agricultural research centers that receive principal funding from governments, private foundation... more agricultural research centers that receive principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of which are members of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS AND PARTNERS IFPRI’s research, capacity strengthening, and communications work is made possible by its financial contributors and partners. IFPRI receives its principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of which are members of the Consultative Group on
To implement gender mainstreaming activity in relation to regional development,mainly for coastal... more To implement gender mainstreaming activity in relation to regional development,mainly for coastal development, a study on gender mainstreaming had been carried intwo districts, namely Buton in Southeast Sulawesi and Cirebon in West Java out fromJune to December 2003. Data and information were collected using Focused GroupDiscussion approach as well as village level profiles and monograph. Gender analysisusing Harvard Framework was implemented, covering profiles of participation, access,control and influencing factors. The study results showed that in Buton, labor divisionbetween man and woman in sea weed farming was relatively balanced. Participation rateof the household members, both in domestic, public and social sector in both studiedlocations was relatively similar. The role of Women Empowerment Division of TheAgency for Society Empowerment (ASE) in Cirebon has not been optimal and stilllearning to find out suitable activities to meet its mandates. In Buton District, there was a...
Sex services have always been part of human history. However, due to its lucrative business natur... more Sex services have always been part of human history. However, due to its lucrative business nature, the increase of the sex industry in the last few decades is largely the result of national and international socioeconomic and political policies. Globalization has made the poor get poorer and many countries are in financial and political crisis. Women are generally the poorest of the poor and are preyed on by recruiters, traffickers, and pimps. Global sexual exploitation has increased due to rise in military presence in many parts of the world; racial myths and stereotypes; and women's inequality. There are at least four main actors in sex trafficking: (1) the men who buy commercial sex acts, (2) the exploiters who make up the sex industry, (3) the states that are destination countries, and (4) the culture that tolerates or promotes sexual exploitation. This paper reviews Indonesian government policy regarding laws on combating sex trafficking and offers recommendations to improve the quality of reducing sex trafficking in Indonesia. It provides an overview of sex trafficking problem in Indonesia, Indonesia's responses to date and the likely effectiveness of those strategies to eradicate sex trafficking regarding the position of Indonesia in the globalized world. The following are recommendations to combat sex trafficking in Indonesia: (1) set zero tolerance policies for sex trafficking; (2) set an abolitionist approach to sex trafficking and prostitution; (3) redefine prevention; (4) end tolerance for the illegal sex trade, including open advertising of criminal activity; (5) redefine and rename police department units to combat sex trafficking; (6) end discrimination against victims in arrest and prosecution of trafficking and prostitution-related offenses; (7) increase criminal investigation of exploiters; (8) train law enforcer to recognize exploiter behaviour and signs of victimization; (9) devise strategies to combat different markets for victims; (10) review state approaches to prostitution for effectiveness in reducing the demand for victims and for eliminating the markets for victims. The following are some operational programs to combat sex trafficking: (1) Producing community education materials such as pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, posters, banners, compact disc, mass media (printed, audio and audiovisual); (2) Proposing formal and non-formal community education through inserting specific materials describing the risk of sex business, modus operandi of sex trafficking actions, and practice to avoid sex trafficking; and (3) Proposing the poverty eradication to minimize the push factor of sex trafficking. The program consists of a broad range of community empowerment as mental and spiritual guidance, vocational training, women's living skills, family welfare counselling, and saving and loans or micro finance credit schemes.
This paper examines the impacts of prenatal conditions and water quality on child growth using re... more This paper examines the impacts of prenatal conditions and water quality on child growth using recent data from Indonesia. Our empirical results show that an increase in birthweight has significant positive effects on children’s subsequent height and weight-for-age z scores, whereas an improvement in drinking water quality, as measured by coliform bacteria count, increases the weight-for-height z score. Interestingly, there is seasonality in birthweight; this measure is significantly higher during the dry season than during the rainy season, and is also higher in a Christian-majority province than in Muslim-majority provinces, during the period shortly after Ramadan. Finally, the availability of modern water infrastructure improves the quality of drinking water. These findings show that interactions of environmental variations affect early childhood human capital formation and can have long-term impacts on their outcomes.
