Books by Rita Palaghia
Air Force Academy Publishing House, 2021
Prin parcurgerea acestei lucrări, studenții vor înțelege mai bine concepte și noțiuni ca: sectoar... more Prin parcurgerea acestei lucrări, studenții vor înțelege mai bine concepte și noțiuni ca: sectoare ale infrastructurii critice, obiective de importanță deosebită, responsabilități instituționale, aliniamente strategice, drumuri de rocadă, interdependența în coaliții, și, de asemenea, interdependenţa dintre potenţialul economic şi susţinerea proceselor de obţinere a capabilităţilor militare.
Rezultatele exercițiilor pe hartă, studiile de caz, testele grilă, reflectă modul de înțelegere și însușire a cunoștințelor în domeniu și oferă o bază largă de lecții învățate.
Succesul negocierilor în medii militare multinaționale sau/și în situații care implică ostateci p... more Succesul negocierilor în medii militare multinaționale sau/și în situații care implică ostateci presupune, pe lângă o cunoaștere excelentă a strategiilor, tacticilor și tehnicilor de negociere, cunoașterea culturală și o capacitate de empatizare cu partea opusă - deosebit de dezvoltate. Lucrarea abordează, pe lângă perspectiva culturală, metode și tehnici de negociere, specificul negocierilor interstatale. Studiul de caz are o valoare teoretică însemnată.

Book ISBN 978-606-8356-80-8, 2020
Această carte reprezintă continuarea temei “Diferenţe culturale în teatrul de operaţii Afganistan... more Această carte reprezintă continuarea temei “Diferenţe culturale în teatrul de operaţii Afganistan”, fiind rezultatul experienţei şi cercetării extensive pe care am dobândit-o şi desfăşurat-o în Cartierul General al misiunii militare multinaţionale “Resolute Support” din Kabul, Afganistan, în perioada 2012-2017.
Pentru că variabilele pe care le-am considerat necesar a fi observate au fost numeroase, am decis reducerea lor la cele pe care le-am considerat esenţiale, în acest scop folosind un instrument, creat în urma cercetării subiectului, format din 14 grupe distincte, dar interrelaţionate, instrument pe care l-am denumit: „Modelul liniar de cunoaştere şi armonizare a interacţiunii culturale”. Acest instrument se adresează liderilor, specialiştilor care participă la pregătirea pre misiune, militarilor şi civililor. Este un instrument a cărei eficienţă urmează să fie verificată în operaţiile multinaţionale de diferite tipuri (teatre de operaţii, activităţi comune multinaţionale de diferite tipuri (teatre de operaţii, exciţii militare, cursuri, conferinţe).
Interoperabilitatea în operaţiile întrunite este direct influenţată de modul în care sunt cunoscute şi armonizate diferenţele culturale. Acesta reprezintă, în opinia noastră, o condiţie necesară a funcţionalitătii în alianţele militare multinaţionale.
Book ISBN 978-606-8356-64-8, 2018
Angajamentul total în războiul global împotriva terorismului, în noua eră
a globalizării, precum ... more Angajamentul total în războiul global împotriva terorismului, în noua eră
a globalizării, precum şi experienţa câştigată în timpul operaţiilor militare recente determină tendinţa de orientare a forţelor armate spre un mod de luptă mai puţin distructiv, în care înţelegerea şi negocierea rezultată din cunoaştere culturală să primeze. Conflictele actuale şi cele viitoare
vor desfăşura lupta la un alt nivel. Armatele vor suferi schimbări majore:
numărul soldaţilor va scădea, va creşte rolul tehnologiilor sofisticate, a
influenţei mass-media şi a armatelor de coaliţie. Cunoaşterea lingvistică şi adaptabilitatea culturală sunt doar câteva dintre cheile eficientizării cooperării militare internaţionale.
Concluzia generală este următoarea: conflictele actuale şi cele viitoare vor desfăşura lupta la u... more Concluzia generală este următoarea: conflictele actuale şi cele viitoare vor desfăşura lupta la un alt nivel. Armatele vor suferi schimbări majore: numărul soldaţilor va scădea, va creşte rolul tehnologiilor sofisticate, a influenţei mass-media şi a armatelor de coaliţie. Cunoaşterea lingvistică şi adaptabilitatea culturală sunt doar câteva dintre cheile eficientizării cooperării militare internaţionale.
Conference Presentations by Rita Palaghia

