Insani University. The training was conducted online through a meeting zoom which was attended by 88 participants with the overall results of the training giving a positive response in the range of grades 4 (Good / Satisfied / Good) and 5 (Very Good / Very Satisfied / Very Good).
Papers by Rita Wahyuni