Gini Index application to identify rural income and expenditure distributions in Java and Bali Ar... more Gini Index application to identify rural income and expenditure distributions in Java and Bali Areas. Rural household welfare can be approached by evaluating income ad expenditure level both for total and capita level. In the mean time, income structure reflects activity distribution as sources of income gained by the households. Income distribution level can be identified by applying Gini Index. This study was conducted in various agro-ecosystems in Java and Bali. This paper discusses about income and expenditure structures of those rural households at the mentioned agro-ecosystems. This study results was expected to be useful for research and assessment (R&A) in those areas mainly in evaluating outcome and impact of the R&A in those respective agro-ecosystems.
The number of Indonesian cooperatives approximately 192450 units, East Java is known as a baromet... more The number of Indonesian cooperatives approximately 192450 units, East Java is known as a barometer and locomotive cooperative movement in Indonesia as one of the co-operative namely Citizens Cooperative of Gresik was ranked 233 in the list of co-operative world in 2013 at the International Cooperative Alliance Global Conference and General assembly (ICA) in Capetown, South Africa. The number of cooperatives in East Java 30, 741 units with members 7, 248, 543. This success spawned many breakthroughs that produced the cooperative movement in East Java, which later became a national program. East Java Province is the center of animal husbandry area where nearly 40% of all cattle in Indonesia in East Java. Currently there were 119 cooperative farms, which consist of 35 cooperative beef cattle, 66 dairy cooperatives, 13 goats and 5 cooperative breeder chicken farm cooperatives. Besides, East Java also has a sizable fishing potential, the current number of cooperatives engaged in the fis...
Community-based investment for small-scale irrigation (CISI) was one of the opportunities to incr... more Community-based investment for small-scale irrigation (CISI) was one of the opportunities to increase food production, mainly rice, to support food security at household and national levels. Social capital played a crucial role in small irrigation management allowing all water distribution with appropriate criteria, amount and time for all farmers within the irrigation network. Therefore it was necessary to investigate various influencing factors on investment development and financial viability in a small irrigation system. The research used survey method with indepth group discussion. Data were analyzed descriptively. Government’s ignorance and less wise for community self-help and social capital has caused a dependency to Government’s aids. Water User’s Association (WUA) institutional for small irrigation was definitely considered important in managing irrigation water. Social capital was formed and interacted with natural capital and human capital and framed in group social rela...
Evaluation on SAGA activity in Research and Assessment within the IAARD. Relatively low technolog... more Evaluation on SAGA activity in Research and Assessment within the IAARD. Relatively low technology adoption level by end users had triggered application of participatory approach, user oriented technology and more pay attention to user’s social aspects. Socio-economic And Gender Analysis (SAGA) Core Team (SCT) establishment was the initiation of Socialization and Institutionalization program within the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD). The main objective of the program is to establish SAGA capacity of the researchers and extension workers within the IAARD. The data were gained from eight Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) by applying structured and semi-structured interviews and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Respondents for the study were alumnae of the SAGA training workshop. The cascade training workshops were held within the period of 2000 - 2002, beginning from Training of Master Trainers (TOM), Training of Trainers (TOT)...
Bank Dunia mendeteksi rendahnya tingkat adopsi teknologi di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengemba... more Bank Dunia mendeteksi rendahnya tingkat adopsi teknologi di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Hal ini menyebabkan digunakannya pendekatan partisipatif; masyarakat memerlukan teknologi dan hendaknya pemerintah memperhatikan lebih baik aspek-aspek sosial dari para pengguna teknologi. Pembentukan tim inti Socioeconomic And Gender Analysis (SAGA) merupakan permulaan program sosialisasi dan institusionalisasi tentang SAGA di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian dan tujuan utama program ini untuk mewujudkan kapasitas pemahaman tentang SAGA bagi para pengkaji. Data dikumpulkan dari delapan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara baik terstruktur maupun semi-terstruktur dan dengan diskusi kelompok. Semua responden merupakan alumni lokakarya SAGA sebelumnya. Pelatihan berjenjang diselenggarakan dari tahun 2000 – 2002, yang dimulai dengan pelatihan bagi pelatih utama, pelatih dan staff. Jumlah alumni pelatih utama, pel...