The rapid global technological evolution, the deficit of training and endowment in the informatio... more The rapid global technological evolution, the deficit of training and endowment in the information field, the existent disagreement in social and political systems, the resources, technical solutions and the different means, make the EU a dysfunctional body, for the time being. Nevertheless, the European Union has proven to be the World’s leader in adopting General Data Protection Regulation standards (GDPR). The next step of the EU Strategy is to structure public health policies, in conjunction with the protection of personal data. This generates differentiated types of actions for the State of Normality and the State of Emergency. The experience generated by the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to accelerate the coordination of Common Security and Defence Policy and strategies at European level. The lessons learned after the “STUXNET” crisis, now followed by the “COVID-19 Pandemic” should convince us that the current situation has other valences and the chaos created by incompetence, lack of training, resources, clear and congruent plans and strategies can have dramatic effects on Humanity.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; disinformation; European Policies; the State of Emergency; human rights; personal data protection.

RCIC (Redefining Community in Intercultural Context) Conference , 2020
The concern of the advanced armies related to the development of the cultural and linguistic capa... more The concern of the advanced armies related to the development of the cultural and linguistic capabilities that are allowing the soldiers to operate into multicultural context, is active and adapted to the realities of the theatre of operations and of the hybrid warfare. The development of the capabilities is imposing testing, training, education and opportunities to for those to be put into practice. Thus, there have been created evaluation instruments of the cultural abilities, in order to see the progress into the learning, education and cultural harmonization process. Each model is offering a path of socio-cultural knowledge. The new model "The linear knowledge and harmonization model of the cultural interaction" developed in the theatre of operation is helping to determine the cultural differences in the specific multinational military environment and can be used into the education process during both peacetime and wartime.

RCIC Conference, 2020
The trust" has multiple links and is relatively easier to be built in peacetime, among soldiers b... more The trust" has multiple links and is relatively easier to be built in peacetime, among soldiers belonging to different nationalities, through the polyvalent knowledge and extended common use. The conclusions of my research, conducted in the theatre of operation from Afghanistan, regarding of this subject are double. First conclusion is that the xeno-cultural images are very resistant to change and seems to be cultural constant values. The values and the images that are part of the cultural nucleus of a nation are remaining stable, with changes happening gradually. The second conclusion is that attitudes towards other different cultures are exposed to changing. In wartime, in extended stress conditions, the trust is eroding or strengthens depending on the common values, the forming process to become soldiers, a common history, organizational policies, etc. The distrust is generating frictions, separation; share the area of responsibilities and lowering the level of interoperability in a coalition.

The feminist trend has influenced the way in which it is discussed and applied the principle of t... more The feminist trend has influenced the way in which it is discussed and applied the principle of the equality among the genders. Nations are not at the same level in terms of diversity, integration or personnel policies and the egalitarian policies are slowly promoted into traditional societies. The international support policy of the role egalitarism is argueing it through the fact that we are all created the same way and not all the men are strong nor all the women are weak. The policy is supporting the necessity of unique standards in a way that the selection to be fair for both genders. The leadership and communication roles with the civilian population, especially with the women from traditional societies are encouraging asumming those roles, they are generating progress into negociation and are serving as examples for other women. The aim of this article is to offer a detailed socio-cultural perspective over the women participation within the national military forces. The economic changes, the way in which the legislation and the national cultures are determining changes in the women's role, had generated effects in their attitude towards they are treated by the society. The financial independence has offered them trust inthe choice possibilities and the wish to extend their roles in different national armies. Until recently it was well spread the bias that the "War" is exclusively men's domain. The presence of women in different wars is not new, from the Russian women fighting batallions (mentioned in the First World War documents), to the light cavalry units, the first aid, medical care, signal or logistic units and office activities. Traditionally, women's role in the society was very clear defined and that is reproduction, sensibility and the care for the family. This seems to be in antagonism with the integration and the trust of the group and is creating the idea that introducing women in the fighting groups is atracting a group cohesion breaking. The evolution of the way the social role of the women is perceived from the victims of the conflicts, the persons that are taking care of the disabled persons towards equal members of the society that are participating into all the aspects of the social life, is politically supported at the international level. This is the new "egalitarism model" promoted and supported internationally at the political and the financial levels. The feminist trend has influenced the way in which it is discussed and applied the principle of the equality among the genders. The reservation into women'sadmittance into close combat and within the Special Forces is routed in traditional societies in which the social, religious, and cultural factors are restricting women's rights and offer them special roles. Those factors are are put into serious doubt by the developed societies. For example, a study of the Canadian Institute for Military Leadership related to the operational efficiency of the mixed combat groups has demonstrated that the gender diversity is not affecting the operational efficiency [1].