Gender-based Pajale Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Banten Province . Empowerment of farmers in ag... more Gender-based Pajale Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Banten Province . Empowerment of farmers in agriculture is a key factor that is indispensable so that farmers are able to play a major role in the management of agricultural resources. The objectives of the research were to: (1) analyze Pajale farmer’s empowerment level; (2) analyze influencing factors on gender-based Pajale farmer’s empowerment level; and (3) design a gender-based Pajale farmer’s empowerment strategy. Field data collection had been conducted for three months, during April and June 2019. Research sites were in Pandeglang and Lebak Distericts, Banten Province, because the two districts were production centers for rice, corn and soybean. Research samples covered 216 farmer households, comprised of 216 husbands and 216 wives. Smart PLS was applied in data analysis. The reserach results showed that: (1) female Pajale farmer’s empowerment level was lower than that of male’s; (2) the influencing factors of male Pajale fa...
English Postharvest handling application is one of the ways to increase agricultural commodity’s ... more English Postharvest handling application is one of the ways to increase agricultural commodity’s added value. In addition, it also can reduce agricultural yield loss. Technology application is started with dissemination and socialization activity and then followed by technology adoption. The process of dissemination and adoption of the introduced technologies is a crucial part of the efforts to apply technology at the end user’s level. Various influencing factors on the process of dissemination and adoption are associated with the technology, dissemination process, and technology beneficiaries. This paper describes an analysis of post-harvest technology transfer process mainly for food crops and estate crops, and community development in various regions of Indonesia. A concept of zero waste development policy is enhanced in the process of disseminating postharvest technology toward development of rural agro-industry. With that action, it is expected that farmers' income and ...
Impact Analysis of Improved and Location Specific Agricultural Technologies on Productivity, AIAT... more Impact Analysis of Improved and Location Specific Agricultural Technologies on Productivity, AIAT East Nusa Tenggara Case. By selecting six topics of improved research and assessments (RA 0.21; 0.22 and 0.33 for Backyard Farming System, Bisma Corn Agribusiness, Milk Fish Culture and Beef Cattle Agribusiness, respectively. The smallest adoption cost per Kg product was indicated by Backyard Farming System (Rp 935.85), followed by Bisma Corn Agribusiness (Rp 1,028.30) and Milk Fish Culture (Rp 2181.32), while the highest was for Beef Cattle Agribusiness (Rp 9,770.03).
IndonesianTulisan ini mencoba melihat integrasi pasar beras dengan menggunakan uji kointegrasi (c... more IndonesianTulisan ini mencoba melihat integrasi pasar beras dengan menggunakan uji kointegrasi (cointegration test). Pendugaan kointegrasi pada bivariate sistem dilakukan dengan memperlakukan setiap peubah sebagai peubah endogenous dan exogenous secara bergantian (dua arah). Pada analisis ini digunakan model Engle dan Granger yang disebut Cointegrating Regression Durbin Watson (CRDW) dan Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF). Selanjutnya analisis sebab-akibat Granger diterapkan pada pasar-pasar yang berkointegrasi untuk menentukan pasar sentral dan pasar regional. Hasil pengujian stationarity menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya harga beras stationar pada order 1, sedangkan hasil uji kointegrasi memperlihatkan bahwa tidak semua pasar yang letaknya berdekatan berintegrasi satu sama lain. Dari 56 kombinasi hanya terdapat 26 kombinasi pasar yang berkointegrasi. Data harga beras yang digunakan adalah harga perdagangan besar dari tahun 1979-1995. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan kontrol...
As a major staple food for most of the Indonesian population, rice has an important position in t... more As a major staple food for most of the Indonesian population, rice has an important position in term of social, economic, and political aspects in the country. Because of that position, it is important to identify rice consumption pattern of Indonesian people. This research aims at analyzing the trends of rice consumption at home and rice-based eaten away from home in terms of weight and expenditure. By using mathematical and simple statistical methods, data of household rice consumption from National Socio-economic Survey (Susenas) years 1996 to 2017 (seven data sets) were analyzed by location and income quintiles. Results of these analyses indicated that during 1996 to 2017 the real expenditure of food away from home tended to increase, the real expenditure and per capita of rice consumption for all household categories tended to decrease, and the expenditure for processed rice had different path compared to the expenditure for rice consumption. The implication of this study is th...
Irrigation facilities is one of the key factors in farming, especially for food crop farming, inc... more Irrigation facilities is one of the key factors in farming, especially for food crop farming, including rice. A small-scale irrigation system has an area of less than 500 hectares, and it is the backbone of family food security which in turn will lead to national food security. Damage irrigation system networks will threaten food production increase. In the future, irrigation infrastructure must be better managed so that agricultural sector can realize agricultural diversification, conserve wider irrigation system and maintain local wisdom and social capital in irrigation management. The objective of the paper is to analyze performance, problems and solutions of small irrigation systems in Indonesia, including small irrigation concepts and understanding, small irrigation performance and development, small irrigation development policies, factors affecting smallscale irrigation development, investments, and prospects. The paper also compares various performances, problems and solutio...
Tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa sektor pertanian tradisional di Bali berada pada simpang jalan; di ... more Tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa sektor pertanian tradisional di Bali berada pada simpang jalan; di satu sisi masih dianggap sebagai bagian esensial tubuh kehidupan masyarakat Bali, namun di sisi lain ada indikasi dinilai (oleh perancang kebijakan pembangunan) tidak responsif terhadap investasi yang bersumber dari anggaran pembangunan daerah (APBD). Hingga saat ini sebagian besar kemajuan pertanian di Bali lebih banyak disebabkan oleh peran pelaku usaha setempat, dan sedikit sekali dilatar-belakangi oleh keberpihakkan penganggaran pemerintah daerah yang bersumber dari APBD. Dengan visi pemikiran progresif, pertanian tradisional di Bali masih dapat dijadikan tulang punggung peningkatan daya saing dan stabilitas tatanan ekonomi masyarakat Bali secara inklusif. Berkaitan dengan hal itu, strategi perencanaan pembangunan daerah di Bali perlu difokuskan pada percepatan transformasi ke arah industrialisasi pertanian di perdesaan, dengan mengakomodasi kekuatan sektor pariwisata. Slogan keberpi...
Indonesia is still in struggle achieving sustainable food self-sufficiency, especially for rice. ... more Indonesia is still in struggle achieving sustainable food self-sufficiency, especially for rice. Rice production enhancement deals with many challenges, among others, negative impacts of climate change such as floods and droughts. Submergence tolerant rice varieties (STRV) invented by IAARD takes a relatively long time to be adopted by rice farmers. It needs an effective communication strategy to overcoming this situation. This paper identifies communication system in STRV dissemination process and acceptance while trying to formulate an effective communication strategy to speed up the adoption process to support food self-sufficiency achievement. Farmers’ rate of adoption of technology innovation was influenced by internal factors, external factors, socio-economic and environmental conditions. The research was conducted in 2015 on various types of lowland, that is, prone-flood irrigated lowland in West Java Province and in swamp tidal irrigated lowland and swampy irrigated lowland ...
The study investigates the structure of information exchange among men and women farmers who were... more The study investigates the structure of information exchange among men and women farmers who were involved in participatory varietal selection (PVS) on submergence-tolerant varieties in pilot communities in Lao PDR and Indonesia. The paper shows that network relationships influence the dissemination of new information on seed. In their decisions to adopt new rice varieties, farmers are strongly influenced by their kin and friends. The study also investigated social networks by gender in order to gain greater insights into how gender inequalities influence the effectiveness of social capital through social networks. Results show that information opportunities of men and women vary in terms of exposure to and control of information. These differences are mainly influenced by their social and cultural setting in rice farming systems and communities. The paper shows that gender should be accounted for when investigating the determinants of social networks. Factors affecting social networks differ by gender, and also across countries. For instance, older males in Indonesia tend to have larger social networks. Women who belong to large farming households tend to have bigger social networks. Generally, having more relatives is a good opportunity to increase social networks for males and females.