The Cultural Strategy of the Multinational Coalition from the Theatre of Operations Afghanistan i... more The Cultural Strategy of the Multinational Coalition from the Theatre of Operations Afghanistan is focused on the strengthening the collaboration and the cultural knowledge in between the participants, aiming to increase the efficiency of the mission at all levels. The analysis of the documents proved that it is extremely useful, being enriched by the empiric research conducted inside "RESOLUTE SUPPORT MISSION" Headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, a research that brought essential elements regarding the cultural practice. The experience gained during the last twenty years of conflicts has demonstrated the need of a continuous training of the military personnel in cultural/linguistic training centers with multinational attendance where, additional to the specialized personnel in this domain to be invited also military and civilian personnel that have been in the Theatre of Operations. The initial expenditures of such a kind of training process are far less than the human casualties generated by the lack of cultural knowledge.

Sexual harassment and the impact on the victim is part of the understanding the military culture,... more Sexual harassment and the impact on the victim is part of the understanding the military culture, the responsibilities of the chain of command, the rights of the victims and the respect of the standard procedures in a multicultural environment, specific for a coalition operation. The article analyses the main causes of sexual harassment from working in mixed teams in hostile conditions, to alcohol abuse, stress and limitations imposed, to a leadership that is not prepared to recognize cultural differences, or to impose group barriers. It also takes into consideration the interaction from multicultural point of view like visual contact, minimum distance accepted, the way to address, gestures, comments, gossip all of them determining the victim to live with the shame to be judged and blamed, suffering restrictions in training and in taking part into missions, or affecting their carrier.

The raise of the importance of the cultural identity and of the inherent
frictions generated by t... more The raise of the importance of the cultural identity and of the inherent
frictions generated by this determine the need for all the military and civilian leaders of the
understanding of the cultural and societal norms of the population where it functions and
ISAF represented over the years not only a test for NATO, but it showed the relevance
of the organization within the contemporary security environment.. Operating over the last
Decade, ISAF increased its presence and experienced a serial of enhancements related to the
development of NATO Doctrine for stability operations and counterinsurgency. This analysis
is done base don the need to understand the way different cultures inside ISAF are interrelated
and they are developing efficient functional mechanisms in a military multinational
Environment, within the Afghan Theatre of Operations. This interest was generated also by
the fact that Romania is taking part to the Mission with military forces, not only in Regional
Initiatives, but also in different Theatre of Operations, inside some Observer Missions.

Romanian Military Thinking, 2019
Adjunct Lecturer, "Henri Coandă" Air Force Academy, Braşov The high hierarchy and orientation tow... more Adjunct Lecturer, "Henri Coandă" Air Force Academy, Braşov The high hierarchy and orientation toward respecting the rules and military regulations (a feature of the Latin Group), the special elitism and respect for the status (a feature of the Anglo-Saxon Group), the excessive orientation towards the fulfillment of the objectives, "avoiding uncertainty" and the exaggeration of rules (a feature of the Americans), different approaches with respect to solving military conflicts (fight or humanitarian approach), national rules related to force protection, the accommodation and payment conditions, personnel policies, and the way to communicate generate different levels of isunderstanding within a coalition. As a result of the extensive research performed in Afghanistan during 2012-2018, I consider that three cultural dimensions have a major impact over interoperability. The level of linguistic knowledge, power distance and uncertainty avoidance are aspects that should be more studied and harmonised. Military organisations that function together over extended periods of time develop an experiential isomorphism resulted from the common experiences, through the standardisation of the policies, doctrines, resources and training programmes, determining an increased military interoperability. They learn more about multiculturalism in military environment and offer the opportunity to study the links between cultural differences and interoperability effectiveness.

RCIC"19, 2019
Abstract: Cultural differences in military multinational coalitions are generating frictions of c... more Abstract: Cultural differences in military multinational coalitions are generating frictions of certain degrees among
their members that are affecting the efficiency of the collaboration. The topic of cultural differences is not new, the
understanding of the importance of knowledge and cultural harmonization has generated the creation of certain
cultural training programs. The focus is on the pre-mission training, including that of the leaders and less the
systematic inclusion of this type of training at pre-university, university and post-university levels. Even they are
existing they are not adjusted to the requirements of the Theatre of Operations, to the Peace Support Operations, or
to Peace Operations. The knowledge, understanding and cultural harmonization are processes that are allowing the
perception of the certain events through ‘cultural lenses’ and are facilitating an adequate interpretation of
behaviors, actions and decisions of the Coalition Partners. Those three steps are ‘built” in time, over years of
study, based on general and specific military knowledge.
Keywords: cultural differences; multinational coalition; Power Distance; military educational system

The article is analysing understanding the functioning mechanisms in communication and in
interre... more The article is analysing understanding the functioning mechanisms in communication and in
interrelationship in military multicultural environment generating the necessity of understanding, adaptation and
the creation of efficient mechanisms to adjust these relationships. Xeno-cultural images are resistant to change and
seem to be cultural values, being part of the cultural nucleus of a nation that remain stable, with the changes
coming gradually and the attitudes influenced by organizational policies. Language, the impact of national
composition, cultural distances, the level of technological knowledge and stereotips are only some elements that are
affecting communication in multinational military coallitions. The efficiency of the mission is proportional with the
understanding linguistic and cultural knowledge, the harmonization of cultural differences and the cultivation of
cultural aspects of military sub-cultures.
Keywords: xeno-cultural image; theater of operation; communication.

I N T E R N A T I O NA L CO N F E R E N C E RCIC’18, 2018
Social aspects are affected by norms related to the distribution of power, being a reflection of ... more Social aspects are affected by norms related to the distribution of power, being a reflection of inequality manifested in different areas: gender differences and the age, the rules inside the organization, the access to the health systems and education, etc. There are no absolute standards for measuring this dimension. In societies in which this dimension has a high value, social inequality is considered normality, being tolerated until it reaches an unacceptable level. In antithesis the societies in which this dimension has reduced values,social inequality is perceived as something wrong and tends to be revised gradually. Not understanding the relationship in between leadership and different cultural dimensions is a barrier, but not as dangerous as not having enough military skills and competencies. Military should adapt only to cultural phenomenon that are affecting military operations leaving the others the exploitation of cultural elements.
Papers by Rita Palaghia
Strategic impact, 2017
The entire content can be find in my articol: "Carol I National Defence University Cente... more The entire content can be find in my articol: "Carol I National Defence University Center for Defence and Security Strategic Studies"

The feminist trend has influenced the way in which it is discussed and applied the principle of t... more The feminist trend has influenced the way in which it is discussed and applied the principle of the equality among the genders. Nations are not at the same level in terms of diversity, integration or personnel policies and the egalitarian policies are slowly promoted into traditional societies. The international support policy of the role egalitarism is argueing it through the fact that we are all created the same way and not all the men are strong nor all the women are weak. The policy is supporting the necessity of unique standards in a way that the selection to be fair for both genders. The leadership and communication roles with the civilian population, especially with the women from traditional societies are encouraging asumming those roles, they are generating progress into negociation and are serving as examples for other women.