agricultural research centers that receive principal funding from governments, private foundation... more agricultural research centers that receive principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of which are members of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS AND PARTNERS IFPRI’s research, capacity strengthening, and communications work is made possible by its financial contributors and partners. IFPRI receives its principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of which are members of the Consultative Group on
To implement gender mainstreaming activity in relation to regional development,mainly for coastal... more To implement gender mainstreaming activity in relation to regional development,mainly for coastal development, a study on gender mainstreaming had been carried intwo districts, namely Buton in Southeast Sulawesi and Cirebon in West Java out fromJune to December 2003. Data and information were collected using Focused GroupDiscussion approach as well as village level profiles and monograph. Gender analysisusing Harvard Framework was implemented, covering profiles of participation, access,control and influencing factors. The study results showed that in Buton, labor divisionbetween man and woman in sea weed farming was relatively balanced. Participation rateof the household members, both in domestic, public and social sector in both studiedlocations was relatively similar. The role of Women Empowerment Division of TheAgency for Society Empowerment (ASE) in Cirebon has not been optimal and stilllearning to find out suitable activities to meet its mandates. In Buton District, there was a...
Sex services have always been part of human history. However, due to its lucrative business natur... more Sex services have always been part of human history. However, due to its lucrative business nature, the increase of the sex industry in the last few decades is largely the result of national and international socioeconomic and political policies. Globalization has made the poor get poorer and many countries are in financial and political crisis. Women are generally the poorest of the poor and are preyed on by recruiters, traffickers, and pimps. Global sexual exploitation has increased due to rise in military presence in many parts of the world; racial myths and stereotypes; and women's inequality. There are at least four main actors in sex trafficking: (1) the men who buy commercial sex acts, (2) the exploiters who make up the sex industry, (3) the states that are destination countries, and (4) the culture that tolerates or promotes sexual exploitation. This paper reviews Indonesian government policy regarding laws on combating sex trafficking and offers recommendations to improve the quality of reducing sex trafficking in Indonesia. It provides an overview of sex trafficking problem in Indonesia, Indonesia's responses to date and the likely effectiveness of those strategies to eradicate sex trafficking regarding the position of Indonesia in the globalized world. The following are recommendations to combat sex trafficking in Indonesia: (1) set zero tolerance policies for sex trafficking; (2) set an abolitionist approach to sex trafficking and prostitution; (3) redefine prevention; (4) end tolerance for the illegal sex trade, including open advertising of criminal activity; (5) redefine and rename police department units to combat sex trafficking; (6) end discrimination against victims in arrest and prosecution of trafficking and prostitution-related offenses; (7) increase criminal investigation of exploiters; (8) train law enforcer to recognize exploiter behaviour and signs of victimization; (9) devise strategies to combat different markets for victims; (10) review state approaches to prostitution for effectiveness in reducing the demand for victims and for eliminating the markets for victims. The following are some operational programs to combat sex trafficking: (1) Producing community education materials such as pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, posters, banners, compact disc, mass media (printed, audio and audiovisual); (2) Proposing formal and non-formal community education through inserting specific materials describing the risk of sex business, modus operandi of sex trafficking actions, and practice to avoid sex trafficking; and (3) Proposing the poverty eradication to minimize the push factor of sex trafficking. The program consists of a broad range of community empowerment as mental and spiritual guidance, vocational training, women's living skills, family welfare counselling, and saving and loans or micro finance credit schemes.
This paper examines the impacts of prenatal conditions and water quality on child growth using re... more This paper examines the impacts of prenatal conditions and water quality on child growth using recent data from Indonesia. Our empirical results show that an increase in birthweight has significant positive effects on children’s subsequent height and weight-for-age z scores, whereas an improvement in drinking water quality, as measured by coliform bacteria count, increases the weight-for-height z score. Interestingly, there is seasonality in birthweight; this measure is significantly higher during the dry season than during the rainy season, and is also higher in a Christian-majority province than in Muslim-majority provinces, during the period shortly after Ramadan. Finally, the availability of modern water infrastructure improves the quality of drinking water. These findings show that interactions of environmental variations affect early childhood human capital formation and can have long-term impacts on their outcomes.
Gini Index application to identify rural income and expenditure distributions in Java and Bali Ar... more Gini Index application to identify rural income and expenditure distributions in Java and Bali Areas. Rural household welfare can be approached by evaluating income ad expenditure level both for total and capita level. In the mean time, income structure reflects activity distribution as sources of income gained by the households. Income distribution level can be identified by applying Gini Index. This study was conducted in various agro-ecosystems in Java and Bali. This paper discusses about income and expenditure structures of those rural households at the mentioned agro-ecosystems. This study results was expected to be useful for research and assessment (R&A) in those areas mainly in evaluating outcome and impact of the R&A in those respective agro-ecosystems.
The number of Indonesian cooperatives approximately 192450 units, East Java is known as a baromet... more The number of Indonesian cooperatives approximately 192450 units, East Java is known as a barometer and locomotive cooperative movement in Indonesia as one of the co-operative namely Citizens Cooperative of Gresik was ranked 233 in the list of co-operative world in 2013 at the International Cooperative Alliance Global Conference and General assembly (ICA) in Capetown, South Africa. The number of cooperatives in East Java 30, 741 units with members 7, 248, 543. This success spawned many breakthroughs that produced the cooperative movement in East Java, which later became a national program. East Java Province is the center of animal husbandry area where nearly 40% of all cattle in Indonesia in East Java. Currently there were 119 cooperative farms, which consist of 35 cooperative beef cattle, 66 dairy cooperatives, 13 goats and 5 cooperative breeder chicken farm cooperatives. Besides, East Java also has a sizable fishing potential, the current number of cooperatives engaged in the fis...
Community-based investment for small-scale irrigation (CISI) was one of the opportunities to incr... more Community-based investment for small-scale irrigation (CISI) was one of the opportunities to increase food production, mainly rice, to support food security at household and national levels. Social capital played a crucial role in small irrigation management allowing all water distribution with appropriate criteria, amount and time for all farmers within the irrigation network. Therefore it was necessary to investigate various influencing factors on investment development and financial viability in a small irrigation system. The research used survey method with indepth group discussion. Data were analyzed descriptively. Government’s ignorance and less wise for community self-help and social capital has caused a dependency to Government’s aids. Water User’s Association (WUA) institutional for small irrigation was definitely considered important in managing irrigation water. Social capital was formed and interacted with natural capital and human capital and framed in group social rela...
Evaluation on SAGA activity in Research and Assessment within the IAARD. Relatively low technolog... more Evaluation on SAGA activity in Research and Assessment within the IAARD. Relatively low technology adoption level by end users had triggered application of participatory approach, user oriented technology and more pay attention to user’s social aspects. Socio-economic And Gender Analysis (SAGA) Core Team (SCT) establishment was the initiation of Socialization and Institutionalization program within the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD). The main objective of the program is to establish SAGA capacity of the researchers and extension workers within the IAARD. The data were gained from eight Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) by applying structured and semi-structured interviews and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Respondents for the study were alumnae of the SAGA training workshop. The cascade training workshops were held within the period of 2000 - 2002, beginning from Training of Master Trainers (TOM), Training of Trainers (TOT)...
Bank Dunia mendeteksi rendahnya tingkat adopsi teknologi di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengemba... more Bank Dunia mendeteksi rendahnya tingkat adopsi teknologi di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Hal ini menyebabkan digunakannya pendekatan partisipatif; masyarakat memerlukan teknologi dan hendaknya pemerintah memperhatikan lebih baik aspek-aspek sosial dari para pengguna teknologi. Pembentukan tim inti Socioeconomic And Gender Analysis (SAGA) merupakan permulaan program sosialisasi dan institusionalisasi tentang SAGA di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian dan tujuan utama program ini untuk mewujudkan kapasitas pemahaman tentang SAGA bagi para pengkaji. Data dikumpulkan dari delapan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara baik terstruktur maupun semi-terstruktur dan dengan diskusi kelompok. Semua responden merupakan alumni lokakarya SAGA sebelumnya. Pelatihan berjenjang diselenggarakan dari tahun 2000 – 2002, yang dimulai dengan pelatihan bagi pelatih utama, pelatih dan staff. Jumlah alumni pelatih utama, pel...