The trust" has multiple links and is relatively easier to be built in peacetime, among s... more The trust" has multiple links and is relatively easier to be built in peacetime, among soldiers belonging to different nationalities, through the polyvalent knowledge and extended common use. The conclusions of my research, conducted in the theatre of operation from Afghanistan, regarding of this subject are double. First conclusion is that the xeno-cultural images are very resistant to change and seems to be cultural constant values. The values and the images that are part of the cultural nucleus of a nation are remaining stable, with changes happening gradually. The second conclusion is that attitudes towards other different cultures are exposed to changing. In wartime, in extended stress conditions, the trust is eroding or strengthens depending on the common values, the forming process to become soldiers, a common history, organizational policies, etc. The distrust is generating frictions, separation; share the area of responsibilities and lowering the level of interoperability in a coalition.
Books by Rita Palaghia
Rezultatele exercițiilor pe hartă, studiile de caz, testele grilă, reflectă modul de înțelegere și însușire a cunoștințelor în domeniu și oferă o bază largă de lecții învățate.
Pentru că variabilele pe care le-am considerat necesar a fi observate au fost numeroase, am decis reducerea lor la cele pe care le-am considerat esenţiale, în acest scop folosind un instrument, creat în urma cercetării subiectului, format din 14 grupe distincte, dar interrelaţionate, instrument pe care l-am denumit: „Modelul liniar de cunoaştere şi armonizare a interacţiunii culturale”. Acest instrument se adresează liderilor, specialiştilor care participă la pregătirea pre misiune, militarilor şi civililor. Este un instrument a cărei eficienţă urmează să fie verificată în operaţiile multinaţionale de diferite tipuri (teatre de operaţii, activităţi comune multinaţionale de diferite tipuri (teatre de operaţii, exciţii militare, cursuri, conferinţe).
Interoperabilitatea în operaţiile întrunite este direct influenţată de modul în care sunt cunoscute şi armonizate diferenţele culturale. Acesta reprezintă, în opinia noastră, o condiţie necesară a funcţionalitătii în alianţele militare multinaţionale.
a globalizării, precum şi experienţa câştigată în timpul operaţiilor militare recente determină tendinţa de orientare a forţelor armate spre un mod de luptă mai puţin distructiv, în care înţelegerea şi negocierea rezultată din cunoaştere culturală să primeze. Conflictele actuale şi cele viitoare
vor desfăşura lupta la un alt nivel. Armatele vor suferi schimbări majore:
numărul soldaţilor va scădea, va creşte rolul tehnologiilor sofisticate, a
influenţei mass-media şi a armatelor de coaliţie. Cunoaşterea lingvistică şi adaptabilitatea culturală sunt doar câteva dintre cheile eficientizării cooperării militare internaţionale.
Conference Presentations by Rita Palaghia
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; disinformation; European Policies; the State of Emergency; human rights; personal data protection.
frictions generated by this determine the need for all the military and civilian leaders of the
understanding of the cultural and societal norms of the population where it functions and
ISAF represented over the years not only a test for NATO, but it showed the relevance
of the organization within the contemporary security environment.. Operating over the last
Decade, ISAF increased its presence and experienced a serial of enhancements related to the
development of NATO Doctrine for stability operations and counterinsurgency. This analysis
is done base don the need to understand the way different cultures inside ISAF are interrelated
and they are developing efficient functional mechanisms in a military multinational
Environment, within the Afghan Theatre of Operations. This interest was generated also by
the fact that Romania is taking part to the Mission with military forces, not only in Regional
Initiatives, but also in different Theatre of Operations, inside some Observer Missions.
their members that are affecting the efficiency of the collaboration. The topic of cultural differences is not new, the
understanding of the importance of knowledge and cultural harmonization has generated the creation of certain
cultural training programs. The focus is on the pre-mission training, including that of the leaders and less the
systematic inclusion of this type of training at pre-university, university and post-university levels. Even they are
existing they are not adjusted to the requirements of the Theatre of Operations, to the Peace Support Operations, or
to Peace Operations. The knowledge, understanding and cultural harmonization are processes that are allowing the
perception of the certain events through ‘cultural lenses’ and are facilitating an adequate interpretation of
behaviors, actions and decisions of the Coalition Partners. Those three steps are ‘built” in time, over years of
study, based on general and specific military knowledge.
Keywords: cultural differences; multinational coalition; Power Distance; military educational system
interrelationship in military multicultural environment generating the necessity of understanding, adaptation and
the creation of efficient mechanisms to adjust these relationships. Xeno-cultural images are resistant to change and
seem to be cultural values, being part of the cultural nucleus of a nation that remain stable, with the changes
coming gradually and the attitudes influenced by organizational policies. Language, the impact of national
composition, cultural distances, the level of technological knowledge and stereotips are only some elements that are
affecting communication in multinational military coallitions. The efficiency of the mission is proportional with the
understanding linguistic and cultural knowledge, the harmonization of cultural differences and the cultivation of
cultural aspects of military sub-cultures.
Keywords: xeno-cultural image; theater of operation; communication.
Papers by Rita Palaghia
Rezultatele exercițiilor pe hartă, studiile de caz, testele grilă, reflectă modul de înțelegere și însușire a cunoștințelor în domeniu și oferă o bază largă de lecții învățate.
Pentru că variabilele pe care le-am considerat necesar a fi observate au fost numeroase, am decis reducerea lor la cele pe care le-am considerat esenţiale, în acest scop folosind un instrument, creat în urma cercetării subiectului, format din 14 grupe distincte, dar interrelaţionate, instrument pe care l-am denumit: „Modelul liniar de cunoaştere şi armonizare a interacţiunii culturale”. Acest instrument se adresează liderilor, specialiştilor care participă la pregătirea pre misiune, militarilor şi civililor. Este un instrument a cărei eficienţă urmează să fie verificată în operaţiile multinaţionale de diferite tipuri (teatre de operaţii, activităţi comune multinaţionale de diferite tipuri (teatre de operaţii, exciţii militare, cursuri, conferinţe).
Interoperabilitatea în operaţiile întrunite este direct influenţată de modul în care sunt cunoscute şi armonizate diferenţele culturale. Acesta reprezintă, în opinia noastră, o condiţie necesară a funcţionalitătii în alianţele militare multinaţionale.
a globalizării, precum şi experienţa câştigată în timpul operaţiilor militare recente determină tendinţa de orientare a forţelor armate spre un mod de luptă mai puţin distructiv, în care înţelegerea şi negocierea rezultată din cunoaştere culturală să primeze. Conflictele actuale şi cele viitoare
vor desfăşura lupta la un alt nivel. Armatele vor suferi schimbări majore:
numărul soldaţilor va scădea, va creşte rolul tehnologiilor sofisticate, a
influenţei mass-media şi a armatelor de coaliţie. Cunoaşterea lingvistică şi adaptabilitatea culturală sunt doar câteva dintre cheile eficientizării cooperării militare internaţionale.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; disinformation; European Policies; the State of Emergency; human rights; personal data protection.
frictions generated by this determine the need for all the military and civilian leaders of the
understanding of the cultural and societal norms of the population where it functions and
ISAF represented over the years not only a test for NATO, but it showed the relevance
of the organization within the contemporary security environment.. Operating over the last
Decade, ISAF increased its presence and experienced a serial of enhancements related to the
development of NATO Doctrine for stability operations and counterinsurgency. This analysis
is done base don the need to understand the way different cultures inside ISAF are interrelated
and they are developing efficient functional mechanisms in a military multinational
Environment, within the Afghan Theatre of Operations. This interest was generated also by
the fact that Romania is taking part to the Mission with military forces, not only in Regional
Initiatives, but also in different Theatre of Operations, inside some Observer Missions.
their members that are affecting the efficiency of the collaboration. The topic of cultural differences is not new, the
understanding of the importance of knowledge and cultural harmonization has generated the creation of certain
cultural training programs. The focus is on the pre-mission training, including that of the leaders and less the
systematic inclusion of this type of training at pre-university, university and post-university levels. Even they are
existing they are not adjusted to the requirements of the Theatre of Operations, to the Peace Support Operations, or
to Peace Operations. The knowledge, understanding and cultural harmonization are processes that are allowing the
perception of the certain events through ‘cultural lenses’ and are facilitating an adequate interpretation of
behaviors, actions and decisions of the Coalition Partners. Those three steps are ‘built” in time, over years of
study, based on general and specific military knowledge.
Keywords: cultural differences; multinational coalition; Power Distance; military educational system
interrelationship in military multicultural environment generating the necessity of understanding, adaptation and
the creation of efficient mechanisms to adjust these relationships. Xeno-cultural images are resistant to change and
seem to be cultural values, being part of the cultural nucleus of a nation that remain stable, with the changes
coming gradually and the attitudes influenced by organizational policies. Language, the impact of national
composition, cultural distances, the level of technological knowledge and stereotips are only some elements that are
affecting communication in multinational military coallitions. The efficiency of the mission is proportional with the
understanding linguistic and cultural knowledge, the harmonization of cultural differences and the cultivation of
cultural aspects of military sub-cultures.
Keywords: xeno-cultural image; theater of operation; communication.