Gender-based Pajale Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Banten Province . Empowerment of farmers in ag... more Gender-based Pajale Farmer Empowerment Strategy in Banten Province . Empowerment of farmers in agriculture is a key factor that is indispensable so that farmers are able to play a major role in the management of agricultural resources. The objectives of the research were to: (1) analyze Pajale farmer’s empowerment level; (2) analyze influencing factors on gender-based Pajale farmer’s empowerment level; and (3) design a gender-based Pajale farmer’s empowerment strategy. Field data collection had been conducted for three months, during April and June 2019. Research sites were in Pandeglang and Lebak Distericts, Banten Province, because the two districts were production centers for rice, corn and soybean. Research samples covered 216 farmer households, comprised of 216 husbands and 216 wives. Smart PLS was applied in data analysis. The reserach results showed that: (1) female Pajale farmer’s empowerment level was lower than that of male’s; (2) the influencing factors of male Pajale fa...
English Postharvest handling application is one of the ways to increase agricultural commodity’s ... more English Postharvest handling application is one of the ways to increase agricultural commodity’s added value. In addition, it also can reduce agricultural yield loss. Technology application is started with dissemination and socialization activity and then followed by technology adoption. The process of dissemination and adoption of the introduced technologies is a crucial part of the efforts to apply technology at the end user’s level. Various influencing factors on the process of dissemination and adoption are associated with the technology, dissemination process, and technology beneficiaries. This paper describes an analysis of post-harvest technology transfer process mainly for food crops and estate crops, and community development in various regions of Indonesia. A concept of zero waste development policy is enhanced in the process of disseminating postharvest technology toward development of rural agro-industry. With that action, it is expected that farmers' income and ...
Impact Analysis of Improved and Location Specific Agricultural Technologies on Productivity, AIAT... more Impact Analysis of Improved and Location Specific Agricultural Technologies on Productivity, AIAT East Nusa Tenggara Case. By selecting six topics of improved research and assessments (RA 0.21; 0.22 and 0.33 for Backyard Farming System, Bisma Corn Agribusiness, Milk Fish Culture and Beef Cattle Agribusiness, respectively. The smallest adoption cost per Kg product was indicated by Backyard Farming System (Rp 935.85), followed by Bisma Corn Agribusiness (Rp 1,028.30) and Milk Fish Culture (Rp 2181.32), while the highest was for Beef Cattle Agribusiness (Rp 9,770.03).
IndonesianTulisan ini mencoba melihat integrasi pasar beras dengan menggunakan uji kointegrasi (c... more IndonesianTulisan ini mencoba melihat integrasi pasar beras dengan menggunakan uji kointegrasi (cointegration test). Pendugaan kointegrasi pada bivariate sistem dilakukan dengan memperlakukan setiap peubah sebagai peubah endogenous dan exogenous secara bergantian (dua arah). Pada analisis ini digunakan model Engle dan Granger yang disebut Cointegrating Regression Durbin Watson (CRDW) dan Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF). Selanjutnya analisis sebab-akibat Granger diterapkan pada pasar-pasar yang berkointegrasi untuk menentukan pasar sentral dan pasar regional. Hasil pengujian stationarity menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya harga beras stationar pada order 1, sedangkan hasil uji kointegrasi memperlihatkan bahwa tidak semua pasar yang letaknya berdekatan berintegrasi satu sama lain. Dari 56 kombinasi hanya terdapat 26 kombinasi pasar yang berkointegrasi. Data harga beras yang digunakan adalah harga perdagangan besar dari tahun 1979-1995. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan kontrol...
As a major staple food for most of the Indonesian population, rice has an important position in t... more As a major staple food for most of the Indonesian population, rice has an important position in term of social, economic, and political aspects in the country. Because of that position, it is important to identify rice consumption pattern of Indonesian people. This research aims at analyzing the trends of rice consumption at home and rice-based eaten away from home in terms of weight and expenditure. By using mathematical and simple statistical methods, data of household rice consumption from National Socio-economic Survey (Susenas) years 1996 to 2017 (seven data sets) were analyzed by location and income quintiles. Results of these analyses indicated that during 1996 to 2017 the real expenditure of food away from home tended to increase, the real expenditure and per capita of rice consumption for all household categories tended to decrease, and the expenditure for processed rice had different path compared to the expenditure for rice consumption. The implication of this study is th...
Irrigation facilities is one of the key factors in farming, especially for food crop farming, inc... more Irrigation facilities is one of the key factors in farming, especially for food crop farming, including rice. A small-scale irrigation system has an area of less than 500 hectares, and it is the backbone of family food security which in turn will lead to national food security. Damage irrigation system networks will threaten food production increase. In the future, irrigation infrastructure must be better managed so that agricultural sector can realize agricultural diversification, conserve wider irrigation system and maintain local wisdom and social capital in irrigation management. The objective of the paper is to analyze performance, problems and solutions of small irrigation systems in Indonesia, including small irrigation concepts and understanding, small irrigation performance and development, small irrigation development policies, factors affecting smallscale irrigation development, investments, and prospects. The paper also compares various performances, problems and solutio...
Tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa sektor pertanian tradisional di Bali berada pada simpang jalan; di ... more Tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa sektor pertanian tradisional di Bali berada pada simpang jalan; di satu sisi masih dianggap sebagai bagian esensial tubuh kehidupan masyarakat Bali, namun di sisi lain ada indikasi dinilai (oleh perancang kebijakan pembangunan) tidak responsif terhadap investasi yang bersumber dari anggaran pembangunan daerah (APBD). Hingga saat ini sebagian besar kemajuan pertanian di Bali lebih banyak disebabkan oleh peran pelaku usaha setempat, dan sedikit sekali dilatar-belakangi oleh keberpihakkan penganggaran pemerintah daerah yang bersumber dari APBD. Dengan visi pemikiran progresif, pertanian tradisional di Bali masih dapat dijadikan tulang punggung peningkatan daya saing dan stabilitas tatanan ekonomi masyarakat Bali secara inklusif. Berkaitan dengan hal itu, strategi perencanaan pembangunan daerah di Bali perlu difokuskan pada percepatan transformasi ke arah industrialisasi pertanian di perdesaan, dengan mengakomodasi kekuatan sektor pariwisata. Slogan keberpi...
Indonesia is still in struggle achieving sustainable food self-sufficiency, especially for rice. ... more Indonesia is still in struggle achieving sustainable food self-sufficiency, especially for rice. Rice production enhancement deals with many challenges, among others, negative impacts of climate change such as floods and droughts. Submergence tolerant rice varieties (STRV) invented by IAARD takes a relatively long time to be adopted by rice farmers. It needs an effective communication strategy to overcoming this situation. This paper identifies communication system in STRV dissemination process and acceptance while trying to formulate an effective communication strategy to speed up the adoption process to support food self-sufficiency achievement. Farmers’ rate of adoption of technology innovation was influenced by internal factors, external factors, socio-economic and environmental conditions. The research was conducted in 2015 on various types of lowland, that is, prone-flood irrigated lowland in West Java Province and in swamp tidal irrigated lowland and swampy irrigated lowland ...
The study investigates the structure of information exchange among men and women farmers who were... more The study investigates the structure of information exchange among men and women farmers who were involved in participatory varietal selection (PVS) on submergence-tolerant varieties in pilot communities in Lao PDR and Indonesia. The paper shows that network relationships influence the dissemination of new information on seed. In their decisions to adopt new rice varieties, farmers are strongly influenced by their kin and friends. The study also investigated social networks by gender in order to gain greater insights into how gender inequalities influence the effectiveness of social capital through social networks. Results show that information opportunities of men and women vary in terms of exposure to and control of information. These differences are mainly influenced by their social and cultural setting in rice farming systems and communities. The paper shows that gender should be accounted for when investigating the determinants of social networks. Factors affecting social networks differ by gender, and also across countries. For instance, older males in Indonesia tend to have larger social networks. Women who belong to large farming households tend to have bigger social networks. Generally, having more relatives is a good opportunity to increase social networks for males and females.
Papers by Rita Suhaeti